Ash Civilization

Chapter 319 Returning to the old place. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Zhou Zhen quickly calmed down and carefully recalled all the details just now.

After entering the abandoned former Jinsheng Machinery Factory in front of them, Tan Wenyu and Tao Nange received calls from No. 009 respectively. After hanging up, Tao Nange confirmed his identity with him, the two parties exchanged information, and then walked out... …

The whole process, every link, was very normal.

Compared with the previous plots, there is not much difference.

But why didn't time jump?

What went wrong?

Jingle Bell……

Just as he was thinking about it, the familiar ringtone of his cell phone suddenly rang, as if it was someone calling him.

Zhou Zhen frowned. If you call him at this time, it must be number 009!

Tan Wenyu was the first to receive the call just now, then Tao Nange, and now it's his turn...

So, Zhou Zhen was about to hang up the phone immediately, but as soon as the idea came to his mind, he found that the mobile phone he was holding in his hand had been placed somewhere casually, and he couldn't find it for a while.

Zhou Zhen quickly rummaged through his pockets. The clothes he was wearing were very simple, a T-shirt and denim trousers. The T-shirt had no bag and couldn't hold anything at all.

Logically speaking, there are only four pockets of jeans, and you can touch them all in the blink of an eye.

But for some reason, he couldn't find his phone no matter how hard he looked for it.

Jingle bell…jingle bell…

The call ring on the unoperated mobile phone continued to ring.

After searching and searching, Zhou Zhen suddenly realized that something was wrong. The surroundings were empty. Tan Wenyu, who had been following him step by step, just like Tao Nange, just lowered his head and disappeared out of thin air!

At this moment, he was the only one left at the gate of the faded and dilapidated Jinsheng Machinery Factory.

Zhou Zhen's face changed, and he looked at the abandoned factory in front of him again. The iron door was slowly peeling off rust in the wind. Weeds were growing behind the door, swaying wantonly in the wind. The factory building without glass was quietly creeping, and there was deep darkness behind the doors and windows. , like a dormant giant beast.

Jingle Bell……

The ringtone of the mobile phone is getting louder and louder, as if it is urging something. As the ringtone continues, the surrounding environment gradually begins to become blurred and turbulent.

Just like the technique in movie shooting, the scene that is clearly close at hand is instantly zoomed out into a blurry color block, without outlines or lines, and finally blurs into chaos.

Jingle bell bell… bell bell bell…

The next moment, Zhou Zhen opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes were filled with darkness. He felt as if he was lying on a cold bed.

The temperature around me was so low that my arms felt like ice cubes when they touched the edge of the bed.

The familiar cell phone ringtone is still ringing.

Zhou Zhen subconsciously reached out and touched the bedside. His fingers were cold, but he didn't touch the phone.

He immediately got out of bed and found a mobile phone on the table next to him. At this time, the caller ID: unknown number kept jumping on the screen of the mobile phone.

Just when Zhou Zhen saw this caller ID line, the phone hung up automatically, probably because he hadn't answered it for too long.

Zhou Zhen was suddenly in a daze.

Two seconds later, he quickly came to his senses and immediately turned on the flashlight function on his phone to shine around.

This is a vast space, and the darkness recedes like a tide under the dazzling light, but there is no intention of showing the boundaries. In the areas that cannot be reached by light, there are obviously more places that have not been revealed.

The area that can be illuminated by the mobile phone flashlight is like the shelves in a shopping mall. There are morgues welded with silver-white metal neatly arranged. On each morgue, there is a corpse lying on it.

Judging from the clothes and body shape of the corpses, there are men, women, old and young, and the clothes are also different. No external injuries could be seen on the surface of the corpse. There were patches of corpse spots on the few exposed skins such as the back of the hands.

The strange thing is that their heads were covered tightly with a black plastic bag.

Zhou Zhen looked at the corpses and felt something was wrapped around his neck. He turned his phone and looked at himself. He immediately saw a torn black plastic bag hanging like a rag around his neck. Following his sudden movement, there was a rustling sound.

A familiar situation, a familiar process... This was the scene when he woke up from this underground morgue!

Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned. The two-dimensional world in his eyes had become three-dimensional again!

