Ash Civilization

Chapter 256 Kitchen. (First update! Please subscribe!)

There is a situation!

Zhou Zhen immediately became alert.

Under normal circumstances, if there was such a movement in the kitchen, he would immediately hide away.

However, this is the village chief's home.

And his current identity is Ji Li, the youngest son of the village chief's family!

This identity is the best talisman!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen stood by the door, stretched out his hand, and very carefully pushed open the kitchen door.

It was dark behind the door, with no lights on. Only a few rays of moonlight leaked from the palm-sized window, illuminating the general outline.

The kitchen is a rectangular room with an earthen stove and adobe cabinets on the outside. Next to the cabinet is a large water tank that every farmer has.

The water tank is covered with a heavy wooden lid. This wooden lid is organically enclosed inside, and the outer half can be opened separately. On the lid is a water scoop made of a cut gourd.

Since most of the things were made of mud, even under the bright moonlight, the entire kitchen still looked gray.

The door slowly opened, further expanding the view.

The layout of the entire kitchen is in front of you. In addition to the earthen stove and cabinets at the entrance, walking inside is a row of fences. There are sinks and troughs inside the fences, which seem to be used to lock something.

It was quiet inside, spotlessly clean, and nothing was out of the ordinary.

The chewing sounds I heard just now disappeared, as if they were hallucinations.

Zhou Zhen frowned and immediately looked at the ground.

On the tamped mud floor, the traces of fine broom sweeps were faintly discernible, and the blood that had just flowed from the crack in the door did not leave any trace.

It seemed that everything was his illusion.

Knowing that something was wrong, Zhou Zhen did not flinch at all, moved his steps, and slowly walked into the kitchen.

The walls and roof of this room have been carefully painted with gaps, which are enough to protect against wind and rain, but there are still a few clumps of thatch stuffed in the windows as a barrier. The cold wind blows in from the gaps unbridled, and the entire stove is very cold, like an ice cellar.

Zhou Zhen's body subconsciously curled up slightly. He quickly walked to the stove, stood on tiptoe, and opened the lid of the large pot on the outside, trying to find food.

The pot was empty and washed, with nothing in it.

Zhou Zhen opened the back pot and small pot again, checked the entire stove, and after confirming that there was no food, he came to the adobe cabinet. In addition to placing dishes and chopsticks, this kind of cabinet is used to store some food that cannot be finished temporarily. leftovers, or ingredients for meals to be made the next day.

But Zhou Zhen searched carefully inside and found nothing except a few coarse pottery vessels.

The kitchen was simply furnished, and Zhou Zhen quickly completed the search. Except for the cold water in the water tank, he found no food, not even raw rice and wheat.

This made Zhou Zhen frown.

But he soon remembered that the village chief had many poultry in his house.

As the son of the village chief, he should have no problem eating a chicken.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen glanced at the fence in the kitchen. Logically speaking, the poultry should be driven into this fence at night and released during the day.

But I don’t know why, but now this fence is empty, and there is no sign of any poultry.

So, Zhou Zhen pushed open the kitchen door and returned to the main house. After arriving at the front door of the thatched house, he pulled the door latch little by little and planned to go to the yard to take a look.

Woof! Woof woof!!

Just as Zhou Zhen carefully took off the door latch and opened the wooden door little by little, a fierce barking sound suddenly came from outside the door!

The originally extremely quiet night was suddenly broken.

Zhou Zhen's expression changed, and his body that had just slipped through the doorway immediately stepped back.

Outside the door, the watchdog kept barking: Woof woof woof woof!!

It was a pastoral dog with a black top and white bottom. It was tied by a rope by the door and could only move within a certain area.

Zhou Zhen frowned and looked at the guard dog. His current identity was Ji Li, the youngest son of the village chief's family.

In theory, he should be the dog's little master.

However, this dog was barking extremely fiercely now. If it were not tied with a rope, it would even rush up and attack. It seemed that it did not recognize him as its owner at all!

While thinking, Zhou Zhen quickly closed the door, but the barking of the watchdog did not stop, but continued to bark in the night: Woof woof woof woof... woof woof woof... woof woof woof woof!!

