Ash Civilization

Chapter 214 Fraudster. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Training object...

Surgery site...

Surgical equipment and materials…

Zhou Zhen listened with a calm expression. Although he had absorbed the transplanted memory, multiple opportunities to practice for such a difficult surgery must be a good thing.

However, the opportunity is a good one, but I don’t know what happened to the fragments of the [Klein Bottle] last time?

If the Ashes Order does not have his number on the [Klein Bottle], under normal circumstances, he should wait for him to take the initiative to speak, and then the Ashes Order will take the opportunity to propose new conditions, instead of like now , took the initiative to come and help him.

But if there is his number on the Klein Bottle of Order of Ashes, why didn't Order of Ashes react at all when he attacked Piu Guang and Jiyu last time?

There may be something wrong here!

It's also possible that the Ash Order is deceiving him!

Now, if he were to test him directly, the Ash Order would definitely not let him test anything as long as they were prepared.

First agree on the phone to lower the psychological defense of picking up the light, and then suddenly test it when they meet in person.

As for how to test...

Very simple!

No matter how nice things are said by both parties, it is meaningless. Direct action is the only way to go.

After the operation was completed, in front of Shi Guang and Ji Yu, he pretended to be very cooperative with the arrangements of Ashes Order, and then suddenly lost control and deliberately released Ji Xuexun's influence!

If the Ash Order still didn't use the [Klein Bottle] on him, then it is basically certain that his last sub-personality had retrieved the fragments of the [Klein Bottle]!

If the Ash Order used [Klein Bottle] on him and successfully locked him in... then he must be careful in the future!

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Zhou Zhen quickly replied: No problem, I can go for the surgery now.

However, I don't know where the surgery venue is. If it's convenient, you can come and pick me up.

Just drive the car near the Yulan isolation point, you don't have to go to the door.

Hearing this, the voice of pick up light immediately came from the receiver: We are already one kilometer southwest of the Yulan isolation point. When you are ready, you can come out directly.

After the call ended, Zhou Zhen put down his phone, walked to the closet, and opened the door. The closet was filled with men's clothes. Only a few of these clothes were worn by him on a daily basis. Most of them were brand new and unopened. seal up.

Since he originally planned to live here for a long time, when sorting out the supplies in the living area, he and Tao Nange selected some daily necessities and clothing for all seasons and put them in the bedroom.

Zhou Zhen rummaged through the many clothes racks and chose a set of clothes that he had never worn before.

This is a slim-fitting silver-gray striped suit. The fabric is mixed with a little gold and silver threads, which shimmers slightly under the light. It is matched with a black long-sleeved shirt, a dark red bow tie, and pointed leather shoes, which are consistent with Zhou Zhen's usual style. The dressing style is out of place.

He put it on in front of the full-length mirror next to the wardrobe, and his whole temperament immediately changed.

Next, Zhou Zhen turned on his phone again, entered the photo album and flipped through the photos of girls from the art academy.

He scrolled down several pages and saw a photo taken in the girls' dormitory. In the photo, a girl with a slim figure and fair skin was holding a book and spreading a fitness blanket on the floor of the dormitory. I was reading a book and making a one-word horse. Behind her, there are two girls in Shaoxing opera costumes. They are also graceful, one has a strong temperament, and the other has a soft temperament. One is holding a folding fan, and the other is holding an orchid finger, as if they are in a show.

Although she didn't have her hair styled or wore costumes and headgear, she was a rare beauty even without makeup.

Zhou Zhen's eyes fell on the table next to the three girls. There were many girls' supplies there. He immediately used the digital domain [two-dimensional space] to take out a yellow-dyed wig from the table in this photo. As well as a cartoon cotton mask and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

The wig was medium-length, with two pink cherry hairpins on it. Zhou Zhen found a pair of scissors in the room, clicked it a few times, and trimmed it into short hair that did not block his vision. The hairpins were also thrown aside.

Although it was limited by the craftsmanship, the cut was a bit uneven, as if it had been gnawed by a dog, but that didn't matter.

