Ash Civilization

Chapter 265 Revenge! (Second update! Please subscribe!)

An alley in the village.

The fog was like a wall, surrounding us, and visibility was extremely poor.

The black-clothed messenger and the observer stopped talking and looked solemnly at the four figures walking out of the fog.

Their eyes had been gouged out, and purple-black blood had coagulated all over their faces.

Among these four figures, two were no strangers to the two of them.

The only child walking on the far left, although the messenger in black and the observers did not witness it with their own eyes, they heard Dalton Seth describe it after peeking through the crack in the door when they gathered at Dalton Seth's residence to discuss matters last night. Pass.

A child with a striking black mole on his neck who knocks on the door in the middle of the night!

I don’t know why, but he actually appeared during the day, in such a weird and terrifying way.

The figure on the far right, in his thirties, dark and thin, is exactly the body that Dalton Seth used in this village, the villager Nobuharu!

Last night, Nobuharu opened the wooden door involuntarily after the child knocked on the door.

At the critical moment, the messenger in black and the observer slipped out of the earthen window at the back of the house and successfully escaped, but they were too late to save Nobuharu who opened the door.

Later, after the two of them ran into the observer's house in the village, Nobuharu appeared outside the observer's house like a shadow. He also had his eyes gouged out and knocked on the observer's door!

Of the four people, two had problems, and the other two unfamiliar villagers were probably in similar situations.

Definitely be careful with these four!

At this moment, the four of them could not see the messenger in black and the observer, but they lined up side by side, blocking the way of the two of them.

Eight arms were groping randomly in the air, and with their movements, the thick mist was moved, flowing and stirring like water, bringing with it a wet and cold feeling.

The four people said nothing. Every time they took a step, they would carefully explore every inch of space around them, as if they were afraid of missing any important clues.

Ta, tap, tap... the subtle footsteps were dense and clear.

Little by little, four figures were approaching the black-clothed messenger and the observer.

When the two realized this, their expressions changed slightly, and they turned around and ran away without hesitation!

However, they didn't run a few steps and immediately discovered that the distance between themselves and the four people whose eyes had been gouged out, instead of widening, was getting closer and closer!

The direction in which they fled was exactly where the four of them were.

Something is wrong!

It looks like traffic is well connected here and they can go in any direction, but in fact, no matter which way they go, there is only one direction.

We can only move forward!

This is a one-dimensional world!

The messenger in black and the observer immediately stopped.

The observer said in a low voice: Those four people have a big problem.

If you get caught, you could become one of them.

However, we are now on the same straight line as the four of them.

Both sides can only move forward, not retreat!

If you want to leave now, you must find a way!

The messenger in black was silent, seeming to be thinking about something rapidly.

Step, step, step...

The four of them groped forward, getting closer and closer.

Eight arms were pulling in mid-air, about to touch the hems of the black-clothed messenger and the observer.

At this moment, the envoy in black finally thought of something and said quickly: I once heard that in Chinese chess, soldiers can only move forward before crossing the river, and cannot move in any other direction.

But after crossing the river, you can walk sideways!

Our current situation is like that of soldiers who have not crossed the river. If we want to leave, we have to cross these four people.

Come over together!

Try not to let their hands touch it!

As he spoke, the black-clothed envoy kicked the ground hard, and suddenly jumped out, rushing towards the four people.

The observers immediately followed.

Sensing the approach of the two men, Lu Xingkuan and the others immediately stretched out their arms and grabbed the two of them with palms of different sizes.

The messenger in black did not slow down. Just when several arms were about to catch him, he suddenly leaned down and avoided the grasp of the four people. At the same time, he hugged the waist of Lu Xingkuan on the far left, and then his whole body became numb. With all his strength, he threw him behind him!

At the same moment, the observer also used the same move to hug the waist of Sui Bai, the second person on the left, and throw him backwards!

Bang bang...

With two muffled sounds, Lu Xingkuan and Sui Bai were immediately thrown to the ground.

