Ash Civilization

Chapter 289 Catastrophe. (Please subscribe!)

In the deserted amusement park, the bright colors have faded away, leaving only mottled paint, telling the hustle and bustle of the past under the gray sky.

A cold wind blew through the entire park, and the rusty supports of the Ferris wheel in the distance groaned under the weight of the wind.

On the dilapidated carousel covered with dust, the bright red color of Digital Rain burned like a cluster of flames in the darkness of this ruin.

Are you an intelligent life of a higher civilization? Zhou Zhen's words drifted in the wind.

Hearing this, Digital Rain's expression suddenly became very confused, as if he didn't understand his question.

Zhou Zhen frowned. The number rain in front of him had more knowledge than he imagined, but in that classroom, he could only answer questions related to mathematics.

In this amusement park, only questions related to amusement park projects will be answered.

For questions other than these two, the other party will either ignore them directly or answer the question incorrectly...

In the past, Zhou Zhen thought this was the characteristic of digital rain and didn't pay much attention to it.

But now combined with the situation of the village in the space-time tunnel, he speculated that this was because the digital rain was missing the equation!

This is like the state they were in when they first traveled to that village. They had knowledge far beyond that era and had the digital domain, but they had no digital energy and could not use the digital domain.

However, what the digital rain lacks now is not digital energy, but... Zhou Zhen doesn't know what exactly the digital rain in front of him lacks. In short, the digital rain is not complete!

If the intelligent life of that advanced civilization is a four-dimensional life, a five-dimensional life, or even a higher-dimensional life, then the digital rain is the one-dimensional life of those four-dimensional life, five-dimensional life, or higher-dimensional life. part!

To describe it accurately, it should be one of the one-dimensional parts!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen tentatively changed the question: The village in the space-time tunnel represents... the earth?

This question is also not related to mathematics, nor is it related to amusement park projects, but this time, Digital Rain seemed to quickly understand the information Zhou Zhen wanted to ask, and the smile on his face became more obvious, and he was very happy immediately. Nodding: Yes!

Zhou Zhen was a little surprised, but he quickly came to his senses, and then asked: Village chief Chu Hu, Old Blacksmith, Meng Zhu, and Bo'er, do they represent 'digital compatibility'?

Those of us who enter the space-time tunnel represent advanced civilization?

The people who entered the space-time tunnel but did not recover the 'digital energy' and died in the village represent the 'digital infected'?

Zhou Zhen asked several questions in one breath, all of which were his previous speculations.

Now I ask Digital Rain again to confirm this speculation.

Digital Rain tilted her head, her expression was blank for a moment, as if she was lost in thought, but soon, she raised her head, looked at Zhou Zhen, and said in a sweet and crisp voice: Bo'er, we are spreading knowledge for civilization. life form.

Meng Zhu is a living entity that uses knowledge to contribute to civilization.

Village chief Chu Hu is a ruler who fears knowledge but holds real power.

The old blacksmith is a living being who uses knowledge to gain strength.

After entering the space-time tunnel, the 'digital energy' was not restored and the people who died in the village represent... the rain falling in the drought.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen frowned even more tightly. Digital Rain ignored the problem of advanced civilization!

And other questions...

Bo'er, Meng Zhu, village chief Chu Hu, and the old blacksmith, in addition to representing digital compatibility, all have special meanings.

Burr, the corresponding one should be the source of the virus that spreads the digital virus, or in other words, the mother virus!

Meng Zhu corresponds to the researcher of Digital Virus.

The village chief, Chu Hu, refers to the official who bans human experimentation.

The old blacksmith is an international illegal compatibility organization such as the Ash Order...

As for the metaphor of rain in a is equivalent to the so-called civilizing barbarians in ancient China.

Digital Rain looks at the problem from the perspective of digital virus, so the answers and ideas to these questions need to be looked at in a different way!

After thinking quickly, Zhou Zhen continued to ask: I know that Ji Li represents the experimental subject.

But what does that big persimmon tree represent?

