Ash Civilization

Chapter 288 Advanced Civilization. (Please subscribe!)

The night was dark and the cold wind was blowing against my face.

The howling wind was mixed with one or two muffled roars.

Zhou Zhen woke up suddenly as the gravel rubbed against the ground. He immediately raised his head and quickly glanced around.

He was now at the door of an unfinished building. The gray-white walls looked cold and pale in the night. There were no holes for doors or windows, and they were filled with deep darkness.

Messy vines grow close to the shady wall, casting a vague shadow from time to time.

A little further away, there are undulating curves of mountains that lie across the end of the road, and the gap into the valley is hidden in the shadow of the mountains, making it inconspicuous.

On the ground beside Zhou Zhen, a familiar figure was curled up. The figure was lying prone on the ground with his head to the left, revealing half of his face stained with blood. The white coat had been burst when it transformed into a wild beast, leaving only a few pieces of clothing. , barely covering the body.

The nine-tailed fox had her eyes closed tightly, motionless, and was in a coma. All the animalistic features on her body disappeared without a trace, and she looked like just an ordinary female human. The blood continued to flow, forming a dazzling pool of blood on the ground beneath him.

The blood had almost completely dyed her body red, as if she was wearing a bloody suit.

This... is outside Qingquan Valley!

He and the nine-tailed fox have already left Qingquan Valley? !

Zhou Zhen frowned and took a step to the side. He immediately saw a pair of very clear footprints where he had just been standing. He seemed to have been standing here for a while, but the memory in his mind was obviously missing. One paragraph!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen was about to leave. He just glanced at the seriously injured and unconscious Nine-tailed Fox next to him. He hesitated for a moment, then walked over and quickly checked the opponent's injuries.

There are three very obvious fist marks on the body of the Nine-tailed Fox, which are located on the abdomen, right shoulder and head. Both arms and left leg are at abnormal angles, and the fractures are very severe.

The surging and fierce energy in her body was so weak that it was difficult to detect it at the moment, as if a vast lake with misty waves suddenly dried up and bottomed out.

Although the blood has been flowing, Zhou Zhen looked carefully and found that there were no external injuries on the nine-tailed fox. All the blood seeped out from the pores of her skin. It seemed that some special digital field had been used. The consequences.

From the injuries of the nine-tailed fox, Zhou Zhen quickly determined that the high-ranking member of the official ghost team had only used three punches in total against the nine-tailed fox.

He had no memory of the next two punches, but the first punch of the high-ranking ghost member must not have been with all his strength, because the opponent didn't even look at the nine-tailed fox at the time...

In the howling night wind, Zhou Zhen looked at the nine-tailed fox in a pool of blood and suddenly fell into hesitation.

This is when the nine-tailed fox is at its weakest.

Now, with just one [Fusion Cube], he can easily eliminate the experimental body of this illegal organization!

But, is there any point in doing this?

After thinking quickly for about half a minute, Zhou Zhen suddenly took out his mobile phone and looked at the time synchronized with the Internet. His confused mood quickly calmed down.

He and the nine-tailed fox stayed in the village in the time and space tunnel for about three days.

However, less than an hour has passed here now...

This was the night before he entered the time and space tunnel!

The high-ranking ghost member was not chased out of Qingquan Valley because he was no longer in the same time and space as them!

The confusion of the time dimension...this is just the tip of the iceberg of that advanced civilization!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen shook his head, immediately took off his damaged coat, put it on the nine-tailed fox, then picked him up from the ground and left quickly.


Inside the barren mountain, in a laboratory opened in the rock.

The lights are bright, illuminating the spacious interior as bright as day.

Shiguang stood in front of the experimental cabinet, holding a piece of paper information in his hand. He was carefully checking the type, quantity, and placement of the drugs inside through the brown glass cabinet...

Suddenly, a figure appeared beside her without any warning. Zhou Zhen was carrying the nine-tailed fox on his back. The blood on the nine-tailed fox was still dripping, and his clothes were almost dyed. bright red.

As soon as the two people appeared, the strong smell of blood, mixed with the smell of fresh earth, spread quickly.

As soon as she saw Zhou Zhen appearing in front of her, she opened the glass cabinet reflexively and wanted to give herself a shot of [Digital Blocker], but she quickly came to her senses and realized that she had just taken it This potion...

What happened? Shiguang asked quickly. Her eyes touched the unconscious nine-tailed fox on Zhou Zhen's back. She immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and her tone became serious.

Zhou Zhen put the nine-tailed fox on the experimental table next to him, and while arranging his clothes, he said lightly: Leave her to you first, I want to find a room to rest immediately!

He didn't mean to explain at all, but Shiguang nodded without hesitation: No problem!

You can use all the lounges in the base as you wish.

After you get in, I will adjust the lounge to 'Do Not Disturb' for you.

