Ash Civilization

Chapter 264 God of War. (First update! Please subscribe!)



Zhou Zhen looked at the villager in front of him and his eyes suddenly became very strange, but soon he realized that the other person was the experimental subject of the Twilight Trial!

The last time he met Xie Qiongning, Xie Qiongning's way of speaking was similar to that of the other party.

This is a common problem with [God Creation Plan]!

Every experimental subject regards himself as a god in Western legends!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen asked tentatively: I am the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

Which god are you?

When the villager standing not far away heard this, he glanced at Zhou Zhen unexpectedly, his expression suddenly became much more polite, and he quickly replied: I am Ares, the God of War! Donghuang Taiyi, it seems that here This is your territory in the east, how many believers do you have now?


It doesn't seem to be Xie Qiongning.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly, confirming that the other party was just an experimental subject he didn't know, and he suddenly lost interest in continuing the conversation with the other party.

However, in order to prevent unnecessary conflicts, Zhou Zhen still said perfunctorily: The identity of my current container is Ji Li, the youngest son of the village chief's family.

I still have something to do and I will go home later.

If you are free, my friend, you can go and sit at the village chief's house.

With that said, he was about to go directly to the blacksmith shop, but just after taking two steps, he was stopped by Ares again.

Ares pointed at the brick in Zhou Zhen's hand, and said in an elegant but extremely strong tone: Thank you very much for the invitation, but I am also very busy right now.

This god is very interested in what you have in your hand.

Give me what you have in your hand, and I will reluctantly make friends with you.

Zhou Zhen frowned. The subject of the Twilight Trial kept staring at the brick in his hand for some unknown reason!

Is there something special about this brick?

Or is there something wrong with the other person’s mental state?

However, this is his only weapon now, and for this reason alone, he does not intend to let anyone use it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen replied calmly: This is just an ordinary brick. If you like it, you can go to other people's homes to pick it up yourself.

Ares heard this, shook his head slightly, and said straightforwardly: Don't worry about it so much, just give the thing to me!

At this point, he seemed a little impatient and stretched out his hand to grab the brick in Zhou Zhen's hand.


Zhou Zhen slapped away his outstretched hand without politeness and warned coldly: Get out of the way!

Ares's face also turned cold, and he said in a cold voice: I originally wanted to make a friend from the East, but since you don't know good from evil, you can only be an enemy!

As soon as he finished speaking, Ares took action directly and punched Zhou Zhen.

The body he is using now is that of an adult in his twenties and thirties. Although he is thin, he has been working hard for a long time and has considerable strength. It is the time when his body is strong. Whether it's physical fitness, strength, speed, reaction... they are all the peak period of normal human beings.

Under normal circumstances, it would be easy to crush a child less than ten years old!

However, Zhou Zhen had already recovered a little digital energy. The moment Ares punched out, Zhou Zhen reacted instantly. He rushed forward to avoid Ares's fist. , a low sweep with his right foot, attacking the bottom plate of Ares.


Ares stepped lightly, his whole body instantly lost his balance, and he fell to the ground in a panic.

Seeing that Ares has not recovered its digital energy yet, Zhou Zhen felt certain.

He immediately didn't give the opponent a chance to get up, picked up the brick in his hand, and threw it at the opponent's head like a violent storm!

Ping ping pong!

A loud muffled sound echoed repeatedly through the hedged yard.

Ah ah ah ah ah……

The sound of blunt objects hitting flesh, accompanied by the screams of Ares, came and went, which sounded particularly scary in the silent countryside.

Ares was soon hit on the head and his head was bleeding. He held his head tightly with both hands, and his body on the ground curled up tightly, like a cooked shrimp, but he still shouted angrily: How dare you blaspheme this God!

You are this barbaric oriental barbarian!

A country god with no etiquette!

When I regain my divine power, I will deprive you of your divine status, crush your divine body, and let your divine soul fall into the netherworld forever!!

Be afraid!


