Ash Civilization

Chapter 223 The resurgence of myth. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

After a while, Zhou Zhen left.

In the empty underground hospital, only Shiguang was left. She stood there, feeling the energy belonging to Zhou Zhen disappear at the Jingxi isolation point, and then turned and walked into the operating room.

Like last time, she carefully checked the patient's condition and the various instruments around her to make sure everything was normal. After the operation was successful, she ignored the sleeping patient and walked out of the operating room.

After leaving the operating room, picking up the light this time, I did not choose to go to the main control room and start the self-destruction program of the isolation point.

This was not because she suddenly had a kind heart, but when Zhou Zhen left just now, he suggested that she should keep the homeless people and convoys at the Jingxi isolation point, as well as the farmed poultry and livestock, etc.

Compared to tomorrow's big event, giving away some numbers of wanderers, fleets, and animals for free is just a small thing.

Thinking of this, Shi Guang stood in the empty corridor and quickly dialed a number: The operation was still successful, without any mistakes.

'Sui Shi' has agreed to the surgery tomorrow.

You can bring all the test subjects for this experiment.


should be no problem.

'Sui Shi' can now successfully perform 'separation surgery' even for [split personality] caused by memory transplantation. His current success rate of surgery has been determined to be 100%.


The equipment here should be enough.

But recently the officials are searching for our traces everywhere. It is best to arrange for a core member to come and sit in to ensure that the 'New Year' experiment will not be interrupted by the officials...

The call ended quickly, Shi Guang put away his cell phone, Equation Fusion Surgery... Sui Shi used this surgery on himself!

This surgery is part of the [High Dimensional Life] plan!


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

In the bedroom deep in the Siam-style courtyard, Zhou Zhen's figure suddenly appeared. Just entering the familiar room, he didn't bother to turn on the light and quickly removed his disguise.

After restoring everything, Zhou Zhen looked at the time and determined that it would take a while for Tao Nange to come out. He immediately took out the Equation Fusion Surgery memory fluid and injected it into himself.

The light blue liquid was quickly injected into Zhou Zhen's body under the push of the push rod.

Suddenly, a familiar headache came over.

Zhou Zhen felt thousands of steel knives piercing his brain and stirring it up. In a daze, he saw scenes of memories appearing before his eyes:

A fully enclosed laboratory with no doors or windows visible, only a variety of instruments, surrounded by a specially designed operating table in a carefully designed layout.

An anesthetized gray wolf was tied to the operating table. The wolf's mouth was grinning and its tongue was hanging out. Next to the gray wolf, there was a plate of brightly colored oranges.

There were seven or eight figures wrapped in surgical gowns, whose faces could not be discerned, even whether they were male or female.

Some of these figures are nurses, some are assistants, and some are taking notes.

The atmosphere was tense and orderly.

He saw that after pressing the switch of the high-dimensional sound wave converter, he entered the digital world alone.

The scalpel is like a dexterous fish, constantly moving numbers, symbols, and graphics... to disrupt, arrange, and combine them...

...I don’t know how long it took, but the high-dimensional sound waves stopped and the operating room returned to normal.

On the operating table, the plate of brightly colored oranges had disappeared. The gray wolf's appearance was intact, but his pupils were dilated, motionless, and he had lost his breath.

Zhou Zhen saw himself raising the scalpel again and cutting open the gray wolf's abdomen. There was no flesh, blood, internal organs, or bones inside, only a densely packed orange flap.

He turned around, took off his gloves, and announced tiredly: The Jiazi-1 experiment failed.

The memory picture moved like water ripples, and soon a new picture formed:

A slightly changed laboratory, with shadowless lamps illuminating the operating table without any haze.

Zhou Zhen saw that the person on the operating table this time was a girl of about 20 years old. She had a delicate face. Even though her hair was shaved, she did not look weird. Her eyes were moving when she looked around. The person next to her was A fresh, vibrant rice plant.

The High-Dimensional Sound Wave Converter opened, and an overwhelming number of numbers, graphics, formulas, theorems... poured in.

Time passed slowly, and when the high-dimensional sound waves stopped, what appeared on the operating table was a new species that was half human and half rice.

Above the knees, it still looks like a girl. Below the knees, it becomes a thick rice stalk, and its feet are strong rice roots.

Zhou Zhen saw that he was looking at the experimental subject in front of him with satisfaction, and ordered his assistant to bring a push bed and plant it into the experimental field prepared in advance.

In the next few months, Zhou Zhen saw himself paying close attention to the conditions in the experimental fields.

The fertile land is gradually filled with various rice girls.