Zhou Zhen nodded, used [Plane Jump] again, and disappeared from the laboratory instantly.

Soon, he came to the lounge where he had stayed when he set out before. It was no different from when he left. The only change was the three-sided holographic projection, which changed from the rough ocean to the lush virgin forest under the cliff. The tall and tall ancient trees that cover the sky and the sun stand tall and tall on the bank of a spacious river. They look very much like a corner of the Amazon River.

The lounge was not quiet. Raindrops were dripping in the holographic projection, lapping at the leaves. The sound of rain mixed with the sound of wind and water, creating a scene of distant white noise.

Zhou Zhen didn't know whether this was the change in the lounge itself or the result of picking up the light. He looked around casually and made sure that he was the only one in there. He closed the door and went to the sofa and lay down directly.

The reason why he did not choose to return to the Yulan Isolation Point but came directly to the base of the Ash Order was because he was currently facing a huge problem.

If you are not careful, you may be infected by Tao Nange.

Moreover, Nine-tailed Fox is seriously injured. If she is sent to other places, it will be difficult to treat her. Only Ash Order, as the founder of Nine-tailed Fox, has the experimental data of Nine-tailed Fox, can Cure the nine-tailed fox as quickly as possible...

In addition, Zhou Zhen also needs to improve his digital ladder as soon as possible and needs more information related to digital viruses...

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhen closed his eyes very tiredly.


Under the gray sky unique to high-risk areas, the cold light illuminates the spacious valley. Tents are like mushroom umbrellas after the rain, surrounded by layers of tents with Changsheng Village as the core.

Above the ruins of Changsheng Village, in the center of the huge vortex, two figures appeared again in the human-faced fruit picture.

Everyone in the valley breathed a sigh of relief after seeing these two figures.

Thump thump thump…

Soon, footsteps came from all directions, and along with low-pitched orders, two machines similar to fully enclosed sleeping cabins were sent to the open space below the vortex.

Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi strode out of the whirlpool and appeared in Qingquan Valley.

As soon as the two set foot on solid ground, they immediately saw the two machines in front of them, as well as the official personnel in the distance wearing protective clothing, holding various instruments, paper and pens, preparing to inspect and record.

No need to remind, Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi immediately lay down in the machine that looked like a fully enclosed sleeping chamber.

Didi didi...

The machine made a subtle beep, and then dozens of floating screens in the distance were filled with various data. On the main screen, the progress of the scan was continuously announced: 1%...10%...17 %……”

After a moment, the green light turned on, and all screens gave the answer: Check completed, everything is normal!

The officials surrounding him all breathed a sigh of relief, and then, before the two of them came out of the dormant cabin, they swarmed up and asked in all directions: Captain Liao, how are you feeling now?

Researcher Shao, is this a space-time tunnel?

Give way...the space-time tunnel. Let's call it the space-time tunnel. What's in it?

This time, have you returned to the 'past' or entered the 'future'?

After you go in, can you only see history from the perspective of a bystander? Or can you change history?

Stop arguing! Captain Liao, where are the others? Are they not out yet? Do you need to bring in some more equipment to prepare?

Researcher Shao, are there infected people at the other end of the space-time tunnel? Are there also compatible people?

Captain Liao, have you found the reason for the appearance of this space-time tunnel?

This question is very important! Researcher Shao, do you think we can artificially manufacture this thing in the future...

The overwhelming questions were like a surging tide, almost completely submerging Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi.

These people who could rush up to ask questions immediately were either special envoys from important official departments, professionals in related fields, or officials from the logistics department of the ghost team... Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi only had time to press the switch of the dormant cabin. , sat up, and had no time to leave the dormant cabin. He immediately adjusted his state and quickly replied one by one: It's a time and space tunnel!

What we went to was the 'past'. To be precise, it was a very long dynasty. Preliminary judgment is that it is the Qin Dynasty or the early Han Dynasty.

After entering, you can participate in history and even change history!

But because of the dimensions, it's not our current history that has changed.

There is no need to mobilize the instruments. Except for myself and Researcher Shao, all other members have already sacrificed...

After a while, Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi finally answered the questions that everyone was most concerned about, and were able to get out of the dormant cabin and return to the canopy tent where the headquarters was located.

Just after entering the tent, Liao Yonghong glanced at the time displayed on a screen suspended in mid-air not far away, and said immediately: Only one hour has passed here.

This time we entered the time and space tunnel, which is equivalent to going there and coming back the same day.

However, we stayed in that village for about three days.

Shao Yuzhi nodded and said: I still have some energy now, and I am going to write a report immediately. After writing it, I will report it to the superior immediately...

Before he finished speaking, a dark and burly figure appeared in the tent instantly.

This figure was wearing a battle armor that was a combination of ancient armor and modern mecha, with blood all over his body.