He shook out the debris from the wig, put it on his head, then put on the mask and eyes, and went to the full-length mirror again to take a look.

A short-haired, yellow-haired man in a suit and tie suddenly appeared in the mirror. He also wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He was a very polite scum, and he was not a good person at first glance.

After confirming that he was not a particularly familiar person and could not be recognized at all, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly.

In this operation, regardless of whether the patient was on the road or not, he did not want to reveal his identity.

After the disguise was completed, Zhou Zhen walked out.

As soon as he left the room, he immediately used the [Airdrop Trojan] to control all the monitoring at the Yulan isolation point.

Sister Nan cannot know about his contact with the Ash Order.

So I need to do some tricks...

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen used [Plane Jump] continuously and quickly teleported out of the Yulan isolation point.

One kilometer southwest of the isolation point, this is a roadless wilderness. The sparse weeds on the ground seem to be blown here and there by the strong wind, but there are no traces of being crushed.

A vehicle painted in earthy gray was already parked here. The body of the car is in an off-road style, and all the windows are covered with privacy films, so nothing inside can be seen from the outside.

The front, rear, left and right sides of the vehicle have a pristine wilderness look, without any wheel marks.

This is an extremely rare flying car in a high-risk city!

Zhou Zhen's figure appeared in the distance, like a screen with poor display. After he appeared, he disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared in the blink of an eye, he was a lot closer.

Soon, he came near the flying car and walked directly towards it.

Arriving in front of the car, the rear door opened automatically. Zhou Zhen sat in and saw Shi Guang still wearing the camel coat and mask, sitting in the driver's seat.

She held the steering wheel with both hands, raised her head slightly, and looked directly in front of the vehicle without looking back at Zhou Zhen.

The passenger seat was empty, and they were the only two people in the car.

As soon as Zhou Zhen got in the car, Shi Guang immediately said: In the rear armrest box, there are your surgical clothes, as well as the special masks and scalpels that need to be used.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen glanced at the armrest box at hand. The lid was open. Inside were sealed surgical gowns, unopened masks, and a transparent plastic box.

Zhou Zhen picked up the box, which contained a complete set of scalpels, scissors and other instruments.

After recalling the tools used in transplanting the memory and making sure there were none missing, he nodded and said, No problem, you can set off.

Pick up the light immediately started the car, the flying car engine roared, quickly rushed into the air, and sped towards the distance.

With the rapid speed of flying cars, rust-colored lakes, dead woods, potholed roads, and lifeless earth... keep retreating.

There was silence in the carriage, and no one took the initiative to mention the [Klein Bottle] matter, as if nothing happened last time.

In the distance, the shadow of the ruins had just illuminated the gray sky. In the blink of an eye, they were in front of them. Several high-rise buildings briefly blocked the skylight. On their mottled outer walls, dark green vines spread and climbed, like It's the erosion of time.

Those low buildings remain silent while prostrate, and the traces of wind and rain write the passage of time.

The flying car roared through the abandoned town, and the strong wind caused a rain of debris to fall on the high-rise buildings in the ruins, and the desolation further expanded.

Seeing this small town being left far behind, Zhou Zhen suddenly asked: If you drive a flying car in a high-risk city, aren't you afraid of encountering [growing-up] infected people?

Shiguang said calmly: I would not take this risk by myself.

However, 'Sui Shi' is now a member of the organization. With you here, we don't need to worry about [Growing Stage] infected people.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen's expression did not change, and he asked probingly: So, you have taken back the [Klein bottle] fragment?

Shiguang replied without any hesitation: Yes, otherwise, why would I come to pick you up in person this time?

Zhou Zhen nodded, and suddenly his face twisted. He put his hands on his head and looked at the Shi Guang on the driver's seat with a painful expression: I, I saw a very fat duck sitting in the car!

I want to roast this duck...


Before he finished speaking, the driver's door quickly opened and closed, and the whole person disappeared from the car.

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that Shiguang was scared away by him!

The opponent doesn't have his piece of [Klein Bottle] in his hand!

