Ash Civilization

Chapter 321 Human body splits. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

The cold air rushed down from the top of the head, blowing the clothes, bringing waves of chill.

Zhou Zhen stood expressionlessly among the corpses, his brows furrowed.

He suddenly felt like he was trapped in a hemp rope made of mathematics.

There are many, many knots on this ball of hemp rope.

One after another, a circle within a circle...

After he tried every means to untie a knot, what he got was not the rope that was finally straightened out, but more knots. They are entangled with each other, connected and involved, as if there is no end.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen quickly regained his composure. Tan Wenyu and Tao Nange were not here, so they had to go and join them first.

So, without hesitation, he turned around and walked towards the door of the underground morgue.

The faint light from the mobile phone screen illuminated the beige door panel. Behind the door, the dark red liquid outlined the logo of Ash Order.

The two-headed snake wrapped around the inverted scepter maintained a ferocious posture of spitting out a message. Its four eyes looked straight at Zhou Zhen. The snake's eyes were dark, like the boundless void, and there was an unknown mystery in the strangeness. Deep.

Zhou Zhen glanced at the sign, stretched out his hand to open the door, and walked out.

Once again, he returned to the corridor full of age, dust flying like mist with his footsteps. He walked out of the basement with familiarity and came to the dilapidated factory building.

The skylight shines in through the glassless windows, illuminating the spacious factory building in detail.

Several weeds slowly fell down and then stood up under Zhou Zhen's trampling. In the swaying light and shadow, the young man's figure quickly moved away.


With the rusty door shaft of the iron door groaning, Zhou Zhen walked out of the abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory and looked around.

Skyscrapers rising from the ground, like rolling mountains, surround this long-abandoned factory.

The setting sun hits the glass curtain wall, reflecting a pale golden light, which reflects back to the factory entrance, making the place look particularly majestic and bright.

The surroundings were empty, not a single soul in sight.

Tan Wenyu and Tao Nange are not here.

Zhou Zhen immediately turned his head and looked at the alley diagonally opposite. Even in the daytime, the alley that existed between two high-rise buildings was still inconspicuous. As long as you didn't pay attention, you would ignore it.

He knew that as long as he entered the alley full of garbage and vomit, he should be able to see Tan Wenyu and Tao Nange just like before...

Thinking like this, he subconsciously glanced at the time on his phone, and his body suddenly stiffened.

On the screen, the time was still 15:42, but at some point, all the flesh and blood of his left hand holding the phone faded away, and what appeared in front of him was an arm composed of countless small numbers.

After a brief period of confusion, Zhou Zhen immediately lowered his head and looked at his body. On the right half of his body, everything was as usual, like a normal person; but on the left half, everything became densely packed with numbers, including clothing, all of which were replaced by these numbers. , they are like tiny insects, piled together, squirming slowly, looking extremely scary.

This weird scene was not unfamiliar to Zhou Zhen. He was in this state when his body split into two!


Abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory, underground morgue.

Jingle Bell……

Don't answer!

Just as her phone rang, a familiar voice came. Tao Nange suddenly came back to her senses. She saw that she was standing in a cold and dark morgue, surrounded by empty morgues.

The door is open in the distance, and a section of wall with white top and green bottom is exposed behind the door. The skylight that comes in is like a long sword that cuts through the confusion. Light pours out continuously from inside the door. Countless dust is billowing in the beam of light. Flying.

In front of her, stood Zhou Zhen, and next to him was a very beautiful strange girl. The girl looked very young, and her delicate eyebrows were filled with the childishness and clarity unique to students.

Judging from the girl's subconscious position, she seemed to trust Zhou Zhen beside her. At this moment, the girl was holding a cell phone that was ringing constantly. She looked at Zhou Zhen in a daze, as if she was waiting for him. Next instruction.

Tao Nange frowned slightly. She felt that the scene in front of her was very familiar.

At this moment, the screen of the mobile phone in the hand of the strange young girl went off, and the ringing also ended at the same time. It seemed that the caller had hung up.