Their appearance is very similar to the girl on the operating table, but if you look closely, you will find subtle differences between their eyebrows.

These girls are all very pretty and sweet in appearance. They have inherited the ability of rice to bear fruit and can extract the fertility of the soil to reproduce themselves. At the same time, they have the food characteristics of humans. In addition to being able to survive on the fertility of the soil, they also have the ability to be omnivorous. Particularly fond of meat

All plants and animals thrown into the experimental field will be caught and eaten by the girl.

Zhou Zhen saw himself standing on the ridge of the field and said to the nurse beside him: The experimental subjects are growing vigorously. The Ding Si 28th experiment was successful!

This memory ended abruptly here, and what appeared next were frogs and corpses.

Zhou Zhen saw that he was performing unimaginable micro-manipulation and creation in the turbulent digital world. It was so complicated that ordinary people would feel dizzy, nauseated, and vomited at a glance, but it was full of incredible and wonderful possibilities.

Numbers blended, equations reorganized, and what appeared on the experimental table was a moving corpse.

Its characteristics are exactly the same as those of the legendary zombie.

When several living people were thrown into the observation room where it was kept, they were immediately bitten by it. Soon, these living people, who were originally normal, completed the transformation into corpses amidst the screams, and soon they also transformed into corpses. It becomes a zombie with a black body, protruding fangs, and gray eyes.

Zhou Zhen saw himself standing in front of the one-way glass in the observation room, looking at the zombies jumping around inside and gently nodded: Jiachen No. 5 is a new species created, this is a great achievement!

The scene in his memory shook again. This time, what appeared in front of Zhou Zhen was a white fox with lush fur, as if carved by winter snow. Next to the white fox, lay a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The girl is very beautiful, her skin is like a peeled lychee, white and flawless, crystal clear. She did not have her head shaved like other experimental subjects. Her head is full of thick black hair, like water in the dark night, meandering from the pillow. , has been hanging in the air.

It seemed that it was the effect of the medicine. The girl lay quietly on the experimental table, her eyes slightly closed, and her eyelashes were long and curled, like two small fans, fluttering gently with her breathing.

Zhou Zhen saw himself calmly checking the data of the two experimental subjects and starting the operation without any hesitation.

This time the operation took longer than before and seemed more difficult.

The entire operation process was full of meticulousness, vigilance, vigilance and rapid thinking.

When everything ended, the white fox disappeared and the beautiful girl died suddenly on the spot. She had dense fox tails all over her body.

Each fox tail is fluffy and plump, like a big cloud.

Zhou Zhen saw himself looking at the failed product in front of him and meditating quietly, and then personally recorded the experiment: 'Mythical Recovery Plan', Nine-tailed Fox, failed this time...

Summary of the reasons for failure: Two sets of equations may conflict.

Need to find the media equation to resolve the conflict...

Next, the scene in the memory changed. The baby's cries filled the spacious laboratory. Next to the baby, there was a finely crafted iron sword. The sword's body was densely covered with neat and beautiful fish scale patterns. The blade was sharp and exuded a strong smell. With the cold aura, one could tell at a glance that it was a rare sharp weapon.

When the operation began, the crying subsided, but the numbers surged.

After the end, there was an iron sword covered with tender hands and feet on the experimental table. Flesh and steel merged seamlessly, as if they were born with it.

Zhou Zhen saw that he continued to sum up in person: 'Myth Recovery Plan', Sword Spirit, failed for the 213th time...

Summary of the reasons for failure: The Iron Sword is a product of human processing. The structure of the equation is very simple and cannot be integrated with too complex equations...


Scenes of surgical memories beyond ordinary people's imagination kept reappearing in Zhou Zhen's mind.

He didn't know how long it took, but the smell of disinfectant, blood and other smells in the laboratory suddenly disappeared. The scene in front of him changed and he appeared in a familiar classroom.

The math teacher stood in front of the blackboard, pointing at an extremely complex pattern and explaining it loudly.

The students were all listening attentively, and the sound of the pen tip scratching the paper was heard one after another.

Zhou Zhenyou looked around and found that there were a few more love letters on his desk.

He quickly came to his senses, pressed his somewhat swollen head, and immediately began to sort out the newly transplanted memories.

This equation fusion surgery looks similar to the equation separation surgery, but in fact... the digital virus can only change the numbers, not the structure of the equation.

But this “equation fusion surgery” can!

The core of the operation is to forcibly combine two different sets of equations together through surgery!

The memories he had just transplanted contained many horrific experiments that ordinary people could not imagine!

