Just as Luo Er was cleaning up the piles of snow in Jinluo Village, villagers were walking towards the outside of the village one after another.

Everyone greeted Luo Er warmly when they saw him.

Hey! Little Luo Er, thank you for your hard work so early!

It's better to be young, drink with that guy Griffin every day, and still get up so early to clean the snow.


The pleasantries were accompanied by laughter, making Roel scratch his head in embarrassment.

Unlike Wuhui City, the relationship between the villagers in Jinluo Village is much closer. Many villagers who live close to each other have particularly good relations because of helping each other in daily life. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are like brothers.

Luo Er, who has settled in Jinluo Village for some time, is still a little uncomfortable with it. After all, he grew up in a big city like Wuhui City where interpersonal relationships are alienated. He even had only one friend when he left Wuhui City. Dom.

However, only he himself knows. Today, he enjoys this kind of life very much.

Here, he doesn't have to worry about being cheated out of his hard-earned money by unscrupulous vendors, he doesn't have to run around trying to maintain his relationship with the city guards, and he doesn't have to worry about being accidentally injured by unscrupulous combatants and getting trapped. Danger.

Maybe the only thing to worry about is the damn undead invasion.

But you probably won't come to Jinluo Village, right? It's so remote here, so it doesn't matter what you want.

Just as he was thinking wildly, Mara appeared from behind him and grabbed Rolle's neck.

Ugh - I said, Rohr vomit -

Mara, who smelled of alcohol, had not yet recovered from her hangover. He was really curious.

.Why don't you get drunk no matter how much you drink?

Luo Er put down the broom and held Mara firmly.

Your Excellency Mara, please take a good rest. Why are you up now?

Looking at Mara's appearance, Luo Er said helplessly,

Don't drink with Griffin tonight. If you lose, you lose. It doesn't matter!

No! I have to beat him no matter what!

When Luo Er heard this, he curled his lips and let out a long sigh. He was used to the drinking competition between the two men.


Suddenly, a figure in the distance caught Rohr's attention.

From a distance, they looked like clothes they had never seen before, not from the villagers of Jinluo Village.

In his hand, he seemed to be holding something.

Rohr didn't notice that Mara had already stood up straight and was looking at the figure in front of her, but her expression was extremely serious.

Who is coming again at this time?

Luo Er didn't know why, but suddenly thought of that weird person a few days ago.


He suddenly felt a stinging pain in his right hand, and then there was a sound of breaking wind. It was the man who threw the thing in his hand and fell into the snow that had not been completely cleared.

The bright red color slowly dyed the white snow, and Luo Er finally saw clearly that the person who was thrown over was the leader of Jinluo Village, Griffin.

Escape quickly. Run to the north.

Griffin's words were intermittent, and there were blood stains all over his body and face.

Several rays of light flashed across his body, which was the recovery technique Mara had applied to him.

At the same time, the figure had appeared not far in front of Jinluo Village.

The visitor was Ye Ying, who had slaughtered all the villagers on the way, leaving only Griffin alive. The reason was that he smelled a faint scent on Griffin's body, which belonged to His Highness Azikt.

Until now he saw Luo Er, to be precise, he saw Luo Er's right arm, Ye Ying was extremely excited.

But before it had time to say hello, Mara had already pulled Roll behind him and stood in front of him.

You take Griffin and go first.

Seeing that Rohr was still in a daze, Mara shouted loudly,


Luo Er woke up from his dream and quickly helped Griffin up from the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ying couldn't help but frowned.

.Shouldn't it?

It seemed to realize something,

Logically speaking, even if His Highness Azikt has not fully recovered, he should be aware of my arrival by now.

Yeying hesitated. He did not continue to approach, but looked at Rohr cautiously.

At the same time, a sharp explosion sounded, which was Mara's voice calling for reinforcements. He has realized that the humanoid creature in front of him is the undead.

Although he, as a Divine Word Priest, did not have any fighting ability, he still chose to stand in front of Ye Ying, trying to give Griffin and Roll behind him a chance to escape.

You go first and I stay. He can't handle it alone.

Griffin pushed Rolle away and stood up with difficulty.

Quickly, go north!

Rohr's eyes began to overflow with tears unconsciously, what a cruel and familiar scene.

If it weren't for the ice and snow around him, Luo Er would almost feel like he was back in Wuhui City. At that moment, he deeply doubted whether he was having a nightmare?

how so.?

Looking at Griffin walking forward step by step, Rohr's consciousness was already shrouded in fear. In the city of no return, the despair of the precarious situation surged into his heart, causing his legs to begin to tremble violently.

Griffin's faltering steps began to speed up, and he rushed towards Yeying with a strong breath.

At that moment, he was not only Luo Er's friend, but also the village chief of Jinluo Village.

Mara did not stop him, but tacitly added various buffs to Griffin.

In the way.

Ye Ying disappeared directly from the spot. Griffin paused as he moved forward at great speed, and a terrifying depression appeared in his chest.


Griffin spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body shot toward the house on one side uncontrollably.


Three houses were penetrated and collapsed in succession, and Griffin, whose life and death were unknown, continued to speed up and crashed into the snow, plowing a deep ravine before he could stop.

Rohr, Mara, and even Ye Shadow didn't even see the attack, and Griffin completely lost his ability to resist.

But Yeying didn't give up and walked towards Griffin,

If you're still not dead, let me see if you die now.

He jumped high, clenched his right fist, and a ball of white light enveloped his fist. At the highest point, he began to fall quickly towards Griffin on the ground.


There was a loud noise, and the surrounding snowflakes were splashed, turning into a white scene.

Rohr's mouth opened and closed slightly. He wanted to speak but found that he couldn't speak and couldn't move his legs. His vision looking in the direction of Griffin was blurred, and tears were already spread on his cheeks.


Ye Ying's dissatisfied voice came out, because his fist penetrated not his original target, but Mara, who had no fighting ability.

It was actually Mara who used his special skill to switch Griffin's position with his and forcefully took the hit.

Mara, who had a big hole in her chest, had blood oozing from the corner of her mouth. His vision had been shrouded in darkness, but his eyes were still looking in the direction where he was before.

Finally. I finally beat you once.

Mara only felt that her life was passing away quickly, and she said the last words of her life,

I hope you can survive.

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