Almost at the same time, Ding Fu, who was standing on the right side of Sui Bai, waved her arms and grabbed the observer.

The observer hurriedly stood up and tried to dodge, but his speed could not keep up with his reaction, and his shoulder was touched by Ding Fu's right hand.


The next moment, the observer had stood up again, kicked Ding Fu away, and ran forward with rapid strides.

The messenger in black moved one step faster than the observer and ran in front of the observer.

The two didn't look back and ran forward with all their strength.

After running for a long time, the four figures just now had completely disappeared into the vast mist behind them. The black-clothed messenger and the observers slowed down little by little, and finally stopped, with their hands on their waists and mouthfuls of food. Panting.


The chests of the two men were rising and falling violently, and their foreheads were covered with sweat. Without digital energy and using the body of a weak, malnourished villager, the explosion just now used up almost all their strength!

After a while, the two gradually recovered.

Where...are you? At this time, the observer looked around and asked suspiciously.

The messenger in black looked around and shook his head slightly.

The surrounding fog is now thick, and the walls block the view. Even if the two of them stand face to face, each other's faces are a bit blurry. In such a heavy fog, no road signs, houses, courtyard walls, or trees can be seen.

They were only focused on escaping just now, and they don't know where they are now.

Just as they were thinking about it, the fog cleared ahead, and a spacious and simple courtyard appeared in front of the two of them. Inside the ajar door, in front of the thatched house in the innermost part of the courtyard, lay a pastoral dog with a black top and a white bottom.

The village chief's house has arrived.


Ta, tap, tap...

The sound of subtle footsteps echoed quietly in the mist, like a dropped stone, causing ripples.

In the thick fog, a lonely figure emerged little by little.

It was a villager dressed in khaki and brown. His shabby clothes were walking in the fog. Every step he took was extremely precise, as if he had measured it with a ruler.

While walking, the villager's face turned slightly and looked around from time to time, appearing very alert.

Just when he turned his head and looked to the left, four figures of different heights suddenly appeared in the fog directly ahead.

The villager in khaki-brown furrowed his brows, but still walked straight forward.

The thick mist surged greatly due to the movement, and the distance between the two sides became shorter and shorter. When they were about to approach, the four people raised their arms and grabbed the villager wearing khaki and brown.

The villagers in khaki-brown raised their hands to protect their heads and continued walking forward.

The next moment, four hands were grasping the waist, shoulders, back, arms, thighs of the villager wearing khaki-brown clothes...

The villagers in khaki and khaki brown kept moving forward and soon broke free from the arms of the four people.

He passed these four figures and walked forward, quickly disappearing into the fog.


In the vast mist, four poorly dressed villagers walked with vigilance.

They held hoes, rakes and other agricultural tools in their hands, and under the sky, they faintly reflected a bit of cold light.

As we walked, four shadowy figures appeared in the fog ahead.

Looking at the four people walking over, one of the female villagers immediately said: It's the 'Snake Vulture' and the 'Wenxu Bird'.

The leader Miandiao nodded slightly and said calmly: Their 'numbers' are lost. Be careful not to be touched by them.

Call directly.

After the words fell, everyone raised the farm tools in their hands and strode towards the four people.


Ares walked in the fog full of rage.

Every step he took was filled with humiliated resentment, and he strode toward the village chief's house.

After walking for a while, he suddenly saw four familiar figures appearing in the fog ahead.

Ares had a cold look on his face. He didn't pay attention to the four people who suddenly appeared at all. He still kept walking forward. At the same time, before the two parties could get closer, he had already shouted angrily: Get away!

The four people did not respond and continued to fumble towards Ares. Soon, they came to Ares. Their arms of different lengths were pulling in the air, trying to grab Ares .

At this time, Ares also saw their faces clearly: the child Bo Lu with a black mole on his neck, the tall, thin and powerful Sui Bai, the short Ding woman with her hair tied in a bun with a wooden hairpin, and the Dark and thin Nobuharu.

Ares was startled at first, but after he came to his senses, a stern smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He has been wandering around the village for the past two days, and he has already gotten to know half of the villagers in this village.

