Ash Civilization

Chapter 224 List of Experimental Subjects. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Nine-tailed fox?

Zhou Zhen was slightly surprised. Did the other party happen to be called by this code name? Or is the other party the experimental subject of the Myth Recovery Project in his transplanted memory?

Moreover, it is still a successful experimental subject?

Just as he was thinking about it, the nine-tailed fox glanced at Zhou Zhen and said calmly: We have met before.

Her tone is very calm, with almost no ups and downs, and no emotion can be heard, but her voice is soft and gentle, as if a feather has fallen on the heart, gently flicking, teasing people from the deepest part of their hearts, wanting to explore the owner of the voice. everything of.

Her seductive voice formed a huge contrast with her extremely ascetic attire. She was mysterious, deep, and unpredictable... like a mystery, attracting people's heartfelt attention and curiosity.

Zhou Zhen came back to his senses. In his memory, this was the first time he saw the nine-tailed fox. The other person's so-called seen should be referring to his experience before waking up from the morgue.

Thinking of this, he nodded slightly: Hello.

Without much communication, Shiguang quickly led Zhou Zhen towards the depths of the platform.

Step, step, step...

The sound of footsteps sounded in the empty cave. Zhou Zhenyou looked around. This underground space should be made of natural caves and repaired.

There are also some inverted stalactites on the top, dripping with cold water drops from time to time.

The wet ground was poured with high-strength concrete, and at regular intervals there was a spotlight, lighting it crosswise.

The air is slightly moist, mixed with the smell of vegetation such as moss. There is no smell of mold or cave-dwelling creatures such as bats. It can be seen that the ventilation system here is good.

After leaving the platform, we walked for a while in the artificially dug corridor, and a relatively empty oval space appeared in front of us.

There are some tables and chairs here, and there are several cabinets embedded in the rocks.

On the wall opposite the cabinet is a silver-white metal door.

The door looked thick and solid, with an extremely complex code disk on it. There was a bronze plate embedded beside the door, with three large characters engraved on it by laser: Operating Room.

Shiguang walked directly to one of the cabinets. After several verification procedures, she took out a thick paper document and handed it to Zhou Zhen: This is today's patient.

Zhou Zhen took the information and opened it to check.

The first patient is named Li Daqiang, male, 43 years old, an ordinary person, with sound limbs and no disease. He is from Yishan City, Kanyue Province. He is a patient in the incubation period of Digital Virus. The treatment plan is Equation for fusion compatibility, data sheet There is a photo attached. The patient has a dark complexion, fishtail-like wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. His appearance is ordinary, and his clothes are of a general standard. He looks like the type of person who would not be found in a crowd.

The second patient, Xu Yun, female, 29 years old, an ordinary person, with sound limbs and no disease, from Lucheng City, Zhuya Province, is a patient in the incubation period of the digital virus. The treatment plan is also the equation of the fusion compatibility. Her The photo is pretty, but the complexion is very bad. Note in the appendix, this is a female white-collar worker. Due to working at the desk for a long time and not exercising, her physical fitness has declined significantly in the past year or two, and she is in a sub-healthy state.

The third patient, Lou Zhe, male, 21 years old, ordinary person, suffers from congenital heart disease...

The fourth patient, female, 16 years old, ordinary person, in good health, but has kleptomania...

The fifth patient, male, 31 years old, ordinary person, was born with deformity of his left limb...

There are a total of five patients, all of them are ordinary people, some are healthy, some are sub-healthy, some are physically sick, and some have certain psychological problems. They are all in the incubation period of the digital virus and all need to undergo equation fusion surgery.

Zhou Zhen carefully read the stack of information, quickly jotted down the contents, looked up at Shiguang and said: Five patients, the number is a bit more.

I may not have time to do all the surgeries.

Shiguang said calmly: It doesn't matter, just do as much as you can.

Zhou Zhen nodded and immediately walked to the silver-white metal door without any further hesitation.

The heavy door made a crack sound and slowly opened, and the cold air immediately rushed out from the crack of the door, carrying the strong smell of disinfectant.

Zhou Zhen walked directly in. The layout inside was similar to the previous surgeries, but the area was larger and the equipment was more advanced.

He followed the procedure, completed disinfection and changed clothes in the disinfection room at the entrance, and then entered the operating room inside.