This God will grant you eternal destruction!!!

This god will send you and your followers into the abyss of despair... hurts me to death...ah...

Seeing that Ares had no power to fight back, Zhou Zhen gradually stopped.

The other party is an experimental subject, and a digital forest is written in the digital domain.

When the experimental subject dies, is on the verge of death, or receives a major stimulus, the digital forest is likely to break through the limitations of the experimental subject's equation and shine into reality!

Therefore, he is very measured in his actions now and does not kill directly.

Ares, listen to me!

Actually, I'm not Donghuang Taiyi at all, I'm Ji Li, the youngest son of the village chief's family!

I love my current family very much. If you dare to hurt my father Chu Hu and my other family members, I will definitely be in great pain!

In this village, I still have four good friends who are close friends in life and death!

They are Bo Lu, Sui Bai, Ding Fu and Xin Chun. They are as close to me as brothers!

If you dare to deal with them, I will never spare you!

Also, the dog I keep at home is also my cherished companion. If you dare to eat it, I will definitely make you look good!

With that said, Zhou Zhen kicked Ares in the stomach again.



Ares immediately let out another howl full of pain.

After confirming that the other party could no longer stand up in a short time, Zhou Zhen immediately turned around and left quickly in the direction of the blacksmith shop without further delay.

Not long after he left, Ares's bruised and swollen face gradually began to recover, and the bruises all over his body also recovered quickly.

Soon, Ares stood up again.

His expression was extremely angry. He looked at the direction Zhou Zhen left and said viciously: Ji Li!

Weak humans!

Despicable mortal!

How dare you blaspheme God, you are guilty!

This god is going to punish you!

This god will destroy all your relatives, friends, and partners around you!

Not even a dog will be left!

This is what you get for offending the gods!!!

With that said, Ares walked towards the village chief's house without hesitation.


The white mist filled the originally small village like a maze.

There was deathly silence all around, and even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.

There seemed to be nothing in the mist.

The normal human sounds, crowing of chickens and barking of dogs in the village at this time were not heard at all.

It seemed that everything around him was a silent picture.

No matter how lifelike it looks, it is ultimately just a color-modulated picture, lifeless.

This situation is extremely weird.

The deputy team member of the ghost team, with a group of subordinates, relied on their specially trained pathfinding abilities to march vigilantly, and finally arrived outside the blacksmith shop.

From where they were standing at the moment, looking behind them and to their left and right, they saw a vast mist. Houses, trees, courtyard walls... were all hidden. It was as if everything between heaven and earth had disappeared, leaving only this endless mist.

Only right in front, there is the outline of a courtyard, looming like an island in the vast ocean.

On the simple door, the signboard of Yueshi is blurred.

Different from the first time they came to the blacksmith shop, the fog was not so heavy. Although it was extremely quiet in the blacksmith shop, everything was normal.

But this time...

The blacksmith shop in front of it was also eerily quiet, with no noise at all. It was crawling there quietly, like a ferocious beast from the underworld, quietly dormant, waiting for the opportunity to tear everyone into pieces in the future.

Cold, malicious, cruel, unknown...

Not sure if it was because of the surge of similar feelings, the ghosts looked at the blacksmith shop in the mist again and found that the outline of the courtyard seemed to have changed.

The zhe trees that grow staggered in the yard seem to outline phantoms among their intersecting branches and leaves, whirling slightly in the mist. Every time they sway, they change their unpredictable existence and are full of deep and terrifying atmosphere.

The door made of thatch and adobe is like a gateway to an unknown area, emitting a cold connotation when standing tall.

The courtyard is motionless, but it gives people a sense of fear that it will burst out and hurt people at any time, making people involuntarily want to stay away, or even run away.

This is a kind of impact on the will level, but in the face of the ghost that the official often performs tasks, although it is enough to make them more vigilant, it will not cause them to get scared.

