Ash Civilization

Chapter 257 Schrödinger’s cat. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

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Zhou Zhen ate the half-cooked dog meat with big mouthfuls, and drank a large bowl of broth from time to time.

As the hot food entered his stomach, he felt that the energy in his body began to gradually recover and became stronger and stronger.

But at the same time, his thinking began to deteriorate rapidly.

Except for the almost instinctive eating, he seems to have no other thoughts now.

In the dim stove, the heat was rising from the three iron pots, and the white mist-like water vapor was billowing in the narrow and low room. The hot soup in the pot occasionally emitted one or two bubbles due to the flame that had not been extinguished in the stove. The large pieces of dog meat seemed to be endless, and there was another bowl after another, as if there would never be any less.

Zhou Zhen's face began to become distorted, and his original appearance gradually changed towards a ferocious one.

Blood foam quickly slipped from the corner of his mouth and fell to the ground in drops.

Soon, the blood stains on the ground began to accumulate, spreading over the compacted soil and seeping toward the door.

He was still concentrating on eating meat and drinking soup, and his entire body was changing quietly. The thin body of a child began to expand, and the texture of metal mixed with plastic slowly appeared. In the position of the ribs, dense bulges emerged, as if they were Each of the fleshy wings that have not yet spread out...

Under the moonlight, the originally thin and short figure of the child slowly squirmed and moved in a strange direction, as if a legendary monster was gradually awakening.

Zhou Zhen gradually felt that something was wrong, but his increasingly slow thinking made it difficult for him to discover his current problem.

Just at this time……


There was a soft sound, as if it was someone, gently pushing the kitchen door open.


The main house of the village chief's house.

Zhou Zhen was startled and suddenly woke up. He found himself standing at the door of the kitchen. The cold wind blew from the crack in the door, taking away the little heat from his body. He pressed one of his palms on the door and just opened the kitchen door. The door opened a small crack.

The gap is only as thick as a hair, and nothing can be seen inside.

However, the clear sound of chewing bones and flesh in the kitchen disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the gurgling blood that seeped out from the cracks in the door disappeared. Only the dark, solid mud floor was visible, swept clean with a fine broom.

Zhou Zhen was slightly startled, had he just been standing outside the kitchen door in a daze?


What happened in the kitchen just now...

Zhou Zhen reacted instantly. He had already entered the kitchen just now!

What exactly happened in the middle, I don't know why, he can't remember it now.

But at the end, he remembered that he was eating meat!

However, there seems to be some big problem with that meat!

The sound in the kitchen just now was exactly the same as the movement when he chewed the bones!

The blood flowing from the crack in the door was also because of him!

Yes, the anomaly in the kitchen is himself.

He met him in the future!

Two timelines that were supposed to be in tandem intersect at this place!

Zhou Zhen's expression changed and he immediately withdrew the hand that pushed the door.

He has already entered the kitchen once, and if he continues to go in now, there is a half chance that the experience just now will be repeated; the other half possibility is that he will make a different choice than before, and a different result will occur...

And if he doesn't enter the kitchen now...

As long as he didn't go in, what happened in the kitchen just now wouldn't have happened!

Everything will become unknown again.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen suddenly thought of a famous thought experiment: Schrödinger's cat!

Schrödinger's Cat is a famous thought experiment about the superposition of life and death in cats proposed by the Austrian physicist Schrödinger in 1935. It refers to locking a cat in an airtight container containing a small amount of radium and cyanide.

There is a probability of the decay of radium. If the radium decays, the mechanism will be triggered to break the bottle containing cyanide, and the cat will die; if the radium does not decay, the cat will survive.

According to the theory of quantum mechanics, since radioactive radium is in a superposition of two states: decay and non-decay, cats should be in a superposition of dead cats and alive cats. This cat that is both dead and alive is the so-called Schrödinger's cat.

However, it is impossible for a cat to be both dead and alive, and the result must be known after the container is opened.

In the experiment, no matter what the probability of survival or death is, relative to the observer, there is uncertainty before observation, that is, there is a superposition state. 【Note】

And Zhou Zhen's current situation is the same.

