Ash Civilization

Chapter 307 The Sixth Step. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

The Sixth Step!

Zhou Zhen was a little surprised for a moment, but soon he calmed down.

Chu Jingyan's three digital domains are enough for him to ascend to the fifth ladder.

Later, Ji Xuexun lent him his homework, and even put the special items belonging to Liang Xiaodie, Feng Wenwen and other students, as well as the homework of other students in the class, on his desk...

Among so many homework books and special items, there must be questions corresponding to the Sixth Ladder, and they were absorbed by him!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately concentrated on one of the newly added formulas.

Soon, the scene in his eyes changed. The fan-shaped office, as well as the unconscious girl not far away with her long hair clamped with a shark clip, immediately changed quietly.

Everything around him turned into a plane of equal proportions.

In Zhou Zhen's field of vision, they still looked lifelike, but the entire art academy turned into a huge plane.

At this moment, his feet were stepping on the picture of the fan-shaped office floor. Except for the contact between the soles of his shoes and the picture, his whole body was standing outside this plane!

It was as if he transcended the scene of this academy and appeared in another dimension out of thin air.

With the consumption of digital energy in his body, the originally calm and calm picture under his feet, like a screenshot, began to ripple in circles. During the ups and downs of the ripples, his body sank little by little into the picture of the office. middle.

The next moment, Zhou Zhen found that his whole body was back in the office, and everything around him returned to normal. The flat surface, the super height, and the ripples seemed to be all illusions.

Zhou Zhen realized something and immediately walked out of the fan-shaped office, took a quick look in the corridor, and walked towards the nearest camera.

Step, step, step...

The sound of footsteps echoed quietly in the empty corridor.

Zhou Zhen stopped right in front of the camera shooting area. With a slight thought in his mind, he used [Airdrop Trojan] to control the camera. Then he quickly saw that the picture in the camera clearly captured him standing alone in the corridor. , looking up at the camera.

Seeing that the camera could finally capture him, Zhou Zhen understood immediately.

This art school has become the two-dimensional world in the movie Zombies!

Just now, it looked like he had entered the Binhai City Art Institute, but in fact, he had been outside this two-dimensional world the whole time!

From the beginning, he was just walking on the plane of this two-dimensional world, and never really entered this two-dimensional world from beginning to end!

This is the reason why none of the two girls in the photo album on their mobile phones could see him in the begonia forest in the girls' dormitory area just now, and why none of the cameras in the entire art college could capture him.

But now, he used this newly obtained digital domain to finally truly enter this two-dimensional world!

This should be the reason why I used [overfrequency interference] to destroy the movie imaging when I left Jiwei Cinema.

If I had not used [Overfrequency Interference] and escaped directly, I would still have met Uncle He in the convenience store and Sister Shi in this art academy.

The difference is that along the way, I will not be so smooth, but will be chased by countless zombies.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen frowned. After he used [Overclocking Interference] at that time, he had actually broken away from the two-dimensional world in the movie!

However, although he escaped from the two-dimensional world, he did not escape the plot development in the movie.

This is the most troublesome part now!

This new 'digital domain' allows me to see the two-dimensional world from the three-dimensional world, and enter the two-dimensional world.

It also allows me to see the three-dimensional world from the two-dimensional world and return to the three-dimensional world.

This is Chu Jingyan's 'Digital Domain', which corresponds to the third question in Chu Jingyan's homework book.

The name of the 'Digital Domain' is called [Two-Dimensional Bridge]!

While thinking, Zhou Zhen quickly calmed down and continued to test the second set of new formulas.

He closed his eyes and concentrated all his energy on the second set of new formulas in his mind.

After a while, there was no change in his body, but he gradually understood the usage of this digital domain...

Immediately afterwards, he turned back to the fan-shaped office, came to the only desk, opened the drawer, and took out a very ordinary black pen from inside, then took off the cap of the pen and drew directly out of thin air.

A strange scene appeared. Clear lines immediately appeared in the void drawn by the tip of the black pen. It was as if there was a completely transparent drawing board in the mid-air, which took over the placement of the ink from the pen tip. The black lines were drawn dots and dots. , and quickly sketched out a scalpel with a graceful arc.