The deputy team member scanned the surroundings carefully and found no specific danger. He gestured calmly. All the ghosts immediately formed a battle formation at the door, covering each other, standing alternately, and at the same time quickly checking the weapons in their hands. Weapons, sleeves, trousers, and other items that may impede movement.

After everything was ready, the deputy team strode forward and carefully looked at the courtyard door in front of them, which seemed to have not changed much. Then they raised their hands and knocked on the door gently or hard.

Boom, boom, boom!

At the same time, the deputy team raised his voice to the yard and said: Cymbal? Cymbal? The hoe is broken. I'll make a new hoe!

As soon as the words fell, the ghosts all held their breath and concentrated, tensing their muscles, ready to take action at any time.

However, after waiting for a long time, the blacksmith shop was quiet and no one came out.

The deputy team didn't hesitate and knocked on the door again.

Boom, boom, boom!

Is Yuesou here? Are there any ready-made hoes in the shop? I'll trade them for poultry!

Three old hens, ten eggs, and two ducks, are they enough?

Yue Sou? Yue Cymbal?

The knock on the door echoed monotonously, but there was no answer from the yard.

In the mist, a chill filled the air silently.

It was as if no one was in the blacksmith shop at all.

After trying several times in succession, the Yue Cymbal that opened the door just now was nowhere to be seen, and no one else came to respond. The ghosts looked at each other, quickly made gestures, and began to communicate...

If the people inside don't come out, then we'll go in!

Be careful! This is the world inside the coffin shop. The blacksmith shop in front of you may not be the same as the one we just went to!

The blacksmith shop just now was not dangerous. But the blacksmith shop in front of us is not necessarily dangerous!

Not bad! It's best for us to divide into two teams now. One team goes in to search, and the other team stays outside waiting for news.

If the people inside don't come out, the people guarding outside should go back and report the situation quickly so that Team Liao and the others can be prepared!

The problem is, we can't get out of the coffin shop now, and there's no way we can go back and report to Team Liao!

The current situation does require detachment. Our mission target this time is the two members of the illegal organization. But we are not sure yet. The two members of the illegal organization are in the blacksmith shop!

Yes, if those two people are elsewhere and all our people enter the blacksmith shop, this is not a good thing!

After a brief exchange, the deputy team quickly made a decision and sent three team members to enter the blacksmith shop to search; the others stayed guard outside.

If the three people don't come out, the people outside will go directly to other places to look for the two members of the illegal organization.

Soon, three ghosts volunteered and stepped forward in battle formation. The person walking at the front stretched out his hand to push open the ajar door and quickly stepped inside. The other two stood outside the door with bated breath and held their breath for a moment. , there seemed to be a signal of safety coming from the door, and the two men no longer hesitated, taking turns to cover their way in.

The mist is vast, like the sea.

Although when these three ghosts entered the courtyard from the main entrance, everyone clearly saw the opening process of the courtyard door, but they could not see the scene inside at all. It was all covered with thick fog, blocking the view.

After all three ghosts entered the blacksmith shop, the courtyard door closed again without anyone noticing.

The others maintained their fighting formation and waited patiently outside.

Within a few seconds, the ghost outside suddenly began to renegotiate: If the people inside don't come out, then we will go in!

Be careful……

Divide into two teams...

We must try to report the news to Team Liao...

After the second discussion, they separated three more ghosts and entered the blacksmith shop.

Shortly after the three ghosts entered the yard for the second time, the people waiting outside began to discuss again: If the people inside don't come out, then let's go in...

So, they separated three ghosts for the third time, covering each other and entering the blacksmith shop.

At this time, there were only the last three ghosts left outside.

They didn't realize what was going on. After holding their breath for a few seconds, they began to discuss: If the people inside don't come out, then let's go in...

There are only three of us, we can't split into teams.

Otherwise, once we encounter those two illegal organizations in the blacksmith shop, we will not be sure of victory.

Then let's all go in!

With that said, the last three people also cautiously entered the blacksmith shop.

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