Ash Civilization

Chapter 263 Evil spirits? (Second update! Please subscribe!)

The village chief's house.

In the empty yard, a few remaining persimmons hung on the treetops, like flames, swaying with the north wind.

Like the bright colors in ancient Chinese paintings.

Bang bang bang...

The sound of beating clothes echoed monotonously.

Thatched hut, kitchen.

Chu Hu stood in the open space, together with several adult villagers who were busy around him, looking straight at Bo Gui who was sitting cross-legged on the adobe cabinet.

Liao Yonghong just walked in and immediately noticed something was wrong.

He subconsciously wanted to leave directly, but before he could take two steps back, he was blocked by the door that closed spontaneously.


The seemingly simple door was extremely solid at the moment. No matter how hard Liao Hongyu tried, it only shook a few times and showed no intention of opening it.

Liao Yonghong frowned and thought quickly about the situation in front of him.

At this time, Chu Hu suddenly said with an expressionless face: My uncle is possessed by an evil spirit.

Tie her up.

Prepare to be burned at the stake!

As soon as the words fell, the adult villagers around who were busy with housework immediately walked towards Bo Gui.

Bo Gui was still nibbling on the half-cooked old hen on the cabinet, and had no reaction to Chu Hu's words. At this moment, several pairs of big hands fell down at the same time, holding down her body.

The half-eaten old hen was also knocked to the ground.

Bo Gui was furious and began to struggle immediately.

Her current body is not yet an adult, with slender bones and insufficient muscles. Her strength is no match for these villagers who work all day long.

These villagers quickly found a roll of hemp rope in the corner of the kitchen and tied it to Bo Gui in a hurry.

let me go!

court death!!!

I'm going to bite you all to death!

As she spoke, Bo Gui began to struggle hard. Her originally beautiful face was filled with a ferocious aura. Although she was obviously weaker than these village women, her control of her body was extremely flexible. The hemp rope almost caught her several times. Her head was slid open by her at the critical moment, as nimbly as a swimming fish.

The village woman holding the hemp rope was bitten several times on her hand, and several blood spots appeared in the neat tooth marks.

Seeing Bo Gui's fierce struggle, Chu Hu showed no expression on his face and said in a cold tone: The evil spirit possessing Bo Gui is very violent.

Ordinary means cannot subdue it.

Go get the hammer and hit Bo Gui on the head.

What you are smashing now is not Bo Gui, but evil spirit.

The hammer belongs to gold, and the sharp metal energy can restrain evil spirits.

According to experience, no matter what kind of evil spirit it is, if you hit it three times in a row, it will be quiet.

A village woman immediately opened the door of the adobe cabinet, found a hammer from the bottom, raised it high, and smashed it hard against Bo Gui's Tianling Cap.

Bang bang bang!

Bo Gui's body was held down by several village women, and there was limited space to escape. She was hit three times with a hammer, and her head was smashed on the spot.

The warm blood quickly slid down her fair face, revealing a shocking beauty.

Bo Gui's whole body suddenly froze, her head tilted and drooped. She didn't know whether she was dead or unconscious.

The village women immediately stepped forward and continued to tie up Bo Gui. This time, the whole operation went very smoothly, and Bo Gui was quickly tied up.

Seeing that Bo Gui was successfully subdued, Chu Hu nodded slightly and then said: Take her out.

The villagers in the kitchen immediately grabbed the rope that bound Bo Gui and pulled hard, trying to drag Bo Gui directly outside the house.

However, at this moment, Bo Gui, who had been silent, suddenly opened his eyes, and his head, which was drooping weakly, raised strangely: Hehehehehe...hehehe...

Bo Gui's laughter was sweet and crisp, like a silver bell blown by the wind, and like a clear stream flowing in a beautiful valley. It always flows into people's hearts, like the sound of nature.

But I don’t know why, such a pleasant laughter is filled with a sense of horror that makes living creatures tremble with fear.

Liao Yonghong, who had been watching, had the hairs all over his body standing on end involuntarily, and his heart was beating wildly, as if something extremely terrible was about to happen somewhere!

