Ash Civilization

Chapter 320 The phone rings. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

The wind came from a distance, slowly blowing the sycamore branches and leaves, and the buildings with white walls and black tiles were glimpsed in the gaps. Various retro-style signboards were hidden in the lush green shade, meandering away.

Small blackboards with promotional posters drawn with colored chalk are placed in groups of twos and threes at the entrance of the store.

The shadows of the whirling trees are scattered all over the ground, and the green brick paved ground creates a sense of story.

At the end of the alley diagonally opposite, the fountain continued to spray, and the jumping water droplets formed a rainbow of light in mid-air, covering the logo of Jiwei Cinema.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple filled the sky, covering the already magnificent cinema with a layer of gorgeous gauze.

Zhou Zhen stood at the entrance of this famous pedestrian street in Binhai City. Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu followed him closely, waiting for his next move.

After a brief silence, Zhou Zhen looked at the luxurious Jiwei Cinema in the distance but did not move forward.

In the previous plot, Xie Qiongning launched the Digital Forest, [Prisoner's Chamber], to block the influence of Horror Zombies.

Xie Qiongning is just an experimental subject of human civilization, and he can have a digital forest.

As a life form of advanced civilization, it is not surprising that No. 009 has one or even several digital forests!

Yes, this is what he felt was wrong just now!

When he and Tan Wenyu entered the underground morgue just now, what they actually entered was not Tao Nange's plot at all, but the digital forest left there by No. 009!

From the moment he walked out of the underground morgue with Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu, everything they experienced was no longer the plot of the digital forest of Horror Zombies, but the digital forest of No. 009. Things in the Digital Forest!

In addition, the underground morgue located in the basement of the abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory was the place where he first woke up.

Zhou Zhen remembered the situation very clearly: he had a dream about a math test, and when he woke up, he appeared in a dark underground morgue;

After leaving the underground morgue, I met Tao Nange for the first time in a garbage-filled alley diagonally across from the abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory;

Then, he was taken home by his father Zhou Jianqiang;

The next day, Zhou Jianqiang’s colleague, Uncle He Xinjie and his assistant came to the door, informed him of Zhou Jianqiang’s death, and took him to the Public Security Bureau to retrieve Zhou Jianqiang’s belongings;

When he returned home again, he met three gangsters who came to collect debts;

On the same day, he infected the three gangsters and escaped to Jiwei Cinema...

His experience just now after escaping from the underground morgue in the abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory was very similar to this memory!

They all escaped from the underground morgue, went through Yaxinyuan, and finally came to the door of Jiwei Cinema.

Throughout this incident, Tao Nange remained unchanged, but the anti-riot mecha following Tao Nange was changed to Tan Wenyu.

Zhou Jianqiang's death and going to the Public Security Bureau to retrieve Zhou Jianqiang's belongings did not appear.

Other than that, everything was a repeat of what he had experienced.

The digital forest of Jiwei Cinema incorporates the underground morgue in the abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory into the plot of the movie, making the underground morgue a part of the movie;

The digital forest of No. 009 uses his real experience to turn the Jiwei Cinema into a part of the digital forest of the underground morgue in the abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory.

This is the mutual devouring between two digital forests!

No. 009 wants to change the order of these two digital forests!

If his guess was correct, as long as he walked into the Jiwei Cinema now, he would have completed all the routes in the Digital Forest No. 009.

Not only will he not enter the next movie plot, but he will let No. 009 swallow up the digital forest of Jiwei Cinema!

By then, No. 009 will have all the control over Jiwei Cinema. Even if his other personalities come out, it will be difficult to find a way to survive!

At this time, seeing that Zhou Zhen had not moved, Tao Nange beside him immediately asked: What's wrong?

Zhou Zhen came back to his senses, looked at Tao Nange, and quickly asked: Sister Nan, how did you get trapped in that underground morgue at that time?

