Ash Civilization

Chapter 213 Headless corpse. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

In the current situation, as long as he enters that classroom, he will not be able to leave the classroom during class; after class, Ji Xuexun will come to block him.

Although he has now found a way to skip the love letter sent by Ji Xuexun, he can't do anything when Ji Xuexun clicked on the wall.

If you want to enter the amusement park and get Mike Nguyen's Digital Domain, you must first get rid of Ji Xuexun.

It takes a risk...

But if you want to get Ji Xuexun's digital domain, you need to take greater risks.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare the same professional equipment as those in the high-end operating rooms of the Ash Order.

In the transplanted memory, the equipment used by the Ash Order are not ordinary medical equipment, but are all made of digital materials...

Also, Shi Guang said that the materials at Maoqiao Isolation Point and Jingxi Isolation Point were enough for him to practice two or three times.

At the Ling'an isolation point, there is also a ready-made target that can be used as experimental material before the official operation.

In other words, both Maoqiao Isolation Point and Jingxi Isolation Point have been controlled by the Ash Order.

As for the Lingan isolation point, it should not be under control yet.

But the people who came to the Ling'an isolation point that day told him that the leader Lu Xingkuan was not in good health, so he did not come in person... The compatible person of the Fourth Step was not in good health?

This is either an excuse or there is something seriously wrong with your body!

The target arranged by Ash Order to practice before the official surgery is Lu Xingkuan?

As he thought about it, Zhou Zhen gradually felt a sharp stabbing pain on both of his arms. When he looked down, he saw that his originally intact arms were once again covered with blood and countless wounds. , warm blood was dripping down the arm and onto the bed.

I like you! I like you! I like you... The crazy brush strokes vividly outline the madness and anger when carving.

It seemed like some kind of unforgettable cry, full of stubbornness that would never give up until it received a satisfactory answer.

here we go again!

Zhou Zhen frowned and immediately closed his eyes.

After a while, he opened his eyes again. The bloody words on his arms had completely disappeared, and everything around him seemed to be back to normal again.

Zhou Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to continue thinking about some details and preparations for the operation, he suddenly heard subtle footsteps coming from the door.

He immediately turned around and saw that the floor-to-ceiling windows, which had been locked, had been opened at some point. The wind carrying the scent of water lilies blew in impatiently, parting the triple curtains, revealing a canyon-like gap.

Huhu... In the cold wind, a figure with a good figure walked in through the gap in the curtains with a slightly stiff pace.

The other party has long hair shawl, delicate facial features, and snow-white skin. She is wearing a mint green chiffon dress. Her bright eyes are full of expectation. Her whole person is like a water lotus swaying on the clear water. She is beautiful and full of vitality. , none other than Ji Xuexun.

She was holding a familiar gradient pink love letter with a big red heart printed on it. Her cheeks were slightly red and she seemed to be shy.

Zhou Zhen frowned, but he was not as panicked as when he saw Ji Xuexun for the first time. He immediately asked: Sister Nan? Is that you?

Ji Xuexun did not answer, and lowered his head slightly. His thick eyelashes were like small fans, trembling from time to time, covering up the sparkling light. He glanced at Zhou Zhen secretly, his skirt swayed slightly, and he continued to walk towards him.

Seeing no response from the other party, Zhou Zhen closed his eyes again and shook his head vigorously. When he opened his eyes again, he saw Ji Xuexun had walked to his bedside.

The soft hair fell down with her movements, like the drizzle of spring rain, and the coolness of the strands revealed the unique sweetness of the girl.

Her skin is very white, glowing faintly under the light, like flawless jade, shining brightly, and her shy blush is like the rosy sky, tinged with gorgeous emotions.

Ji Xuexun kept a shy look, held the love letter in both hands, and handed it to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned even more tightly. His current condition seemed to have become serious!

However, based on previous experience, Ji Xuexun will not really appear in reality. The person standing in front of him must be Sister Nan!

As for the love letter in the other person's hand, it might be something similar to a letter...

When Ji Xuexun's mental influence occurs, he will regard everything that resembles a letter as a love letter!

In fact, anything the other person holds in his hand will be regarded as a love letter by him!