In the operating room, under the shadowless light, the first patient has completed disinfection and dressing, and is currently lying quietly on the operating bed.

He wears a plastic bracelet on his wrist with the name Li Daqiang written on it, as well as basic information such as age, gender, and health status.

On the small metal cabinet next to the operating bed, there is a petri dish with a complicated structure. It is filled with light red gas and suspended in it is a green-skinned fruit. The fruit looks very fresh, shaped like a pear, and has human-like growth. His facial features and the corners of his mouth were raised high, as if he was smiling.

This is the human face fruit of Qingquan Valley!

Zhou Zhen used the digital domain [Energy Observation] and saw that the Human Face Fruit was filled with a pure energy flow, swaying like water or fire.

In this fruit, there is the equation of the compatible person he needs for surgery!

Zhou Zhen looked at the patient again. He did not see any digital energy from Li Daqiang. Then he adjusted the equipment next to him and scanned Li Daqiang.

beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep...

The device that detects digital viruses flashes a green light and finds nothing.

Zhou Zhen looked calm, and the patient's current performance was almost the same as that of ordinary people, which was very consistent with the symptoms of the [incubation period].

He put on gloves, took out a sobriety pill from the medicine cabinet, and injected it into Li Daqiang.

Soon, Li Daqiang moved his eyes and opened them blankly.

His expression was confused at the moment, and he obviously hadn't realized where this place was yet.

Zhou Zhen didn't hesitate and asked directly: Divide 77 by 10,000, add 0.321787, subtract 654897, and multiply the result by 6987. What is the result?

Li Daqiang looked at Zhou Zhen in confusion, as if he was not yet fully awake. When he heard this question, he immediately said instinctively: -4, 575, 763, 036.874331.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. This is the correct answer. The calculation was completed in an instant. It is impossible for ordinary people to have such computing power!

The other party is indeed infected with the digital virus, and it is still in the [incubation period]!

After determining the target disease, Zhou Zhen took out a simple timer and placed it next to the hospital bed.

In Equation Fusion Surgery, after each operation, the patient will fall into a deep sleep and need to be awakened by external stimulation. Otherwise, it is easy to have a situation...the operation is successful, but the patient cannot wake up!

While thinking, Zhou Zhen set the time on the timer, then injected another sedative into the patient, and said in a calm voice: The operation begins...


In a lounge in the underground base, outside the spacious window, there is a holographic simulation of the vast ocean.

Ga... Ga... Ga...

The sound of seagulls perching and chirping is mixed with the noise of the waves, full of leisure and comfort.

Jiyu stood in the corner, with his hands folded on his lower abdomen, his back straight, and his face without any exaggerated or grotesque expression. He seemed to be in a daze.

Compared with Jiyu's abnormality, Nine-tailed Fox seemed very relaxed. She was sitting casually on a sofa, holding a paper book in her hand, and was flipping through it leisurely.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a figure wearing a camel coat walked in quickly.

Upon noticing the arrival of Shiguang, Nine-tailed Fox did not speak, and Jiyu also remained silent.

Shiguang came to the side of Nine-tailed Fox and stopped, and said very cautiously: The operation has begun.

'Sui Shi' will not make mistakes. The operation only takes a few hours.

'Nine-tailed Fox', does the organization send you here this time for any other important tasks?

Nine-tailed fox did not raise his head and replied calmly: You don't need to know.

As she said this, she thought for a moment and then added, I want to talk to the new member after the operation is over.

Shiguang lowered his head slightly: Understood!


In the operating room, with the sound of high-dimensional sound waves, everything around collapsed into a digital world.

Zhou Zhen looked at the extremely messy black and white horizontal lines in front of him and was highly concentrated.

This patient doesn’t know what’s going on!

He was obviously just a patient in the [incubation period], but the complexity of the equation was wider and more special than the fourth step he had operated on before!

As his mind raced, he shook his head slightly, threw aside all thoughts that had nothing to do with the surgery, and focused on the surgery. hour later, the sound wave ended, and the surrounding scene returned to a high-end operating room with various complex combinations of instruments, cabinets, medicines, lamps, and beds.

The black and white horizontal and vertical lines on the hospital bed also turned into a sleeping patient.

