Ash Civilization

Chapter 287 No. 005. (Please subscribe! Please vote at the beginning of the month!)

Zhou Zhen was immediately startled. He didn't know the identity of the person coming, but when he saw the black fire surrounding the silver skull mark on the other person's body, he already recognized that he was an official member of the ghost team!

However, the attire of the other party is very different from the ghost suits of ordinary ghost team members.

This should be a more senior member of the ghost team.

Eighty-nine times out of ten, he is a high-ranking compatibility above the Sixth Ladder!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen kept his expression unchanged and was about to explain. However, just as he opened his mouth, the nine-tailed fox beside him waved his arm, and hundreds of deep purple flames appeared out of thin air. Then, Like a violent storm, it blasted towards Ghost No. 005!

In an instant, energy surged, and the entire Qingquan Valley was dyed purple.

The nine-tailed fox has not yet transformed into a beast at this moment, but the energy fluctuations that erupted at this moment were several times stronger than the performance in the space-time tunnel just now!

It seems that this is the true strength of the nine-tailed fox under the complete equation...

boom! ! !

Zhou Zhen could not see anything clearly in the loud noise that shook the earth. When he came back to his senses, he found that the senior ghost member opposite was still standing on the same spot. It seemed that he had not made any movement, but he was not far from Zhou Zhen. The nine-tailed fox at the top of the mountain has already smashed heavily into the mountain in the distance.

The whole earth is still shaking violently, sand and gravel are sliding down from the hillsides around the valley, stones are jumping on the flat ground, the ground is cracking, temporary houses are damaged and sinking, and the alarm of instruments is ringing in the distance. Sharp explosions occurred one after another, and the originally quiet valley suddenly fell into an atmosphere of chaos, as if a high-intensity earthquake had suddenly occurred!

The hundreds of flames that the Nine-Tailed Fox had just fired were all extinguished at some unknown time. The deep purple light flashed like a meteor, and no trace of purple brilliance could be seen at this moment.

Except for earthquake-like traces, there were no changes in the surroundings. It seemed that those menacing flame impacts did not even damage the air around the high-ranking ghost members in front of them.

'Doctor Ash,' you have to take action yourself.

This kind of test by a guinea pig is meaningless.

Or are you saying that your loss of control has become more serious again?

Ghost No. 005 spoke calmly. He paid no attention to the nine-tailed fox and did not look at the damage caused by the earthquake around him. His eyes were locked on Zhou Zhen from beginning to end.

In his eyes, although the figure in front of him was tightly wrapped, his whole body was composed of dense numbers!

I remember the last time we met, the body of Doctor Ashes was still full of messy black and white horizontal and vertical lines, just like an old-fashioned TV set with poor signal. But now, the black and white horizontal and vertical lines have turned into squirming, huge numbers... …

Although the opponent's current energy seems very weak, Ghost No. 005 knows very well that it is due to [overfrequency interference].

What his eyes see now and what his equipment receives are all wrong signals!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen suddenly came back to his senses.

The experimental subject of The Order of Ashes [Myth Recovery Plan] was instantly killed by the ghost member in front of him? !

Although he has never fought the nine-tailed fox head-on, he also knows that the digital energy of the nine-tailed fox is at least the sixth step!

Moreover, the nine-tailed fox is an experimental subject!

The experimental subject of the Sixth Step!

The experimental subjects Ji Mingtao, experimental subject Xie Qiongning, and experimental subject Ares he met before... any one of them is a moving digital forest!

It is an existence that all ordinary compatibles are extremely afraid of!

But in terms of energy intensity, none of the experimental subjects could compare with the nine-tailed fox!

And now, an experimental subject of the Nine-tailed Fox level could not even take a single move from the high-ranking ghost member in front of him!

What is the level of this high-ranking ghost member?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen hurriedly explained: Wait...

Before he finished speaking, another figure strode out of the space-time tunnel behind him.

The visitor was wearing a silver-gray one-piece protective suit, with a beak-shaped full-face anti-gas mask on his face. No physical features could be seen. He could only be judged from his outline to be tall, with sound limbs, and full of energy. Not inferior to the nine-tailed fox just now!