Sister Nan is coming to look for me now. Something must be wrong!

What Sister Nan is holding in her hand now may be a [powerful digital neuroleptic], or it may be a new pharmaceutical formula that has just been applied for from above.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen rolled over from the bed and sat up. Although he knew that there would be no problem with the love letter in the other person's hand, he still cautiously did not pick it up.

Sister Nan, what are you holding in your hand? He asked as he put on his shoes beside the bed and stood up.

Ji Xuexun looked at him shyly and still didn't respond, but the moment Zhou Zhen stood up, she subconsciously took a step back because they were too close.

The hanging hair swayed slightly and quickly brushed Zhou Zhen's arm.

Zhou Zhen was about to continue saying something, when he saw Ji Xuexun's action, he was slightly startled. When he realized what he was doing, his scalp went numb in an instant!

Without any hesitation, he took another tentative step towards Ji Xuexun.

Ji Xuexun took a step back again.

Looking at this familiar scene, Zhou Zhen's face suddenly became very ugly. The other party was not Sister Nan!

It’s Ji Xuexun!

How did Ji Xuexun enter reality? !

Zhou Zhen didn't have time to think too much, he immediately bit the bullet and continued walking towards Ji Xuexun.

Every time he takes a step, Ji Xuexun will take a step back.

Soon, the two came to the wall.

Just like being forced in front of the blackboard in the classroom, Ji Xuexun was unable to retreat at this moment, and his back was directly pressed against the wall.


Zhou Zhen stretched out an arm, pressed down on the wall above her head, and used his body to trap Ji Xuexun in the small space between himself and the wall.

After finishing the wall click, Ji Xuexun suddenly became even more shy. She subconsciously put her hands behind her back, fearing that this action would bring her closer to Zhou Zhen. In panic, she kept rubbing the hem of her chiffon dress...

Everything seemed to be a repeat of when Ji Xuexun confessed to him in the dream just now!

Zhou Zhen kept his posture and did not dare to move.

Not long after the two sides were in a stalemate, he suddenly heard another set of footsteps coming from outside.

Step, step, step...

The visitor walked very quickly, and his footsteps passed through the Siam-style courtyard in a blink of an eye, and came to the door of his bedroom. A very familiar voice also came: Zhou Zhen, something happened in the breeding area, you just... …”

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen was slightly startled. It was Sister Nan's voice!

The one who came this time is the real Sister Nan!

However, Zhou Zhen did not respond or had any intention of looking back at Tao Nange.

According to his previous memories, as soon as his eyes leave Ji Xuexun's body or he makes other actions, Ji Xuexun will immediately reveal his evil side!

This is how Chu Jingyan in memory was killed by Ji Xuexun!

At the same time, Tao Nange saw the open floor-to-ceiling window and walked directly in. As soon as she entered the bedroom, she saw Zhou Zhen standing by the wall not far away, with a stiff, headless corpse leaning against the wall.

The neck of this headless corpse was empty, and the broken area was covered in blood and flesh. The blood had dried up into red and black, and some of the white bones were mixed in with the messy flesh and blood.

Its body was intact. It was wearing a black leather jacket and a black leather skirt. The clothes were well-tailored and clung to the curvy body. It looked slim and very hot. The clothes were stained with large blood stains and fine bones and flesh. It looked like Remove the sticky and pickled fish, as if you have just experienced a flesh and blood explosion.

The corpse has become stiff, and the exposed skin is covered with corpse spots. One of its hands holds a bloody eyeball. The eyeball still maintains a certain degree of activity. Deep in the pupil, there seem to be dense numbers, symbols, and graphics... …circulation.

Blood covered the corpse's hands, drying up into shocking twists and turns along the snow-white wrists. His eyes stared straight at Zhou Zhen, as if there was still some will left.

This corpse is none other than Gai Zhu!

This eyeball is Gai Zhu’s own eyeball!

At this moment, in Tao Nange's field of vision, Zhou Zhen pressed one hand on the wall, where Gai Zhu's headless corpse was clattering, and with the other hand, he grabbed the opponent's palm holding the eyeball and handed it to him.

It looked as if Zhou Zhen had forced Gai Zhu's headless corpse into a pose giving him the eyes!

