Ash Civilization

Chapter 258: There is no distinction between education and discrimination. (First update! Please sub

Looking at this strange scene, the black-clothed messenger and observers' hearts suddenly beat wildly!

They don't have digital energy now, so any infected person who comes in can easily kill them!

In a flash of thought, the messenger in black and the observer immediately fled towards the back room without any hesitation.

Dalton Seth reacted a step slower and was about to turn around when the wooden door was fully opened.


The wooden door was blown by the wind and hit the earth wall hard, sending up a burst of dust.

Before the dust completely drifted down, it was swept away by the icy north wind.

The wind was howling, the moon was melancholy, and a thin child stood quietly at the gate. His back was to the bright and frosty moonlight, his immature face was slightly raised, and his dark eyes were looking straight into the house.

There were crisscrossing blood stains around the eye sockets, which had dried to reddish black.

The child's eyeless eyes were always fixed on Dalton Seth. The thin figure finally moved. He raised his legs to cross the threshold and walked into the house. It was as if a switch was suddenly turned on, and a cold wave came. A biting chill then penetrated the entire house.

The simple thatched house that originally provided some warmth and wind protection suddenly became like an ice cellar.

Dalton Seth hurriedly wanted to run away, but after running a few steps, he suddenly realized that no matter which direction he ran, he could only move towards the child with his eyes gouged out!

Realizing the problem, Dalton Seth immediately stopped and shouted at the top of his lungs: Mr. Messenger, save me!


What answered him was the sound of someone breaking through the window in the back room and escaping.

The next moment, the child stretched out his palm and grabbed Dalton Seth's body.


Behind the thatched house with a goat tied to the side, the originally narrow window was destroyed by violence, and the soil and withered grass fell, turning it into a hole for adults to enter and exit.

The black-clothed envoy and the observer broke out of the window one after the other, and both rolled to the ground. The continuously falling soil splashed all over their heads and faces in an instant.


The north wind is blowing, and the chill is rolling.

The village was completely silent at night, not even the sound of chickens or dogs could be heard, as if it had completely transformed into a picture of a countryside under the moon.

There is no human voice, no life, only the vast moonlight pouring down, depicting the cold silver halo.

The two of them didn't care about Dalton Seth's safety at the moment. They quickly stood up and ran in the same direction without looking back.

After several turns, they finally arrived at a thatched house surrounded by hedges.

This thatched house is the same as the one just now. It has three rooms lined up in a row. There is an extra back room behind the main hall. The whole is in the shape of a convex. The yard is surrounded by hedges outside the house.

In the yard, there is also a peach tree that has lost its leaves this season. It is trimmed to the height of a person and stands trembling and swaying in the north wind.

They realized that after traveling into this world, each of them got a separate identity.

The side room with the goats was the residence of Dalton Seth.

The thatched house with peach trees in the yard in front of us is the observer's residence.

Of course, the black messenger also has a room.

But too far away.

In this critical moment where every second counts, you must choose a safer point that is closer.

The two of them quickly ran to the entrance of the house, glanced at the few marks left during the day, and found that none had been touched. They immediately opened the door, rushed into the thatched house, and bolted the door as fast as possible.


In the dark room, the messenger in black and the observer were breathing heavily, their chests were rising and falling violently, and their bodies were dripping with sweat.

There is no digital energy, and the bodies of ordinary people are used. Their current overall condition is no different from ordinary people.

The desperate rush just now consumed a lot of their physical strength.

After resting for a while, the two gradually regained some strength.

The observer immediately said: It's a bit strange!

The knock on the door just now always felt very familiar to me.

The messenger in black nodded slightly and said in a serious tone: We may have had a similar experience just now.

It's just that we got different results.

The specific situation will not be felt until we recover the 'digital energy'!

The observer nodded and was about to say something else when the familiar knock on the door sounded again.

Boom, boom, boom!

The two of them immediately became alert.

With the moonlight shining into the room through the gap, the observer and the messenger in black looked at each other. The observer immediately tiptoed into the kitchen, took out a kitchen knife, used it as a weapon, and guarded it by the door.

The messenger in black was close to the door, looking out through the gap between the two doors.