Digital Rain looked at Zhou Zhen, shook his head slightly, and said: Ji Li in that village only represents you.

That tree represents that classroom.

“The fruit on the tree is the students in that classroom.”

Do you only represent yourself?

Zhou Zhen's brows furrowed even more as he listened, and he quickly asked: So, what do advanced civilizations want to tell the earth through this village?

Digital Rain looked at him without blinking, obvious confusion once again appeared on her fair and beautiful face, but this time, she recovered quickly, and seemed to have figured out Zhou Zhen's problem all at once. He smiled and replied: Those beings want to tell me that they have come to this world!


In the spacious underground lounge, the holographic projection screens on three walls have transformed from a lush virgin forest with rapid rivers into a fjord with strange peaks and troughs.

The dark brown mountains on both sides are covered with dark green moss and other cold zone vegetation. Behind the mountains are snow-capped peaks, standing under a blue sky.

The cold water looked particularly clear, and there were waves crashing into the sea in the distance.

The lounge is like a yacht, bumping along the current. The broken coastline meanders out a strong exotic atmosphere. Occasionally, seabirds flutter through the sky, and their clear chirping is mixed with the surging waves, which is full of excitement. A vacation vibe.

Jingle Bell!

The cell phone rang suddenly. Zhou Zhen, who was lying on the sofa, was awakened. He immediately reached for the phone, rubbed his eyes, and directly connected the call without looking at the number: Hello, who is...

Before he finished speaking, a familiar cheerful voice suddenly came from the receiver: Hey, Zhou Zhen, now that Jiwei Cinema has opened its outdoor venue, when will you come over?

When Zhou Zhen just answered the phone, he was still yawning and his mind was a little dazed. He couldn't even realize where he was for a while.

As soon as he heard the voice on the phone, his whole body was electrified and he sat up from the sofa suddenly.

It’s Luo Yuchen’s phone number!

Isn't the other party in the digital forest of Jiwei Cinema in Binhai City!

Why did the call go directly to his mobile phone?

Moreover, Luo Yuchen should not have his mobile phone number!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen was completely awake and asked quickly: Open air? What do you mean?

Luo Yuchen's tone on the receiver was very casual, revealing a familiarity that only a child can have: You can just watch [Horror Zombies] directly outside the cinema.

By the way, I just went to see Huang Xurong at Huangjia Club.

That grandson makes me laugh so hard that he is still selling math textbooks.

It's been so long and he still hasn't saved enough money, hahahaha...

As he listened, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt his scalp numb.

Luo Yuchen can come out of the digital forest of Jiwei Cinema! ?

Moreover, the other party has also been to the Digital Forest of Huang Xurong's Huangjia Club?

Was it Luo Yuchen who untied the knots in the digital forest?

Or are the two digital forests connected together?

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Zhou Zhen was about to continue asking when a harsh current noise came from the receiver.



Soon, the call was hung up and there was a busy tone on the receiver.

Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate and was about to call back, but when he opened the call history, he found that the last call on his phone was yesterday.

There was no record of the call Luo Yuchen made just now on the phone!

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

The Digital Forest of Jiwei Cinema has been officially blocked.

If something really happens, the officials will definitely know as soon as possible!

You can make a phone call first to confirm the specific situation with the official...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately picked up his phone and dialed Lu Jun's number.


The call tone kept ringing, but no one answered.

After a while, the call automatically hangs up.

Zhou Zhen frowned, and then dialed the number of Binhai City's ghost team.

This time, an operator quickly picked up: Hello, Binhai City Ghost Team, please speak.

Zhou Zhen said quickly: I am Zhou Zhen, a member of Team 5 of the Binhai City Special Warfare Brigade.

I just received a call from Digital Forest.

Is there anything unusual at Jiwei Cinema in Binhai City recently?

After the words fell, the voice on the phone was silent for a few seconds, and then replied: There is indeed something going on in Binhai City recently.

