Ash Civilization

Chapter 260 Blacksmith shop. (First update! Please subscribe!)

The courtyard of the village chief's house.

I don’t know when the courtyard door has been tightly closed.

The icy north wind howled by, stirring up the white mist in the early morning.

Zhou Zhen mingled among the children in the courtyard, moving quickly and softly.



When Chu Hu counted here, all the people participating in the blind touching in the yard had dispersed far away, trying to avoid the five blind men covered with black cloth.

Chu Hu himself quickly retreated into the thatched house and closed the door.

Zhou Zhen quietly hid by the courtyard wall. The low adobe wall was more than a foot tall as he was. He stretched out an arm, grabbed the top of the adobe wall, worked hard with his waist and legs, and quickly climbed up.

This courtyard wall is made of square adobe bricks. Ancient adhesives such as glutinous rice juice are mixed between the adobe bricks. A layer of straw mat is spread on the wall to protect the wall from wind and rain. , to prevent the earth wall from being washed away by rainwater from the top.

Under normal circumstances, straw mats are replaced once a year. It may not be time to replace them yet. The newly laid straw mats at the beginning of the year have rotted and decayed due to the wind and rain during this year, turning into a mud-like texture and blending into the grass. Among the adobe.

Zhou Zhen stood on the earth wall, only feeling that the footing was slightly soft. If he was not a child's body now, but a strong adult, this earth wall might not be able to bear it for too long.

He stood on the wall, overlooking the entire courtyard without saying a word.

At this time, everyone had already taken cover, holding their breath and maintaining high tension, watching every move of the five blind men.

Chu Hu's voice came from the crack in the door of the thatched house: Ten!

After the last one counted, the front door of the thatched house was immediately bolted. Ji Li, Lu Xingkuan, Suibai, Ding Fu and Xinchun also turned around, stretched out their arms and groped randomly in the air, and began to grab people.

The five blind men were all blindfolded. Logically speaking, they could not see anything and had no idea where the captured people were currently hiding.

However, just as the game started, the five blind men seemed to have something on their minds, and they all staggered towards Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen's expression remained unchanged and he quietly watched the five people approaching.

Soon, the five blind men came to the wall where Zhou Zhen was hiding. Ji Li and Lu Xingkuan groped carefully on the rough earth wall. Due to their lack of height, they could not move the nearby area. I checked it again to make sure there were no mistakes, but still found nothing.

The two of them touched and gradually moved along the wall to both sides.

At the same time, three blind adults, Sui Bai, Ding Fu and Xinchun, stretched out their arms and touched the top of the earthen wall.

His long and short arms were flapping randomly in the air. As soon as he was about to touch Zhou Zhen, Zhou Zhen immediately took off lightly.

Sui Bai's palm just touched the top of the wall, and what he felt was jagged soil stubble and the remains of straw mats mixed in. Sui Bai's arm just moved away, and Zhou Zhen fell back on the wall.

Zhou Zhen is just a minor child now, and he is very thin and light. With digital energy, his control of power is just right, and he did not make any movement during the whole process.

Even the strong wind brought up when falling was covered up in the biting north wind.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Ding stood up on tiptoes and touched the top of the earth wall with her hands. Zhou Zhen jumped up again and successfully avoided her touch.

Next is Nobuharu...

After a while, Sui Bai, Ding Fu and Xinchun also searched the area inch by inch, but found nothing. In the end, the three of them followed the wall and each chose a direction and walked away.

Seeing all five blind men leaving, Zhou Zhen did not relax his vigilance at all, and still stared at their figures with burning eyes.

At this time, Ji Li followed the wall and touched near the hedge.

Hidden between the hedges was a little boy wearing crotchless pants. The little boy looked at Ji Li, who was so close. He didn't dare to sip even though his nose was running down. He huddled in the gap in the hedge, motionless.

Ji Li's arms were groping in front of him, and he finally grabbed the corner of the little boy's clothes and shouted happily: I caught you!

As soon as the words fell, the door of the thatched hut was immediately opened. Chu Hu strode out and announced with a smile: The giant is caught!

Tomorrow I will be the blind man.

Everyone, please go back first!

At the end of the game, all five people playing the role of blind men took off their black cloth scarves.

The other children also ran out from their hiding places, laughing and joking: What a danger! Ji Li and the others almost walked past me just now. I almost thought I was going to be caught!

That's right!

I was shocked too!

Fortunately, I'm lucky...

Zhou Zhen also jumped off the earth wall amidst the children's high-pitched play.