The moonlight outside the door was bright, illuminating the figure of an adult. The person was wearing shabby clothes, his expression was dull, his face was stained with blood, his eyes were empty, and one eyeball had been gouged out.

It was Dalton Seth whom they gave up just now!


In the courtyard of the village chief's house, the wooden door of the thatched house is wide open.

Zhou Zhen was sitting cross-legged at the door. In front of him, a black-topped and white-bottomed pastoral dog was tied by a rope, just out of reach of him.

“The inclination angle of a straight line refers to the angle between the straight line and the positive direction of the X-axis. When the straight line is parallel to or coincident with the

Set a point... then there will be...

A straight line system with slope k, the straight line passes through a fixed point... [Note]

Zhou Zhen explained eloquently that these are high school mathematics knowledge.

There are two most common ways for the spread of digital viruses.

One is the sound waves emitted by the infected; the other is to learn mathematics!

When he was in Binhai City, the first case he took over was the smuggling of mathematics textbooks.

The mathematics textbooks sold by Huang Xurong at that time were high school mathematics!

Of course, those textbooks were most likely taken out by Huang Xurong from his classroom. The problem is more serious than ordinary high school mathematics!

Woof woof woof...

Woof woof... woof woof woof woof...

Along with Zhou Zhen's lecture, the watchdog was still barking fiercely.

Seeing that he, as a teacher, was not acting in a dignified manner, Zhou Zhen frowned, picked up the kitchen knife, turned the blade upside down, and pointed the back of the thick knife at the watchdog's head!


The watchdog staggered due to the knock, and his barking was briefly interrupted.

Zhou Zhen continued: The equation of the straight line system passing through the focus of two straight lines is... [Note]

The watchdog quickly recovered and barked angrily at Zhou Zhen again.

After talking for a while, Zhou Zhen frowned when he saw that the dog in front of him didn't seem to be infected at all.

This dog's intelligence seems not as smart as he imagined...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen changed his pronunciation and tried to recite a sound wave with high and low frequencies, like radio waves.

This is the sound made by Digital Rain in the classroom during class. It is very difficult to simulate. Many syllables cannot even be produced by human organs.

Zhou Zhen felt his throat was a little hoarse just after he pronounced a few syllables. Moreover, compared with the pronunciation of Digital Rain in his memory, it was not very standard.


The dog that had been barking crazily just now suddenly became quiet and lay on the ground, motionless.

Seeing that the lesson content of Digital Rain was effective, Zhou Zhen did not hesitate and immediately continued to send out sound waves.

The watchdog in front of him suddenly became very quiet. The originally extremely fierce look that wanted to pounce on him and bite him violently turned into fear little by little.

So Zhou Zhen continued his lecture using simulated sound waves, and the watchdog lay on the ground and listened carefully.

This scene is as if the teacher is really giving lessons to the students.

After speaking for a while, Zhou Zhen felt that his pronunciation seemed to be becoming more and more standard, and his physical strength and energy had also improved a lot.

The cold wind blew against him, and he no longer felt cold.

Zhou Zhen's heart moved. The sound waves of Digital Rain seemed to be able to help him restore his digital energy!

As soon as this idea came up, he immediately thought that in his classroom, the class notes were digital energy, and the source of the class notes was the content of the Digital Rain lecture!

Of course, he now only remembers a few formulas taught to him by Digital Rain and cannot memorize the entire lesson of Digital Rain.

Otherwise, as long as he keeps lecturing into the air, he can regain all his digital energy!

As time passed, Zhou Zhen taught the same sound waves again and again. Even if he stopped occasionally in the middle, the watchdog still remained prone on the ground and stopped barking at him.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhou Zhen could finally feel the very weak digital energy gathering in his body.

This digital energy is not enough to use the digital domain once, but for him now, it is extremely important!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen stopped teaching and looked at the watchdog in front of him.

The watchdog currently shows no sign of evil. His dark eyes are full of surrender and fear, and there seems to be a hint of vague respect.

Zhou Zhen couldn't help but hesitate a little. This dog was so unbearable that it hadn't been infected yet...

