Ash Civilization

Chapter 308 Dance Studio. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

After a while, Zhou Zhen finished testing all the newly acquired digital domains.

In addition to the first four digital domains, the following five digital domains are: [Free Will], [Folding Space], [Vertical Kite], [Visual Focus] and [Nightmare Mirror].

The first is [free will]. This digital domain can be used by oneself or the enemy.

When he uses it on himself, he will put on a pair of his favorite shoes on his feet. After putting on these shoes, he can walk freely on the ground, walls, ceilings, mid-air... and even in a vacuum.

If used on an enemy, it will force the enemy to wear a pair of silver high heels, depriving the opponent of the equation of walking. If the enemy is unable to take off these high heels for a long time, the silver high heels will strip away all the equations of the opponent's body and turn the opponent's entire body into a brand new pair of high heels!

This digital domain now only has one pair of shoes. If you use it on yourself, you can't use it on the enemy at the same time; if you use it on the enemy, you can't use it on yourself at the same time.

After depriving others of their equation and having two pairs of shoes, they can use it on themselves and their enemies at the same time.

Can even be used against multiple enemies.

The source of this [free will] should be Feng Wenwen.

Then there is [Folding Space]. After using this digital domain, you will instantly put on a pair of black leather gloves. After the gloves appear, you can forcefully fold the surrounding space within a certain range.

Let the sunlight that was originally shining next to you shine on yourself; let the bullet that was originally aimed at you hit the air beside you...

In actual combat, this digital domain is very easy to use.

The source of [folding space] should be the gloves of Ji Xuexun's follower, the girl Sun Yitong.

Next is [Vertical Kite]. After using it, you can hang the enemy's head directly, just like flying a kite, vertically upward, hanging high in the sky, hanging the enemy alive!

The source of this digital domain is the pearl hairpin of Ji Xuexun's follower, the girl Fan Nian.

Next is [Visual Focus]. This digital domain can be used for necklaces and other particularly valuable jewelry.

After use, the necklace or other valuable jewelry will become the center of attention.

As long as the enemy's eyes take one look, he will never be able to look away or think about other things. All his attention, all his thinking, all his mind will be sunk into the necklace or the corresponding jewelry. , allowed to be slaughtered without any awareness.

This [visual focus] also comes from the mother-of-pearl necklace of Ji Xuexun’s follower, the girl Lu Han.

Finally, there is [Nightmare Mirror].

The source of this digital domain should be Ji Xuexun himself.

This is also the strongest of the nine new digital domains Zhou Zhen added this time!

It is also the only digital domain corresponding to the Sixth Ladder!

This digital domain allows him to mirror the monsters in his own nightmares, or the monsters in other people's nightmares, into reality.

For example, if he dreams of a man-eating evil ghost, he can mirror the evil ghost from his nightmare into reality.

The monster mirrored into reality has exactly the same strength as the one in his nightmare, and still has all the abilities in the nightmare.

In addition, as long as the main body of the nightmare is still alive, the mirrored monster cannot be destroyed.

If you are an ordinary digital compatibility, after obtaining this digital domain, the best use is to mirror the monsters in the enemy's nightmares into reality.

Because a person's nightmares usually represent the biggest fear deep in that person's heart!

Use the enemy's greatest fear to deal with the enemy, and unless the enemy dies, the enemy's greatest fear cannot be eliminated...

Of course, Zhou Zhen is not an ordinary digital compatibility, and he has never had any normal dreams, but when it comes to monsters in seems that all the other personalities in that classroom are!

Yes, he can mirror his other personalities into reality!

To a certain extent, his personalities may be scarier than the monsters in many people's nightmares!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen tried to use [Nightmare Mirror], and dense numbers, formulas, symbols, and theorems immediately appeared in the void beside him... They changed turbulently and reorganized into a familiar figure in the blink of an eye.

The man with a slightly chubby figure and thick eyes, his originally tall stature slightly stooped and looking very cramped, is none other than Zhang Yonghao!

As soon as Zhang Yonghao appeared in reality, he subconsciously held his chest and hunched over, as if he wanted to curl up, staring at his toes, not daring to move at all, as if he was very socially afraid.

Zhou Zhen looked at him and nodded slightly.

There is no problem with the mirror personality, and the consumption of digital energy is also acceptable.

With his current strength, mirroring three to five personalities at a time shouldn't be a big problem.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen used [Nightmare Image] again to mirror Ren Rui.

