Ash Civilization

Chapter 225 Invitation from Nine-tailed Fox. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Step, step, step...

The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty underground cave. After turning a corner, the front of the corridor suddenly opened up. Spotlights illuminated the spacious space as bright as day, and the vast platform appeared in front of Zhou Zhen.

He walked out of the corridor and was about to step onto the platform, preparing to follow the groove where the flying car came in and use [Plane Jump] to move out step by step.

But the moment he stepped onto the platform, the bright lights, the spacious platform, the flying car parked in the trench not far away... everything around him disappeared.

As if in a trance, he stood in the corridor he had just passed, with rugged mountain walls on both sides. Water droplets with a unique cold air from the ground dripped from the stalactites above his head. At his feet were a pair of crossed The spotlight illuminates a spacious and deep underground corridor.

The corridor is slightly curved, and in front and behind are mountain walls submerged in chaotic darkness. The mottled moss exudes a bitter atmosphere.

He's back in the underground base!

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment and continued walking outside.

Just like before, the moment he steps onto the platform, he will return to the underground base.

After spinning around in circles twice in a row, Zhou Zhen frowned and immediately turned around. A well-dressed figure full of endless charm stood not far behind him at some point.

She is wrapped in ordinary clothes, just like a rare pearl in a tattered wooden box filled with straw. It does not mean that she will be lost in the public at all. On the contrary, it highlights the brilliance and light of the pearl, that kind of charming and enchanting The amorous feelings are hard to describe, and every move seems to be teasing the most instinctive longing deep in the human heart.

Nine-tailed fox!

Zhou Zhen looked at her, without any surprise or emotion in his eyes, and asked coldly: Do you want to die?

The nine-tailed fox let out a low laugh. The laughter was soft and sweet, like a stream flowing on rocks and under pine branches after a new rain in the empty mountains. It was refreshing and intoxicating.

She walked towards Zhou Zhen unhurriedly, her steps unshakable, as if she was born to step on the heartstrings of living beings step by step, and said in a soft and sweet voice: Don't be too confident in yourself.

I'm not a small character like 'Shi Guang' or 'Ji Yu'.

As she spoke, she kept walking, reached into the pocket of her white coat, took out a white card, waved it casually, and the card turned into a cold light and shot towards Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen immediately raised his hand and held the card firmly with both fingers.

This is a very ordinary business card, without any name, position, title, or any aura, just a string of numbers in gold-plated fonts.

The nine-tailed fox walked to Zhou Zhen's side, put his hands in the pockets of his white coat, looked forward, and said lightly: This is my number.

In the next few days, I will go to Qingquan Valley to investigate the time and space tunnel there.

At that time, I will bring a qualified assistant.

If you think about it, you can call me.

After the words fell, she took a step behind Zhou Zhen. Zhou Zhen's eyes were suddenly dazzled. The surrounding scene changed like lightning. After a brief moment of strangeness, his eyes brightened. He was standing alone on the mountainside of a barren mountain. There was nothing in front of him. Who was there? nothing.

The wind blew from mid-air and stirred his wig.

On the nose, there is the unique smell of soil mixed with vegetation in the uninhabited wilderness.

There were no traces of human presence among the dusty gravel, only a pair of footprints in the dust under his feet.

Zhou Zhen quickly looked around and saw that the fields were empty and jagged with strange rocks, but there was no big bluestone that blocked the cave when he entered.

He immediately walked towards the location of the big bluestone he remembered just now. It was an open space inlaid with dirt and gravel, covered with a layer of mud and covered with dark green moss. The moss was like glue, covering everything. covered the entire ground.

Everything is full of natural wantonness and savagery, and it seems that it has not been disturbed by the outside world for a long time.

Zhou Zhen squatted down and started tapping, but he couldn't hear any hollow echo.

He stood up and raised his hand with a [Fusion Cube]. The black and red cube turned into a mighty energy shock wave, blasting directly towards the entrance of the base just now.


The entire barren mountain shook slightly, and sand and stones flew all over the mountainside. The open space in front of Zhou Zhen was dug into a deep pit with flying smoke. The sand and gravel rolled in the pit, and the bottom was solid dead soil. Under the dead soil, there was still dead soil. Entering the cave of the Order of Ashes underground base, it seems that it doesn't exist at all!