Zhou Zhen put down the tools in his hands, quickly debugged the surrounding equipment, and checked the patient's data.

Beep... beep... beep... Soothing beeps came and went, and all the data were within the normal range.

Looking at Li Daqiang who was breathing steadily, Zhou Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

This equation fusion surgery is much more difficult than the previous equation separation surgery!

Of course, the main reason is not that the operation is difficult, but that there is something wrong with the patient's constitution!

His [Overfrequency Interference] makes it difficult to mark the opponent all the time!

Moreover, during the operation, the opponent's number has been changing greatly and irregularly!

Don’t you know that this one patient is special?

Or are all patients in the [incubation period] like this?

Thinking rapidly in his mind, Zhou Zhen returned to the disinfection room at the entrance. After disinfecting his whole body again, he put on a brand new surgical gown and pressed a switch.

Suddenly, a heavy roar came from behind the door leading to the operating room.

The green light for entry turned into a red light for no entry.

After about 30 seconds, the light returned to green again.

Zhou Zhen pushed the door open and walked in. An operating bed had been replaced inside. The original patient was sent to someone unknown. Lying under the shadowless lamp at the moment was the second patient, a sub-healthy woman named Xu Yun. white collar.

On the newly replaced small metal cabinet, there is a familiar petri dish, and a human-faced fruit is suspended in the light red gas. It is different from the human-faced fruit just now. This fruit has a crying expression.

Zhou Zhen, like before, first used [Energy Observation] to observe the patient and blood, and then used the instrument to determine the situation.

Then, while putting on gloves, he woke up the patient and asked a complex arithmetic question. After confirming the patient's identity as a patient in the [latency period], the formal operation began.

This operation was as difficult as the previous operation. Zhou Zhen concentrated on the operation in the vast digital world.

Time passed slowly, and after another hour or so, the second operation was successfully completed.

Zhou Zhen moved his hands and feet and returned to the disinfection room to disinfect and change clothes. He felt that his mastery of equation fusion surgery was obviously much better.

After the preparations were completed, Zhou Zhen pressed the button again, and there was a roar in the operating room. It was the third patient's turn...


After five full hours, Zhou Zhen finally completed all five surgeries.

Among these five surgeries, in the first three surgeries, he separated the equation of the compatible person from three human-faced fruits with different expressions and merged them into the equation of the patient.

In the last two operations, he separated the equation of the compatible person from a bus ticket and a birthday candle respectively, and then performed fusion surgery on the patient.

Zhou Zhen didn't know why the compatible person's equation found its way into fruits, tickets and birthday candles, but the final results of the surgery were pretty smooth.

Five surgeries, all successful.

All data of the five patients were within the normal range.

His digital domain [Energy Observation] can also observe the digital energy of these five patients.

Calculating the time, Tao Nange might be about to come out of the classroom. Zhou Zhen didn't waste any time. He hurriedly took a shower in the disinfection room, put on the camouflage clothes and makeup, and immediately pressed the button to open the door and strode out of the operating room.

Outside, Shi Guang was standing by the door. When he saw him coming out, he immediately asked, How is it?

Zhou Zhen said as he walked towards the platform, Everything was successful.

I have to go back quickly now.

Come again tomorrow.

Shi Guang nodded and immediately said: No need.

Your current surgical proficiency does not require further practice.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen immediately stood firm. No need to continue practicing?

Does this mean that with his current surgical proficiency, he can already operate on Sister Nan?

He has only had eight operations in total so far... Isn't his surgical experience too little?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen quickly asked: You guys, are there no patients here?

Shiguang replied: There are no more patients who meet your conditions for practicing.

However, as long as you want to use it, the entire Tongfu City can be filled with patients.

In addition, I have placed the materials and medical equipment needed for your operation at the Jingxi isolation point.

When the time comes, you can just move back by yourself.

Zhou Zhen frowned, looked at the time again, and immediately said without further delay, Okay!

With that said, he continued walking outside.

Shi Guang immediately said: Wait a moment.

Zhou Zhen turned his head, looked at her, and asked, Is there anything else?

Shi Guang said: 'Nine-tailed Fox' wants to talk to you alone. It shouldn't take much time.

Zhou Zhen replied without giving any face: No time!

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