At this time, Lu Xingkuan walked towards him quickly: Zhang Xi, did you discover anything just now?

While he was talking, Lu Xingkuan had already arrived in front of Zhou Zhen and reached out to grab Zhou Zhen.

Just as Zhou Zhen was about to answer, a strong warning signal suddenly arose in his heart.

Something is wrong!

Without any hesitation, Zhou Zhen immediately hid aside.

Lu Xingkuan caught the opportunity, looked straight at Zhou Zhen, and asked angrily: Zhang Xi, what are you hiding from?

As he spoke, he continued to grab Zhou Zhen without stopping.

Zhou Zhen was about to retreat when he suddenly saw from the corner of his eye that Xinchun was standing behind him at some point, raising his hands to grab him as well.

At the same time, two adults, Sui Bai and Ding Fu, also cooperated with each other and surrounded him from the side, reaching out to grab him.

Hahaha... Ji Li is so stupid, he walked right in front of me without noticing me!

I was still smart. I didn't go anywhere. I just hid next to Bo Lu. As expected, he didn't expect at all...

In the yard, the playing of other children continued. They talked about the thrilling moments in the game with relaxed expressions and jumped up and down, as if they had not noticed the movement at all.

Zhou Zhen's heart suddenly jumped and he suddenly realized that the game of touching the blind man was not over yet!

He immediately squatted down and dodged Lu Xingkuan's reaching arm again. Then before the circle of four people closed, he rushed out to the side and in front.

The next moment, the arms extended by the four people fell into vain at the same time.

The four people turned around mechanically and chased Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen ran wildly, rushed directly to the door of the courtyard, pulled down the latch on the back of the door, and rushed out of the courtyard!

He has now recovered a little digital energy. Although it is not enough to use the digital domain, his physical strength, endurance, speed... have all been greatly enhanced, and ordinary people cannot catch up with him at all.

Not long after, Zhou Zhen ran to the door of his house in a zigzag manner.

He quickly glanced at the mark at the door to make sure no one sneaked in while he was away, and then looked behind him. The alley behind him was empty and quiet, and there was no sound of the footsteps of any pursuing soldiers. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

If I had been caught by those four blind men just now...

Every blind man can take a number from him.

Four blind men will definitely cause big problems in his equation!

Plus, it was only day two.

Tomorrow, the number of blind people will probably increase again...

If this continues, within a few days, the game of touching the blind man will turn into a whole yard of people trying to catch him.

At that time, as long as he loses the game, all his numbers will become Ji Li's numbers!

Gotta find a way.

Thinking rapidly in his mind, Zhou Zhen raised his palm and was about to push open the door in front of him.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind him and immediately turned his head to look.

I don't know when a layer of white mist appeared behind me, falling like a gauze curtain between the sky and the earth, blurring my vision.

In the fog, two figures were running quickly, appearing like ghosts in the depths of the fog, rushing all the way towards the thatched house in front of Zhou Zhen.

The two figures seemed to be in a hurry, and they seemed to be avoiding the pursuers as well, traveling very fast.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned.


In the north of the village, at the entrance of Yue's blacksmith shop.

Many villagers formed a special formation and vaguely surrounded the door of the blacksmith shop.

Yue Bo, I have some questions that I would like to ask you about. The leader of the gray-haired villagers said in a gentle voice.

The young man Yue Bo who walked out of the blacksmith shop glanced at the crowd outside and felt a little strange. However, his eyes fell on the gray-haired villager and he still nodded and said, Father Ji has ordered me to obey my orders. Please also ask. Father Ji comes in and takes a seat.

The gray-haired villager nodded slightly, then looked behind him and whispered: You guys wait outside.

As he spoke, he strode forward and followed Yue Bo towards the blacksmith shop.

As soon as the two of them entered, the door of the blacksmith shop was closed again and bolted.

The villagers outside immediately listened with bated breath, but the yard in front of them looked very simple, but as if there was an invisible barrier, they could not hear any movement in the yard.

Time passed slowly, and after almost half an hour, the door of the blacksmith shop finally opened again.

Yue Bo accompanied the gray-haired villagers out of it.

The gray-haired villager nodded slightly to Yue Bo: Thank you!

Yue Bo saluted very respectfully and said, Father Ji's words are serious. This is all Bo Bo's responsibility.

After a few polite words, the gray-haired villager said goodbye and left. After he walked a few steps, Yue Bo also returned to the blacksmith shop and closed the door.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, the gray-haired villager immediately stopped, looked around, and said briefly: Let's go!

