Ash Civilization

Chapter 201 An isolation point comparable to the Digital Forest. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Yulan isolation point, trading hall.

One after another, the heavily armed personnel were stuck with blood and water. They were all trying to escape in various ways, but no matter how anxious they were, their movements at this moment were extremely slow.

Zhou Zhen turned around and left, disappearing into the corridor behind the trading hall. The blood on the ground did not disappear with him. The dark red blood was still like a huge spider web, clinging everyone to it.

No matter how they punched or kicked, or fired repeatedly, or even took out grenades to detonate them, they tried their best, but every movement was slow and heavy, as if they were carrying a huge mountain on their backs. Any slight movement required a huge waste of energy.

Gai Zhu had just been thrown to the ground by Zhou Zhen and was now trying to get up from the ground.

The blood seemed to be of great weight, as if densely packed invisible hands were stretching out, pulling her, not letting her get up, not letting her leave, not letting her move.

Gaizhu's heart was full of fear and fear, and his whole body was filled with energy. He struggled unreservedly with the strength of the Fourth Step and stood up little by little.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, accompanied by the sound of a trolley.

YL013 and YL014 appeared again pushing trolleys.

Beside them was YL011, who was carrying a large sack alone.

The three of them looked haggard, seemed very tired, and looked very nervous. They looked left and right from time to time, as if they were afraid of some terrible accident.

They walked into the trading hall without saying a word. After taking a look at the situation in the entire hall, YL011 walked directly towards Gaizhu, then reached out and grabbed her by the neck, lifted her and stuffed her into the sack.

Gaizhu was immediately furious. She was no match for Shen Sheng, but Wang Yanliang's old subordinates dared to be so rude to her!

Go to hell!

Gai Zhu said angrily, raised his hand and punched YL011 on the neck.


YL011 had his eyelids drooped and didn't react at all. He saw the big white goose in his hand suddenly fluttering its wings and slapped him. Although it was neither heavy nor painful, it suddenly triggered the hidden anger in his heart, and he immediately wanted to give him a blow. A kick, but when he was about to make a move, he caught a glimpse of the half-human, half-digit monster standing not far away from the corner of his eye. After all, he didn't dare to make a move, but lifted Gaizhu up.

what happened!

Why didn't you die?

Gaizhu's neck was held, and she asked with great difficulty that she was the Fourth Step. Although she did not use the Digital Domain, with this punch, the former subordinate of Wang Yanliang in front of her would also have her neck broken immediately and die tragically. on the spot!

But the other party was not only fine, but even the skin where she hit him didn't even turn red. It was as if her punch was just a slight touch, without any lethality.

Looking at this incredible scene, the fear in Gai Zhu's eyes further deepened.

Before she could figure out the answer, a big, dirty sack was pulled over her head and put her inside.

YL011 roughly turned the sack upside down, letting the cap beads fall into the bottom of the bag upside down, then grabbed the mouth of the bag and continued to chase the other poultry.

At the same time, YL013 and YL014 also parked the trolley in the center of the hall and began to pick up fruits and vegetables from nearby.

People at the Jingxi isolation point and Ling'an isolation point immediately took out various weapons to resist.

Bang bang bang...


During the firing of hot weapons, there was a cold glow mixed with cold weapons, and the muscular compatibility directly waved its fists, trying to knock down YL013 and YL014 with one blow.

However, the bullets were like falling vegetable leaves or feathers; the cold weapons seemed to scratch the itch without causing any damage; the fists and feet seemed like the breeze blowing on the face, without any power.

These heavily armed personnel, plus several usually very confident compatibility, had no resistance in front of YL011, YL013 and YL014. The three new members of Yulan Isolation Point easily controlled them all. live.

Tao Nange stood aside and watched quietly, making no move to stop or help.

After a while, the three people from YL011 ran back and forth several times and finally transported all the people from the two isolation points.

The trading hall was empty again, and Tao Nange turned around and walked towards the breeding area.

It’s a wide-ranging mental influence…

Zhou Zhen's current condition is more serious than she imagined!

It must be something that happened in that classroom of the other party!

However, she can't go to Zhou Zhen's classroom now. It's very difficult to even stay awake in her own classroom. She has to think of a way...

While thinking, Tao Nange quickly came to the breeding area.

Most of the lights in this three-dimensional farm are kept on. Unlike the planting area, the lights here are colorful, and lights with different functions are turned on according to the needs of different organisms.

From the outside, it looks like a square rainbow cake.

The gray building is cream, and the colorful brilliance is like different chiffon cake layers.

YL010 sat in front of the console in the monitoring room, staring at the monitoring screen in front of him without blinking; YL011 held a pen and paper, patrolling the animals from floor to floor like a wandering spirit, making notes from time to time.

The newly captured compatriots, including Gai Zhu, have now been locked up in the poultry floor. This floor is specially used to raise poultry, including chicken coops, duck pens, and goose houses.

These pens are separated by fences or transparent acrylic materials. Even if they are not in the same pen, you can still see each other.

At this moment, Gai Zhu, An Yijun, Zhang Xuexin, Cheng Zhenji, and the sisters, who were detained separately, all looked horrified and looked at each other.

Especially when Gai Zhu from the Fourth Step was also caught, the other compatible people showed expressions of collapse and despair.

At this moment, when he saw Tao Nange walking in, YL011, who was recording data, immediately showed a very frightened expression, bowed slightly, and said with fear and stammering: Nan, Sister Nan...

The name Sister Nan was given by Shen Sheng, another monster in this Digital Forest, who told YL016 in the living area that they had already figured out the two people in this Digital Forest through the intercom just now. The name of the monster.

