Ash Civilization

Chapter 306 Please (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Chapter 306 Please... (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

Zhou Zhen shook his head slightly, and just as he was about to answer, a severe headache suddenly occurred.

A huge change suddenly occurred in his field of vision.

The folded piece of scratch paper he held in his hand seemed to turn into a retro-style camera.

This camera seems to have been salvaged after sinking into the deep sea for many years. It is covered with a thick and dense layer of seaweed-like material, which looks like a certain type of moss or long-haired animal hair. It wraps around the camera layer after layer, and in the gaps, thin, translucent tentacles grow, with small claws at the end of the tentacles.

This claw is full of pale and weak feeling, and it is like some kind of insect. It is crawling and grabbing in the air quickly, and it is still splitting rapidly. Every time it splits, the claw at the end will automatically fall off, and then the claw will fall off. Grasp the ground, air or other things, leave quickly, spread and erode towards the surroundings.

At the same time, dense numbers, symbols, graphics, formulas quietly emerged in the surrounding space...

Zhou Zhen felt that his body was deforming. The invisible and huge force stretched, twisted, and rotated his body like dough... and was finally flattened into a flat surface.

Unprecedented pain surged through him, and every cell in his body was shouting, howling, and struggling in pain. The hysterical roar was suppressed in his throat, and he couldn't wait to vent it out. However, the almost crazy roar and resistance in the mind, acting on the body, are like insects that are completely sealed in amber. It seems that every tiny unit of the body is fixed in each pixel.

He couldn't move or speak. His mind was extremely clear, but his body was extremely imprisoned.

Zhou Zhen was very clear about the impact this was Chu Jingyan's fifth digital domain on him!

This was also the case when he got Ji Xuexun's lunch box.

Moreover, the reaction at that time was even more serious than now!

In the end, Digital Rain came to help him ease the past.

And this time...

Maybe it’s because I’ve already had a similar experience…

It may also be because his energy level has reached the highest point of the Fourth Ladder and is extremely close to the Fifth Ladder...

Maybe it's because Chu Jingyan's energy level is not as high as Ji Xuexun's...

In short, after surviving the first moment, Zhou Zhen gradually took a breath. Although his head is still in severe pain, his body has gradually begun to adapt and can withstand the impact of this change in numbers.

Zhou Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Based on his last experience, as long as he persisted for a while, this third set of equations could truly be integrated into his own equations.

At that time, he will be successfully promoted to the fifth ladder!

However, at this moment, Ji Xuexun's anxious voice came again: You will definitely not agree, right?

You, please don't ignore won't agree, right?

I can lend you all my future homework to copy!

P-please! Never... never agree!

As she spoke, Ji Xuexun's speaking speed became faster and faster, and her tone became more and more urgent. It was obvious that Zhou Zhen was just sitting there and said nothing, but Ji Xuexun's distant eyebrows were already tightly frowning. She His snow-white face turned red, and his star-like eyes were filled with tears. He looked almost heartbroken, as if he was about to lose Zhou Zhen.

Perhaps due to Ji Xuexun's mental interference, Zhou Zhen felt that his headache symptoms had weakened again. Although the pain still existed, the level had been reduced to a completely bearable level.

Feeling this situation, he must be sure.

In that school, he used Ji Xuexun to deal with Chu Jingyan.

Therefore, just now, in order to prevent himself from the side effects of Chu Jingyan's fifth question, he deliberately stimulated Ji Xuexun.

Ji Xuexun's character is that the more he hates something, the more he is obsessed with it and the more he loves it!

And the more you love something, the more you hate it!

Under such intense stimulation, Ji Xuexun would definitely hate him to the extreme.

In this way, once Zhou Zhen falls into a near-death situation while absorbing Chu Jingyan's fifth question, Ji Xuexun, who hates him to the extreme, will come to save him!

This operation was the same as the time he used Ji Xuexun to deal with Chu Jingyan in his memory!

This time, he used Ji Xuexun's mental influence to help him counteract the side effects of Chu Jingyan's fifth question.