The look on the young girl's face was obviously confused, but she didn't say anything and just put away her phone silently.

Just as Tao Nange was about to speak, her own cell phone rang.

Zhou Zhen, standing in front of her, suddenly shouted: Don't answer the phone!

As he finished speaking, Tao Nange took out his cell phone. Just as he was about to hang up the call as Zhou Zhen wanted, he suddenly discovered that the caller number displayed on the screen was from Zhou Zhen!

She suddenly became alert and immediately hung up the phone. At the same time, her feet moved like a ghost, and she quickly stepped back, immediately opening the distance between herself and Zhou Zhen in front of her.

How did you get here... Tao Nange asked immediately, but as soon as the words came out, her brows furrowed even more tightly, and there was that familiar feeling of déjà vu, as if she had experienced this scene just now!

Just as she was thinking about it, Zhou Zhen in front of her suddenly asked: Sister Nan, have you seen No. 009?

Tao Nange came back to her senses. She looked at Zhou Zhen, and the feeling of déjà vu became stronger and stronger.

After thinking about it seriously, she did not question Zhou Zhen's identity this time, and quickly said: This place is not safe, No. 009 may come back at any time.

Let's leave immediately!

With that said, she walked directly outside.

Zhou Zhen and the strange young girl quickly followed.

Step, step, step...

The three of them walked through the old corridors, walked through the dust into the factory building on the ground, and walked through the weeds out of the yard, finally leaving this long-abandoned machinery factory.

Standing next to the incomplete Jinsheng Machinery Factory sign and looking at the familiar street scene in front of her, Tao Nange took a deep breath of fresh air and felt how weak her body was now. She immediately asked Zhou Zhen: Do you want to replenish your energy? ‘Digital’ food?”

As soon as this question came out of his mouth, Tao Nange felt extremely familiar again.

She seems to have asked Zhou Zhen this question!

Moreover, Zhou Zhen didn’t bring anything to eat...

However, before she could continue to think about it, Zhou Zhen beside her quickly replied: Yes!

As he spoke, he raised his hand, dug out his left eye directly from the socket, and handed it to Tao Nange.

Eat it!

This energy is very high!

If it's not enough, there are more over there.

As Zhou Zhen spoke, he pointed at the strange girl next to him.

The strange girl had been following Zhou Zhen. When she saw Zhou Zhen suddenly gouging out her eyes, she was stunned. But soon, the words behind her made her come back to her senses. The young and beautiful woman The child's unique peach blossom face turned pale in an instant!

At this time, Tao Nange also realized something was wrong. She immediately wanted to refuse, but found that her body suddenly refused to obey her orders, and she actually reached out her hand to take the food given by Zhou Zhen!

Tao Nange was shocked. She tried her best to resist, but she could only slow down her movements a little, but she still couldn't stop them from continuing.

At the same time, Zhou Zhen's body had undergone tremendous changes in front of her. The left half of his body still maintained its normal state, but on the right half of his body, countless squirming figures appeared out of thin air, swallowing up all the original flesh and blood. , then replace the flesh and bones, and merge into an outline that is symmetrical with the left half of the body.

At this moment, Zhou Zhen's left eye was gouged out on the left side of his normal body. The eye socket was dark, and blood gurgled down his cheek, quickly wetting the clothes on this side and dripping to the ground.

And his right hand, which was composed purely of numbers, was spread out in the air, holding a bloody eyeball in the palm of his hand.

Tao Nange's pupils suddenly opened slightly, and he immediately thought of No. 017 who fought with him not long ago!

The state of No. 017 at that time was that his whole body had turned into countless tiny numbers, and only one organ in each body was normal!

And now, Zhou Zhen is also in such a situation!

This is a trap set by No. 009!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange immediately looked at the frightened strange girl and said with great difficulty: away...


At the entrance of the abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory, only Zhou Zhen stood alone in the open space, with no other person in sight.

Looking at the left half of his body covered with numbers, he looked very solemn.

Without hesitation, Zhou Zhen immediately opened the photo album on his mobile phone and checked the photos in the photo album.