The overwhelming numbers, formulas, theorems, symbols... After the violent rotation, Ren Rui, who turned into a ball, emerged. After he came out, he looked around and his body changed drastically in an instant.

The originally normal body of flesh and blood suddenly turned into a dark metal texture. Metal tentacles covered with fine scales bloomed out from behind him and suddenly disappeared into the surroundings!

One of the tentacles directly entered the two-dimensional plane below, reaching out to the unconscious girl in the fan-shaped office with a clear target.

Other tentacles are like a dragnet, rapidly extending towards other parts of the Art Academy.

The suction cups attached to the tentacles opened at full strength and began to absorb energy.

Zhou Zhen immediately shouted coldly: Stop!

Ren Rui's body has expanded into a metal bird's nest with a diameter of five meters. There is no trace of human beings at all. He paid no attention to Zhou Zhen's intention. The bird's nest-shaped body continued to expand rapidly, and terrifying energy fluctuations came from his body. It rose up, and powerful pressure surged in all directions.

Seeing that the metal tentacles were about to wrap up the unconscious girl in the fan-shaped office at a very fast speed, Zhou Zhen immediately released the effect of [Nightmare Mirror].

The next moment, Ren Rui and Zhang Yonghao immediately turned into countless numbers, symbols, formulas, and theorems... After slowly rising and falling, they turned into a torrent, returned to Zhou Zhen's body, and disappeared.

Standing alone on the lifelike two-dimensional plane, Zhou Zhen frowned slightly.

His mirror image of Ren Rui from The Sixth Ladder uses the same digital energy as his mirror image of Zhang Yonghao.

The digital domains that Ren Rui used just now do not consume his digital energy, which means that what Ren Rui uses is the digital energy of the other person's own personality.

However, the most important point is that the mirrored personality does not obey his orders!

He originally thought about mirroring Wei Jiachuan and asking him to change the plot of the movie Horror Zombies.

But now it seems that if we really mirror the other party, the situation will become even worse!

After completing all the Digital Domain tests, Zhou Zhen thought for a moment, then used the [Two-Dimensional Bridge] to return to the fan-shaped office of the Art Institute and walked up to the unconscious girl.

After casually glancing at the unconscious girl, he took out his phone and looked at the time. It was still 15:16 on the screen. The girl in front of him was breathing steadily, her eyes were closed, and she showed no sign of waking up.

Zhou Zhen knew in his heart that even if this girl was unconscious for only a minute, as long as the time stayed at 15:16, this girl would never wake up!

If you want to wake her up, it's very simple, just take her with you to the next movie plot.

It's still a bit risky...

Now, I have obtained Chu Jingyan's 'Digital Domain', [Dimension Transformation], and can release all the girls in the 'photo album' on my phone.

However, the problem now is that this school has become two-dimensional.

Releasing these girls at this time is equivalent to throwing all of them directly into the 'digital forest'!

I have to wait until I get to a safe place before I can consider letting people go...

Zhou Zhen thought quietly, then leaned down, grabbed the unconscious girl, put it on his shoulders, turned and walked out the door.

Soon, he took the elevator downstairs and walked out of the teaching building.

Step, step, step...

On the spacious and beautiful boulevard, Zhou Zhen was walking leisurely with the girl on his shoulders.

The flowers of the jacaranda fall from time to time and look very beautiful.

In front is the ancient and vicissitudes of the Art Academy gate.

Zhou Zhen was holding the girl on his shoulder with one hand and holding his cell phone with the other, always paying attention to the time on it.

Not long after, he arrived at the entrance of the college.

The wide open gate of the college seems to have an invisible wall of air. Inside the gate, there is a quiet and elegant campus with falling flowers like rain. Outside the gate, there are dense zombies, with pairs of pale eyes staring at them. In the campus, people are scrambling to stick to the wall of air, pushing, squeezing, and impacting... There are stumps and broken arms falling all over the ground, and sticky black blood is mottled everywhere.

Zhou Zhen stopped when he was about to step out of the school gate, and looked calmly at the many zombies in front of him who wanted to squeeze him into two dimensions.

If he goes out directly now, all digital domains that are not in line with the setting of the movie Horror Zombies will be unavailable.

There are only five digital domains that can be used normally: [Overclocking Interference], [Airdrop Trojan], [Two-Dimensional Bridge], [Plane Imagery] and [Dimension Conversion].