It was as if what he had just experienced was all an illusion.

Only the card with the hot stamped number on it was still in his hand.

Zhou Zhen's expression suddenly became serious. The member codenamed Nine-tailed Fox seemed to be very powerful!

Thinking of this, he stopped delaying and immediately disappeared from where he was.


Yulan isolation point.

The bedroom deep in the Siamese-style courtyard.

The sound of water flowing from the water lily pond came intermittently, and the fragrance of the lotus permeated the air, casting a pleasant atmosphere over the entire house.

Zhou Zhen appeared in his room in an instant. Without any hesitation, he quickly closed the curtains, took off his disguise clothes, rushed into the bathroom to take a shower, and then changed into the clothes he wore before going out.

After everything was restored to its original state, he lay down heavily on the bed.

After five hours of continuous surgery, coupled with the non-stop rush back, even though he was compatible, he felt exhausted at this moment.

However, although he immediately closed his eyes at this moment, he did not bother to rest, but began to review the surgery just now...

The specific process of equation fusion surgery is actually the reverse of equation separation surgery.

Equation separation surgery is to cut off the equation that does not belong to the patient's body, while equation fusion surgery is to splice two different equations together.

Splicing is far more difficult than cutting, and it requires more digital materials than separation surgery!

For the next operation, he needs to move all the equipment from the Jingxi isolation point!

He couldn't do this alone.

Otherwise it would be too suspicious!

I have to find a reason to call Sister Nan and go there together...

In addition, he always felt that his current surgical proficiency was still somewhat insufficient.

But the Ash Order suddenly stopped providing him with patients.

It would be best to find a few more patients to practice with...


It doesn’t have to be a human being!

There are a lot of livestock raised in the breeding area. There are not many people in the isolation point now, and there is no pressure on food. You can practice with those livestock.

I just don’t know if the materials prepared for him by “Ash Order” are enough?

Now, he doesn't have time to collect materials everywhere...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen shook his head, took out the white business card and glanced at the number on it.

Qingquan Valley......

That nine-tailed fox has very high energy intensity!

Not surprisingly, the other party was also a successful experimental subject!

The only difference is that he is the experimental subject of [Higher Dimensional Life], while the other party is the experimental subject of [Myth Recovery Plan].

The other party is going to Qingquan Valley next, and Qingquan Valley is now officially blocked...

He didn't know what the official combat power was in Qingquan Valley, but 90% of experimental subjects like the Nine-tailed Fox could not stop the opponent without a high-level compatibility.

I need to remind the officials.

However, he's not sure his phone is safe now.

To be on the safe side, it’s best to let Sister Nan remind you...

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Zhen suddenly saw that the business card in his hand turned into a love letter with a pink gradient and a big red heart printed on it.

He immediately knew that Sister Nan was out!

The next moment, Zhou Zhen took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, used [two-dimensional space], and put the card into one of the photos.

Then he closed his eyes and lay motionless on the bed.

A few minutes later, subtle footsteps were heard, the floor-to-ceiling windows were opened, and a cool breeze carrying the fresh air of plants blew into the room. Zhou Zhen opened his eyes and saw Tao Nange walking in.

He immediately sat up from the bed and said, Good morning, Sister Nan.

Tao Nange nodded and said, Morning.

How do you feel now?

Zhou Zhen replied: It's okay.

My condition has become more and more stable these days and I can prepare for treatment.

Hearing this, Tao Nange immediately became serious and asked, What do you need me to do?

Zhou Zhen said: According to Nie Lang's memory, the medical equipment at the Yulan isolation point is not enough. I want to visit other isolation points.

Tao Nange nodded slightly, and then said: This is a high-risk city, and there won't be very good medical equipment.

We can go to a few isolation points to check first. If we don't find suitable equipment, I will submit an application to them.

Apply to the above...

The official equipment is definitely more advanced than the Order of Ashes, but that's too risky!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately said: There are people from Jingxi Isolation Point and Ling'an Isolation Point in the breeding area.

We can go to these two isolation points to take a look first.

Besides, there is no leader at Jingxi Isolation Point right now. Should we go to Jingxi Isolation Point first?

Tao Nange nodded and said directly: Let's go!


Yulan isolation point.