If he is not an infected person, even if he kills the dog now, he will not get the other party's digital energy.

It seems that I have to continue teaching...

Just as I was thinking about it, I felt a strong feeling of sleepiness suddenly.

Zhou Zhen had no strength to resist at all and fell asleep directly.


Ji Li's body fell directly to the ground.

The watchdog, who was lying on the ground, seemed to have discovered something. He immediately stood up and leaned forward to lick his little master.

But just after running two steps, he was immediately pulled by the rope and couldn't reach it.

Woof woof woof!

Woof woof woof woof!

The dog immediately barked violently into the house.

This time, not long after the dogs barked, there was a movement in the house. Soon, disheveled Chu Hu and Shu Tao walked out quickly with disheveled hair.

When they saw Ji Li lying down in the yard, the two of them were shocked.

Chu Hu strode over, picked up Ji Li, and shouted to Shu Tao behind him: Go and boil some hot water!

Shu Tao had tears in his eyes and wanted to touch Ji Li's forehead. When he heard his beloved's words, he nodded quickly: Okay!

While they were talking, one of them carried Ji Li into the back room, and the other hurriedly went to the stove to light a fire. In the quiet night, the thatched house quickly became busy.


In the early morning, the mist is slightly cool.

The skylight penetrates the fog and reflects the outside of the thatched house into a vast expanse.

Zhou Zhen opened his eyes and found himself back in the simple thatched house where he had just woken up.

He turned over and sat up, moved his hands and feet a little to make sure that the weak digital energy in his body still existed, and nodded slightly.

My current situation is finally getting a little better.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door.

Boom, boom, boom!

Soon, a familiar voice came from outside: Bo Kang, are you up?

It's Uncle Dolphin!

Zhou Zhen came to his senses immediately, stood up and walked directly towards the wooden door.

After arriving at the door, he did not open it immediately, but looked through the crack in the door to observe the situation outside.

The mist droops like a gauze curtain, blocking the view. The hedges that could have been clearly seen are now condensed into a group of shadows in the mist.

A little boy wearing simple clothes and sniffing his nose stood outside the door, tapping his feet to keep warm and knocking on the door.

After confirming that the visitor was Uncle Dou, Zhou Zhen calmly pulled the latch and opened the wooden door just like yesterday.

Uncle Dou was also the same as yesterday. When he saw Zhou Zhen coming out, he sniffed hard, reached out and grabbed Zhou Zhen's arm, and said very happily: Today we are going to play 'Touch the Blind Man', hurry up!

While he was talking, he pulled Zhou Zhen out of the thatched house and walked out of the yard eagerly. Looking at the direction, he saw that he was heading straight to the village chief's house.

Zhou Zhen looked calm and followed slowly.

He already had a rough idea of ​​what was going on at the village chief's house!

The cold wind stirred the eaves of the low thatched hut, and the grass clippings were covered with dust and flew all over the sky, dyeing the originally bright white mist with a faint pale yellow.

The two of them walked in the compacted alleys, and from time to time they could hear the sound of cocks crowing and dogs barking, and the unique smell of fireworks from cooking stoves.

In the early morning, the village is full of vitality unique to the countryside.

As he walked, Zhou Zhen suddenly saw groups of people coming out from a certain corner of the village, either in twos or threes, or alone, spreading out in all directions.

Some of these people are carrying farm tools, some are carrying vegetable baskets, and some are carrying water... There are men and women, old people, and young adults who have just grown up. Just looking at the appearance, there are all kinds of people, and there seems to be nothing. The unified characteristics are some villagers in the village.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that although they try their best to imitate the behavior of ordinary villagers, their walking posture, choice of footing, glances in their eyes, intentional or unintentional stance while walking... are all full of some traits that come from long-term training. Traits and habits.

Zhou Zhen suddenly thought of something, and immediately nodded his chin in the direction those people left, and asked, What's there?

Uncle Dou looked back at the direction indicated by Zhou Zhen and replied without thinking: Yue's blacksmith shop!

[Note] From Baidu documentation.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

Continue to code the second update, I am still weak and the speed is relatively slow, sorry.

PS: No matter how long the formula is, characters will not be counted in the background.

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