A combination of plants and animals...

A combination of corpses and animals…

A combination of living people and plants…

Even multiple combinations of humans, animals, plants, and machines...

Some of the monsters created by surgery are almost more terrifying than the infected!

Of course, in my memory, there are very few successful surgeries.

The vast majority of surgeries fail.

After every failure, there is an extremely detailed summary.

Vaguely, Zhou Zhen felt that there seemed to be a big problem with this equation fusion surgery!

This seems to be a forbidden and mysterious door. Once opened, it will lead to consequences that humans cannot predict or even bear!

However... the principle of this surgery can indeed increase Sister Nan's chance of survival!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. Sister Nan's surgery was very important.

Regardless of the problems with this equation fusion surgery, he must learn it.

Anyway, after rescuing Sister Nan, he will not use this surgery again.

After making up his mind, he wrote a new set of equations in his notebook, then raised his hand: Teacher, I have a question...


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

The day passed quickly.

In the bedroom deep in the Siam-style courtyard, Zhou Zhen woke up from the bed and immediately checked his mobile phone to confirm that Sister Nan had just entered the classroom. He quickly turned over and sat up, quickly put on a camouflage suit, pointed shoes, and Use [two-dimensional space] to take out wigs, masks, and glasses and disguise them.

After all preparations were completed, Zhou Zhen sat on the sofa, patiently waiting for the call from pick up the light.

About ten minutes later, the phone rang.

Jingle Bell……

After looking at the caller ID, Zhou Zhen quickly answered the call, and the familiar voice of Shiguang came from the receiver: Old place.

After the call ended, Zhou Zhen set off immediately.


One kilometer southwest of the Yulan isolation point, the flying car parked quietly in the rutless open space.

Shiguang was sitting in the main driver's seat, his posture upright, focusing on the vast wilderness ahead.

Suddenly, the car sank slightly, and she immediately saw Zhou Zhen's figure instantly appear in the back seat from the inside mirror.

Zhou Zhen leaned back in the chair skillfully, looked at Shi Guang through the endoscope, and said briefly: Let's go.

Shiguang nodded and immediately started the car.

The lifeless landscape typical of high-risk areas recedes rapidly outside the car window.

Neither of them spoke on the road. Soon, the flying car came to a deserted hillside and slowly landed on the platform on the mountainside.

The platform was originally a natural stone ground, and the dust on it flew up under the impact of the car's descent.

The flying car did not land directly on the ground, but maintained a certain distance above the ground and waited quietly.

Soon, a large bluestone next to the platform slowly moved away, revealing a dark hole.

A cold wind blew out of the cave, scattering the dust and sand flying in the sky.

Shi Guang drove the vehicle directly into the cave entrance.

There are still very natural traces at the entrance, as if it were a naturally formed cave, but about ten meters after entering, artificial excavation and repair projects appeared.

The car is driving in a groove-like corridor, with both walls made of solid granite. A cold energy-saving lamp is embedded at regular intervals on the top, and there are dense fluorescent guidance signs on both sides.

After a while, whether it was deep underground or in the heart of the mountain, a bright light suddenly came from a distance in front of the space, illuminating an empty flat land.

The car slowly stopped at a place similar to a subway platform.

On the platform, two figures stood.

One of the figures is still wearing a goose-yellow suit and a dark red bow tie. He stands elegantly and has an inverted scepter wrapped around a two-headed snake tattooed on his face. He is Jiyu.

Next to him is a woman dressed as a doctor

This woman is wearing a white doctor's hat, a white mask, and under her ordinary white coat, she wears unfancy black trousers and black flat leather shoes. She also wears gloves on her hands. Only a pair of eyes are exposed all over her body. Apart from the emblem of the Order of Ashes with a double-headed snake wrapped around an inverted scepter embroidered on the hat, she looks no different from the female doctors seen everywhere in normal hospitals.

But I don't know why, although she was clearly dressed up and didn't behave inappropriately, she was still full of a strong sense of charm.

The top and bottom buttons are buttoned, the doctor's hat tightly restrains the hair, the mask covers the face, the white coat wraps the body, and the gloves block the palms...the ascetic attire makes people feel excited for no reason. The excitement of the challenge.

Jiyu, who was usually arrogant and weird, didn't know what happened today. He stood very quietly, with his mouth tightened and no smile on his face.

At this time, Shi Guang took Zhou Zhen out of the car, came to the woman dressed as a female doctor, and introduced: 'Sui Shi', this is a newly transferred member of the organization, responsible for protecting our safety. , code name...

'Nine-tailed fox'!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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