This seems to be no longer the movie world of Horror Zombies!

Realizing this, he didn't hesitate and immediately took out a sharp knife in his right hand.

After standing there for a few seconds, Zhou Zhen didn't find any danger. He immediately looked at the corpse on the morgue next to him, and then lightly slashed with the knife in his hand. Silently, he cut open the plastic covering the other person's head. bag.

Inside the plastic bag was a face of mixed green and white. He looked to be in his forties, with thick eyebrows and a wide mouth. His skin was very rough, with obvious signs of exposure to the sun and rain.

He looks like a common middle-aged man on the street who works outdoors.

Zhou Zhen then walked towards the morgue on the other side. He continued to open the plastic bag of the second body. Inside this bag was a young man in his twenties with sparse eyebrows, a high nose bridge and slanted lips. Thick, with some pimples on the cheeks and chin, no obvious professional features.

Next, the third, fourth...

After a while, Zhou Zhen moved faster and faster. He had opened all the plastic bags on the heads of all the corpses in the morgue, but Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu were not found.

Standing in front of the last corpse and looking at the unfamiliar old man's face inside, Zhou Zhen frowned slightly and immediately picked up his phone.

This mobile phone is not the internal mobile phone that was officially allocated to him before, but the strange mobile phone he got in the morgue in his memory.

Zhou Zhen stared at the mobile phone in his hand. The mobile phone instantly turned into a bunch of numbers, formulas, and symbols... It quickly reorganized, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a familiar mobile phone, the same mobile phone he had before!

At this time, the time was swimming quietly on the phone screen, still 15:42.

The wallpaper on the phone is Tan Wenyu, and the background behind her is the entrance to the abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory.

Digital Domain, [Dimension Conversion]!

After confirming Tan Wenyu's location, Zhou Zhen immediately walked towards the door of the morgue without further delay.

Soon, he walked out of the long-abandoned factory and returned to the doorway outside the dilapidated iron gate.

This is also the place where he, Tao Nange, and Tan Wenyu were after they came out just now.

The door was empty, not a single soul in sight.

Zhou Zhen stopped and looked at his phone again. There was no change in the time on the screen, it was still 15:42.

The mobile phone wallpaper is exactly the same as before, except that Tan Wenyu on the wallpaper is not here!

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and wanted to call Tao Nange directly, but he gave up the idea as soon as he mentioned it. He still hasn't figured out what the situation is, and the call will probably go to 009!

After thinking about it seriously, Zhou Zhen immediately used the Digital Domain, [Hidden Eavesdropping], and began to eavesdrop on all the movements around him.

Bah, bah, bah... bah...

The next moment, a chaotic sound of electric current poured into his ears.

Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate and immediately walked towards the direction where the sound of electric current came from.

He quickly walked into a small alley diagonally across from Jinsheng Machinery Factory. This alley was located between two skyscrapers. Due to the squeeze of the tall buildings on the space, it looked very cramped. There was no one in the alley, and various items were thrown on the ground. There are all kinds of garbage, and the lid of the trash can in the corner is filled with all kinds of rotten vegetable leaves, fruits, and takeaways.

There were several pools of vomit on the messy garbage, and a touching smell hit his face in an instant.

Zhou Zhen's eyes swept over the mess on the ground and looked at the trash can.

Seeing this familiar trash can, he immediately remembered that when he escaped from the underground morgue of the abandoned factory behind him, he came to this alley, looking for a place to hide, and then met Tao Nange for the first time. …

Just as I was thinking about it, a very familiar voice immediately came from behind: What's wrong?

It’s Tao Nange’s voice!

Zhou Zhen turned his head suddenly and immediately saw Tao Nange standing behind him intact, staring at him closely, as if he was very confused about his current behavior.

Looking at Tao Nange in front of him, Zhou Zhen was slightly in a trance.

This scene seems to completely overlap with when the two met for the first time.

The difference is that Tao Nange is now wearing a simple sportswear, light blue hooded short-sleeves, white trousers, and sneakers, which looks full of youthful vitality; it is no longer the cool and cold ghost battle before. Clothes.

And the person following him was not the ape-shaped, orange-painted anti-riot mecha, but Tan Wenyu, a girl from the dance department of Binhai Art Academy.

