Ash Civilization

Chapter 322 School starts. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen was startled. This was the first time that Digital Rain asked him to do anything else besides class!

He quickly came to his senses, thought about it, and nodded immediately: Okay!

With that said, Zhou Zhen quickly stood up and prepared to follow the math teacher, but as soon as he took a step out of his seat, he instantly returned to his original seat!

Zhou Zhen was slightly surprised, but he immediately understood what was going on... Digital Rain was now in the classroom, so all the students in the classroom were forced to sit in their seats!

These are the rules of this classroom!

However, it is a bit strange that the second drop of digital rain did not leave the classroom immediately during the end of get out of class, but other students in the classroom were able to move around freely...

Just as he was thinking about it, the math teacher repeated for the second time: Follow me!

Zhou Zhen frowned. He wanted to follow the other person, but now he couldn't leave his seat as long as the other person was still in the classroom!

After thinking quickly for a few seconds, Zhou Zhen suddenly recalled the memory of when he got this drop of digital rain...

In that memory, he completed the exam, and then when the math teacher came to collect the papers, he suddenly grabbed the other person's arm...

But now, the position where the math teacher is standing and the direction he is facing are exactly the same as when he was collecting the papers!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately reached out and grabbed the math teacher's arm just like he did in his memory at that time.

The moment he caught the math teacher, the appearance of the middle-aged human male in front of him, wearing a yellowish white shirt, gray suit trousers, and a middle-aged human male, changed instantly. His whole body, hair, flesh, clothing, shoes... All turned into tiny numbers.

Countless figures pile up the outline of a human figure, slowly squirming and entangled.

This math teacher transformed into a real number rain in the blink of an eye!

At the same time, when Zhou Zhen saw that the math teacher had no other reaction, he immediately felt certain, stood up and walked out of his seat.

This time, he was not affected by the rules and was not forced back to his seat.

Seeing Zhou Zhen walking out of his seat, the math teacher immediately turned around and walked out of the classroom.

Zhou Zhen followed closely behind.

The math teacher quickly came to the front door of the classroom, opened the door, and walked out.

Outside the door is a familiar corridor. Since there are classrooms on both sides, only the end has windows for lighting. It looks spacious and gloomy. Thick dust fills the air, and the fresh air mixed with vegetation rushes into the nose.

Step, step, step...

Footsteps echoed down the corridor.

The math teacher took Zhou Zhen and walked in one direction.

Just as he was passing by the former high school class 7 classroom next to him, Zhou Zhen turned his head and took a look at the situation inside. The curtains were tightly drawn, and the whole classroom seemed very dark. The tables and chairs were still arranged as neatly as before. , there were two boxes of chalk on the podium, the blackboard was wiped clean, and the room was full of the smell of chalk dust.

However, this classroom is empty now.

Zhou Zhen looked away calmly. When Tao Nange used his other half, he was in this high school grade 7 class.

As soon as class starts, Tao Nange will be forced into this classroom.

And now, his body is showing symptoms of splitting again, so it should be the same.

However, it's not class time yet...

Thinking like this, Zhou Zhen suddenly asked: Teacher, do you want to help me?

The math teacher didn't reply, just led Zhou Zhen and walked forward.

Footsteps pounded along the corridor.

Soon, they reached the stairs. The terrazzo stairs were covered with dust, and there were some stationery, books and other garbage thrown in the corner.

The stairs wind down, and skylight shines in from the side windows, casting light and shadow on the terrazzo, outlining chaotic lines. Standing on the seventh floor and looking down, due to design reasons, the parts below the fifth floor seem to be hidden in darkness, leading to some unknown place.

At this time, Zhou Zhen asked again: Teacher, where are we going now?

The math teacher still didn't respond and walked directly downstairs.

Ta, tap, tap...

The math teacher walked down the stairs unhurriedly, and Zhou Zhen followed calmly.

The corridor was extremely quiet, and the footsteps of the two of them were like pebbles thrown into a pond, and each step seemed to create invisible ripples.

After a while, they went down to the first floor and looked at the dry fountain in front of the teaching building. Zhou Zhen asked again: Teacher, when is the next class?

This time, the math teacher finally spoke: After the break, class will begin.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned slightly. This first drop of digital rain seemed to only answer questions related to class!

While thinking, the math teacher led Zhou Zhen out of the teaching building, bypassed the fountain at the door, and walked along the main road surrounded by sparse crape myrtle trees toward the school gate.

The flower bed that had not been taken care of for a long time is now full of weeds. The original flowers and trees have struggled to poke out a corner, showing off their beauty different from wild flowers and weeds in the varying shades of green.