Tao Nange did not hesitate and immediately replied: I received a call at the Yulan isolation point. The caller was my former captain No. 017.

After the call was connected, I appeared directly in the underground morgue.

The next step is the battle between me and former captain No. 017.

The battle was repeated many times, and every time the battle ended, it would enter the next cycle.

Every time the cycle starts, I lose all my previous memories and think I have just arrived in that underground morgue.

Until you entered the underground morgue just now.

Zhou Zhen listened carefully. After Tao Nange finished speaking, he asked: Sister Nan, why did you shoot yourself at that time?

Tao Nange explained briefly: I don't want to be like Captain No. 017, who is not only divided into countless parts, but also forced to deal with my former companions.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and immediately frowned.

Seeing this, Tao Nange immediately asked: Is there something wrong?

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. The Digital Forest of Jiwei Cinema is composed of Chu Jingyan's Digital Domain and Wei Jiachuan's Digital Domain.

And the digital forest at No. 009...

Tao Nange lost his memory many times during the battle with No. 017. The Digital Forest of No. 009 was built using Tao Nange's memory!

This is why, after No. 009 trapped Tao Nange, he didn’t directly take away all of Tao Nange’s “digits”!

This is also the reason why Zhou Jianqiang’s death and Zhou Zhen’s trip to the Public Security Bureau to retrieve Zhou Jianqiang’s belongings did not appear in this “digital forest”!

It's because Tao Nange doesn't have these two memories!

Now that he wants to leave this digital forest, there is actually a very simple way...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately shook his head, did not continue thinking, and said quickly: We are no longer in the 'Digital Forest' of Jiwei Cinema, but are trapped in a new 'Digital Forest' by No. 009 inside.

Now we have to find a way to get back to the underground morgue just now!

You can't go forward or back. No matter which direction you go now, you will only get closer to the Jiwei Cinema!

Hearing this, Tao Nange thought for a while and said quickly: I know too little information now, so I don't know what is going on.

However, if it is determined that the location of this 'digital forest' is in the underground morgue, we can think of a way to contact the headquarters of the ghost team.

As long as it's related to No. 009, the Ghost Team headquarters will definitely mobilize the highest-level compatibility to come over for reinforcements.

Contact the Ghost Team's headquarters...

Zhou Zhen frowned slightly. All the calls they made now would be intercepted by number 009...


That was just now, in the movie Zombies!

But now, they and No. 009 are located in two different digital forests, and their phone calls may no longer be affected!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately said: Try calling first, but I want to make sure that the call will not be intercepted by No. 009.

As he said that, he turned to look at Tan Wenyu, Call my number now and see if I can pick it up.

Hearing Zhou Zhen talking to herself, Tan Wenyu nodded quickly, then took out her mobile phone and asked hesitantly: Brother Zhou, what is your number?

Zhou Zhen reported his number without hesitation.

The reason why he asked Tan Wenyu to call him instead of Tao Nange was because just now he couldn't control Tao Nange's mobile phone with [Airdrop Trojan], but he could control Tan Wenyu's mobile phone.

In this way, if something goes wrong in the next test, he can use the [Airdrop Trojan] to force a stop.

After getting Zhou Zhen's number, Tan Wenyu immediately saved it and then dialed the number.

The next moment, Zhou Zhen heard his cell phone ringing.

Jingle Bell……

Zhou Zhen was sure that his guess was correct. No. 009 could not cross the two digital forests and intercept their call!

However, just when he was about to answer the call, he suddenly found that his mobile phone had disappeared again!

Zhou Zhen immediately reached into his pocket and started looking for his cell phone, but he could clearly see where to put things all over his body, but he couldn't find the cell phone that was still ringing.

Just when he inadvertently raised his head, he found that his eyes were empty. Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu had both disappeared!

He was the only one on the retro-style, clean and tidy pedestrian street.

Blah blah blah...blah blah blah...

