
From the depths of the Tomb of Oblivion, a majestic voice came out.

Stop immediately, or else

Before it finished speaking, its voice stopped abruptly.

As for the reason, it was naturally because the lich, which was beaten by the thunder storm caused by Tan Xiao's basic attack and could not take care of itself, had completely died. After all, its soul container could not survive until the president of the Secret Society of Shadows arrived.

And that majestic voice belonged to the current president of the Secret Society of Shadows.

As the president, it had just witnessed the killing of members of the organization on the spot, and it could not even stop it. How could it not be angry?

However, now that the matter has come to this, it has fallen silent instead of uttering any harsh words.

There was a lich nearby who had witnessed the whole incident and came to it and reported in a low voice what it had seen, without daring to conceal or misinterpret anything.


After listening to the report of the lich next to him, the president still did not speak. It even felt that the dead lich deserved his death.

The Secret Society of Shadows does not need such members who do not even have basic judgment of strength.

As a result, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

I don't know how long it took, but the president finally spoke, but instead of ordering Tan Xiao to be killed, he asked the other party,

Now there is a vacancy in the Secret Society of Shadows. Since you are the lich brought by the new recruits, you have proven your strength to us with practical actions.

Under the incredible gazes of all the lichs present, the president revealed his true form and appeared in front of Tan Xiao and his party.

On its head was not the jeweled crown favored by ordinary liches, but a slightly shabby pointed hat. The black robe hanging on his body is wide and elegant, and the vertical and horizontal black longitude and latitude lines are mixed with pure silver filaments, and are finally woven into silver runes, shining with a strange luster.

My name is Salton, the current president of the Shadow Conclave. I now invite you to join the Shadow Conclave to fill the vacancy.

While speaking, it had already taken out a dark green staff from its pitch-black robe. Strangely, there were still some buds on the staff, exuding vitality.

Tan Xiao was a little surprised that the lich, which symbolized death, actually had such a vibrant staff in his hand.

Your answer will determine your life or death today.

Under Tan Xiao's astonished eyes, Salton said these words lightly.

At this point, both Uther and Ace let out a sigh of relief.

In their view, today's threat has been eliminated. Because the purpose of their coming here is to be introduced by Uther to join the society, so as to get information about the plane passage to the human world.

However, Tan Xiao did not directly answer Salton's question.

So that all the lichs present, including Uther and Ace, were confused. They were all curious, what exactly did Tan Xiao want to do, to ask Salton to start a war?

Next, Tan Xiao's actions shocked everyone present.

Tan Xiao waved his staff and whispered four words:

The dead whisper.

The lich, which had been burnt to black by the lightning storm, suddenly moved.

Then, including Salton, all the lichs were stunned. There is no other reason than this skill called [Whisper of the Dead].

The charred bones were rapidly reorganized at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the magic pathways were reconnected in the process of constant flashing.

The next second, the lich whose soul container was blown to pieces reappeared in front of all the lichs present.

At the same time, facing Tan Xiao, it lost its previous arrogance.

It knelt directly on the ground, showing the most loyal gesture toward Tan Xiao.

There was fine frost on Salton's joints, so much so that the moment it turned its head, it made the sound of breaking ice, mixed with the sound of the joints rubbing together.


The next second, it stopped talking and threw out its robe. As the silver runes on the black robe flickered, the robe instantly turned into a sky curtain covering Tan Xiao and his party, much like the curtain of wronged souls that once shrouded the sky of Wuhui City.

All the other lichs were blocked from their robes, and only Salton's voice could be heard faintly coming from its robes,

Today is a special situation. The rally is cancelled. Please leave the Tomb of Forgotten immediately.

Before the surrounding lichs could react, Salton's voice sounded again,

Anyone who stays here after one minute will be regarded as a traitor and all will be executed.

After saying this, all the lichs left immediately without caring about anything else.

However, many members with relatively good relationships secretly passed messages to each other and agreed on a time and place for private meetings.

Today's strange unfolding made them all realize that something was wrong.

At this moment, Tan Xiao, who was shrouded in a canopy of robes, was a little surprised, because after hearing Uther's description, he learned that the lich who once took the Book of the Dead to the human world should be the leader of the Secret Society of Shadows. One president.

Therefore, he tentatively used the skill [Whisper of the Dead] he got from the other party.

But the effect seemed to be better than he imagined, even interrupting the meeting of the Secret Society of Shadows. You must know that in the past few decades, the Secret Society of Shadows has never been forced to interrupt.

Just when Tan Xiao thought he could have a good talk with Salton, Salton's actions shocked the group again.

Uther simply collapsed on the ground, the fire in his eyes lost focus, and Ace beside him was not much better.

Because, Uther, who was once unattainable, had now taken off his pointed hat, which he had never taken off before. He knelt on one knee in front of Tan Xiao, revealing his skull as a soul container, and spoke respectfully,

I have seen the sacrifice to His Highness.

This title, let alone Uther and Ace, even Tan Xiao was stunned for a moment.

Sacrifice? What sacrifice?

Tan Xiao did not speak immediately, but Salton's next words made Tan Xiao know the meaning of this so-called sacrifice.

May the great goddess of darkness, Your Highness Charles, be immortal forever. I sincerely listen to the oracle brought by the sacrifice.

Just when the changes in the Forgotten Tomb occurred, Renn and his group of undead who came from Bone Crown City finally arrived at Winterdeath Castle.

The city lord of Winterdeath Castle, Ulansa, followed the usual practice and gave Ren the corresponding courtesy.

But both Ren and the accompanying undead felt the rejection from Winterdeath Castle. Ren knew why. If it were the city lord of Winterdeath Castle, he wouldn't want his back garden to be taken over by a strange undead, let alone an undead with a bad reputation.

Therefore, Renn didn't say much and just dealt with this essential first meeting.

It knows that the real highlight is still when it meets the Blood Queen Yulansa alone.

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