Finally seeing the two of them, Zhou Zhen quickly came to his senses and immediately asked: Sister Nan, where did you go just now?

Tao Nange stared at him and said calmly: We have been following you.

Just now, you suddenly ran towards this alley, and there was no response no matter how you called.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned and turned to look at Tan Wenyu.

Tan Wenyu looked at Zhou Zhen very carefully and nodded vigorously.

The two girls in front of him were both serious people and would never joke around at this time. Zhou Zhen didn't say anything and immediately used the Digital Domain, [Energy Observation].

The world in his eyes suddenly changed. Tao Nange, not far away, was surrounded by powerful energy flow, like water and fire, swaying slowly. The color of the energy flow was very pure, without any impurities, and it looked different from before. What a difference, very normal.

Tan Wenyu next to her had no energy at all.

From the perspective of [Energy Observation], there is no problem for either Tao Nange or Tan Wenyu.

Finding nothing, Zhou Zhen looked at his phone again. The time on it was still 15:42.

There is no jump in time, indicating that the plot in the underground morgue is not over yet.

However, he always feels that this place is no longer the digital forest of Jiwei Cinema...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately looked at Tao Nange and asked, Sister Nan, what do you think we should do next?

Tao Nange did not hesitate and immediately replied: If there is a way to leave this 'Digital Forest' directly, then leave the 'Digital Forest' first.

If it doesn't work, then go to the next plot as you just said.

However, there is No. 009 there, so we have to prepare in advance.

Seeing that Tao Nange's logic was correct, Zhou Zhen nodded and said, Then keep going.

With that said, he randomly chose a direction and walked forward.

Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu followed immediately.

Zhou Zhen walked forward while staring at the time on the screen of his mobile phone.


There is no jump in time.

Not long after leaving, Zhou Zhen found that he was downstairs in Building 51 of Yaxinyuan.

Looking at the familiar residential building in front of him, Zhou Zhen frowned slightly.

Yaxinyuan is where he lives in Binhai City, located in Qingli District.

The abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory is in Dengming District.

The distance between the two is extremely far, and it is impossible to reach them in such a short amount of time.

Moreover, the direction he just walked was wrong!

Is this the next plot behind the abandoned Jinsheng Machinery Factory?

Are they still in the movie world of Zombies?

However, this part was not included in the plot Luo Yuchen told him!

The most important thing is that he is here and has not found any zombies!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen glanced at the familiar tall building. Instead of going up, he changed direction and continued moving forward.

Tao Nange and Tan Wenyu didn't ask any questions and followed quietly behind.

Step, step, step...

The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty city.

After walking for a while, Zhou Zhen suddenly raised his head and looked ahead.

The common high-rise buildings in Binhai City suddenly disappeared, and what appeared in front of them was a retro neighborhood.

Splendid sycamore trees stand on both sides of the street, sheltering small buildings that are no more than four or five stories high.

All buildings maintain the unified style of Daiwa and white walls and are arranged neatly.

There is a row of fences at the entrance, and eye-catching warning signs are hung on the fences, indicating that this is a pedestrian street and no vehicles are allowed to enter.

Mid-air also has similar reminders, as well as fine reminders.

Looking in through the fence, in an alley diagonally ahead, there is a fountain with crystal water droplets jumping in the air.

Behind the fountain, there is a building on a wide staircase with a magnificent facade. The five characters Geeway Cinema are flying and phoenixes are dancing in the air. Surrounded by colorful lights, it looks brilliant even in the daytime.

Reaching the last plot?

Looking at the familiar garden in the middle of the alley, Zhou Zhen's expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

Based on the phone call with Luo Yuchen just now, it can be determined that the plot of No. 009 happened in the cinema!

The plot starts from Jiwei Cinema and ends at Jiwei Cinema. Everything seems very reasonable.


Zhou Zhen picked up the phone and looked at the time on it again.

On the screen, the slowly moving numbers were still 15:42, and the time did not jump at all because he came to Jiwei Cinema.

Looking at this seemingly untouchable time, Zhou Zhen's face gradually darkened.

He knew something was wrong!

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