As long as the door is opened, it means the observation begins.

Of course, what he was observing was himself!

One result is that he becomes an anomaly in the kitchen; another result is that he escapes the anomaly in the kitchen!

The probability of both outcomes, before opening the door, was 50%!

This is a Schrödinger's cat problem!

In addition, Schrödinger’s cat is a thought experiment.

According to the theory of the Order of Ashes, the mind is one-dimensional.

When he entered the space-time tunnel, only his one-dimensional consciousness traveled through.

This is a one-dimensional problem!

One dimension is an invisible line.

Schrödinger's cat is like this line with two branches in different directions.

No matter which branch you take, the other branch will disappear.

This one-dimensional line is always only one.

If I were a normal 'digital compatibility', it might have been over just now!

The reason why I am able to return to the starting point now is probably because there is a 'ring' in my 'equation'...

[Mobius strip]...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen's expression became solemn.

He immediately understood why when Lu Xingkuan was operating, Lu Xingkuan was not sure whether the village he entered was a time and space tunnel or a digital forest...

If he didn't have similar experience, he would definitely be confused now!

However, this is so similar to his own situation!

Not surprisingly, there are two villages in this place.

One is a normal, ancient backward village; the other is the spiritual world of the village chief’s youngest son Ji Li!

Just like Zhou Zhen's classroom and amusement park, Ji Li's spiritual world is a digital forest!

When Jili's situation was relatively stable, the real village was separate from the digital forest.

Therefore, he could not find the location of the village chief's house in the previous world.

All the houses in the village will also be obscured by the fog.

But when Ji Li's state is relatively chaotic, the digital forest in the other party's spiritual world will come to the real village.

This is just like him. When he was under strong emotional shock, he also left the classroom or the amusement park!

One time was when he faced Doctor Ashes; the other time was when he met Mike Nguyen from Twilight Trial...

Now, this Schrödinger's Cat problem comes from Ji Li's Digital Forest!

He had just hit the opponent twice with bricks, so his current state must not be good!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen made some serious calculations in his heart, reached out again, and pushed open the kitchen door.

It was dark inside, with only a few rays of moonlight shining through the cracks in the thatch blocking the windows, revealing cold pots and stoves, adobe cabinets, large water tanks, fences... a clean, ordinary place. Farmhouse kitchen.

Zhou Zhen walked in slowly, looking for food one by one.

Soon, he rummaged through the kitchen. There was no food, and there were no poultry in the fence. The cold wind blew in through the cracks in the window, lifting his thin clothes, bringing a biting chill.

As before, Zhou Zhen left the kitchen and went outside to look for the poultry that had been running around the yard during the day.


The door was slowly opened, and dogs barked immediately outside.

Woof woof woof!

The pastoral dog, black on top and white on the bottom, climbed up from the ground, crawled on its knees, and yelled fiercely at Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen looked at it and felt that this scene was a bit familiar, but there was no relevant memory in his mind. He shook his head slightly and hid in the doorway and watched with bated breath. After a while, he found that the village chief's family was not disturbed by the dog at all. After showing signs of waking up, he walked out the door with confidence, stayed close to the door and avoided the tethered dog's range of activities, looking for poultry.

After spending a little effort and circling around the thatched house, Zhou Zhen discovered that there were no traces of the poultry that had been numerous during the day.

It was as if this yard had never raised chickens, ducks, and geese.

Woof woof woof!

Woof woof woof woof... woof woof woof...

On a cold moonlit night, everything was silent except for the barking of the watchdog that echoed through the courtyard.

Returning to the door of the thatched house, watching the pastoral dog keep attacking towards him, but being pulled back by the rope every time, Zhou Zhen suddenly thought of something, and he quickly returned to the kitchen against the door frame. , took out a kitchen knife with a sharp blade.

Just as he was about to walk towards the guard dog, Zhou Zhen frowned slightly. What he had to do next was to kill the barking dog and eat its meat!

