Ash Civilization

Chapter 305 Reconciliation. (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

At this moment, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt that his thinking speed began to decrease rapidly.

Then, his hands were empty and he turned around to see that the girl who had just seen him had taken his phone away.

Zhou Zhen frowned and immediately realized something. Different from the previous times, it might be the improvement of the digital ladder. This time, although his thinking speed dropped a lot, he did not directly lose his ability to think.

Chu Jingyan? Zhou Zhen asked with some difficulty as he looked at the beautiful girl whose hair was held up with shark clips. At the same time, he stared at her closely, not missing any clues.

The girl lowered her head, her fair and slender neck slightly curved into a beautiful arc, like a swan in the shade, elegant and graceful. Her slender fingers were dotted on the screen, and she quickly operated Zhou Zhen's mobile phone. Didn't pay any attention to what he meant.

The other two girls in the office, whether it was the girl wearing a pink T-shirt and blue jeans, or the girl wearing a water-red gradient dance skirt, were still looking at the place where Shi Xiaoli died just now in shock. Didn't notice his presence.

Zhou Zhen thought for a few seconds before he realized that the girl who used a shark clip to hold her long hair suddenly spoke to him. Not that all three girls could see him, but only the girl with a shark clip could see him. Only then did the girl with her long hair see herself.

The reason why this girl was able to see him was because Chu Jingyan wanted to come out of the other person's body, just like Tao Nange once did!

At this time, the girl who used a shark clip to hold her long hair was performing smooth operations on her mobile phone. She suddenly raised her head, looked at Zhou Zhen, and said unhappily: You scared all my collections!

Zhou Zhen's expression remained unchanged. His thoughts were turning very slowly and his mind was stagnant. After hearing this sentence, it took a few seconds before he could barely react.


It is indeed Chu Jingyan!

After a few more seconds, Zhou Zhen said, I didn't do this.

If I hadn't arrived in time, these three girls would have been eaten by zombies and infected.

You should thank me now...

Before he finished speaking, he discovered that among the three beautiful girls in the fan-shaped office, only the girl in front of him with her long hair clamped with a shark clip was left.

The other two girls disappeared out of thin air!

In addition, all the zombies he saw through the school surveillance were moved outside the Art Academy.

It took Zhou Zhen a few more seconds to figure out that Chu Jingyan's digital domain could change the two-dimensional world to a certain extent!

He thought hard for a moment and then said: Chu Jingyan, we are good friends.

Since we are friends, we can't cause any unpleasantness because of a small misunderstanding.

The injury to your collection last time was indeed my fault.

However, this time, I saved three of your collectibles.

Well, I don't need any repayment or thanks from you, as long as the two of us put aside our past grudges, get back together, and become good friends again.

You have to know that the reason why I rushed to this office so eagerly just now was to save these three collections of yours.

Hearing this, the girl who used a shark clip to clamp her long hair finally put away the unhappy look on her face and nodded slightly: Okay.

However, you must always leave a collection outside in the future and you are not allowed to take it back!

Just now you didn't leave the collection outside, which caused me to come out too slowly and almost caused an accident.

Leaving a collection out there?

What does it mean?

Zhou Zhen thought for a while and saw Chu Jingyan handing the phone back. He took it and immediately saw that the desktop wallpaper of the phone had once again changed from the solid color he had set before to one wearing a gray T-shirt and black Photos of girls in denim pants.

The other party was walking under the silk crabapple tree, with a slim waist and straight legs. His movements were full of grace and elegance that had been trained for a long time, like a proud red-crowned crane. The long, silky hair is held high with shark clips, and a few scattered strands stick to the porcelain white cheeks. It is lazy and casual, the kind of effortless beauty.

It was the girl standing in front of Zhou Zhen now.

Seeing this wallpaper, Zhou Zhen's thinking was very slow and he realized that Chu Jingyan meant not to let him change the wallpaper back.

The girl who is set as the wallpaper will appear in reality, just like Tao Nange in the past.