The movements of several villagers who were dragging Bo Gui out suddenly stopped. They still maintained the action of pulling Bo Gui hard, but the weight that was so light just now was extremely heavy now, as if Bo Gui suddenly changed from a delicate body. The weak girl turned into a towering mountain.

No matter how hard they exerted their strength, they could not move at all.

Bo Gui's body changed rapidly.

A pair of fluffy fox ears suddenly stood up between her long and messy hair. The hair was white, without any variegated hair, like a bright moonlight; at the same time, fluffy and huge fox tails appeared behind her. .

The fox's tail spread out like a peacock's tail, and the long pure white hair slowly surged behind her like flowing snow.


Bo Gui's laughter became more and more weird, and the whole kitchen felt like it had fallen into an ice cellar.

Strong charm, mixed with a strong and ferocious aura, swarmed out at the same time.

Bang bang bang!

In a series of crisp sounds, the rope that tied Bo Gui broke apart inch by inch.

Bo Gui waved his hand casually, and the next moment...

puff! ! !

The upper body of a village woman who had just participated in tying her up was blown into a ball of blood, and the remaining lower limbs fell into a pool of fresh blood with a plop.

The rich smell of blood filled the air instantly.

Without waiting for others to react, Bo Gui's slender white fingers suddenly popped out sharp claws like steel blades. She grabbed the village woman who was the second closest to her, and with a little force, she tore her into pieces in one go. Two pieces!

Colorful internal organs mixed with a strong fishy smell flowed all over the floor.

Immediately afterwards...

Puff puff puff...

In less than a second, Bo Gui had torn into pieces all the villagers who had just attacked her.

In an instant, only Bo Gui, Liao Hongyu and Chu Hu were left in the kitchen.

On the tamped earth ground, blood flowed vertically and horizontally, and in the blink of an eye, it piled up into a pool of blood and gurgled outside.

Liao Yonghong's face changed slightly, and he knew in his heart that the girl in front of him was an experimental subject!

When stimulated, the other party can quickly absorb all the energy around it and convert it into its own digital energy just like the infected person!


While he was thinking, Liao Yonghong saw Bo Gui getting angry again and punching Chu Hu's head.

Red, red and white splashed all over the ground.

Liao Yonghong suddenly stared at Bo Gui with great vigilance. He and the other party were the only two people left here.

The opponent's next target must be him!

However, to Liao Yonghong's surprise, Bo Gui seemed not to see him at all. After killing the other people in the kitchen, he turned directly back to the adobe cabinet and picked up the half-eaten old hen. Climb up the cabinet, sit down, and continue to eat by yourself.

Click... click... click...

The clear sound of chewing resounded through the thatched house, and the blood on the ground slowly seeped out along the crack of the kitchen door.

Liao Yonghong was startled for a moment, and then quickly realized...this is Schrödinger's cat!

He is an observer!

Before he entered this kitchen, what happened here might be that the experimental girl survived; or it might be that the other party was dragged to be burned by the village chief.

Both possibilities are 50%.

The kitchen door was not opened, and the experimental girl in front of her was like Schrödinger's cat, in a state of superimposed life and death.

Only after opening the kitchen and observing it can you see the final result inside.

In other words, everything he sees now has happened a long time ago!

But before he entered the kitchen, everything inside was uncertain.

Only after he, the observer, conducts observations will the real results of Schrödinger's cat appear!

Thinking of this, Liao Yonghong suddenly realized something was wrong.

This phenomenon is very much like a “digital forest”!

The digital virus infection of the dimension of time is more serious than he imagined!


At this moment, a subtle movement suddenly came from behind Liao Yonghong.

It seemed like someone pushed the door open.

In an instant, the tragic scene of corpses and blood all over the kitchen suddenly changed.

Chu Hu and the villagers, who had just been beaten and killed, recovered instantly.

Bo Gui's fox tail and ears disappeared completely, and she turned into a beautiful and quiet girl again. She sat on the adobe cabinet and ate the old hen with concentration.

Click... click... click...

The sound of chewing is clear to the ears.

Everything in the kitchen has returned to how it was when Liao Yonghong first entered.

Chu Hu looked at Bo Gui and said in a cold tone: Bo Gui is possessed by an evil spirit.

Looking at this scene, Liao Yonghong frowned, and then quickly realized that it was Huan!