While thinking quickly, Ji Xuexun, who was standing in front of him, saw that Zhou Zhen had been silent, and there was already a hint of crying in his voice: Please!

Don't agree!

I'll give you my homework now!

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Zhen saw that an exercise book suddenly appeared in Ji Xuexun's hand.

The next moment, Ji Xuexun took this exercise book and forced it into Zhou Zhen's hand.

? ? ?

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment, and after he realized what he was doing, his expression suddenly changed.

However, he is still absorbing Chu Jingyan's fifth question. He can't move his body at all and can't make any sound from his mouth!

So, in the blink of an eye, his headache, which had been greatly relieved, suddenly became extremely intense.

The pain that suddenly increased surged in like a flood that broke a bank, swallowing him up in an instant, as if thousands of steel needles were rapidly piercing his brain, and then stirring it up without mercy.

Zhou Zhen was in unspeakable pain for a moment. This feeling was more uncomfortable than death. If death came at this moment, it seemed that it was not punishment, but salvation!

Ji Xuexun's homework book seemed to have turned into a tangled mass of sea snakes in his field of vision. They were squirming and connected together, and it seemed that he could always feel the touch of cold and fishy scales across his skin in his palms.

After a period of hysterical internal strife, the sea snake group collapsed in an instant. Colorful, cold and wet bodies swam in all directions. Wherever they swam, whether on the ground or in the air, there was always a line of gray-black saliva. That saliva It was wet, with a faint fishy smell floating around. It seemed to be water stains centered on the homework book and spreading to the surrounding areas.

These water stains quickly eroded the space and turned into a huge thick shadow.

The shadow squirmed slowly like a living creature, seemingly ready to move.

Along with the alienation of the homework book, Zhou Zhen's spirit also began to become chaotic.

At this time, Ji Xuexun saw that Zhou Zhen still ignored him, and immediately looked at the followers beside him, and ordered condescendingly: You guys, bring all your homework books...

As she spoke, she quickly walked up to Liang Xiaodie, snatched the knife from Liang Xiaodie's hand and put it on Zhou Zhen's desk with a clang; then, she grabbed it again Feng Wenwen used her legs to forcefully take off the other person's treasured high-heeled shoes and placed them on Zhou Zhen's desk; then, she took a girl's hand, took off the other person's gloves, and placed them on Zhou Zhen's desk. On Zhou Zhen's table...

Knives, high heels, gloves, pearl hairpins, mother-of-pearl necklaces... There are more and more things on Zhou Zhen's desk.

He spread out the exercise book in front of him. Below the solved questions, the lines of writing were clear and neat, the formulas were detailed, and the steps to solve the problems were logical and advanced layer by layer. It looked pleasing to the eye.

However, following Ji Xuexun's actions, all the handwriting, graphics, auxiliary lines... all began to become chaotic, as if the ink was wet. On the snow-white homework book, large groups of ink continued to spread, making him look like a completely incompetent person. , grabbed the pen and wrote blindly, with strokes like ghost drawings, completely blurring the answer.

At this moment, Zhou Zhen's mind was completely confused, and everything around him collapsed into an overwhelming number of numbers, formulas, symbols, theorems...

Bah, bah, bah... bah, bah, bah, bah...

Why are you still ignoring me...Baba...


I'll get you more homework books... 呲呲呲...

Bang bang bang...

Ping ping pong pong...

呲呲呲... Wei Jiachuan, hand over your homework book too...呲呲呲呲...


Binhai Art Institute, fan-shaped office.

On the sleeping bag in the corner, Zhou Zhen was lying on his back, his chest rising and falling regularly, his eyes closed, and he was sleeping soundly.

The beautiful girl with long hair held in a shark clip fell on the ground not far away, her long eyelashes drooped, her breathing was thin, and she seemed to be in a coma.

Suddenly, Zhou Zhen's face turned ferocious, and his facial muscles were twisted strangely, as if he was suffering from great pain.