Zhou Zhen immediately felt certain that he was just pretending, but he didn't expect that the effect would be so quick!

It seems that there is no need to really release Ji Xuexun’s influence...

Thinking of this and looking at the still flying car, Zhou Zhen immediately pressed down on the front armrest box, turned over and sat in the driver's seat.

He quickly called up the central control and was about to check the set destination when the passenger door suddenly opened, and a camel-colored figure sat back in the car and appeared in the passenger seat.

The other party was wearing a camel coat and a wide-brimmed hat. Under the hat was a dignified and evil mask, which completely covered his face. He was the Shi Guang who had just jumped out of the car and left!

Zhou Zhen's expression remained unchanged, and he immediately knew that the other party should have reacted.

However, it's too late!

At this time, Shiguang said in a calm tone: 'The beginning of the year', this kind of joke should not be made randomly next time.

Zhou Zhen looked relaxed and was about to answer something when he heard Shi Guang continue: Because I was driving just now and it was not convenient for me to take action.

But now that I'm sitting in the passenger seat, I might accidentally use this directly.

As she said that, she took out a very familiar piece of glass. The fragment was irregular in shape, exactly the same as the one Zhou Zhen saw last time. There was the word Zhou Zhen written in blood on it. The blood was bright red and seemed to be still there. There is no solidification, and the handwriting is no different from what Zhou Zhen wrote at that time.

[Klein bottle] fragments!

Zhou Zhen was suddenly shocked. Didn't his secondary personality snatch back the fragments of the [Klein Bottle]?

Or is it that the fragment in the other party's hand is a forgery?

Zhou Zhen was about to observe the fragments carefully when Shiguang suddenly put away the fragments and said calmly: The destination is the Ling'an isolation point.

It's the same when you drive.

Zhou Zhen said nothing, held the steering wheel, and started driving according to the navigation prompts.

After a while, his face suddenly became distorted and his expression became dazed, as if a severe headache was coming again.

Shi Guang in the co-pilot suddenly became nervous, but she was wearing a mask and could not see the change in her expression. She immediately took out the irregular fragment and played with it in her hand, as if she was admiring some jewelry.

Zhou Zhen took the opportunity to peek at the fragments, looking at its various details.

Pick up the light flipped his wrist and put away the fragments in the blink of an eye.

As a result, Zhou Zhen on the main driver's seat felt normal for a while and then had a headache.

The light picker on the co-pilot also takes out the pieces and puts them away at other times.

Along the way, the two of them didn't speak any more, and they secretly acted out each other for more than half an hour, and finally came to a ruins.

This ruin looks like a former large supermarket. Most of its ground-level buildings have collapsed, leaving only the remains of three floors.

The ruined flat building occupies a very large area and is covered with construction debris and various scraps of paper, plastic, and iron products. Most of these garbage and debris are dusty, and occasionally there are some signs of milk tea shops, mobile phone shops, cafes, gyms... After fading, they still retain a little bit of beauty.

A large piece of flat land was cleared at the entrance of the supermarket, with many wheel marks on it, as well as fresh cigarette butts, food packaging, plastic water bottles and the like.

The flying car landed slowly, and at the door of the supermarket, a figure in a goose-yellow suit was standing to the side with a straight and elegant posture. Behind him was a green leather carriage.

The carriage was almost exactly the same as the green train from a hundred years ago, except that all the windows had curtains drawn and the front and rear doors were closed tightly, so nothing could be seen inside.

Zhou Zhen followed Shi Guang out of the flying car and quickly looked around.

At this time, Jiyu quickly came up to him, with his usual exaggerated smile on his lips: Hahahahaha...

'Pick up the light'! 'The beginning of the year'! You are finally here!

“The patients can’t wait any longer!”

Having said this, Jiyu approached Zhou Zhen, and the smile on his face became even crazier: Perform well!

If the operation fails, you may be put in a [Klein bottle]...

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Zhen suddenly hugged Ji Yu with the same smile on his face as Ji Yu: Is this roast chicken leg just for me?

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