The armor was damaged in many places. Only the outline of the originally gorgeous and retro appearance could be seen. The mark on the left shoulder with the black fire surrounding the silver skull was also half destroyed. Moreover, the traces of damage to the entire armor were very strange, showing the cut bottoms of rectangles, cylinders, and triangles.

The problem is, this armor has no such parts at all!

It was as if it suddenly grew such an object and then was forcibly chopped off.

Now, bright red blood is constantly flowing out of these cut surfaces, as if what was cut off is not some parts of the armor, but some limbs of No. 005!

As soon as they saw No. 005 appear, Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi immediately raised their hands to salute, but when they glanced at the injuries on each other's bodies, they were both shocked.

Ghost No. 005 is one of the strongest compatibles in China!

There are only nine numbers of this level in the entire ghost group!

Under normal circumstances, except for those very special out of control numbers, there are very few things that can hurt the opponent!

Thinking of this, Team Liao hurriedly asked: Senior No. 005, is it the 'Double-Slit Man', 'Mathematician', 'Doctor Ashes', or 'Dr. An' who came to Qingquan Valley?

Ghost No. 005 shook his head slightly. His visor was still intact and still covered his appearance. However, the voice coming from behind the visor was a little hoarse and seemed a little tired: It's an experimental subject!

“Having two drops of ‘digital rain’, and not losing control!”

Did you encounter any special experimental subjects in the space-time tunnel this time?

Two drops of digital rain? !

Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi were startled at the same time. Just when they were about to answer, an emergency call appeared on No. 005's visor.

No. 005 glanced at the caller, and his expression under his mask suddenly became serious. He didn't care to continue talking to Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi, and quickly connected: Hello, I'm No. 005...

Binhai City?

Maybe it won't work for the time being. I encountered a very powerful experimental subject here...



The call was cut off, and No. 005 looked at Liao Yonghong and Shao Yuzhi again, and said in a deep voice: Binhai City, something happened!

It may be like Fushan City more than ten years ago, transforming into a high-risk city.

I am asked to participate in the rescue mission to Binhai City, but now I have to guard the time and space tunnel and cannot escape.

Liao Yonghong, you will leave the necessary technical personnel behind, take the others with you, and go to Binhai City immediately to save people!

Remember, after arriving in Binhai City, be careful of [Murphy's Law]!


Brilliant colors, lively atmosphere, sweet smell... urged by the passionate drumbeats, they rush into the eyes.

Pink and white petals are flying all over the sky, and the rose gallery is as beautiful as a dream.

This scene is bright and beautiful, and seems to be eager to vent the good times.

Zhou Zhen appeared under the rose gallery, glanced around for a moment, and immediately walked towards the carousel next to him.

Amidst the cheerful music, well-dressed people queued up amid laughter and laughter.

Everyone had a very happy smile on their face. They didn't care at all about Zhou Zhen's observation. As the team progressed, they were excitedly looking forward to the next game.

Zhou Zhen quickly passed by them, came to the railing, and looked at the tourists riding the carousel.

A group of wooden horses rise and fall to the music, each with an excited passenger sitting on it.

One of the figures is slim and fit, with bright eyes shining like gems. He is wearing a bright red dress, pearl red high heels with a bow, and a nondescript Christmas hat on his is Digital Rain!

Zhou Zhen stood not far away, quietly looking at the Digital Rain who had the same face as Tao Nange. With his gaze, everything around him suddenly seemed to turn on a time accelerator, quickly dimming, Old, decayed...

The bustling crowds faded away like the ink marks of blisters; the brand-new and gorgeous amusement facilities changed from running smoothly to constantly making squeaking sounds; the rose gallery, which was as beautiful as an oil painting or a dream, withered silently and rotted into dregs.


The carousel rotated very hard, and every time it was accompanied by obvious vibrations of the ceiling and floor, it seemed that it would collapse anytime and anywhere.

The monotonous noise echoed in the empty amusement park, and the air was filled with the smell of rust and dust.

Everything has turned back into the dusty amusement park it was after it was abandoned for forty years.


With a drawn-out groan, the carousel finally came to a stop.

Digital Rain was sitting on a tattered wooden horse with a bit of military green paint remaining. His back was straight and his long hair hung down his shoulders. He looked at Zhou Zhen with a smile, as if he had been waiting for him here for a long time.

Zhou Zhen stepped over the gap in the railing, stepped on the thick dusty floor, and walked towards the Digital Rain step by step.

Digital Rain watched his actions quietly, her smile unchanged. In her tender hand, she still held the love letter Zhou Zhen gave her.

Soon, Zhou Zhen walked to and stopped in front of Digital Rain. He looked into the eyes of Digital Rain and asked very seriously: Are you an intelligent life form of a higher civilization?

(End of this volume.)

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