Ash Civilization

Chapter 212 The application is approved. (First update! Please subscribe!)

The lights on the ceiling simulated sunlight in the open underground space, casting a long and narrow shadow for Tao Nange who had just walked out of the Siamese-style courtyard.

She walked towards the main control room with clear purpose.

On the way, Tao Nange took out his mobile phone and dialed number 017.

Zhou Zhen needed her broken arm, but she didn't know the information about it.

It is not known whether it was recovered to the ghost team department in Binhai City or the ghost team department in Tongfu City, and the current activity of the broken arm is also unknown.

Therefore, she had to contact her former captain No. 017 first to understand the specific situation.


The call sounded rhythmically, but no one answered.

After a while, the call was automatically cut off.

Tao Nange suddenly felt a little confused. If No. 017 was on a mission, he would have hung up her call directly. If he was not on a mission, he would definitely answer the call soon. This situation... is a little wrong!

While thinking, she dialed the number 017 again.

Just like before, after the call continued for a period of time, the call was automatically hung up because no one answered.

Tao Nange immediately realized the problem. Instead of dialing the number 017, she dialed the number of another former colleague, the ghost number 056.

Beep...beep...This time, the call was quickly connected, and the familiar voice of No. 056 immediately came from the receiver: Hello...

Tao Nange immediately asked: No. 056, I am No. 024. Did something happen to the captain?

In the receiver, No. 056 continued to ask: Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?

Is it the 024 number?

Please answer when you receive it... hello... hello...

Tao Nange quickly repeated: I am No. 024, I have received it! Did something happen to No. 017?

No. 056 turned a deaf ear and kept asking: No. 024, please answer when you receive it... Hello... 024... Hello...

His voice was always full of doubts, and he had no intention of answering Tao Nange. It seemed that he could not hear Tao Nange's voice at all.

The two parties exchanged a few words on different channels and quickly ended the call.

Tao Nange put down his phone and immediately realized the problem.

The last time I talked to her on the phone on No. 018, it was the same!

The various applications she sent to the higher authorities were received.

When Zhou Zhen was around, she called others and others could hear her.

But when she was alone, whether on the phone or in face-to-face communication, others seemed to not be able to see her at all!

I can't hear her voice either!

For example, the people Zhou Zhen brought back last time, from numbers YL010 to YL026, also ignored her at first. They later joined the Yulan isolation point and started working officially, and they could only see her.

When Ghost No. 012 and Ghost No. 018 came to look for her, she had already walked in front of them, and they were still asking where she was...

Only when Zhou Zhen is by her side can others really see her! Only then can I hear her voice!

In other words, what others saw and heard was not her at all, nor was it the sound she made, but Zhou Zhen!

And Zhou Zhen’s voice!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange gradually realized something. Maybe... the one who really needed treatment was not Zhou Zhen, but her!

Zhou Zhen just made an excuse and needed her to get back her own severed arm, and he may have realized this problem...

Tao Nange immediately looked at her mobile phone. The ringtone of this mobile phone could wake her up from that dream, and the applications she sent using this mobile phone could also be received...

Not surprisingly, her current situation is the same as Zhou Zhen's, her phone is infected by her own digits!

Tao Nange thought quietly, his expression not changing much.

She never had any fear of death.

The truth of the matter is more important than her current situation!

So, Tao Nange directly sent a message to the above by sending an application: Am I dead?


Yongzhao Province, the provincial capital is Xibo City.

Ghost Mobile Team Yongzhao Branch.

Observation Office.

This is an office located underground, and you need to pass through multiple inspections before you can enter.

The office is rectangular and is divided into smaller offices by soundproofing materials.

In one of the small offices with the Tongfu Observation Team hanging, there are four desks. At the desk closest to the door, a uniformed employee is holding a mug, drinking water, and Stare at the screen in front of you.

On the screen is an open internal software background, with some data popping up from time to time.

These data are all in soft green. If you read them carefully, you will find that they are all trivial matters.