And only in this way, Chu Jingyan can get out of the girl who is set as wallpaper at the critical moment in time!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned and said, There is a big problem with my current 'equation'.

This girl is not a 'digital compatibility' and is easily infected by my 'equation'.

In that case, your collection will be damaged directly.

Chu Jingyan looked directly into his eyes and replied very simply: We have always been very normal without any problems!

The fact that you feel like there's something wrong with you is just your own imagination.

The real problems are those defective products that think there is something wrong with us!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen thought for a while and then said, That's good.

Since we are good friends now, I would like to ask you a few questions when I return to the classroom...

Chu Jingyan agreed very readily this time: No problem!

Zhou Zhen was convinced, and then said: However, Ji Xuexun has been pestering me recently.

You'd better write down the third, fourth, and fifth questions in the homework book on paper in advance.

Send it to my desk as soon as get out of class is over.

Chu Jingyan quickly agreed: Okay!

Zhou Zhen nodded immediately. The last time he checked Chu Jingyan's homework, Chu Jingyan had done six questions in total.

The first two questions correspond to the two digital domains of [Plane Transition] and [Two-Dimensional Space].

The fifth question corresponds to Chu Jingyan’s camera.

The sixth question corresponds to the digital domain of [Dream God Kingdom]!

[Mobius Strip], in that [Dream Kingdom]!

His current digital energy is the fourth ladder. He asked Chu Jingyan for the third and fourth questions without any risk.

Although the fifth question will pose a certain threat to him, as long as he succeeds, he will be directly promoted to the fifth ladder just like the last time he was promoted to the fourth ladder!

As for the sixth question, his current energy intensity is definitely not something he can absorb.

Maybe when he reaches the peak of the fifth ladder in the future, he can consider asking Chu Jingyan for the sixth question...

While thinking about it, Zhou Zhen looked at the time on the phone screen. It was still 15:16. The plot of the school office had passed, so the time in the movie was still stagnant.

Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate and said immediately: I want to take a nap now.

With that said, he walked directly to the sleeping bag in the corner, lay down, and fell asleep.


The familiar smell of chalk dust flooded into my nose, and the incandescent lamp illuminated the classroom in detail.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the class was very relaxed. The students gathered together in twos and threes, chatting and laughing in low voices.

Zhou Zhen raised his head and immediately saw a beautiful figure wearing a mint green dress standing next to his desk. The figure had an exquisite appearance, and her long black hair was draped around her waist like satin. She was gorgeous and bright. It was Ji Xuexun. .

Beside her, there were Liang Xiaodie, Feng Wenwen and other girls with exquisite makeup standing. These people silently surrounded him faintly.

The other students seemed to be used to this scene, and had no intention of taking a second look. They were all enjoying their time after class, and from time to time there was hip-hop and laughter.

Zhou Zhen looked around and found that Chu Jingyan's seat was empty, and that Chu Jingyan was not seen in the entire classroom. He immediately calmed down.

Chu Jingyan had agreed to his request just now, so he did not continue to follow the movie plot, but entered the classroom immediately and chose to complete the deal with Chu Jingyan.

Yes, before Chu Jingyan came out, time in the movie was stagnant, which was not a good thing for him.

Because this means that he cannot calculate the efficacy time of TFZ2342.

But after Chu Jingyan reached an agreement with him, the time in the movie stagnated, which gave him enough time to successfully obtain Chu Jingyan's digital domain!

After all, as long as he stays at the Binhai Art Institute and doesn't trigger the next plot in the movie, the time will always be frozen at 15:16.

Just as I was thinking about it, the school bell suddenly rang.

Jingle Bell……

The moment the bell fell, all the students returned to their seats in an instant. The area around Zhou Zhen's desk was empty. Ji Xuexun, Liang Xiaodie, Feng Wenwen... all disappeared from where they were and returned to their seats.

Chu Jingyan, who was not in the classroom originally, also appeared in her seat in an instant.

The front door of the classroom was pushed open, and a math teacher wearing a yellowish white shirt and gray suit trousers walked in with a serious expression. Behind him, two figures, one tall and one short, followed.