The previously neat floor tiles are now one foot deep and one foot shallow, with long and short grass blades in the gaps.

Zhou Zhen followed the math teacher for a while. He saw that the math teacher seemed to be taking him out of the school. He was about to ask something else. The math teacher looked around the deserted campus and suddenly said: School has started. What's next? Recruit more new students and new teachers.”

While they were talking, they had already arrived at the school gate. The rusty iron gate opened automatically, and the wind rushed in from outside the school, bringing the unique freshness of the fields.

The math teacher walked out of the school without hesitation.

Behind him, Zhou Zhen showed a look of confusion. Was this first drop of digital rain going to take him out to recruit new students? Moreover, we need to recruit teachers?

He knew that the new students would enter the classroom where he was as long as they were life forms killed by him, whether they were infected or compatible.

But the new teacher…

Only Digital Rain can become the teacher in that classroom!

Is the first drop of digital rain trying to capture No. 009?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen suddenly thought of something and immediately asked: Teacher, the person outside just said to me, 'I found you.'

Did you say that to the teacher?

At this time, the teacher had already led Zhou Zhen out of the school gate. Outside was a spacious but deserted road, with long-abandoned wilderness on both sides. There were lush vegetation far and near. You could clearly see the weeds on the side of the school. Some traces of ruins.

There is also an old camphor tree with only half of its crown left, standing quietly in the field, spreading its branches and leaves.

I don’t know if it’s because he has left school. Although Zhou Zhen’s question has nothing to do with the class, the math teacher still nodded and said, “It’s for us.”


Does this first drop of digital rain mean he and the first drop of digital rain?

Or the first drop of digital rain and the second drop of digital rain?

Just as he was thinking about it, the math teacher led Zhou Zhen onto the road and strode forward. Not long after, they turned a corner.

Just as they turned the corner, the scene ahead changed, and a familiar abandoned factory appeared in front of them.

The rusty iron gate, the signboard with incomplete handwriting, overgrown weeds, and the factory building without glass... it is the original Jinsheng Machinery Factory!

Zhou Zhen was stunned. The first drop of digital rain brought him from his dream to the digital forest No. 009?

He kept holding on to the math teacher's arm and didn't dare to let go.

At this moment, he saw the math teacher walking directly into the factory, and he quickly followed.

After walking through the iron gate, stepping over the weeds, entering the factory building, and walking down the stairs... After passing through the chronological corridor, Zhou Zhen followed the math teacher and once again came to the large building leading to the underground morgue. in front of the door.

The math teacher walked in front. He did not reach out to push the door. However, as he approached, the door opened spontaneously.

A blast of cold air suddenly hit my face.

The math teacher walked directly in. Inside was the same as before, with neat morgues and corpses with black plastic bags covering their heads.

This scene was no different from what Zhou Zhen had just seen.


The sound of footsteps is particularly distant in the empty environment.

As the two people entered, the environment of the underground morgue began to change rapidly. All the morgues and the corpses on them turned into a mass of black and white horizontal and vertical lines that were constantly dancing.

They are like the signals of an old television set, constantly merging and reorganizing in rapid flashes.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of identical figures appeared all around.

These figures are all shrouded in the ghost suit. The appearance of the suit is very recognizable. The scorpion tail-like shape winds down from the shoulders and arms, forming ferocious animal heads on the back of the hands.

However, almost all of the exposed parts of these figures were turned into squirming figures.

In every body, only one organ is normal!

Some are left eyes, some are noses, some are mouths...

At this moment, all the figures turned their heads and looked towards Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen frowned, it was ghost No. 017!

The other party was actually divided into so many parts!

At this time, the math teacher stopped. Under his feet, countless small numbers spread rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it was like a new lake. More numbers overflowed from the lake, eroding away in all directions like water.

They spread like electricity, like a swarm of ants attacking a city.

The numbers as tiny as ants seemed to be endless, and in the blink of an eye they enveloped the entire underground morgue.

The ceiling, pipes, air coolers, walls, load-bearing columns, the floor... are all densely packed with numbers, slowly moving like living creatures.

All ghost numbers 017 are also covered by the numbers of the math teacher.

Soon, this carnival of numbers ended, and all the numbers, like well-trained worker ants, meandered back into the body of the math teacher.

But the entire underground morgue has been turned into a classroom with bright windows and neat tables and chairs.

There were only Zhou Zhen and the math teacher in the classroom, and the dozens of ghosts No. 017 who had been surrounding them all disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the math teacher turned around and walked out the door.

Zhou Zhen followed immediately.


