Ash Civilization

Chapter 259 The next day. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Blacksmith shop?

Zhou Zhen immediately wrote down this information.

The villagers who just walked past them should all be compatibles who came from the time and space tunnel!

If there are so many people going to this Yue clan blacksmith shop, it means there must be something wrong with the blacksmith shop.

While thinking, Zhou Zhen followed Uncle Dou and quickly arrived at the door of the village chief's house.

Pushing open the ajar door and going in, everything inside was exactly the same as yesterday.

Ponds, vegetable gardens, persimmon trees... and children walking around the yard. These children were playing on their own, and most of them didn't pay attention to the arrival of Shu Dou and Zhou Zhen.

Bo Kang, Uncle Dou, this way! Just like yesterday, Zhong Song stepped out of the crowd and waved to the two of them.

Zhou Zhen and Shu Dou immediately walked towards him.

When they arrived, Shu Dou asked in a low voice: What are you going to eat today?

Zhongsong replied excitedly and mysteriously: There is meat today!

Zhou Zhen was watching this scene quietly from the side, and whether it was Uncle Dou or Zhong Song, the reactions of these two people were exactly the same as yesterday.

He stopped paying attention to the two friends, looked around, and began to observe the surrounding environment.

Soon, Zhou Zhen saw in the crowd that there were a few new faces in the yard today, two men and one woman, and three of them were adults!

The only woman among the three adults is a thin and petite young woman who looks to be in her twenties. Considering the living conditions of this era, the actual age of the other party may be younger. Her long, yellow hair is tied into a bun. , wearing a wooden hairpin and a patchwork skirt, her appearance is no different from the married women in the village;

There are two other men. One is tall and thin, but his exposed arm muscles are strong. He seems to be good at farming. The other man has been following the female villager. Their temperaments are slightly similar, and they seem to be the same. couple;

The last man looked to be in his thirties, dark and thin, probably due to the heavy burden of life. His back was slightly stooped, and he wore a half-old homespun handkerchief around his neck. It was probably used to pad shoulders or wipe sweat while working. of.

The three of them stood in the yard a little blankly, without any intention of communicating with anyone else. They looked confused and seemed very unconscious.

Zhou Zhen's eyes swept over the three of them, and he suddenly felt that something was not right.

Their bodies seemed to be missing something, very weird!

But Zhou Zhen looked intently and checked carefully, but found nothing wrong with the three of them.

Thinking about this matter quietly in his heart, Zhou Zhen continued to observe others.

His eyes swept across most of the yard, and he saw Lu Xingkuan's figure among a group of children playing in the mud.

The other party's back was facing Zhou Zhen at the moment, and the black mole on his neck was extremely clear in the sky. His ragged clothes were torn by the cold wind, and he was shivering slightly from the cold.

Zhou Zhen immediately walked towards Lu Xingkuan. He came to Lu Xingkuan's side, stretched out his arm and patted the other person's shoulder gently.

Lu Xingkuan immediately turned his head. After seeing Zhou Zhen, he asked very quietly: What did you discover last night?

Zhou Zhen did not answer immediately, but looked at Lu Xingkuan seriously.

At this moment, the road is wide, and the five features on the young face are complete. The empty eye sockets last night are now filled with a pair of black and white eyes, leaving no gaps. Everything looks normal, as if the eyeballs have never been gouged out.

Zhou Zhen looked into the other person's eyes, nodded slightly, and said calmly: I didn't gain much last night.

Master Lu, did anything happen last night?

Lu Xingkuan looked very unhappy and whispered, I had a dream last night.

Someone hit me twice with a brick!

I couldn't see that ***'s face clearly.

But I have a very strong gut feeling.

That *** who hit me with a brick is among these kids!

If there is a chance, I will definitely kill him!


Got hit twice with a brick?


He did hit the village chief's Ji Li with a brick last night, but that was not Lu Xingkuan...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen suddenly realized that part of Lu Xingkuan's numbers had been snatched away by Ji Li!

Lu Xingkuan's dream last night was actually caused by him.

In the game Touch the Blind Man, whoever is caught will have his number taken away!

Lu Xingkuan is able to maintain his sanity now because the numbers lost by the other party are not too many.

