Ye Ying flicked his arm, and the remaining blood was thrown on the snow beside him.

It heard Mara's last words. There was no other emotion on its face except extreme contempt.

As his body slowly rose into the air, its eyes fell on Griffin, who exchanged positions with Mara.

it's your turn.

However, at this moment, he saw Luo Er who had not left yet, and an idea suddenly appeared,


The night shadow did not fall in the direction of Griffin, but came to Rolle's side,

Seeing that your relationship is not bad, just use the blood of your friend as a sacrifice to welcome His Highness Azikt.

After the words fell, Rohr's body moved and started to move towards Griffin in a strange posture, like a puppet on strings.

At this moment, Griffin had not yet recovered from the shock, and could only lie in the snow and cough continuously.

Luo Er, who had been controlled by Ye Ying, struggled desperately to get rid of Ye Ying's control. From Ye Ying's words just now, Luo Er had already heard what the other party meant.

Seeing Rohr's body moving irresistibly towards Griffin while struggling continuously, a cheerful smile appeared on Yeying's face.

It really liked this scene so much that its displeasure at being insulted by Agnes disappeared, replaced by a pathological sense of joy.

no no--!

Rohr could still speak, and he roared in pain and unwillingness, but the strength gap between him and Ye Ying was so huge that no matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape from the other's control.

Griffin also gradually recovered from the impact just now. He saw Rohr being controlled, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

He can't move now, all the bones in his body have been broken. There was an unbearable pain in his abdomen. If his guess was correct, his internal organs had been pierced by broken bones.

Looking at Griffin getting closer and closer, Rohr's hand was controlled and slowly stretched towards the dagger at his waist.


The dagger reflecting the cold light reflected light spots under the sunlight, which happened to shine on Griffin's body.

Run away! Griffin. Run away!

Rohr cried, desperately longing for Griffin to stand up again and escape before he approached,

Run away quickly! Hurry up.

However, the miracle did not happen, and Griffin was still lying on the snow unable to move. A faint red light was already seeping out of the surrounding white snow. The seriously injured Griffin would not last long if he could not receive treatment.

At this moment, Rohr has arrived in front of Griffin.


In Griffin's blurry vision, Rolle had already raised the dagger, and this dagger was made for Rolle by Griffin himself as a self-defense weapon for his activities around the village.

Facing the dagger that was already stabbing him, Griffin smiled.

His lips moved slightly, as if he was saying something, but they were drowned in Rohr's shrill roar.


The sound of the blade piercing the body suddenly sounded, and bright red blood spurted out.

Puff puff--

Then there were sounds one after another, and Rolle's right hand, face, and body were all covered with Griffin's blood.

Rohr was so sad that he almost fainted, but Ye Ying's control over him prevented him from falling into coma. He could only watch Griffin die in his own hands with a clear mind. The strange thing was that Griffin's expression did not have a trace of hatred, but more like an elder who saw his younger generation, showing a kind smile.

Hahahaha! Huh - it's such a fun show.

Following Rohr's actions, Ye Ying could not help but applaud and praise him behind him.

At the same time, more and more villagers have gathered towards this area. They are the combat personnel summoned here by Mara's alarm.

They all saw the scene of Griffin being killed from a distance, as well as the strange and crazy Rohr.

The running pace of the villagers suddenly slowed down, not because of fear, but more out of confusion.

Because, Rohr, who had just arrived in the village some time ago, had now stood up from the lifeless body of Griffin.

His face was covered with tears and blood, and he kept repeating,

Run! Please! Run!

Luo Er slowly walked towards them, his knees were aggrieved, and his walking posture was extremely strange and penetrating.

All the villagers realized that Rohr was being manipulated, and the culprit was the stranger not far away.

But before they could rush towards Yeying, Luo Er had already rushed towards them. The movement is less like a human being and more like a beast, using both hands and feet to gallop on the snow.


The dagger slashed across the villager's neck, and clusters of bright red snowflakes bloomed in the pure white world.

The cries and screams became the best fuel for Yeying's laughter, making it feel more comfortable than ever before.

In less than a moment, Rohr had turned into a bloody man, but the strange thing was that only his right hand was not stained with much blood.

To be more precise, once it is stained with blood, it will be absorbed, and the absorption speed is getting faster and faster.

By the time the surroundings turned into a hellish scene, all the villagers who came were cut into pieces. Rohr no longer cried bitterly, nor was he in a state of mental breakdown.

His eyes were full of hatred, and Luo Er stared at Ye Ying, as if he wanted to engrave the other person's face firmly in his heart.

Naturally, Yeying would not react at all to Rolle's eyes. It focused more on Rolle's right hand. At this moment, his control over Rohr's body has become weaker and weaker, because it feels that Azikt's recovery is accelerating.

Rohr only felt that his right hand began to become hot for some reason, and then his perception of his right hand was disappearing, as if it no longer belonged to him.

The next second, Rohr fell to the ground. It turned out that Yeying's control over him had disappeared, and Yeying was even more surprised than Luo Er. It knew that His Highness Azikt had revived.

But it doesn't understand why Rohr still has his own consciousness.

Rolle, who fell to the ground, looked at his arms, but he was surprised to find that his arms seemed to be looking at him too.

The night shadow in the distance didn't know what was happening for a moment, but the next second it saw Rohr appearing in front of it.

It was still the right hand holding the dagger, but Rohr's body was floating in the air as if it had been forcibly pulled over. There was a ghost fire on his right hand, like an eye staring at the night shadow.

Damn thing, who asked you to wake me up in advance?

The voice came from Azct.

The next second, the originally arrogant Yeying's head was blasted with a punch. The dagger casually slashed down, Ye Ying's chest was suddenly opened, and his two hearts were exposed to the air.

Without any hesitation, Rohr's right hand grabbed one of the hearts and squeezed it violently.

A piece of trash that doesn't accomplish anything.

Azikt's voice sounded faintly.

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