However, members of the Ghost Team, Deep Sea Patrol and Starry Sky Law Enforcement Corps have been arranged to deal with it.

Just stay at the 'Yulan Isolation Point' during this period of time.

Deep Sea Patrol?

Starry Sky Law Enforcement Corps?

It sounds like something is not going wrong, but something big!

Zhou Zhen's expression changed, he thought quickly and said, Okay.

I will stay well in Tongfu City. If you need anything, just tell me and I will be ready to go to Binhai City for support at any time!

The operator on the phone immediately said, No, no need!

Please believe in the arrangements above!

After the call ended, Zhou Zhen closed the communication page, quickly opened the webpage, and searched for news related to Binhai City. The Internet was calm, and there were also advertisements for the opening of two Binhai City entertainment venues with huge rewards. He checked the opening time, and it was just a week ago. Below I don’t know if it’s because of the trolls or the marketing effect, but many Binhai City IP users expressed their expectations and congratulations.

Nothing wrong with anything.

He sent messages to two colleagues, Chen Mao and Shi Xiaoli, but after waiting for a while, no one responded.

Zhou Zhen looked at the recent news on Binhai City's official website on the screen of his mobile phone, which was about a meeting about cleaning up the streets, and his expression suddenly became very heavy.

Something big must have happened in Binhai City!

In addition, the conversation he just had with Digital Rain in his dream... According to the meaning of Digital Rain, it is very likely that intelligent life from advanced civilizations has already come to the earth!

However, because the digital energy has not been restored, or the equation is not complete, there has not been much noise for the time being.

First it was the space-time tunnel, then it was advanced civilization, and now it is Binhai City’s turn...

Recently, big things have happened one after another.

This gave Zhou Zhen an illusion, as if the end of the world was coming soon!

The only piece of news that wasn't too bad was that their experience in the space-time tunnel was actually due to digital rain.

Yes, the object of information transmitted by higher civilizations is not human civilization at all, but digital rain!

This is what Digital Rain revealed when he answered his question just now.

Just as he was thinking about it, a familiar voice came to his ears again.

Jingle bell…jingle bell…

The phone rang again.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses, picked up his phone and saw that it was Shi Guang calling.

Shiguang calling him at this time should be about the time and space tunnel or the nine-tailed fox matter.

The reason why the other party did not come directly to this lounge but chose to communicate on the phone was that he was definitely afraid of being infected by him.

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Zhou Zhen answered the phone: Hello, what's going on?

Shiguang said in a calm voice: The situation of the 'Nine-tailed Fox' has stabilized.

Now the organization wants to know, what exactly happened in the time and space tunnel?

Also, have you completed the five tasks of entering the space-time tunnel this time?

Sure enough, it is the mission of the space-time tunnel.

Of those five tasks, except for the task of doing digital surgery inside, he has completed the other four!

Moreover, he did it all by himself. The Nine-tailed Fox didn't know what he was doing from beginning to end...

After thinking quickly, Zhou Zhen immediately replied: Okay.

However, I have something to do now. Please help me check first. Is there anything big going on in Binhai City?

Shiguang didn't hesitate and quickly replied: Binhai City?

Wait a minute.

After the words fell, she hung up the phone directly.

Zhou Zhen was sitting on the sofa, holding his mobile phone and waiting quietly, surrounded by a holographic projection screen that resembled the Scandinavian coast.

About 10 minutes later, Shiguang called again, and Zhou Zhen answered the call immediately: How's it going?

Shi Guang replied slightly faster: Binhai City, something big happened.

It should be that the entire city is transforming into high-risk areas.

Officials have now carried out the highest level response, dispatching ghost teams, deep sea patrols and starry sky law enforcement teams.

Many temporary shelters have also been set up in the suburbs surrounding Binhai City, ready to receive transferred people and supplies.

However, the most troublesome thing in Binhai City now is not the sudden surge in the number of infected people, but the city's [Murphy's Law]!

【Murphy's Law】?

Zhou Zhen's expression changed, and he suddenly thought of something.

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