Miandiao had just left the space-time tunnel and saw Zhou Zhen at a glance. He was about to ask something when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the ghost No. 005 not far away. Without any hesitation, he immediately turned into a stream of light and fled away into the distance with all his strength.

boom! ! !

Just like before, Zhou Zhen didn't see anything clearly. When he heard the sound, the leader of the Fourth Dimensional Utopia who had just tried to escape had already slammed into the mountain on the other side of Qingquan Valley like a cannonball.

A large amount of sand and gravel mixed with mud swarmed down the valley, and new mudslides ran rampant in the valley, slightly changing the nearby terrain.

At this time, Ghost No. 005 saw that Doctor Ashes had not taken action, so he clenched his fists and took the initiative to attack...

Wait, I am...

boom! ! ! ! !

Before he even had time to explain, Zhou Zhen felt his whole body spinning. Without seeing anything clearly, he found that he had been embedded in a deep pit with a humanoid outline!

Due to the body's self-protection mechanism, Zhou Zhen can't feel any pain now. Not only is he feeling pain, he has no consciousness in his whole body. His consciousness is like a cloud of smoke, floating on the vast water, seemingly condensed. It seemed like they were going to disperse the next moment.

Just when his consciousness was about to disappear, he vaguely saw a huge white fox, with nine long tails covering the sky like a sparrow screen behind it. It was like a wild beast that only appeared in myths and legends, breaking out of the mountain. And out...


Incandescent lights illuminate a familiar classroom.

Dust of chalk dust was slowly floating in the air. A math teacher wearing a yellowish white shirt stood next to the blackboard, quickly writing down lines of complex symbols on the blackboard while explaining the topic loudly.

The students all sat in their seats and listened attentively.

Zhou Zhen opened his eyes drowsily. His current mental state was very poor, and his eyelids seemed to be extremely heavy, as if he would fall asleep again at any time.

The moment he woke up, the whole classroom suddenly went silent!

All the students in the class turned to look at him.

Zhou Zhen immediately felt that this scene was very familiar!

But his current state is too bad. Every movement of his mind is extremely slow, and he cannot be distracted from considering the changes in the classroom.

The next moment, all the students stood up and rushed towards the back door of the classroom.

Ping ping pong pong...

After a burst of fierce noise, the class became quiet again.

Zhou Zhen turned his head with great difficulty and looked at the back door of the classroom, only to see that the back door was closed.

Most of the students in the class returned to their seats. Only Ren Rui's seat, which was closest to the back door, was empty with not a single soul in sight.

The person who left the classroom just now should be Ren Rui...

At this scene, the math teacher on the podium had not started to continue his lecture. Zhou Zhen's eyes were dazzled, and he immediately saw that the back door of the classroom had reopened, and Ren Rui, who had just ran out of the classroom, had returned to his seat. .

I don't know what happened, but Ren Rui was in a weaker state than Zhou Zhen at the moment. He was lying limply on the desk, motionless...

Immediately afterwards, the other students in the class once again left their seats and ran towards the back of the classroom.

This time, Ren Rui, who was closest to the back door of the classroom, did not make any move. Nie Lang, who was the second closest to the back door, took advantage of the geographical advantage and ran ahead.

However, Nie Lang had just taken two steps out. Before he could reach the back door, he was caught up by a very tall and muscular boy and was slapped away!

This tall and muscular boy quickly replaced Nie Lang and ran ahead of other students, arriving at the back door first.

Just as he was about to go out, he was immediately pulled from behind by seven or eight classmates who were just one step behind.

The tall and muscular boy suddenly turned his head and swept his fists as big as a bowl behind him.

Bang bang bang...

The classmates who had just held her back were all knocked away by his fists.

The tall and muscular boy was not eager to fight. He seized this opportunity and walked out of the classroom quickly.


The back door of the classroom was closed again.

All the students seemed to have lost their door position at the same time, as if nothing happened, they returned to their seats and sat down without saying a word.

The math teacher turned a blind eye to this scene. He hit the blackboard with his pointer and continued to explain the knowledge points.

Gradually, Zhou Zhen felt that his spirit seemed to be improving.