He didn't recognize the four people in front of him and the child with the black mole on his neck.

But the other three people are Sui Bai, Ding Fu and Xin Chun!

That's right!

These three adult villagers are all friends of that blasphemer Ji Li!

These three villagers should all die!

As for the only child, although I don’t know who it is, since he is with these three people, he deserves to die just as well!

Just when he was about to seek revenge on Ji Li, Ji Li's friends came to his door. This was really a happy event!

Thinking of this, Ares couldn't wait to walk towards the four of them...


The thick mist was like a quilt, wrapping the small village tightly.

Zhou Zhen walked cautiously in the fog. He seemed to be the only one in the village at the moment. No matter where he went, he could not hear any movement.

Eerily quiet.

After walking for a while, a vague courtyard appeared in front of him, with a Yueshi sign hanging on the door. It was a blacksmith shop.

The door of the blacksmith shop was empty, no one was there.

Zhou Zhen stopped in front of the courtyard gate, looked up at the shop, and saw the low wall surrounded by Zhe trees, quietly prostrate.

The mist surged like an ocean current, dragging traces of different shades in the shadows of the trees. Those shadows were hidden in the fog, creating various grotesque outlines from far and near, turning into a cold and forbidding shadow.

Zhou Zhen looked back at the blacksmith shop and frowned slightly.

This is the blacksmith shop.

The official ghost team should have arrived before him just now.

But now, there is no one outside, have they all gone in?

In addition, this blacksmith shop is too quiet, you can't hear any sound of blacksmithing...

There may be a big problem in the blacksmith shop!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen came to the door, stretched out his hand, and knocked on the door very carefully.

Dong dong dong...

The knocking on the door echoed in the fog, making the surroundings even more empty and vast.

Is there anyone here? Zhou Zhen tightened his muscles and shouted loudly.

The blacksmith shop was still quiet, without any response.

Zhou Zhen was not surprised. Not only in this blacksmith shop, he knocked on other people's doors in the past two days, but no one opened the door for him.

So after waiting for no answer, Zhou Zhen pushed the door tentatively and immediately discovered that the courtyard door was ajar.

He exerted a little force, and the door moved backwards.

Zhou Zhen quickly grabbed the door knocker to prevent the courtyard door from opening completely. He controlled the rotation of the door axis, pushed open a very small gap little by little, put his eyes on it, and looked inside.

There was thick fog behind the door, blocking the view and making it difficult to see the entire yard.

But the place that could be seen was deserted and quiet, everything was covered with a thick layer of dust, and there were long and messy grasses growing on the ground. It seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time and no one had taken care of it for a long time.

Zhou Zhen carefully retracted his palm and did not go in directly.

He took a few steps back and left the door of the blacksmith shop. After keeping a distance from the courtyard door, he suddenly opened his mouth and let out a burst of high and low sound waves.

This is the sound wave Digital Rain emitted during class. He also used this sound wave to teach the village chief's dog last night.

This blacksmith shop is obviously very dangerous now.

But there may also be important clues hidden inside.

It would be too risky for him to go in directly like this.

Therefore, Zhou Zhen plans to restore a little more digital energy. If he can return to the level of normal use of a digital domain, it will be safer.

@#¥... After the sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low, sometimes hoarse, sometimes sharp sound waves continued for a while, Zhou Zhen discovered that the digital energy in his body showed no sign of recovery.

Instead, his voice began to become hoarse quickly due to the forced utterance of some sounds that did not exist on earth, and he felt a burning sensation, which was particularly uncomfortable.

Zhou Zhen immediately frowned and carefully recalled the lecture process last night. He quickly understood that he must have Ji Li's body so that he could restore his digital energy through lectures!

It's a bit troublesome...

Um? I going to do now?

By the way, we have to go to the blacksmith shop...

This is the blacksmith shop...

Zhou Zhen suddenly forgot all about digital energy and walked directly towards the blacksmith shop.

He pushed open the ajar door and walked straight in.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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