The surrounding villagers dispersed into the surrounding alleys as quietly as they had appeared, and only a few followed the gray-haired villagers.

As soon as they left the open space at the door of the blacksmith shop and entered a secluded alley, one of the villagers, wearing faded light blue and brown, couldn't wait to ask: Captain Liao, how are you?

The gray-haired villager glanced at the thirty-year-old villager and said, Researcher Shao, I've asked everything clearly.

This blacksmith shop was there when the village was first established.

“They claimed that their ancestors came from the place ‘Yue’ and were related to Ou Yezi, a famous swordsmith in Chinese history.”

However, in the past, the blacksmith shop could only make some crude bronze farm tools. It could not even be called iron tools. It could only be said to be a village-level smelting workshop. Its name was not a blacksmith shop, but 'Yueshi Workshop' .”

The main livelihood of this family, like other families in the village, is farming.

Smelting is just a side job to supplement the family's income when we have free time.

Two years ago, everything in the entire village, including this workshop, was normal.

Then one day, everyone in the village dreamed of a heavy rain at the same time.

After the heavy rain in this dream, many people in the village suddenly gained a lot of knowledge that was far beyond this era!

However, this is ancient my country, and the knowledge that suddenly arrived far exceeds the understanding and imagination of these villagers.

“Instead of feeling joy at the arrival of this knowledge, they were filled with fear.”

Especially the attitude of Chu Shen, the previous village chief, made the villagers regard this knowledge as a curse that disrespected their ancestors and gods, and they did not dare to practice and use it at all.

Later, a drought and plague occurred in the valley where the village is located.

The village that originally had more than 700 people suffered heavy casualties.

Faced with the crisis of survival, the surviving villagers ignored their fear and began to use the knowledge tentatively.

The current casting and smelting technology of the blacksmith shop that transcends the times was discovered from that knowledge.

Yue Ju, the current head of Yue's Blacksmith Shop, also took the opportunity to master a lot of casting-related knowledge at that time, and upgraded the workshop that could only crudely manufacture some small metal pieces containing a lot of impurities into a serious blacksmith shop...

Hearing this, Shao Yuzhi frowned and asked quickly: Is this Yueju sure that he only gained knowledge and his consciousness has not changed?

Liao Yonghong nodded and said with certainty: No!

I have just confirmed in person that Yue Ju, an old blacksmith, only has some knowledge of later generations, and smelting technology is part of it.

A lot of this knowledge is common sense in 2127.

But Yueju's own knowledge and concepts are still in the ancient times of the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Essentially, he is still an ancient man. He just got some knowledge about the future by chance. The knowledge he got is not comprehensive or systematic.

In his opinion, this is the spirit of his ancestors. He felt pity for the younger generations who had fled to the mountains to avoid the war, so he taught these 'immortal techniques' in his dream.

And his qualifications are so poor that he can't understand many things taught by his ancestors. He can only memorize them and improve his techniques bit by bit... Yes, what he cares about most at the moment is the blacksmithing technique.

Due to the lack of systematic cognition and cultivation of the common sense, thoughts, and concepts of future generations, he tried to understand them several times but could not understand them. He regarded them as tips for cultivating immortals. He thought that he might not have such talents, so he kept these aspects of memory. , treat it as a family heirloom secret, and look forward to future generations of alchemists who are capable of practicing, comprehend these so-called 'secret immortal techniques taught in ancestors' dreams', and achieve enlightenment and soar!

Shao Yuzhi listened carefully, and after being silent for a while, he said with a very serious expression: It seems that my guess was correct.

'Digital virus' can infect the dimension of 'time'.

This is not good news!

In addition, the knowledge that the villagers have obtained should not come from higher civilizations, but from our time, 2127...

Before the time and space tunnel was not sealed, there were many homeless people in Tongfu City who mistakenly entered Qingquan Valley.

In the end, only Lu Xingkuan got out alive.

And we haven't seen a single homeless person so far!

As expected, compatible people below the 'fourth ladder' will lose their 'numbers' after entering the space-time tunnel due to insufficient optimization of the 'equation'.

As a result, they only have knowledge and memory, and are thrown to this side of the time and space tunnel.

The consciousness body disintegrated in advance during the transmission process in the space-time tunnel!

The knowledge obtained by those villagers should be the memories of those who are compatible with the 'Third Step', the 'Second Step' or even the 'First Step'.

The villagers who obtained the knowledge were originally going to have their consciousness occupied by those compatible people. But because the 'ladder' of those compatible people was not enough, those villagers got the knowledge of the compatible people in turn!

The second one is later.

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