In the simple thatched house, Zhou Zhen was holding bricks and lying behind the wooden door, with his face against the door, observing the situation outside the door through the crack of the door without blinking.

Outside the door, stood a villager with a vigilant expression and holding a rake. The other person had stopped knocking on the door and was looking around sharply. His muscles were contracting, ready to go, as if he had suddenly arrived at a stranger. Just like any other place, he is alert to any possible crisis and ready to fight back or dodge at any time.

Zhou Zhen observed the other party for a few seconds and saw that the other party had no intention of breaking in. Just as he was about to look away, he saw several unfamiliar villagers walking out of the mist.

The villagers who knocked on the door seemed to know each other.

As soon as the two parties met, they immediately started talking.

Deputy team, where is this place?

have no idea!

Have you found any trace of those two members of the illegal organization?

No, this place is very big, and the layout is the same as the village outside. I don't know where those two people ran away.

That's right! This is like another village that is exactly the same. I don't know what the connection is between the two villages here and the other. Those two members of the illegal organization just visited the blacksmith shop. Let's go to the blacksmith shop to look for them?

Okay! Let's go!

With that said, these villagers immediately started walking in one direction. Soon, their figures disappeared into the mist and disappeared from Zhou Zhen's sight.

Looking out at the empty courtyard again, Zhou Zhen hesitated.

Blacksmith shop...

There may be very important clues there!

Should I follow the past directly now?

It’s better to pick a time when no one is around and go there alone...

Just as he was quickly analyzing the pros and cons, he looked through the crack in the door and saw another strange villager walking out of the mist.

This villager, like other villagers, was dressed in tatters and his face was covered with dust. But for some reason, every move he made revealed the elegance of an old man, as if the soul of a nobleman was controlling this villager's body. Same as the body.

Even though his appearance and attire are very different, his behavior and expression are still full of classical elegance and elegance.

The other party walked to the door of the thatched house step by step, each step was full of mechanical precision, as if he had measured it with a ruler, and his eyes were calmly observing the surrounding environment.

After a moment, the villager looked away and did not knock on the door. Instead, he put one hand on his chest and bowed gracefully in one direction. After completing this very ceremonial action, the other party did not delay any further and turned around. body and left in the direction of the village chief's house.

Not long after the villager left, several more figures appeared in the white mist.

They walked out of the mist quickly, holding or carrying various sharp farm tools in their hands and shoulders. These villagers were half male and female. They may have just experienced a battle, and their anger had not yet completely subsided.

They also stopped not far from the door of the thatched house. After looking around murderously, they discussed a few words in a low voice and turned to leave.

Looking at the direction they were going, it was also the village chief's home.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhen frowned slightly.

A total of four groups of people came just now.

The two villagers who first came to his door seemed to be being chased by something.

After the two villagers left, the second group, the largest group of villagers, also came to his door.

Not surprisingly, the second group of people should be the official ghost team.

The two villagers pursued by the first ghost team were members of an illegal organization.

After these two groups of people, the third group only had one villager.

With this style of acting alone, there is a high probability that he is a member of the Twelve Sages.

The fourth group, which is the last group of people, is either a twilight trial or a four-dimensional utopia.

Except for the second group of people who went to the blacksmith shop, the other three groups of people were all heading towards the village chief's house.

With such a unified purpose, those three groups must have collected some important clues!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen no longer hesitated, pulled down the door latch and walked out of the house.

He has been to the village chief's home several times.

There is only the blacksmith shop, which I haven’t been to yet.

This time, go to the blacksmith shop first.

However, just as Zhou Zhen walked out of the thatched house, another strange figure walked out of the mist.

The visitor was also a villager I had never seen before. He looked to be about 20 or 30 years old. He was wearing a faded moon-white shorts. He was dark and thin, with a tanned leather belt tied around his waist. He walked with very unusual steps. Calm.

Zhou Zhen stopped immediately and looked at the other party warily.

Completely different from Zhou Zhen's reaction, this new villager showed no signs of nervousness at all. He had an arrogant expression on his dark face. He casually glanced at the bricks in Zhou Zhen's hand and said in a matter-of-fact command tone: Mortals !”

Give me what you have in your hands!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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