The wind seemed to be getting stronger, and the branches and leaves of the sycamore tree were swaying faster and faster, creating a movement that was almost like water flow.

The mottled light and shadow began to swim and turbulence in a large scale, like a rapidly rotating ball of light in a nightclub.

Soon, the surrounding environment, as if using special shooting techniques, quickly zoomed out, blurred, and rotated...

Jingle bell…jingle bell…

The scene is like an ink painting on a rainy day, blurred and reorganized in the mist of water. The only clear thing is that the ringtone of the mobile phone is getting louder and louder.

Zhou Zhen woke up suddenly and found himself lying in darkness, the temperature was very low, and the air-conditioning hit his face.

The metal beneath him, similar to the bed, was bone-chilling. He quickly looked around, but all he saw was a curtain-like darkness. There was no light source here, and he couldn't even discern the outline of the surroundings.

Jingle bell…jingle bell…

The ringtone of the cell phone continued. Zhou Zhen turned over and sat up, groping towards the side following the sound. Soon, his fingertips touched a bit of familiar coldness, which was the unique coldness of metal in low-temperature environments. It seemed to be about to The cold breath traveled along the skin and penetrated into the blood and bone marrow.

Zhou Zhen reached out and groped around on the cold shelf, and then touched some clothes, which were also filled with coolness. After some rustling sounds, he took out a cell phone from his clothes that was still ringing.

Jingle bells...the bells echoed in the darkness.

With the dim light of the mobile phone screen, he saw the mortuary in front of him. The silver-white metal tubes were roughly welded together to form a style similar to a simple bed. The wheels below had been locked to prevent the mortuary from sliding. die.

Around him, there were identical morgues everywhere, arranged as neatly as shelves in a shopping mall.

Except for the empty morgue where he lay, there were corpses with spots on them lying on the other shelves. Each corpse's head was covered tightly with a black plastic bag.

They look like the fruits about to be harvested from the branches of fruit trees. In order to prevent damage from insects and birds, they are specially protected with opaque bags.

Judging from the bodies of the corpses, there were men, women, old and young, and their clothes were different. All the corpses were intact in appearance, without any damage.

They lie there quietly, like merchandise that has been sorted and ready for customers to review.

Looking at this familiar scene, Zhou Zhen lowered his head and looked at the mobile phone in his hand. This mobile phone was no longer the old one in the morgue, but his special mobile phone issued by the Binhai City Special Operations Brigade. .

At this moment, the caller ID on the mobile phone screen is no longer an unknown number, but a series of unfamiliar mobile phone numbers, belonging to Binhai City.

Zhou Zhen glanced at the number and was about to answer it, but the call stopped abruptly and hung up automatically.

Looking at the missed calls displayed in the address book, Zhou Zhen frowned suddenly. This was another experience he had when he woke up from the morgue!

The only difference from before is that the mobile phone has changed and the incoming calls have also changed...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately called up the number he had just called. He had just asked Tan Wenyu to call his number. The call coming from a strange Binhai City should be Tan Wenyu's mobile phone number.

While thinking, Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate and immediately called back.

He has now roughly determined that as long as No. 009 is trapped in the digital forest of Jiwei Cinema, their calls cannot be intercepted.

It is safe for me to call Tan Wenyu's number now!


However, as soon as the call tone rang, the phone was immediately hung up.

Zhou Zhen frowned, thought for a while, and then dialed Tao Nange's number.


A call tone came from the handset of the mobile phone, but it only rang two more times and was also hung up.

Zhou Zhen wanted to continue playing again, but suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly froze.

When he took Tan Wenyu into the underground morgue just now, Tan Wenyu received his call, and he used the [Airdrop Trojan] to control the phone to hang up; then, Tao Nange also received his call, and finally he also Hang up at his request...

The time sequence and intervals between these two phone calls were exactly the same as the two phone calls he made just now!

The first two calls Tan Wenyu and Tao Nange received were not calls from No. 009, but calls from him in another dimension!

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