The employee who had Jiang You engraved on the nameplate on his desk was in a very relaxed mood.

Their team is specifically responsible for observing and recording high-risk events within Tongfu City; Jiang You is solely responsible for the liaison work of No. 024 in Tongfu City.

Since the last request for the official temporary medical point in Tongfu City was sent, No. 024 has been silent during this period.

Jiang You's work became extremely leisurely.

At this moment, his eyes were still staring at the screen, but he was already thinking about what to eat next...

At this moment, a dialog box suddenly popped up on the screen. The red color on the edge of the dialog box was as dazzling as blood, which made his originally relaxed spirit suddenly tense.

Jiang You glanced around and saw clearly the content of the message sent by No. 024. He frowned and immediately shouted to the team leader behind the desk in the back: Team Xiang! Let's see what happens to this?

Team leader Xiang Tao immediately stood up and walked quickly to his computer. He frowned when he saw the information.

After Xiang Tao thought carefully, he quickly asked: How is Zhou Zhen's situation during this period? What about the situation at the Yulan isolation point?

Jiang You immediately replied: Zhou Zhen recently visited the first and fourth stopping points of the official supply truck.

No unexpected changes occurred at the first stop. He used his identity as an official and followed the procedure to exchange some supplies and left.

At the fourth stop, he arrested more than a dozen people without killing anyone.

But people who have been in contact with Zhou Zhen have been mentally affected to a certain extent.

The overall situation at Yulan Isolation Point has been relatively calm recently. The outside world has not detected or heard of any major movements or changes at it.

The only thing worth noting is that Jingxi isolation point and Ling'an isolation point have recently sent a convoy to Yulan isolation point with a batch of supplies.

The leader of the Jingxi isolation point even appeared in person during this visit.

Although the leader of the Ling'an isolation point did not go there in person, he also sent his right-hand man as a representative.

Now the main figures of the teams that went to the Yulan isolation point from these two isolation points have all stayed at the Yulan isolation point as guests.

The specific situation is not clear at the moment.

Hearing this, Xiang Tao nodded and said, These are all small things.

It's good that we didn't become an infected person or a 'digital forest'.

Since Zhou Zhen's current situation has not continued to deteriorate, we should try to keep him as he was before.

Before finding a complete solution, it is often not a good thing to rush to break the balance!

Jiang You nodded immediately: Xiang Group, I understand!

As he said that, he immediately responded: No. Your current condition is everything is normal.

After the message was sent, after waiting for a short time, there was another application message from No. 024: When I was fighting with the Eleventh Sage Carl Ax, one of my arms was severed. It has been recovered now. I want to apply to get my arm back.”

Seeing this application, Jiang You couldn't make up his mind and turned to look at Xiang Tao again.

Xiang Tao looked calm and said: The other party must have discovered something and wants the arm data of No. 024 for comparison.

If you refuse, it will make the other party suspicious.

I agree directly.

We will arrange for No. 012 and No. 018, who visited the Yulan isolation point last time, to be sent there.

Let these two ghosts check Zhou Zhen's current status.

Jiang You nodded quickly and quickly replied in the application: Yes, in about three days, Ghost No. 012 and Ghost No. 018 will be sent to the Yulan isolation point.

Note: The body of the compatible person needs to be inspected and accepted in person, and no one else will be accepted for acceptance.

Please allow time for signing.

After the message reply was completed, No. 024 sent another application: What happened to Ghost No. 017? I mentioned a catastrophic 'digital virus' case to Ghost No. 017 last time. Did the team receive it?

Catastrophic case of “digital virus”?

Jiang You and Xiang Tao looked at each other in confusion. Currently, the catastrophic digital virus case they are following up on is Zhou Zhen, the experimental subject of the Ash Order. When will it explode...

Soon, Jiang You gave a reply: Ghost No. 017 performed a confidential mission last time and had an accident.

The specific details are classified as 'highly confidential' and cannot be disclosed.