After the math teacher stood still on the podium, he looked around and said in a loud voice: Today, two new transfer students have transferred to our class.

The two figures who followed him in stood quietly beside the podium. The two figures were a man and a woman. The boy was taller, with a rectangular face and small eyes, but they were bright and bright. However, their expressions were a little confused at the moment. She seems to be not very awake; the girl has a round face, fair skin, single eyelids, and wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses. She looks more friendly and has the style of the girl next door. Her eyes are chaotic and she is obviously still confused.

Judging from their silhouettes, these two people are exactly the younger versions of He Xinjie and Shi Xiaoli.

Looking at the two new transfer students, Zhou Zhen instantly felt that his thinking speed seemed to have slowed down.

But maybe because He Xinjie is an ordinary person and Shi Xiaoli's digital ladder is not high, the speed of his thinking decline is not as obvious as the previous times.

After a brief introduction, the math teacher asked the two new transfer students to sit in the back row of the classroom.

After arranging the transfer students, the math teacher no longer delayed, immediately opened the lesson plan, took out a piece of chalk from the chalk box, came to the blackboard, and quickly drew a complex geometric figure: Today we will continue to study...

Zhou Zhen immediately opened his notebook and started taking notes.

The teacher's loud teaching voice continued to sound, and time passed slowly.

Different from taking notes before, Zhou Zhen did not feel any improvement in his digital energy when he took notes this time.

He immediately understood that this was the last time he got a lot of digital energy in the time and space tunnel in Qingquan Valley in Tongfu City. Now his digital ladder has reached the peak of the fourth ladder.

Without promotion to the fifth ladder, his digital energy cannot continue to improve.

The classroom was quiet, with only the sound of chalk quickly crossing the blackboard and the teacher's voice echoing quietly.

The teacher's teaching voice was still the same as before, a strange sound wave with ups and downs.

Zhou Zhen couldn't help but think of the high-ranking ghost he saw outside the Jiwei Cinema not long ago who was suspected to be an official member.

The sound waves emitted by the other party are basically the same as the sound waves emitted by Digital Rain.

Normal humans cannot make such a sound!

That kind of syllable is beyond the reach of human vocal cords.

In other words, it is not a sound wave that exists on earth at all.

Even the high-dimensional sound wave converter produced by the Ash Order, which is famous for its human experiments, cannot reach that level!

The government prohibits human experimentation and human integration with Digital Rain. Under normal circumstances, it is even more impossible to simulate the sound waves of digital rain...

There is something wrong with that high-level ghost's identity.

The other party is probably just wearing Ghost equipment, but is not an official member...

After thinking about it, the bell finally rang.

The math teacher immediately threw the remaining half of the chalk into the chalk box, returned to the podium to pack up the lesson plan, and simply announced: get out of class is over!

As soon as he finished speaking, he picked up the lesson plan and strode out of the classroom.

The atmosphere in the class suddenly relaxed, and Zhou Zhen immediately saw that Chu Jingyan stood up in compliance with the agreement, holding a piece of scratch paper filled with various complex characters in her hand, and walked straight towards him .

Soon, Chu Jingyan came to his desk and put the piece of paper with the answers to three questions on Zhou Zhen's desk. She quickly turned and left without waiting for Zhou Zhen to say anything.

The next moment, Ji Xuexun, Liang Xiaodie, Feng Wenwen and other followers immediately came up and surrounded Zhou Zhen.

Ji Xuexun pointed at the piece of draft paper that Chu Jingyan handed to Zhou Zhen. An unconcealable anxiety appeared on her delicate and beautiful face, and she asked quickly: What is this?

Zhou Zhen was about to answer the question, but suddenly he realized something. He folded up the draft paper to hide the content inside, looked at Ji Xuexun, and replied calmly: Love letter.

Ji Xuexun's expression changed, and he suddenly became very nervous and asked very cautiously: Then, then you, you will definitely not agree, right?

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