Looking at this incredible scene, Tao Nange was stunned for a moment, and then quickly came to his senses.

Gaizhu, whom she had just searched the entire Yulan isolation point for several times but could not find, was dead!

The body is not somewhere else, but in Zhou Zhen's room!

Even Zhou Zhen gave me a slap on the wall!

Bidong's corpse is still headless...

Zhou Zhen's mental condition has become even more serious!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange immediately came to Zhou Zhen's side and said again: Zhou Zhen, wake up!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt a trance in front of his eyes. When he looked again, he found that Ji Xuexun's figure had disappeared without a trace. What was knocked against his wall was a big white goose that had been killed!

This big white goose is big and fat, and it looks very delicious at first sight.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Tao Nange, and said, Sister Nan, I'm fine.

Please help me get a basin of hot water.

I'll remove the feathers from this big white goose and roast it later.

My barbecue skills are pretty good, try my skills later!

Tao Nange was about to turn around and fetch hot water when he heard the last two sentences. His steps suddenly stopped when he heard the last two sentences.

She suddenly stopped and looked at Zhou Zhen again. She saw Zhou Zhen holding the neck of Gai Zhu's body with one hand, and pulling the leather jacket on Gai Zhu's body with one hand. He quickly said in surprise: Sister Nan, no need for hot water. Got it!

“The feathers of this big white goose are very easy to pluck!”

I'll be able to pull it all off in no time!

You just sit next to me, and when I'm done, I'll tear off a big goose leg for you!

Tao Nange immediately snatched Gai Zhu's body and said very seriously: Zhou Zhen, your current condition is not good, go to bed immediately!

With that said, she quickly took out a [Digital Tranquilizer] and handed it to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen couldn't help but feel a little strange. He was clearly very awake now. What was wrong?

But after thinking about it for a while, I felt that my thinking was getting more and more confusing at the moment. After much thinking, I couldn't figure out what was going on. I looked at the [Digital Tranquilizer] in my hand and gave myself a shot.

The next moment, his consciousness began to blur.


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

Deep in the Siam-style courtyard, in the bedroom.

The sound of water flowing in the water lily pond is intermittent and tireless, which further highlights the tranquility of this place.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhou Zhen opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed, his whole body relaxing into the soft mattress.

The lights in the room were all turned off, making it dark.

There was only a very dim sleeping light left beside the bed, and I could barely see the outline of the room clearly.

It was very quiet all around, and the sound of gurgling water echoed in the silence, as far away as the world.

He felt that he was full of energy and radiant at the moment, as if he had rarely slept well.

Zhou Zhen picked up his phone, looked at the time, and immediately determined that the 6-hour interval had passed.

Sister Nan now should have entered the classroom in her dream.

According to the light picker of the Ashes Order, his current state is complete.

The mental state is also the most stable!

Without further delay, Zhou Zhen immediately stood up from the bed and turned on the light.

The sudden appearance of bright light made him squint slightly. While adjusting to the light, he thought about what happened before falling asleep.

He remembered that just before going to bed, he banged Ji Xuexun on the wall.

When the two sides were in a stalemate at the wall, Sister Nan came over and woke him up. His school beauty, who was buzzing next to him, turned into a big white goose that had been killed...

That period of reality was almost like a dream!

Although he has regained consciousness now, he still doesn't know what the bang was just now...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen glanced at the room. Under the bright lights, the Siamese-style bedroom was brightly colored, clean and tidy.

There was no Ji Xuexun, no Big White Goose, or any trace of their presence in the house.

After he went to bed just now, Sister Nan should have helped him clean the room...

At this time, Zhou Zhen was about to walk out of the bedroom when his cell phone suddenly rang.

Jingle Bell……

Zhou Zhen immediately took out his mobile phone, looked at the caller ID on the screen, and found that it was a call from pick up light.

He suddenly became alert and sorted out his thoughts several times in his mind before he answered the phone: Hello, what's going on?

The voice of picking up the light immediately came from the receiver: 'Sui Shi', the objects to be practiced, the surgical site, and the equipment and materials required for the surgery have all been prepared.

You can come over for surgery at any time when it's convenient for you!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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