The effect of [overfrequency interference] has been tested before;

[Airdrop Trojan] is to a certain extent, similar to a hacker invasion, and does not conflict much with the background setting of this movie;

[Two-dimensional bridge], [Plane image] and [Dimension conversion] are the digital fields that Chu Jingyan has just used.

To put it in a more understandable way, these three digital domains are themselves one of the components of this digital forest!

In addition to these five digital domains, the [Double-Sided Pocket Knife] should also be able to exert half of its effect, which is the half of self-mutilation.

In addition, maybe because he has reached the Sixth Step, he has a feeling that the digital domain of [Nightmare Mirror] should also be forcibly used, but the consumption of digital energy may be very huge.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen did not hesitate and immediately used the [Two-Dimensional Bridge].

The next moment, the surrounding space rippled like ripples, and the solid space turned into soft transparent jelly, happily accepting his passage.

Zhou Zhen took a step forward and was immediately transported to the three-dimensional world. The realistic plane turned into a picture on the soles of his feet.

All the zombies that had just blocked the entrance of the Art Academy disappeared in an instant. The ground was clean, and it seemed that nothing unusual had happened.

Carrying the unconscious girl on his shoulders, Zhou Zhen walked out of the school gate and headed forward.

Not long after walking, he saw a dance studio appearing directly in front of him.

The abstract LOGO is still lit, the curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows are drawn up, and the skylight shines in, making the layout inside clear at a glance.

Except for opening up a corner to serve as the front desk and dressing room, most of the area is covered with cork floors, and the entire wall is inlaid with mirrors. There are conveniently stretched railings in front of the mirrors, and there are some hooks in the innermost part for hanging bags, Jackets and the like.

Judging from the newness of the decoration, this place should be a small dance training class that has just opened.

There are lines of artistic fonts posted on the glass door, roughly stating that only adult female students are admitted here, and men or children are not considered for the time being. Below are contact information, registration conditions, and approximate fee standards.

What is striking is that a corner of the glass door was broken, as if someone had kicked it hard.

On the ground next to the front desk, there are also some scattered small ornaments. Near the corner of the front desk counter, there is also a disposable cup for guests. The tea inside is spilled on the floor. It looks like someone is here. There was trouble.

The moment Zhou Zhen saw the dance studio, he found that the time on his phone suddenly jumped from 15:16 to 15:30.

The unconscious girl who was carried on his shoulders immediately opened her eyes and woke up.

You, who are you?! The girl who had her long hair clamped with a shark clip realized her current situation, suddenly showed a look of horror, and asked quickly.

Zhou Zhen realized something immediately. He had no time to pay attention to the girl and directly used [Plane Jump] to appear in the dance studio instantly.

As soon as he stood still, he immediately saw that although there were signs of trouble, the overall neat studio was in a mess!

The glass, floor, ceiling, mirrors... there were splatters of blood everywhere. The floor-to-ceiling windows on one side had been completely smashed, and cold wind was blowing in from the outside.

The floor-to-ceiling mirror used to correct dance movements has a bullet hole at two positions, one at half a person's height and one at one person's height. It shows spiderweb-like cracks and cuts the entire studio scene into pieces.

There was a bloody corpse lying dead in the corner. Judging from the clothes on her body, it was a young woman. The entire lower half of her face had been chewed off, revealing her pale bones. The remaining half of her face could still be seen. Showing beautiful eyebrows and snow-white skin.

Not far from the female corpse, there was a corpse that had been beaten repeatedly and was already a pile of rotten flesh.

Because the damage was so severe, only a bit of material from the training pants and a few small pieces of casual tops could be seen.

Embedded in this puddle of rotten flesh was half a security officer's ID card.

Zhou Zhen reached out and picked up the certificate, which was soaked in blood, and immediately saw Chen Mao's photo.

He frowned suddenly, which was different from the previous two times.

The first two times he rescued He Xinjie and Shi Xiaoli, he arrived at the last moment before He Xinjie and Shi Xiaoli died.

But this time...

There are too many time jumps, skipping the entire death process of Chen Mao and his girlfriend.

He could only see the other party's body, and there was no chance of saving the two of them!

At this time, the girl who was still being carried on Zhou Zhen's shoulders suddenly blurted out in shock: Number, digital virus?!

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