Mara, as the only Divine Word Priest in Emberfall Village, had tears on his face after listening to Rohr's description.

Only then did he know why he had sensed a strange smell from the direction of the Yong Chuan Place in Jingxi Village shortly after the snow season started. Now he thought it was probably the anomaly that occurred in honor of Pope Elijah.

He had met Elijah before and even received guidance from him for a period of time, which is why he had no doubts about Rolle's description.

Because in his mind, Pope Elijah was a person who could do such a thing, a person who could sacrifice everything for others.

Mara made a holy sign and wiped her tears.

He was not prepared to continue to be immersed in this pain. Rather than being immersed in pain and standing still, it was better to start over and continue to spread the glory of the goddess of courage.

Mara has a wisdom that does not belong to this small village. Perhaps this is why he can meet Elijah and get guidance from him.

Since you left Wuhui City to find a place to stay in the extremely cold tundra, how about Jinluo Village?

Mara rubbed her red eyes and continued to speak,

This is considered an extremely cold tundra. The weather will be even more extreme further north. Your level is not high now. Even if you go to a village further north, you may not be able to survive for long.

Rolle said nothing, neither refuting nor agreeing, as if he was weighing Mara's proposal.

Griffin on the side nodded, agreeing with Mara's words.

Not many people come to Jinluo Village a year. If you really want to avoid disputes, living in Jinluo Village or further north is about the same.

If I want to live here, do I need to go through some formalities with the village chief?

Hearing this, Mara raised her chin towards Griffin.

Rohr looked at Mara in confusion, not knowing what he meant, and then heard Mara speak again,

He is the village chief. If he says you can live here, you can live here.

Griffin smiled and scratched his head.

I'm just lucky. I was elected as the village chief by everyone.

Then, he looked at Rolle,

If you want to stay, then you can stay with me first. After a while, when the weather clears up, we will help you repair the house at the east end of the village, and you can move in directly.

Where is the owner of that house?

Rohr spoke doubtfully, feeling a little uneasy about this sudden good thing.

Dead, dead of old age. It's okay. Even if that guy turns into a ghost, if you come to me, I will go find him as soon as possible! Make sure he spits out the wine he owes us.

As they spoke, Marla and Griffin's faces showed both reminiscence and uncontrollable sadness.

It was obvious that they had a great relationship with the original owner of the house.

Okay, thank you very much.

Therefore, Rohr no longer hesitated. He thought that there would always be a way to repay Griffin's kindness in the future, so he accepted the kindness.

.So do you have any work to do next?

Mara spoke, making Rolle confused again.


Griffin's affirmation made Rolle feel something bad. Their eyes fell on Rolle almost at the same time.

Next, special training for you will begin.

It was Griffin who spoke,

Your current strength is still too weak to survive in Jinluo Village!

Having said all that, take out your barrels of wine. If I don't drink some wine today, I won't be able to sleep.

Mara said this, Griffin did not mean to refute, and took out a wooden barrel from a corner of the room.

So, three people who met by chance started their first drinking session.

Without any surprise, the three of them got drunk one after another and slept soundly together.

That night, Rohr had a dream, in which he saw a tall figure sitting opposite him.

There was a table between them, but this one was particularly odd. When Rohr wants to see clearly what is on the table, mountains and rivers will appear on the table, and the distance between him and the other person will be infinitely widened. Only he focuses on the other person, separated by them. There is an ordinary table in the middle.

Who are you?

Rohr didn't know he was dreaming, so he subconsciously asked.

It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you must continue to move north now, otherwise

The other party's tone was not kind, and Luo Er felt a little scared, but when he wanted to hear the other party's last words clearly, he found that he couldn't hear them clearly no matter what.

He opened his eyes drowsily and found that Mara was pressing on his right hand, and there was a constant tingling sensation on his arm, probably due to poor blood circulation.

The strong dizziness made him not want to make any more movements, but before he fell asleep again, he felt the twitching of Mara's sobs and the warm touch from his right arm. Mara, who was pressing on his right hand, was already in tears in her dream, dreaming of the pope Elijah whom he respected the most.

The next day, Rohr and Mara woke up one after another. Seeing each other's hangover and embarrassment, they burst out laughing at the same time. A night of drinking made the relationship between them much closer.

Griffin walked into the room from outside the door, having put on a set of slightly old but extremely neat armor.

Get up when you wake up. Your food today will depend on what kind of prey you can catch.

Griffin pointed at Rohr with a very serious tone.

Rohr didn't say much, got up directly, and followed Griffin out.

He knew that the special training had begun, and what he wanted to get was the capital that would allow him to live in Jinluo Village.

Naturally, Mara was not included in the special training. He didn't even plan to get up. After the two left, he lay down on the floor of the room again. Looking at the familiar roof, he suddenly felt strange.

Pope Elijah

He murmured in a low voice. He had already decided not to be sad anymore, but tears still fell from the corners of his eyes unconsciously.

The next second, he sat up suddenly, all the sadness on his face disappeared, replaced by uncontrollable surprise.

Because, an extraordinary existence arrived at the door of Jinluo Village.

Are you the person in charge of this village's temple?

At the entrance of Jinluo Village, a man hidden under a white cloak spoke slowly, exuding a transcendent aura in every move.

Give me the latest map of the area and report any recent anomalies.

As if sensing Mara's hesitation, he sighed and took off his cloak to reveal his true face.

I'm Leo, going north with top-secret orders.

This group of people is none other than Leo and Lina. Their goal is clear, and they are going to the locations marked on the map they obtained.

But Leo didn't know that they passed by two people in the village.

It was this unexpected encounter between the two parties that added many variables to the future.

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