Pictures of young and beautiful figures flew by quickly under his control.

The girls in the photos are all the same as before, without any changes or abnormalities.

After making sure that he had no mental problems, Zhou Zhen carefully recalled his previous experiences, trying to find the cause of his physical problems.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a heartbreaking pain coming from the position of his left eye!

The next moment, his field of vision became very narrow, as if his left eye was completely covered. In the remaining field of vision, it was difficult to judge the distance. At this moment, only his right eye could be used normally.

Zhou Zhen reached out and touched the position of his left eye. The left half of his body was now made up of numbers. The position of the left eye was smooth and there was no trace of any wound.

“Last time Sister Nan was seriously injured, ‘Digital Rain’ asked me to give my ‘digits’ to Sister Nan, so that I could save Sister Nan’s life.”

Then, half of my body is mine, and the other half is given to Sister Nan...

This time, I did not share my 'digits', but what my 'digital rain' can do, a life form of advanced civilization like No. 009 must also be able to do it!

Half of my body must have been forcibly separated!

Now, my left eye hurts, but this half of my body is not injured.

This should be the other half of my body that was separated. Something happened!

Zhou Zhen thought quickly in his mind. He didn't know how No. 009 did it, but the most important thing now was to get his other half back!

Of course, the normal method will definitely not work.

Because he doesn't know where the other half of his body is now?

However, he had experience in this area when he and Tao Nange were at the Yulan isolation point!

As soon as Digital Rain starts class, the other half of his body will be forcibly pulled into the classroom!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen lay down directly on the ground without hesitation, then closed his eyes and started to sleep.


Incandescent lights were shining down from overhead, the noise of the electric fan was humming rhythmically, and from time to time, I could hear the whispers and laughter of classmates, as well as the sounds of chasing and fighting.

Zhou Zhen raised his head and immediately saw Ji Xuexun next to the desk.

She was still wearing the mint green chiffon dress, with long hair like a waterfall and picturesque eyebrows.

At this moment, Ji Xuexun lowered her head slightly. Between the scattered hair, she could see her blushing cheeks and evasive eyes. She seemed to be very shy. She held a love letter with a pink gradient and a big red heart printed on it in both hands and handed it to Zhou Zhen shyly. .

There is also a faint sweet smell of strawberry cream in the love letter.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen was suddenly startled. Ji Xuexun's love letter had already been taken away by Digital Rain, so why is it there again?

But soon, he realized that he had previously used [Nightmare Mirror] to mirror Ji Xuexun, and promised Ji Xuexun that he could consider the other party's love letter...

The new love letter in Ji Xuexun's hand should be related to his promise.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. In the past, Ji Xuexun's love letter would have been a very troublesome thing for him, but now...

Classmate Ji... Zhou Zhen spoke immediately, preparing to PUA Ji Xuexun directly, but at this moment...

The front door of the classroom was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a familiar figure strode in.

The other person is a very ordinary middle-aged man, wearing a yellowed white shirt and gray jeans, looking ordinary.

It was the earliest math teacher!

The moment the teacher appeared, all the students in the classroom immediately returned to their seats.

The classroom, which had been lively and cheerful just now, was completely silent for a moment. Most of the students had even reached for their pencil cases and opened their notebooks at the same time, ready to start class.

However, the math teacher in front of him was empty-handed. He did not bring the lesson plan that he brought with him every time he came to class, and he did not walk towards the podium.

He paid no attention to the others and walked directly to Zhou Zhen's desk, looking down at him.

Zhou Zhen also raised his head and looked at the math teacher in front of him.

He has two drops of Digital Rain. The first drop of Digital Rain was obtained before the operation of Ash Order and came from the school in the suburbs of Binhai City; the second drop of Digital Rain was obtained from Fudi Amusement Park in Tongfu City.

The math teacher who came to see him now was the first drop of digital rain!

However, it’s a bit strange. The bell hasn’t rang yet, so why did “Digital Rain” enter the classroom directly?

Just as he was thinking about it, the middle-aged male math teacher in front of him started speaking.

follow me!

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