However, in this case... wouldn't it be the same as the last scene in his memory just now?


You can't eat this dog!

But without eating the dog, he has no other food supplement...

After thinking seriously for a moment, Zhou Zhen suddenly thought of something and smiled.

His current identity is not Bo Yang, but Ji Li, the youngest son of the village chief's family and the young owner of this dog.

But this pastoral dog kept barking at him and wanted to attack him, which meant that this dog knew that he was not the original Ji Li!

Yes, this dog’s intelligence is not low!

In this case...

Being able to get digital energy means he doesn't need food!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen picked up the kitchen knife and continued walking towards the dog until he reached the farthest attacking distance that the dog could reach and stopped.

Woof woof woof!

The guard dog immediately barked and pounced on him, but because it was tied by a rope, it bit the enemy hard and missed the target by a small margin, but could not touch Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen sat down cross-legged on the spot and said directly to the honest-looking pastoral dog in front of him: Let's start class now!

What I'm going to talk about today is high school mathematics.

Straight lines and equations...

You have to listen carefully!


To the north of the village, there is a thatched house with a goat tied to the side.

There were no lights in the room, only the moonlight filtered in, illuminating the general outline.

In the main room with shabby furnishings, three figures stood in the shadows where the moonlight could not reach them.

When there's a knock on the door, at least two people must be awake!

A low, hoarse voice echoed quietly in the room.

The figure who was still pushed to the ground nodded immediately.

Fortunately, he met up with the black messenger and the observer early this time. If the two hadn't stopped him in time, he might have opened the door without knowing it!

Thinking of this, Dalton Seth quickly responded: Yes!

At this time, the messenger in black who was leaning against the door turned around, pointed at Dalton Seth and said, Go and rest first, stay away from the door.

We don't have 'digital energy' now. We don't use our own bodies. Our strength and endurance are not much different from ordinary people.

The reason why the observer and I were able to prevent you from opening the door in time just now was purely due to luck.

Next time, I may not have such good luck.

Be careful next time.

I won't hold back if I make such a mistake again!

Dalton Seth said hurriedly: Yes! Thank you two gentlemen!

I won't do it next time!

With that said, he quickly stood up and hurried towards the back room, preparing to rest.

Just at this time……


A slight movement, which seemed to be the sound of a door opening, suddenly sounded.

The three people in the room and everything were frozen in an instant.

next moment……

Boom, boom, boom!

A familiar knock on the door suddenly sounded.

The timeline of this thatched house seems to have returned to the very beginning.

In the house, three figures avoided the moonlight and were sitting around the main room discussing things. After hearing the knock on the door, they immediately stopped talking.

The whole house suddenly became extremely quiet, not even the slightest sound of breathing could be heard, as if it was completely uninhabited.

After the three of them looked at each other, Dalton Seth, who was closest to the door, immediately stood up and quietly walked behind the door.

He didn't open the door, but leaned on the door and looked out through the crack.

Dalton Session suddenly saw a thin child standing outside the door. He had a striking black mole on his neck and was wearing ragged clothes. He was stretching out a slender arm and knocking on the wooden door.

Just when Dalton Seth was trying hard to see the figure outside the door clearly, that figure seemed to be aware of his sight. His young face turned slightly, and his two dark eyes seemed to be looking too. to him.

The moment the eyes of the two parties met, Dalton Theis was suddenly startled, and his body instinctively retreated.

Don't move!

A low, hoarse voice immediately sounded from behind.

However, whether because he was thinking about something or for some other reason, the messenger in black was a step too late in taking action this time, and was unable to hold down Dalton Seth's body in time.



Dalton Seth took a step back and with one hand pulled out the latch.


The sound of the door shaft turning followed, and the wooden door slowly opened, and a gust of cold wind wrapped in the grand moonlight suddenly swept in.

[Note] From Baidu Encyclopedia.

Sorry, because the C protein index is relatively high, the doctor prescribed too many drops and threw away most of the bags of glucose. It was already 22:30 when I got home.

The status has not been fully restored, so writing is slower.

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