Dengming District, formerly Jinsheng Machinery Factory.

The entrance to the abandoned factory.

In the open space, Tao Nange looked at Zhou Zhen in front of him. The left half of his body was still normal, while the right half of his body was full of numbers.

The strange young girl who hadn't had time to ask her whereabouts had been following Zhou Zhen closely, showing a horrified expression at this moment.

At the same time, Zhou Zhen was using his completely digital right hand to hold the eyeball that had just been dug out from the left eye socket and handed it to Tao Nange.

Tao Nange was extremely vigilant, but his body reached out uncontrollably and grabbed the eyeball. away...

Tao Nange's lips moved, and he shouted to the strange young girl with great difficulty.

Tan Wenyu's hands and feet were cold and her face was pale. When she heard Tao Nange's voice, she suddenly came back to her senses, subconsciously turned around and ran away. After running two steps in a panic, she immediately stopped.

Her whole body was trembling slightly. Although she was very scared, at this moment, she mustered up all her courage, suddenly came to her senses, and ran in the direction of Tao Nange!

The distance between the two was not far. Tan Wenyu quickly ran to Tao Nange's side, then picked up the small silver-white pistol on Tao Nange's body and pointed it at Zhou Zhen, whose right half of the body was covered with numbers.

Her arms were shaking violently, and her muzzle couldn't stop moving. Her expression was full of fear, and she shouted without confidence: Zhou, Brother Zhou, take your eyes back, or I, I will shoot...

Before Tan Wenyu finished speaking, the pistol in her hand suddenly turned into a complex mass of numbers, formulas, and theorems... and then in an instant, it reformed into a heavy sniper with a full mechanical feel.

Before the girl from an art school could realize what was happening, the heavy sniper automatically opened the safety, loaded the gun, and fired directly!

This is Tao Nange's digital domain, [weapon structure]!

boom! ! !


The silver-white bullet roared out of the barrel and shot towards Zhou Zhen, whose right half of the body was covered with numbers. However, the next moment, it was firmly blocked by a translucent energy barrier.

Digital Domain, [Geometric Barrier]!

But at this moment, the bullet that was deflected by the [Geometric Barrier] instantly transformed into Tao Nange, and Tao Nange, who had just been standing in front of Zhou Zhen and couldn't help himself, disappeared from the place.

well done!

When his body regained its freedom, Tao Nange immediately praised him, and then as soon as he landed on the ground, he quickly took Tan Wenyu's arm and kept him away from Zhou Zhen!

However, the two of them had not run a few steps when a strong resistance suddenly came from the soles of their feet, pinning their bodies firmly in place, making them unable to move any further.

Looking down, he saw that the sneakers on their feet, which were originally easy to move around, suddenly turned into two pairs of silver strappy high heels!

Digital Domain, [Free Will]!

Tao Nange's expression changed. She didn't know what kind of personality Zhou Zhen had come out this time, but his current digital energy was much higher than hers!

Not to mention that she is still bringing an ordinary person with her, even if Tan Wenyu is a Fifth Step compatibility like her, two Fifth Step compatibility will have no chance of winning if they join forces!

Zhou Zhen! Wake up! Tao Nange shouted immediately.

Zhou Zhen, whose right half was full of numbers, was indifferent. His arm that still had normal flesh and blood was casually inserted into his trouser pocket. The arm made purely of numbers held the bloody eye firmly, and he strode towards Tao Nange. Come.

Tao Nange still wanted to struggle, but when her eyes touched the terrifying eyeball covered in blood, she suddenly felt as if she had discovered some extremely rare treasure, and she couldn't look away at all.

Tan Wenyu next to her was also staring unblinkingly at the eye that should have been very scary to ordinary people. She was completely absorbed in it and could not think about anything else.

Digital Domain, [Visual Focus]!

Tao Nange's heart was full of warning signs, his muscles were tense all over, and he felt a sense of crisis, but for a moment, he could do nothing.

At this critical moment, gurgling blood suddenly appeared on the ground, flowing vertically and horizontally, and soon the ground at the entrance of the factory was completely submerged.

The blood flowed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it spread to the feet of the three people.

In an instant, Zhou Zhen, whose right half of his body was covered with numbers, suddenly became very slow.

Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu's vision returned to normal instantly, and the high heels they were forced to wear returned to their previous shoes.

Tao Nange immediately looked up and saw a familiar figure walking out of the abandoned factory on the overgrown concrete road.

The left half of the opponent's body was made purely of numbers, while the right half of his body was made of normal flesh and blood.

It's Zhou Zhen!

Zhou Zhen, the other half!

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