The roar of the engine came from the warehouse-like building, and soon, a modified container semi-trailer roared up the steps, ran over the scattered weeds at the door, and drove onto the road.

Behind the semi-trailer body, the civil air defense gate buzzed shut.

In the car, Tao Nange was sitting in the driver's seat and driving the vehicle, while Zhou Zhen was leaning on the back of the passenger seat.

Outside the car window, the gray wilderness recedes rapidly.

Rust-colored ponds alternate with dead woods and gray-black mud.

Zhou Zhen focused on the front, his eyes slightly distracted, thinking about something, but said nothing.

Tao Nange concentrated on driving, and there was silence in the car.

The semi-trailer was speeding along the potholed road and encountered several convoys of homeless people on the road. These convoys were all very abnormal.

When the first team saw the semi-trailer, it just slowed down and kept a vigilant attitude to meet the other vehicles.

But just as the distance between the two parties was getting closer, they suddenly stepped on the accelerator and brake, then turned the steering wheel and drove the car off the roadbed, speeding towards the depths of the wilderness.

The convoys behind them even turned around and ran away from afar. One convoy even dropped most of its load in order to speed up.

These teams behave as if this semi-trailer is some kind of scourge. Once seen, they must stay away as quickly as possible.

Zhou Zhen frowned slightly and said nothing.

Tao Nange turned a blind eye to this scene and continued driving.

Apart from this incident, everything went well and no infected persons were encountered.

After a while, a shadow appeared in front of him. It reflected the outline of the sky, like an abandoned town.

Among the ruins, a building with more than 30 floors after collapse stood quietly.

The Jingxi isolation point is in that building.

Looking at the entrance to the isolation point that was just around the corner, Zhou Zhen adjusted his sitting posture slightly. At this moment, Tao Nange suddenly asked: Zhou Zhen, how sure are you that the next treatment will be successful?

Zhou Zhen came back to his senses, thought about it seriously, and said: Now, only 70% to 80%...

When Tao Nange heard this, he glanced at him in surprise. Seeing that his expression was serious and that he was not joking, he couldn't help but nodded slightly and said: This probability is very high!

The probability of ordinary people becoming compatible using the safest method is about the same.

If you are really so confident, we can start immediately after the equipment and materials are in place!

Zhou Zhen's eyes flashed slightly and he said: After the equipment and materials are in place, I want to practice with some animals, which should improve the success rate.

As he spoke, he felt a familiar tingling sensation on his arm. When he lowered his head, he saw that his smooth arm was covered with dense blood letters, and warm blood was flowing gurglingly.

Zhou Zhen's expression remained unchanged and he immediately turned to look out the window.

He must behave very normally now and not let Tao Nange see that something is wrong with him.

Otherwise, Tao Nange will give up this operation and send him back first!

Just as I was thinking about it, Tao Nange's voice came: Looking for animals to practice with?

Is Nie Lang's research result a human surgery? Or a 'digital' biochemical reaction?

“Digital” biochemical reactions?

what is that?

Zhou Zhen's mind raced and he immediately replied: Surgery on the human body.

Tao Nange suddenly felt a little strange and said: I checked Nie Lang's information these days. His research direction has always been in the field of 'digital biochemistry' since he was an undergraduate...

I actually studied human surgery secretly...

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen's expression froze and he immediately changed the subject: Sister Nan, have you checked that arm?

Tao Nange replied while driving: There's nothing wrong with the arm.

However, I have a big problem now!

Last time, when I met with Ghost No. 012 and Ghost No. 018, they agreed to help me apply for a new ghost suit.

But this time they sent me the arm, but they didn't bring me a new ghost suit.

Ghost members will not make such low-level mistakes.

This may be because the application was not approved, or... in my current state, I simply cannot wear the ghost suit!

As he spoke, the semi-trailer dragged billowing smoke and dust into the abandoned town. The gravel and dust crackled on the remaining buildings around him, like raindrops.

The wide wheel suddenly stopped in front of the incomplete building. Before the two got off the car, Zhou Zhen saw a batch of fresh and tender cabbages walking out of the building.

Each of these cabbage leaves is crisp and tender, making people full of appetite at the first sight.

Zhou Zhen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt his appetite suddenly increased. His right hand unconsciously touched the scalpel in his pocket...

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