We have not received any catastrophic 'digital virus' cases.

The reply was sent, and the next message from No. 024 was quickly received: Binhai City, Huang Xurong case, source of mathematics textbooks, suspected to be 'Digital Forest'!


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

On the long, narrow and deep corridor, Tao Nange stopped and looked at the mobile phone in his hand.

The screen of the mobile phone is filled with dense garbled characters, all of which are encrypted messages.

She looked at these seemingly chaotic symbols and numbers and quickly deciphered them. The reply to the last application message contained only two short words: Received.

After confirming that the situation of Huang Xurong's case had been passed to the superiors, Tao Nange immediately put away his phone and continued walking forward.

It said she was not dead, but she wasn't sure about that.

But saying that everything is normal is obviously a comforting word. No matter how delirious she is now, she still knows that there must be a big problem with her...

However, the application for the broken arm suddenly became much simpler because of this.

The superiors didn't even ask the reason and just gave her the go-ahead.

Three days...

When ghosts 012 and 018 come again, she will have to ask more questions.

Also, Captain No. 017, something really happened...

While thinking, she had arrived at the door of the main control room.

She walked in alone. There were not many lights inside, but the surveillance pictures were suspended in the air, and the faint fluorescent light illuminated her face.

Tao Nange sat directly in front of the main console to check the situation of the entire Yulan isolation point.

Under surveillance, most of the place was empty, and occasionally the figures of newly recruited employees could be seen wandering around.

Although these employees all look haggard and look numb, there are few who are lazy and almost all of them are working hard.

Even if I really couldn't find the work content, I was still wiping the clean floors, tables, chairs, and equipment over and over again...

Occasionally, someone was knocking around, seemingly looking for some property.

Tao Nange observed these people for a moment and confirmed that they had no intention of destroying anything, so he just ignored them.

Soon, she checked several areas and the main screen switched to the breeding area.

Of the two employees in the breeding area, one stayed in the monitoring room as she requested, while the other went out to patrol and record data.

In the pens, poultry and livestock made various noises from time to time, and aquatic products also fiddled with water in the water tank.

YL011's footsteps echoed alone in the corridor.

Tao Nange's eyes followed his figure, browsing the pens one by one. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed slightly. One of the pens was full of people. There was one person missing in it!

Her expression suddenly became serious, and she immediately stopped browsing mode, froze the surveillance camera of this pen, and began to carefully observe everyone in the screen.

An Yijun, the Luo sisters, Zhang Xuexin, Cheng Zhenji... These people looked extremely frightened at the moment, opening and closing their mouths, shouting fiercely, and their emotions were almost out of control, as if something extremely terrifying had just happened.

Tao Nange stared at the camera and soon discovered that the young man was Gai Zhu!


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

Deep in the Siam-style courtyard, in the bedroom.

The tightly drawn curtains blocked the view of the outside world.

The sound of water flowing from the water lily pond comes in softly, simulating the white noise of nature, adding a bit of liveliness to the underground space.

In the brightly lit room, a very weak smell of burnt circuits was quickly dissipating.

Looking at the black screen tablet in his hand, Zhou Zhen was slightly surprised, and then quickly regained his composure.

The sound quality just emitted from the tablet is slightly different from the pronunciation of Digital Rain in my memory, and it is not perfectly restored. This should be because the tablet speaker cannot meet the requirements.

However, although it is not 100% restored, the effect is definitely there.

Otherwise, the tablet will not explode directly.

In the transplanted memory, the Ash Order uses more professional equipment, and it seems that it is also because of this.

When you start your own surgery, be sure to check the quality of the equipment in advance...

Thinking quickly in his mind, Zhou Zhen put down his tablet and looked at the time on his phone. It had not been 6 hours since Sister Nan came out last time.

If you go out now, you might be bumped into by Sister Nan...

So, Zhou Zhen lay down again, closed his eyes, and thought about the dream just now.

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