His previously stagnant and heavy thinking finally relaxed a little bit, and his brain began to become clearer.

I don’t know when the sound of the math teacher’s lecture has disappeared.

Zhou Zhen raised his head and found that the podium was empty, and the teacher's figure was nowhere to be seen. Looking around, he saw that all the classmates had disappeared. He stood alone in the center of the classroom, with the incandescent lamp still lighting up his head quietly and projecting light at his feet. A thick black shadow appeared.

The dark shadow was still growing thicker, and shadows were gathering from every empty seat towards the dark shadow at his feet.


Tongfu City, Qingquan Valley.

In the valley where a high-intensity earthquake seemed to have occurred, the sirens continued to buzz. Countless people moved quickly, packed up equipment and machinery, and retreated towards the outside.


With a loud noise, the mountains around Qingquan Valley collapsed again.

Seeing that his tentative blow almost killed Doctor Ashes, Ghost No. 005 was suddenly startled.

Then he immediately realized that the other party was not Doctor Ashes!

at this time……

boom! ! !

A terrifying energy suddenly erupted from the mountain next to it, and a huge pure white figure broke through the sandstone rock formations and jumped into the air!

The Nine-Tailed Fox could no longer see any traces of human beings at this moment. She had transformed into a huge white fox, with nine fox tails fluttering in the wind, like a huge screen displayed behind her, suspended like a snow mountain, covering less than half of the sky. A sky.

Although it is incredibly large, overall, this white fox has a light and strong body, pure white fur, and no variegated hair. When it stands in the air, it seems like a long-standing myth and legend has come to this land again!

The originally narrow and charming fox eyes of the nine-tailed fox were now full of coldness and murderous intent, staring at Ghost No. 005 with full ferocity. The violence of the ferocious beasts in ancient legends was clearly demonstrated.

The nine long tails only swayed slightly, and the entire Qingquan Valley was suddenly covered with clouds. The clouds piled up and collapsed, as if a thick piece of earth was about to collapse on the valley.

In an instant, countless tornadoes sprang up from the clouds, hanging upside down and attacking Ghost No. 005 like a violent storm.

On the other side, the Crown Eagle also opened the mountain and flew out.

His silver-gray protective clothing had become tattered, and his body was exposed in many places. Only the beak-shaped mask was still intact and continued to cover his appearance.

The body of Miandiao is not that of a normal person, but is made of fine silk threads.

The moment he left the mountain, these threads popped out and scattered in all directions.

In the process of spreading out, they were like plants, quickly growing branches. These branches were surging and wrapping around Ghost No. 005 like a swarm of snakes.

At the same time, a terrifying wave of energy also erupted from the location where Zhou Zhen fell.

Metal-like mental tentacles pierced out from the inside of the mountain, instantly pricking the solid mountain with holes. As the mud collapsed, Zhou Zhen's body was suspended in the air, supported by the densely packed mental tentacles.

At this time, Zhou Zhen's body was no longer a collection of numbers, but turned into a dark metal body.

In front of him, thousands of black and red cubes appeared.

As soon as the cube was formed, it immediately turned into a mighty shock wave, blasting towards Ghost No. 005.

Three experimental subjects...

Ghost No. 005 looked at the three of them calmly, and then the next moment...

Boom boom boom! !

The three men's menacing attacks shattered instantly.

Nine-tailed Fox, Crown Eagle and Zhou Zhen instantly flew out again, collapsing the already devastated mountains around them once again.

Ghost No. 005 ignored the Nine-tailed Fox and Crown Eagle and walked directly towards the place where Zhou Zhen fell.

Human experimentation is officially prohibited.

But the value of “digital rain” has never changed!

However, just after Ghost No. 005 took a few steps, the entire land suddenly grew like a bamboo forest after the rain, with standard rectangular bodies, cylinders, triangles, irregular bodies growing rapidly...

Ghost No. 005 immediately stopped. His helmet, his armor, his mask, his body... all began to grow small rectangular bodies, small triangles, small cylinders...

His legs directly turned into a pair of standard cylinders, and his arms and fingers turned into neatly put together rectangular bodies of various sizes.

His entire body began to develop into irregular shapes...

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