Zhou Zhen stood in a stalemate with the watchdog for a moment through the door, and found that except for the fact that the dog was barking more and more fiercely, everything seemed to be normal at the village chief's house, and no one had any intention of coming out to check.

So, Zhou Zhen opened the door again, and the watchdog barking at the door suddenly started barking even harder.

He glanced at the dog and walked out directly against the door frame on the other side, bypassing it and walking towards the back of the house.

While playing the game of touch the blind man, Zhou Zhen had already seen the layout of the village chief's yard.

At that time, except for the back of the house, no other area had the function of housing poultry. If the poultry were in the yard at night, the most likely place would be the back of the house.

Thinking quietly in his heart, Zhou Zhen quickened his pace and came to the back of the thatched house.

However, it was completely empty here, and there was no sign of any chickens, ducks or geese at all.

Zhou Zhen suddenly felt very strange. Why was there nothing in the village chief's house?

Woof woof woof!

Woof woof woof woof... woof woof woof! !

The watchdog was still barking at the top of his lungs, seemingly unaware of fatigue.

Zhou Zhen walked around the thatched house and didn't see any poultry at all, and he couldn't find any other food.

He wanted to pick some vegetables from the garden surrounded by hedges, but as soon as the idea arose, he was immediately dismissed.

The scene where he worked hard to pick vegetables in the yard of the thatched house where he lived, but ended up in the dirt, made him instinctively wary of the vegetables in the garden.


While he was thinking rapidly, a gust of cold wind blew by. Zhou Zhen suddenly shivered and subconsciously crossed his arms.

He had been hungry, cold, and tired in the thatched hut he'd woken up in. Essentially, the body hadn't eaten in a long time!

He must eat something now!

Moreover, the reason why he was able to figure out the situation so quickly this time, successfully suppress the main personality, and come out of this body was mainly because he was too familiar with the disease [split personality].

But precisely because of the familiarity, he knew very well that he would not be out for long!

Just like when Chu Jingyan came out of his body before, she could only last for one battle, and then she would return to that classroom again...

In addition, the digital domain and digital energy that Chu Jingyan absorbed while occupying his body were all owned by Chu Jingyan's personality.

Therefore, when he occupies this body, all the energy he obtains also belongs to him!

Seeing that there was no food around and the cold wind was still howling wantonly, Zhou Zhen had no choice but to walk back to the thatched hut.

The wind blew loudly, quickly taking away the warmth from Zhou Zhen's body. Zhou Zhen suddenly felt a biting chill, like thousands of steel knives piercing his skin.

Woof woof woof!

Woof woof woof woof!

The watchdog continued to bark, Zhou Zhen avoided it, and when he was about to enter the house, he suddenly thought of something...

The next moment, he quickly walked into the kitchen and came out with a kitchen knife that shone with cold light.

Zhou Zhen walked directly towards the watchdog.

The guard dog's barking suddenly became extremely high-pitched. It lasted for a short while, then turned sharply into a whimper full of grief and anger, and finally stopped abruptly.

Click... click... click...

Under the night, the fierce barking of dogs turned into the low and clear sound of chopping meat, vaguely mixed with the sound of splashing liquid.


To the north of the village, in the thatched house with goats tied in the side room, the moonlight penetrated through the gap, and the bright light outlined three figures.

Boom, boom, boom!

The knocking on the door continued, and the crisp knocking sound was like gravel thrown into a pond, creating invisible ripples in the night.

One of the three figures in the room was lying behind the door, looking out through the crack in the door.

Standing outside the door was a thin child with an average appearance, as inconspicuous as any village boy who could be seen everywhere. A black mole on his neck was particularly clear in the cold moonlight. On his immature face, the dark eye sockets were deep and scary.

The figure observed carefully and said nothing.

At this time, the child outside the door seemed to notice something. His eyeless eyes suddenly came closer to the crack of the door and looked at the figure lying on the crack of the door.

The two sides happened to look at each other through the gap in the wooden door.

The figure lying on the crack of the door was startled. His body instinctively wanted to retreat, but as soon as he made a move, he was firmly held down by a strong arm.

At the same time, a low and hoarse voice came from behind: Don't move!

Close your eyes slowly.