The style of this scalpel is very ordinary, a style commonly used in hospitals. There are several reflective spots on the blade, which is a common technique in comics to emphasize the brightness of the blade.

As he finished his last stroke, the scalpel drawn in the air fell to the ground with a clang, transforming from a picture into a real thing!

Zhou Zhen leaned over to pick up the scalpel and looked at its appearance. Due to the painting technique, the shape and details of the drawn scalpel were somewhat different from the real scalpel, but the blade reflected cold light. The light faintly conveyed a coldness, and it seemed that the sharpness was not weak at all.

Thinking of this, he took out several sheets of A4 white printing paper from the drawer, stacked them together, and used a scalpel to make two casual cuts on the outermost paper.

These overlapping pieces of paper were immediately cut through. Wherever the blade passed, the cracks were neat and clean. From the first piece of white paper to the last piece, the scalpel broke through very neatly, without any force.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly, and then used the digital domain he just obtained, [two-dimensional bridge].

Ripples like water patterns suddenly appeared around his body. The solid space was as soft as water at this moment, swaying slightly, and happily accepted Zhou Zhen's passage.

Zhou Zhen walked forward and took one step forward. He stepped out again and came to a higher dimension. Under his feet was a plan view of the entire art academy. The fan-shaped office and everything around it had become two-dimensional. flat.

The ancient and vicissitudes of the college gate, the jacaranda avenue, the trellis begonia flower forest... everything is still extremely lifelike, and it looks no different from the real world to the naked eye. Only from his current perspective can he see that this lifelike world, Just a flat surface.

Returning to the three-dimensional world again, Zhou Zhen still held the scalpel he had just drawn in his hand.

This scalpel still maintains its previous appearance, and the blade is still sharp, but just like inserting a low-pixel picture into a high-pixel background in PS, its appearance becomes very blurry, as if it has been forcibly enlarged. The size, taking on the appearance of Lego toys, is incompatible with the real surroundings.

At the same time, Zhou Zhen felt that the digital energy in his body was being consumed rapidly.

He raised the scalpel, scratched his clothes a few times, and brushed... The T-shirt with good texture suddenly turned into tassels.

The sharpness of this scalpel with blurred pixels does not seem to be weakened.

After a while, the scalpel completely turned into a ball, similar to a mosaic.

As time goes by, its shape continues to change, just like melted ice cream, little by little it becomes something completely different from its original appearance, and eventually disappears.

Looking at this weird scene, Zhou Zhen suddenly understood that this digital domain can draw real objects in the two-dimensional world!

If this drawn object is used in a two-dimensional world, there won't be too many restrictions.

But if it is used in the three-dimensional world, it will not exist for long.

And during its existence, his digital energy will continue to be consumed.

Like the [2D Bridge], this digital domain also comes from Chu Jingyan.

Corresponding to the fourth question in Chu Jingyan’s homework book, the name is [Plane Imagery].

Chu Jingyan's 'digital fields', taken individually, are all auxiliary, but once they are connected...

[Two-dimensional space] allows me to send items into the two-dimensional world or take them out of the two-dimensional world.

[Two-dimensional bridge] allows me to enter the two-dimensional world.

Using these two 'digital domains' together allows me to pull the enemy into the two-dimensional world.

The [Plane Imagery] may not be as effective as Sister Nan's [Weapon Structure] in the three-dimensional world, but in the two-dimensional world, it is equivalent to half of the Creator...

Using these three 'digital domains' together is equivalent to pulling the enemy into a world completely created by myself!

Not counting other things, just relying on these three 'digital domains', below the 'sixth ladder', there may not be any opponents at all...

Thinking quickly in his mind, Zhou Zhen continued to focus on the next set of formulas in his mind.

In an instant, he immediately knew that this digital domain was the digital domain where Chu Jingyan took pictures!

This digital domain can intercept a part of the three-dimensional world and collapse it into a two-dimensional world!

The intercepted three-dimensional world will not disappear from reality, but will continue to connect the surrounding three-dimensional space in a two-dimensional form.

In other words, the girls from the art college in the photo album on his mobile phone have actually always been in Binhai Art College.

However, since it has changed from three dimensions to two dimensions, other people can't see those girls at all unless they find the right angle!

