In the human world, there is a small village on the road leading to the extremely cold tundra.

This is a place called Jinluo Village, and the reason why it is called Jinluo Village cannot be verified. The explanation given by most villagers is that as the entrance to the extremely cold tundra, anything burning from this location to the north cannot survive for a long time.

There is no other reason, it is precisely because of the extremely cold weather.

Today, Jinluo Village welcomed its first visitor from afar this year. He was none other than Luo Er, who set off from Wuhui City to the extremely cold tundra ahead.

Rather than visitors, they were victims carried back by nearby villagers.

Coincidentally, the continuous heavy snow stopped on this day. Taking advantage of this rare sunny day, men in the village went out one after another to cut some firewood to supplement their home heating needs.

But before they had gone far, a man named Griffin saw a humanoid creature huddled together under a tree, still trembling slightly.

Griffin approached cautiously. He originally thought it was a cub that could be given a beating, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a young man with frozen eyebrows.

Therefore, the enthusiastic Griffin took him back to his home without any hesitation, without even bothering to chop wood.

Boy, where did you come from? If you weren't lucky, you would have turned into an ice sculpture.

After carrying Rolle back home, Griffin smiled and said when he saw Rolle gradually regaining consciousness,

Could it be that you are coming from Jingxi City? Isn't there an adult telling you not to go north this season?

Next to the warm campfire, Rohr slowly opened his eyes and saw the unfamiliar wooden roof. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw a man who seemed to be saying something to him.

He realized that he should have been saved.

Thank God, I almost thought I was going to die like this.

Luo Er was also a little scared. He walked for two days and two nights in the wind and snow, but still could not find the Jinluo Village marked on the map.

Exhausted, he leaned against a tree in despair, praying for the wind and snow to stop.

At this moment, he moved his right hand. He didn't know whether it was a dream or a real event. Rohr vaguely remembered that a giant bear appeared next to him before he fell into coma, and before he could react, he His right hand has already been inserted into the opponent's chest, greedily sucking the opponent's bones and blood.

It must be a dream, right? I was a little delirious at that time.

Rohr dismissed these messy thoughts in his mind, stood up with difficulty, and saluted and thanked the man in front of him.

Thank you, Your Excellency, for saving me.

Because he was so weak, Rohr lost his balance before he even finished speaking and fell by the fire again.

This startled Griffin, and he quickly stepped forward to support him.

You are still very weak. Lie down for a while and wait for the food to be cooked. Eat some first.

Rohr nodded with difficulty and closed his eyes again.

I don’t know how long it took, but the tempting smell of food made Roel open his eyes again. It came from the pot next to him.

The room was empty, the man had disappeared.

The flame under the pot that had not been completely extinguished seemed to be specially prepared so that Roel could eat hot food after waking up.

Luo Er stood up slowly, opened the lid of the pot, and the rich aroma hit his face. His body's instinct gave him no time to think too much, he just picked up the spoon at hand and put the food into his mouth.

Even the scalding soup couldn't stop him from devouring it. He was really hungry.


Just when he had eaten and drank enough, the door to the room was pushed open, and it was still the same man.

Hey, are you awake?

Looking at the pot that had been emptied, Griffin was not angry at all. Instead, he smiled and said,

Is it enough? If it's not enough, I'll give you some more.

Luo Er quickly stood up and thanked him.

Thank you, Your Excellency, that's enough! That's enough!

He knew that the person in front of him was his savior. He did not die in Wuhui City but almost died in the snowstorm, which made him feel scared for his recklessness.

where u from?

The city without return to the south.

Wuhui City? That is a prosperous city, even more lively than Jingxi City, right? I heard that the city lord is also an earl? What's your name, Ke Ke?

Count Kirkett Stella.

Ah, yes, yes! It's him!

Griffin obviously didn't expect that Rohr would come from Wuhui City, and he was even more curious about him.

You won't wait until you return to the city. Why did you come to our Jinluo Village?

Griffin spoke curiously, as if he suddenly thought of something. He closed the door and sat next to Rohr.

By the way, I still don't know what your name is?

Roll, Roll Gaust.

Rohr spoke, but he slowly lowered his head in response to the previous question.

Rohr, what a good name. Huh? What's wrong with you? Why are you so depressed suddenly.

Sensing something strange about Rolle, Griffin realized that he might have asked something he shouldn't have asked. He was about to change the subject when he heard Rolle's reply as thin as a mosquito's.

The city of Wuhui was destroyed. It was destroyed by the undead. The whole city was turned into ruins. Even Pope Elijah died in this battle.

Upon hearing this, Griffin's expression changed from ridicule to confusion, and then full of shock. He sat upright suddenly.

You mean the Pope in the Royal Capital?

Rohr nodded, and Griffin fell into silence.

There was silence in the room, save for the crackle of firewood in the still-unextinguished flames.

Griffin, I heard that you picked up someone? Where did it come from?

At this moment, the door to Griffin's house was knocked open, and a young man wearing a god's robe rushed in.

I haven't seen anyone outside the village for a long time. I don't even know what's going on outside recently.

When he first entered the room, the young man who was still in high spirits saw both Griffin and Rohr lowering their heads. He immediately noticed the strange atmosphere and lowered his voice.

Well, something big happened, right? Is there a war? Or is there a civil war?

He suddenly noticed a strange aura, and his vision fell on Rohr's right hand.

Hmm? Illusion?

The strange aura disappeared in a flash, and when he looked closely, he saw that it had returned to normal.

Marah, this little brother just said that His Highness Elijah died and never returned, and the city was reduced to ruins.

Huh? Elijah? Which Elijah? Your Highness?

The young man known as Mara was pulled by Griffin to sit down and began to listen quietly to Rolle, who had returned from nowhere, about what he had seen and heard.

The atmosphere in the room once dropped to freezing point, as if it was even colder than the freezing cold weather outside.

It's just that what's freezing outside is the body, and what's freezing inside is the human heart.

The sun in the sky was slowly covered by thick clouds, and wind and snow once again enveloped this small village.

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