But if it happens a few more times, the other party will definitely have problems!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately changed the subject and asked, Master Lu, in today's 'touch the blind' game, it's your turn to arrest someone.

Who do you want to arrest later?

Lu Xingkuan glanced at the spacious yard and said in a deep voice, I'll be blindfolded later and won't be able to see anything. Of course, I'll catch whoever I can.

But don't worry.

After all, you are the one following me. If I accidentally catch you when the time comes, you cough.

In this way, I will immediately change my target.

Zhou Zhen nodded. He would definitely not believe Lu Xingkuan's nonsense.

If he really coughs later, Lu Xingkuan might be the first one to come over and catch him!

The main purpose of asking this question is to determine the other party's mental state...

While thinking, Zhou Zhen said calmly: If that's the case, then I'm relieved.

It was so cold in the morning that my hands and feet were numb from the cold.

When the hot soup comes, I will continue to give my share of the hot soup to Mr. Lu, so that you can warm up and catch others.

While talking, the two women from yesterday once again worked together to bring out a large pot of hot soup filled with the aroma of meat.

Just as the hot soup was being set up, another small figure walked out of the thatched house, timidly leaning against the door frame, looking longingly at the pot of soup.

This figure is none other than Ji Li.

One of the two women pulled out a large basket containing wooden bowls and spoons, and the other shouted for everyone to line up and prepare to receive food.

The whole yard suddenly became busy. Amidst the noise, a long and crooked queue immediately appeared in the open space in front of the cauldron.

Zhou Zhen was at the front of the queue this time, and he received a bowl of hot soup without waiting long.

He didn't drink, he just walked towards the inconspicuous corner next to him with the wooden bowl.

After waiting in the corner for a while, Lu Xingkuan walked over empty-handed.

Today it was Lu Xingkuan's turn to be the blind man. According to the rules, he had no soup today.

Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate and immediately handed over the wooden bowl and spoon.

Just like yesterday, Lu Xingkuan took the bowl and spoon and immediately started eating.

After a while, all the children finished the soup and returned the tableware. The two women quickly packed up their things and carried the pots and pans back to the house. Chu Hu came out and announced with a smile the start of the touch the blind man game: Today is Ji's turn. Li, Bo Lu, Sui Bai, Ding Fu and Xin Chun will be the 'blind men'!


Zhou Zhen was startled. Five people were called blind today?

The next moment, Ji Li, Lu Xingkuan and the three confused adults walked over, letting Chu Hu take out the black cloth and blindfold them.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Hu looked around and said in a deep voice: I will count dozens, and the game begins!






In the north of the village, this is already the edge of the village. The blacksmith shop is also a thatched house, but it is kept at a certain distance from other thatched houses and is slightly isolated. Its house is also a bit higher than ordinary thatched houses. The courtyard wall is similar to that of the village chief. It's similar to a home, built of adobe.

The top of the adobe is covered with straw mats to extend the life of the adobe wall.

Inside the wall, neatly planted trees were planted close to the earthen wall. These trees had all fallen leaves at this moment, and only their bare branches stood in the winter morning light. They were of a single species, all of which were mulberry trees.

Judging from the crown width and height, it seems that they were not planted in the same batch. They were either replanted or cut down in the middle, which was uneven and blocked the view of the outside world.

The courtyard door is made of solid wood, with reinforced nails hammered into the four corners. There is a varnished plaque on the top of the door: Yueshi Blacksmith Shop.

Although the plaque looks to have been painted recently, it is generally quite old. It seems to have gone through a lot of ups and downs, and it is only possible to survive today due to careful maintenance.

The gate of the yard was closed, and it was quiet inside. No movement could be heard, not even the sound of poultry and livestock.

Step, step, step...

Subtle footsteps sounded, and two villagers wearing patched clothes suddenly walked out of a nearby alley one after another.

The messenger in black and the observer came to the door of the blacksmith shop, looked at the yard in front of them, and were careful not to enter directly.

After looking at each other, the observer came to the courtyard door, knocked the door gently, and shouted: Is anyone there? My kitchen knife is broken, and I want to get a knife!

As soon as the words fell, there was movement behind the closed courtyard door. The door latch was removed and a young man came out.