True two-dimensional, there is only one plane.

It is wrong to observe this surface from all directions, such as up, down, left, and right. You cannot see this surface from those angles. You can only see this surface from the position directly in front of you. .

And this position right in front... is the special angle Chu Jingyan chose when she secretly took the photos!

If you don’t know that angle and don’t look at it from that angle, you won’t see anything!

In addition, life forms trapped in this digital domain will also change from three-dimensional life to two-dimensional life in the memories of others.

The specific way of expression is that when the four ghosts 056, 080, 041 and Tao Nange escorted Zhou Zhen to Tongfu City, Tao Nange was suddenly locked into the photo album by his unintentional operation, and 056, 080 , 041, the three ghosts immediately forgot about Tao Nange. Not only could they not remember Tao Nange's colleagues, they even couldn't remember a colleague No. 024 at all...

In essence, the three ghosts such as No. 056 did not really forget Tao Nange, but in their memories, Tao Nange suddenly became a possibility from a comrade who fought side by side many times. It's a comic book character that I flipped through, a game character that I briefly glimpsed, or some other two-dimensional character.

If you are a high-level compatibility person above the Sixth Ladder, it is very easy to detect that something is wrong.

However, for digital compatibility below the Sixth Ladder, without external reminders, it is difficult to find that their memories are affected by dimensions.

The name of this digital domain is called [Dimension Conversion].

If used together with Chu Jingyan's first few digital domains, a literal dimensionality reduction attack can be achieved!

For example, you can take an enemy into a photo and then delete the photo, destroying the collapsed two-dimensional world to eliminate the enemies inside;

For another example, when taking multiple photos, drag the character in one of the photos from the original two-dimensional space to another two-dimensional space...

Another example is to physically strike the two-dimensional world directly from the three-dimensional world...

Chu Jingyan just moved all the zombies in the Art Academy out of the entire academy instantly. This is the effect of connecting these digital domains together.

In addition, as long as there is enough digital energy, the two digital domains [Dimension Conversion] and [Plane Imagery] can be used together to re-stretch the collapsed two-dimensional world into a three-dimensional world!

It can even upgrade a purely two-dimensional world into a three-dimensional world, turning the original pictures and videos into real reality!

Of course, upgrading a purely two-dimensional world to a three-dimensional world requires a huge amount of digital energy.

Moreover, since the pure two-dimensional world itself lacks a dimension, even if it is forcibly stretched into a three-dimensional world, it cannot exist for a long time...

Unless, he becomes a digital forest!

After figuring out these three digital domains of Chu Jingyan, Zhou Zhen continued to test the next digital domain.

He focused his attention on the fourth set of formulas newly added in his mind.

Soon, he felt that his body suddenly became very sensitive. Just a wisp of breeze blowing by could make him keenly aware of the direction of the gust of wind, the weak force when it brushed the back of his hand, and the movement of the wind just now. When testing [Plain Image], the tactile sensation of the cut T-shirt yarn passing over the skin...

Zhou Zhen thought for a moment and quickly guessed something. He stretched out his hand, and dense numbers, formulas, symbols, and theorems immediately appeared in his palm... The combination turned into a familiar knife in the blink of an eye.

He grabbed the knife and immediately slashed it on his left arm.


Blood immediately gushed out, and a neat cut appeared on the skin of his arm.

There was no pain from the wound, but instead a sense of extreme joy and relief. The whole person seemed to be floating on the clouds, full of inexplicable happiness.

This feeling he had never experienced before made him eager to make the second and third cuts...

This weird feeling of pleasure is addictive!

Zhou Zhen immediately understood the function of this digital domain, [Double-Sided Pocket Knife]. Its effect is that it can synchronize the damage it receives to the enemy.

In addition, when using this digital domain, all negative effects on him will have the opposite effect on him.

Enemies harmed by him simultaneously will suffer double the negative effects.

For example, when he cuts his own flesh and blood with a knife, the pain on the wound will turn into joy and joy that makes him feel happy; while the enemy who is simultaneously injured by him will have to endure double the severe pain.

The source of this digital domain should be Liang Xiaodie.

Next, is the fifth set of new formulas...

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