Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 154 Shadow Secret Meeting

Tan Xiao's sudden change shocked both Ace and Uther, but they understood Tan Xiao immediately.

After all, the demon plane is about to connect to the human world, and it is self-evident what will happen. It is no wonder that Tan Xiao had such a big reaction.

Fortunately, Tan Xiao was also sensible, and he did not take his anger out on Uther for what was destined to happen.

Uther's next words made Tan Xiao's eyes light up,

There is an organization called the Secret Society of Shadows in Winterdeath Castle, and its members are all lich. The previous president was even received by the Lich King. It should have participated in the first invasion of the human race.

Uther carefully recalled his past memories.

Although I have never met the president, the president had a secret meeting with senior members before leaving, maybe.

Uther looked at Tan Xiao and asked tentatively,

Maybe the current president or senior members will know some secrets about the plane passage, and maybe there are some clues that can lead to the human world. So, our first step now is to join the Shadow Secret Society.

When Tan Xiao heard Uther's description, he immediately thought of the lich he met when he was still in Fast City.

It can't be it, right?

And Uther's next words confirmed Tan Xiao's guess,

The president's most powerful skill [Whisper of the Dead] can briefly summon the object it kills. It's no wonder that he was received by the Lich King. That is really an incredible skill.

As if aware of Tan Xiao's abnormality, Uther said doubtfully,

Your Highness, what's wrong?

Ah! Nothing, nothing.

Tan Xiao laughed twice and immediately changed the topic.

What do you mean, you are a member of the Secret Society of Shadows?

That's right, Your Highness! Today happens to be the day of our gathering. I will take you there with me. I believe that with your strength, Your Highness, it will not be a problem to enter the Secret Society of Shadows.

Therefore, this is why Tan Xiao and Ace followed Uther on the streets of Winterdeath Castle. Their destination was the meeting place of the Secret Society of Shadows, the ruins of the underground palace located north of Winterdeath Castle, also known as Oblivion. The place of the tomb.

It is said that the Forgotten Tomb is the place where the Lich King was born, so no undead dare to approach it on weekdays. The area around the Forgotten Tomb is shrouded in thick fog all year round, and there are broken masonry everywhere, and carving marks can be vaguely distinguished on these masonry.

Without the erosion of time, I believe there would be extremely stunning carvings on these bricks and stones.

The Secret Society of Shadows dared to choose this gathering place because, firstly, they were all lichs and would not be repulsed by the aura here, and their abilities would even be increased to a certain extent. On the other hand, it is absolutely safe here, and it is guaranteed that no undead will disturb their gathering.

Of course, today's Tan Xiao and his party are an exception.

The moment Uther appeared at the Tomb of Oblivion with Tan Xiao and Ace, several tyrannical eyes fell on them.

Hey! Recruit! Allowing you to enter the Secret Society of Shadows is already very tolerant of you. I didn't remember that you were allowed to introduce other lichs to the Secret Society.

The voice was extremely impolite, and the recruit's title was obviously addressed to Uther. Ace on the side was about to snicker, but he heard another voice,

What's more, what kind of goods did you bring? You don't think that the Shadow Conclave is an organization that any lich will absorb, do you?

Ace's smile froze on the spot. If Tan Xiao hadn't said anything, he might have directly revealed his true strength and let this group of blind lichs gain insights.

Although it is not powerful, it is still much stronger than the standard for being able to enter the Secret Society of Shadows.

Tan Xiao on the side did not speak, but Uther was already nervous.

Although it had expected such a scene, it didn't expect that it would be stopped by other members before even seeing the president.

Now Uther is in a dilemma. On the one hand, it knows the depth of the Secret Society of Shadows. On the other hand, it is even more afraid that Tan Xiao will sacrifice it because of a disagreement. After all, its soul has been forcibly sucked into Tan Xiao's handle. In the strange staff.

Just before it thought of how to use a tactful method to alleviate the current embarrassment, a bad-tempered lich suddenly took action in secret.

A magic circle suddenly appeared at Uther's feet, causing violent fluctuations in magic power. In just an instant, Uther's entire body was frozen into an ice sculpture.


However, after receiving the name given by Tan Xiao, Uther's physical strength has improved a lot.

The ice magic that was supposed to completely freeze it to death not only failed to kill it, but fine cracks even began to appear on the surface of the ice sculpture.

After a brief moment of doubt, the Lich who took action resorted to more ruthless means. Countless ice spikes appeared around Uther, shooting towards Uther who had been frozen into an ice sculpture.

This time, he was rushing to kill Uther completely.

The lichs in the darkness not only did not stop him, but even snickered directly, as if they were laughing at Uther's stupidity.

Although Uther received a lot of improvement, in this battle of crushing strength, there was no suspense and he was instantly blasted into ice slag.

From beginning to end, no lich took action against Tan Xiao and Ace.

It's not that they noticed that Tan Xiao and Ace were unusual, but they felt that these two lichs were so ordinary that they didn't even bother to take action against Tan Xiao and Ace.

Okay, the recruits who brought these two guys have been executed by me for being disrespectful to me.

The one who spoke was still the lich who took action, and his tone was a bit joking.

Who else knows them? Are they gone?

Murderous aura instantly filled the entire Tomb of Forgotten,

Do they count as intruders? Killing them doesn't violate the Iron Order of Winterdeath Hold, right?

Just when all the lichs present thought that the two brought lichs were going to kneel down and beg for mercy, Uther's broken bones were put back together again.

Although the bone strength has obviously declined, its resurrection is an indisputable fact.

Just when Uther was about to ask for mercy, Tan Xiao had already taken a step forward and took out the [Oath of the Dead] from his arms.

My friend was attacked just now and I had to fight back as necessary.

Laughter instantly erupted from the surroundings, as if Tan Xiao's words were an extremely funny joke to them, especially when Tan Xiao just used his staff to continuously throw basic attacks, the laughter became even more rampant.

However, what unfolded next made these lichs gradually stop laughing, and many of the weaker ones were so frightened that they put on robes that were only worn in battle.

Because, right where the lich took action, a terrifying lightning storm had appeared.

And the initiator of this storm is still throwing out basic attacks without any emotion.

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