The other person looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old, his dark face was full of fatigue, and he seemed to be very lack of energy. He lowered his eyelids, glanced at the observer, and said bluntly: There are three kinds of kitchen knives, which one do you want?

The observer said cautiously: How do you calculate the cheapest one?

The boy said: Two hens, or something similar.

The shop has it in stock now, you can take the knife and leave as soon as you bring it.

If it's on credit, I don't care. You wait until I go in and ask.

The observer said: I didn't bring anything with me. I want to get it on credit. I'll give it to you in two days. Can you please go in and ask?

The young man nodded: Okay.

After saying that, he went directly back to the yard, banged the door, and locked the door again.

The observer turned around and was about to say something to the black-clothed messenger. At this moment, a large group of people suddenly walked out of the surrounding alleys.

There were a large number of these people, and they dispersed quickly after appearing, vaguely surrounding the entire blacksmith shop.

The black-clothed messengers and observers looked unchanged as they secretly looked at the group of villagers who suddenly appeared.

These villagers are all in ragged clothes. Judging from the condition of their joints, skin, and hair, they are all hard-working people who have worked hard for many years. However, they are now walking calmly, moving quickly, and cooperating with each other flawlessly, just like soldiers who have been trained for a long time.

The dispersed formation at this moment seems huge, but it can be switched to a small team of three or five people at any time to continue fighting. This formation is not unfamiliar to the black messengers and observers.

This is one of the signature formations of the Chinese Ghost Team!

These villagers are the ghost group of China!

The messenger in black and the observer looked at each other, and before the young man came out, they immediately turned around and walked in the opposite direction to the blacksmith shop.

However, they had just taken two steps when a villager with gray hair, stooped figure, but piercing eyes suddenly stood in front of them.

The villager asked in a hoarse voice: You two, are you from this village?

The messenger in black coughed and pretended not to care and asked, What? You're not?

The villager did not speak, but made a gesture with his hand behind his back. Several teams around him immediately changed their positions and surrounded all the black-clothed messengers and observers.

The gray-haired villager looked at them coldly and said, Since we are all from the village, we must know each other.

Tell me the names of these people here!

The expression on the black-clothed messenger's face calmed down little by little, and the observers were also silent.

The time they traveled through was too short, and they haven't recognized everyone in the village yet!

Moreover, even if you admit it, it is useless.

They don’t know anything about the interpersonal relationships, grievances and resentments in this village!

Seeing that the two of them were silent, the gray-haired villager suddenly said coldly: It seems that you are outsiders.

Catch him!

As soon as the words fell, the villagers surrounding the black-clothed messenger and observers immediately raised their rakes, hoes, sickles, sticks... and threw them at the two men like a violent storm.

The two hurriedly dodged.

Ping ping pong pong...

For a time, the black-clothed envoy and the observer received countless sticks, rakes, and hoes. At the critical moment, the two could only try to avoid the sharp edges of sickles and other sharp weapons. Their bodies were bruised and scarred, and their faces were distorted in pain.

Driven by the survival instinct, the two of them didn't know where the strength came from. They cooperated with each other and pushed away the crowd in a relatively weak area, rolling and crawling out of the encirclement!

After getting out of the encirclement, the two of them immediately picked a random direction and ran away without thinking about anything else.

Seeing the two men fleeing, the gray-haired villager was not anxious at all. He tilted his head slightly to one of his men and gave a brief command: Follow them.

But don't chase too hard.

Lead out their two companions and catch them all in one fell swoop!

The subordinate immediately nodded with understanding: Yes!

Soon, he led some villagers to chase after him.

At this time, the door of the blacksmith shop suddenly opened again. The young man just opened the door and said, My father said I can buy it on credit. I'll give you the kitchen knife.

After the words fell, the courtyard door opened, and the young man appeared in front of many villagers holding a kitchen knife with a cold light.

The villagers reacted and all turned back to look at the young man.

The gray-haired villager immediately walked towards the young man, stopped not far from him, and said calmly: Yue Bo, I have some questions that I want to ask you about.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

PS: None of the complicated formulas are displayed, and I had to work hard for a long time on my latte...

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