The figure lying on the crack of the door immediately followed the instructions, forcing himself to stay still and closing his eyes little by little.

The next moment, he suddenly realized that his hands seemed to be grasping something.


Just as he was thinking about it, he felt a very powerful force next to him and suddenly pushed him.

He was immediately pushed to the ground.

As soon as it touched the solid ground, the figure immediately opened his eyes and saw his two companions. One threw himself behind the door and resisted the door; the other slowly retracted his hand. It was the one who had just pushed him. The source of the power to open.

Dong dong dong...dong dong dong...

The knocking on the door continued, and the solid latch that had just been fastened had been halfway pulled open at some point.

The figure who pushed him away immediately walked over and fastened the door bolt again.

Bang bang bang!

Ping ping ping pong!

The knocking on the door gradually turned into the sound of banging on the door. The wooden door was banged so loudly that it almost made someone jump.

After a while, the voice gradually became quieter and finally disappeared quietly.

Until this time, the three people in the room finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The figure still sitting on the ground immediately said: The person knocking on the door is a child I have never seen before.

I just looked out the door and didn't want to open the door.

The figure who was firmly holding on to the door gasped and asked very seriously: What are the characteristics of that child?

Did he do anything strange?

The figure sitting on the ground quickly replied: That's a little boy with no eyes and a black mole on his neck.

Nothing else.

Hearing this, the other two people nodded, and the figure who had just pushed away his companion said: From now on, the three of us will take turns keeping watch.

When the knock comes, at least two people must be awake!

Both companions nodded: Okay!


The village chief's house.


The kitchen that was quiet just now is now in full swing, the fire is blazing in the stove, and the three pots on the stove are filled with water, and they are constantly puffing and puffing bubbles.

The water is boiling.

Zhou Zhen stood by the stove, tiptoed, and poured the chopped dog meat into the three pots.

This watchdog of the village chief's family has a ferocious temperament and is not weak in combat ability, but after all, it is tied up with a rope and its range of activities is only so large.

Zhou Zhen had just calculated the opponent's attack distance and easily chopped the dog to death with a kitchen knife.

However, after this ordeal, Zhou Zhen also felt extremely weak.

After throwing the dog meat into the pot, Zhou Zhen sat behind the stove, adding firewood and straw to the pot and warming himself over the fire.

The red firelight reflected on his face, dyeing the pale complexion with a little blood.

Not long after cooking, a strong aroma of meat came out.

Zhou Zhen swallowed immediately, stood up immediately, went to the adobe cabinet, and pulled out a clean pottery Wan.

He knew in his heart that after only cooking it for such a short time, the dog meat might not be fully cooked, let alone easy to eat.

But the time for him to come out may be coming soon. If he doesn't eat, he will go back hungry...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen opened the lid of the pot with some effort, and quickly poured himself a bowl of broth and two pieces of meat with more meat and less bone. After blowing on it for a while, he couldn't wait to take a sip of the soup.

After the hot soup entered his stomach, Zhou Zhen immediately felt that his body felt much warmer.

He picked up another piece of meat and began to eat.

The meat was obviously not cooked through, but Zhou Zhen soon discovered that his teeth seemed to be very sharp. With one bite, the bones in the meat were crunched, and he crushed the food very easily and swallowed it.

Click... click...

Zhou Zhen chewed the dog meat with great enjoyment, even the meat and bones were ground into dregs by his teeth.

As expected, the meat was not fully cooked. As he moved, the blood inside quietly seeped out and slowly slid down the corners of his mouth.

This pot of dog meat did not use any methods or materials to remove the fishy smell. Zhou Zhen originally thought that the taste would be extremely fishy and difficult to swallow, but when he actually tasted it, he found that it was very suitable to his appetite.

He quickly finished the two pieces of meat in the bowl without any hesitation. He quickly stood on tiptoe and filled himself a large bowl of meat and soup.



Click... click...

Click, click, click, click...

The clear sound of chewing could be heard throughout the kitchen.

Blood flowed down the gap between Zhou Zhen's teeth and out of the corner of his mouth, dripping to the ground and quietly gathering...

I'm going to the hospital soon, and I'll continue writing after I'm done with the procedure.

The second update time is uncertain.

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