The space around him changed accordingly. For an instant, they looked exactly the same from any direction, as if they had suddenly dropped from three dimensions to two dimensions; but in the blink of an eye, this space had undergone earth-shaking changes. The change seems to be from two dimensions to multiple dimensions.

With another snap of his fingers, the distance and size of the space changed strangely, as if it had been folded and distorted in some way.

At the same moment, the energy in Zhou Zhen's body became stronger and stronger, and it seemed that a violent energy storm was set off in his body. A hurricane suddenly arose in the empty room, with Zhou Zhen as the eye of the storm, and the energy continued to rise.

While this energy surged, it continued to convey a violent aura.

Bah, bah, bah... bah...

Dense black and white horizontal and vertical lines began to appear on the floor, walls, and ceiling of the fan-shaped office.

At this moment, countless numbers suddenly began to appear on Zhou Zhen's shoulders. They squirmed and grew, and in the blink of an eye they formed a strong and graceful figure. Due to the pure number construction, the face could not be seen clearly, and only the bright red figure could be seen. Dress, Santa hat and red high heels with lacquered pearl bow.

It’s “Digital Rain”!

Digital Rain stretched out an arm made entirely of numbers and gently pressed Zhou Zhen's forehead.

The moment the digital palm touched Zhou Zhen's skin, Zhou Zhen's expression gradually calmed down.

The surrounding space quickly returned to normal.

Energy begins to stabilize.

The black and white horizontal and vertical lines around the office quietly disappeared.

After doing all this, the body of Digital Rain turned into a mighty digital river again and merged into Zhou Zhen's body.

After another moment, Zhou Zhen suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, he gradually came to his senses and realized that he had already come out of that classroom...

It was so dangerous just now!

Originally, he only absorbed the three questions from Chu Jingyan, but he was able to survive on his own.

But in order to get insurance, I almost got myself killed in the end!

The headache I had just disappeared suddenly...

“This is very similar to the last time ‘Digital Rain’ came to help me!”

Did the 'Digital Rain' save me?

While thinking, Zhou Zhen quickly stood up and turned to look behind him. There was nothing behind him, and there was no trace of digital rain in his sight.

He frowned, feeling that it should be digital rain!

But the efficacy of TFZ2342 is 10 hours. If Digital Rain comes out halfway, it shouldn't go back so quickly...


The last time Digital Rain came out, it wasn't even 10 hours old!

While TFZ2342 is taking effect, as long as he enters the classroom, the time for the digital rain to return to his body will be shortened.

And the time he spent in that classroom just now would not be short!

Thinking like this, Zhou Zhen took out his phone and looked at the time. It was still 15:16 on the screen.

Looking at this time, he breathed a sigh of relief. This was the same as his previous speculation. As long as he didn't follow the plot of the movie, time here would remain stagnant!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen put away his mobile phone, closed his eyes, and began to organize the newly obtained digital domain...

Before he entered the classroom, he had a total of thirteen digital domains.

There are six “first steps”;

The “second rung” is four;

Third Step two;

There is only one Fourth Step, which is [Spirit Devouring], which corresponds to Ji Xuexun's strawberry lunch box.

And now, the formula in his mind has added nine more to these thirteen number fields!

Three of them must be from Chu Jingyan, and the other six should be from Ji Xuexun and his other personalities.

Since no tests have been conducted yet, the specific origins and functions of these nine digital domains are not very clear to him.

However, what is certain is that his current energy level has obviously far exceeded the intensity of the Fourth Step!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen used the Digital Domain, [Energy Observation], and looked above his head.

In the field of vision, the scene changed quietly.

He saw that he was completely bathed in a huge energy flow, and the soft white shimmer, like moonlight pouring down, completely immersed him in it.

This flow of energy is like water or fire, swaying quietly. Visually, it looks like a mountain fire erupting and burning fiercely. Its scale is almost the same as that of the nine-tailed fox that has not transformed.

This kind of energy flow is nothing like the fifth step.

Rather, The Sixth Step!

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