The banquet to welcome Renda to Winterdeath Castle finally came to an end. From the beginning to the end, no more than five undead people came to pay homage to Renn.

On the other hand, as the city lord of Winterdeath Castle, Yolansa was surrounded by an endless stream of undead people she was already familiar with. If you didn't know better, you would have thought that this was Yolansa's private banquet.

Ren wasn't angry either, he knew it was useless even if he was angry.

After all the other unrelated undead had left, only Ulansa and Renn were left in the large living room. Renn finally spoke,

Your Excellency Youlansa, I have no intention of intervening in the internal affairs of Winter Death Castle. I am here for only one purpose, and that is to find the human race brought by His Highness Yeying.

Yolansa was not in a hurry to answer Ren, she just looked at Ren quietly, seeming to be waiting for his next words.

Ren knew that the other party was waiting for its sincerity.

Therefore, Renn stopped hiding and directly threw out his trump card.

Ten years of control of Bone Crown City.

In Yulansa's surprised eyes, Ren didn't want to say any more nonsense.

If this doesn't work, even if I am punished by His Highness Skeleton King Warren Thor, I will ask him to report this matter to the Phantom Lord.

Ren's tone was strong, giving Ulansa no chance to think.

When the time comes, I want to see whether I am executed or you impeach the Lich King.

Twenty years.

Yolansa didn't stop doing anything, and directly gave a seemingly outrageous price, and then added,

You can fully control Winter Death Castle before you find that human race, and you are allowed to use all resources without affecting the future development of Winter Death Castle.

make a deal.

In Shadow Fall, there may be differences in resources between different cities.

This also means that there must be a certain scale of trade between different cities. The beings of the Thirteen Thrones have divided up more than half of the land in the Shadow Fall Realm. Naturally, there will be no problem with the allocation of resources within the jurisdiction of the same leader.

However, once it comes to the exchange of resources within the jurisdiction of different throne leaders, it depends on the methods between the city lords of these cities.

This is why the twenty-year control of Bone Crown City provided by Rennes will make Ulansa change his mind and choose to cooperate with it.

Because Bone Crown City is a city close to the end, it can easily capture countless scattered innocent souls.

This is an advantage that cities like them cannot match. Once Ulansa takes control of Bonecrown City, Winterdeath Castle will be able to add a large number of undead soldiers in the short term, which can enhance her strength like never before.

So what do you need?

At this moment, Ulansa was no longer as indifferent as before, but began to actively cooperate.

There is no other reason than Ren's commitment.

After all, the sooner she finds that human race, the sooner she can control Bone Crown City.

I want to find these two lichs immediately.

Renne took out two identification documents from his arms and handed them to Yulansa.

a piece of cake.

As she spoke, she already had an idea.

Salton, the president of the Secret Society of Shadows, is the strongest lich in this city. I believe he has a way to find them. I will contact him right now.

But Ulansa didn't expect that Salton was kneeling in front of Tan Xiao, whom they were looking for, in the Tomb of Forgotten, waiting for the oracle from the dark goddess brought by Tan Xiao.

Uh, you should get up first.

Tan Xiao was suddenly called a priest of the Dark Goddess by Salton, and was asked to deliver some oracle. He was not even given time to make up a story.

In desperation, Tan Xiao could only let Salton stand up first, and then speak,

Actually, due to some accidents, I did not fully obtain the memory of the Dark Goddess. I only inherited some of her skills.

Salton was obviously disappointed when he heard Tan Xiao's words, but he did not doubt Tan Xiao's words.

So, why don't you introduce me to the Dark Goddess?

No problem, worship His Highness.

Salton was silent for a moment, seeming to organize his words, and then spoke,

The Dark Goddess Char is one of the many main gods. Perhaps due to the influence of the war of the gods, Her Highness Char has disappeared for a long time, and as her believers, our only way of contact is the Dark Sacrifice.

Salton pointed at Tan Xiao,

That is you, Your Highness now.

Facing Tan Xiao's confused look, Salton was not surprised, because this was what the previous dark priest told him when he left.

The last president of the Secret Society of Shadows, the dark priest before you, was selected by the Lich King and went to the human world as a connection partner with another apostle of the Lord God.

Good spell! Tiamat!

The moment he heard Salton's explanation, Tan Xiao already knew who the other apostle of the Lord God it was talking about was that damn good curse.

Salton didn't know the reason for Tan Xiao's change of expression, so he continued speaking on his own,

The former priest who knew that it would be unlucky for him to go to the human world had a secret meeting with me and told me the secret about the dark goddess, which is what I told you. At the same time, it also told me the secret about the identity of the dark priest. , the inheritance of the sacrifice is not controlled by the priest, but will appear on the corresponding undead according to the will of the dark goddess.

Salton's kneeling figure fell to the ground again, and his tone became more respectful.

[Whisper of the Dead] is the only sign, because it is a forbidden magic jointly developed by the Dark Goddess Char and the God of the Undead, Vertus. It is also the only magic that can temporarily hide the land of the end and take away the souls of the dead.

Tan Xiao said nothing, the fire in his eyes kept beating, and he was thinking about how he got this skill.

And Salton went on,

As for the goal of Char under the Temple of the Dark Goddess, it is precisely to dismantle the magic system built by the goddess of magic Mystra, and replace the magic channels with shadow webs to allow undead magic and curse magic to gain a transcendent status among the ten series of magic.

Speaking of this, Tan Xiao suddenly thought of the magic item [Arcane Heart] he had on him.

The mission he completed in his previous life [Blue Fire Disaster] seems to be related to this so-called Shadow Web.

Could it be that the [Blue Fire Disaster] was caused by the battle between the goddess of darkness and the goddess of magic?

At this moment, Salton suddenly said a name that made Tan Xiao's expression change drastically.

It is said that Maestra has had an accident and entered the human world. She is active in the human world under the alias Medenit.

what did you just say?

Tan Xiao pressed Salton's shoulders fiercely.

What did you say Maistra's alias was?

Not to mention Salton, even Uther and Ace, who were listening in confusion, were startled because Tan Xiao's breath began to fluctuate uncontrollably.

Her alias is Mednit.

Salton didn't know what he said wrong, so he could only repeat it again.

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