In Trembling Stone City, in the Skeleton Castle of Skeleton King Warren Thor, Asek and the Necromancer appeared in front of each other's throne with Ace and Tan Xiao.

It is one of the most powerful generals under the Phantom Lord, and it is also an existence comparable to Night Shadow.

His Royal Highness Thor! The human race has captured him, and the undead who absorbed the remains of His Highness Ye Ying have also been brought here.

At this moment, Asek completely lost the composure he had in his own station, and was extremely respectful in front of Skeleton King Warren Thor, not only because of the other person's reputation, but also because of the momentum that was revealed inadvertently, making it come from the heart. The ground trembled.

Thor put the crown on his head and slowly stood up from its throne. The armor on its body then made the sound of gold and iron, and the complex magic pathways continued to flash, light spots circulated, and many nodes were inlaid with red magic crystals that provided magic power increase.

One of its artifacts, the huge sword given to it by the Phantom Lord, the Pluto Bone Blade, was casually leaned against the throne.

It walked towards Ace and Tan Xiao step by step, and the sound it made with each step was like thunder, exploding in the ears of everyone present.

Thor's scarlet eyes fell on Tan Xiao and Ace, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

In an instant, the temperature in the air rose several degrees.

Asek felt something bad. He knelt down and secretly looked behind him, but there was nothing unusual about Ace and Tan Xiao.

At this moment, Thor spoke,

I can't blame you. After all, you don't have the eyes of reality, so it's normal that you can't see it.

Skeleton King Thor looked down at Asek, the death lord named by him personally, who was kneeling in front of him.

But you make me angry, so.

Thor suddenly raised his leg and crushed Asek's hardest skull with one foot, which was also the container of his soul.

In just an instant, the Death Lord was sent back to the End by the Skeleton King.

Eat it.

The Necromancer was trembling with fear at this moment, lowering his head and not daring to say a word, and it was even more afraid to disobey the Skeleton King's order.

The ghost on its body floated out, and like the Necromancer, it shuddered and wrapped around Asek's remains, slowly absorbing it.

From now on, your name is Renn, and you will take over the position of Death Lord Asek.

The Skeleton King turned his head and took out a scarlet gem from his eye socket.

Because you still have doubts and are much more cautious than Asek. Therefore, I gave you the Eye of Truth and you must find that damn human race for me. He has absorbed Ye Ying and must be among the undead.

The necromancer who was given the name Renn took the Eye of Truth tremblingly, his heart full of complicated emotions. Just when it didn't know what to do, the Eye of Reality sank into its soul body and swam directly to its eye sockets.

At that moment, it felt like its vision had been subverted.

The picture in the field of vision suddenly becomes larger and smaller, which is a sign that the eye of truth is adapting. Its sight even penetrated the Skeleton Castle and saw the bustling undead in Quaking Stone City.

The next second, his vision changed, and Ren saw fine textures appearing on the smooth stone slab under his feet. The textures continued to expand like ravines in a valley.

Just when it was still marveling at the ability of the Eye of Truth, it saw Ace and Tan Xiao out of the corner of its eye.

how so?

In its field of vision, Tan Xiao and Ace were almost transparent, not as solid as the remains of Asek that had not been completely absorbed.

Can you see clearly now? These two are not the real ones at all. They are illusions created by one of them using Ye Ying's skill [Bone Slough].

Hearing these words from Skeleton King Thor, Necromancer Ren knelt on the ground again and understood why his immediate boss Asek was killed directly.

However, you have still achieved some results. But Asek must die. I will not allow myself to have such careless subordinates, without even the slightest suspicion.

The Skeleton King was now pacing slowly and returned to the throne.

So, I decided to give you a chance to investigate. Since we can find these two skeletons, it means that at least we have a clue.

At the same time, the bones of Ace and Tan Xiao began to spontaneously ignite, with painful expressions on their faces. Invisible flames began to ignite on their bodies, completely burning their bodies.

Also disappearing are the memories that should have returned to their original form.

This was the first time that Ren saw the Skeleton King's tentacles. Its body knelt down lower, and it knew that this was the power of the Skeleton King's Hellfire.

Your city must have left traces of them. Don't live up to my expectations of you.

With the only red light remaining in Thor's eyes, he looked at Asek, who was about to be digested, and spoke slowly.

Yes! Your Highness Thor!

Ren said goodbye and left, but this time its identity had undergone earth-shaking changes, and it was no longer the unremarkable necromancer.

Every time it steps down, its level will increase by one level. This is because it is constantly absorbing the remains of Asek, and it is also because of the benefits brought by the Eye of Truth in the process of continuous integration with it.

In a certain building in Winter Death Castle, Tan Xiao, who was contemplating the next plan with Ace, suddenly felt something in his heart.

It seems that he was caught by some powerful being.

Tan Xiao had some worry on his face. He had originally wanted to understand the next movements of the undead through the memories transmitted by the bone slough.

But he obviously didn't expect that the memory of his own bone sloughing could not escape.

We have to be more careful next time.

Before Tan Xiao could continue to explain, a being who was also a lich knocked open their door.

I told you not to swim in this muddy water! You didn't get any benefits, you almost didn't tell me where you were, and you got a lot of debt!

The visitor was in agitated mood, and he was obviously familiar with Tan Xiao and the lich transformed by Ace.

It slammed the door, sat down opposite Tan Xiao and Ace, and slapped the staff on the table.

In order to get your identification, I almost had to sacrifice myself!

Looking at this lich, Tan Xiao and Ace looked at each other. They knew that this lich was the partner who helped them obtain identity certificates.

So, Ace stood up and walked to the door.

Huh? Why don't you talk? Hey! What are you doing?

It suddenly noticed something strange about the companion in front of it, and quickly picked up the staff.

What are you going to do? You already know that I bought your debt? Do you want to silence me?

Its mood was extremely excited, as if it had sensed something.

You are really nothing. I treat you as my best friends, you...

The next moment, Tan Xiao revealed his true body, which was the body that still retained a large number of characteristics of Ye Ying's remains. A terrifying aura instantly enveloped the lich,

Now I give you two choices, one is to return to the land of the end, and the other is to accept my name.

At that moment, the Lich seemed to see the aloof God of the Undead in his eyes.

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