The left half of the body is a human and the right half of the body is a digital monster, called Sister Nan;

The right half of the body is a human, and the left half of the body is a digital monster, called Master Shen.

The monster coming here now is Sister Nan!

Tao Nange nodded, walked not far from him, stopped on the aisle, pointed to Gai Zhu, An Yijun, Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin, the sisters who were kept in the pen next to him... and gave a brief instruction: Get them out and put them in a separate place!

YL011 hurriedly agreed, then went over to open the door of the goose house, walked to the largest white goose in three or two steps, grabbed the other person's neck, lifted it up, and then walked out of the goose house.

Immediately afterwards, he went to an empty pen next to him. After opening the door, he threw Gai Zhu directly in.

Then, he opened the chicken coop and duck shed, went in and accurately selected An Yijun, Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin, the sisters... and other compatible ones, and threw them all into the new pen.

Seeing the chickens, ducks and geese being imprisoned again, YL011 had an idea and quickly brought feed and water from the side to add to the new pen.

After doing all this, YL011 quickly reviewed the entire process to confirm that nothing was missed. Then he looked at Tao Nange and asked cautiously: Nan, Sister Nan, can I continue recording data?

Tao Nange nodded slightly.

YL011 felt like he was being pardoned, picked up a pen and paper, and left in a hurry.

Tao Nange stood alone on the walkway, looking at the new pen. Gai Zhu, An Yijun and others were jumping up and down inside, knocking everywhere. Everyone was trying hard to find an exit, but they couldn't find it. The cage door is so close!

Seeing this scene, Tao Nange suddenly thought that he could not find the door in that classroom either!

The only one who can find the door is Zhou Zhen...and Digital Rain!

The problem Zhou Zhen has now may not just be his sub-personality, but the digital rain in his body is already at risk of getting out of control!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange had no intention of letting Gaizhu and others leave. He turned around and walked towards the planting area again.


Yulan isolation point, breeding area, and pen.

Everyone's faces were filled with disbelief and genuine fear.

This Yulan isolation point is a big problem!

Almost everyone inside is invincible!

And now in this place where they are being held, no matter which direction they run, they will eventually return to where they were!

Moreover, when they were imprisoned, they clearly passed through a door, but for some reason, when the door was closed, they looked in all directions and could not see any entrances or exits. They were all fences. .

Even Gai Zhu's [Abstract Vision] can't see any flaws.

The surrounding fences looked very ordinary, as if ordinary people could break them with their hands. However, no matter what methods they used, they could not be damaged or shaken in the slightest. They were ridiculously strong and blocked their way.

Gai, Sister Gai, what should we do now? An Yijun grabbed his hair in collapse and asked nervously.

He had thought that Gaizhu might come to save him, and he also thought that Gaizhu would leave him alone and retreat alone, but he never expected that Gaizhu would also be caught!

Gaizhu's scalp was also numb. After a brief exchange of information just now, she already knew that it was not Shen Sheng who wanted to deal with her when she and others were arrested, but the people at the isolation point who regarded them as fresh people. Live poultry!

Now, they are kept in a chicken coop!

This Yulan isolation point is simply scarier than the Digital Forest!

Thinking of this, Gaizhu asked hurriedly: Still can't contact the brothers outside?

An Yijun immediately replied: The phone has been unreachable!


He didn't say what he said next. In fact, in the current situation, even if they could contact the outside world, it would be of no use.

The strength of this Yulan isolation point is terrifying!

He very much doubted that even infected people in the [growing stage] might be able to take advantage if they came to attack this isolation point!

At this moment, Gai Zhu's cell phone suddenly rang.

When the people nearby who were still beating, attacking and making noise like headless chickens heard it, their eyes lit up. Cheng Zhenji and Zhang Xuexin even took a few steps quickly and looked at Gai Zhu without blinking.

Gai Zhu also hurriedly took out his mobile phone, thinking it was a call from his subordinates outside, but when he saw the number, his expression suddenly changed. It was Wang Yanliang!

Wang Yanliang is not dead yet? !

Without any time to think about it, she immediately answered the phone: Hello! Wang Yanliang, are you now...

Before she finished speaking, Gaizhu was stunned when she heard a strange female voice on the other end of the phone that she had never heard before: I am the exclusive nurse of Experimental Subject No. 14, codenamed 'Shiguang'.

I have temporarily taken over the Jingxi isolation point and Maoqiao isolation point.

If you want to live now, do one thing for me...

Codename picking up light? !

It’s the “Order of Ashes”!


Experimental subject? ?

Is that Shen Sheng an experimental subject? !

It’s over!


Yulan isolation point, in the bedroom deep in the Siam courtyard.

The electric fan with wooden blades turned slowly without making any sound. In the water lily pond outside the window, the thin water flowed endlessly, converging into a hypnotic white noise.

The curtains in the room were all drawn tightly, the lights were turned off, and it was dark.

Zhou Zhen sat on the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands and closing his eyes tightly.

Under his feet, there were dots of cold light in the darkness. There were empty syringes scattered on the ground, with a little cold light reflecting off the needle tips.

These syringes are all [powerful digital neuroleptics]. He has injected five or six of them in succession, and his body has even shown obvious rejection, but his symptoms have not improved at all!

Now, as long as he blinks, he will see the words I like you written in blood on his hands!

In the blink of an eye, everything that resembles a letter will be seen as a love letter with a pink gradient and a big red heart printed on it...

It seems that only [Digital Tranquilizer] can be effective on him for the time being.

But after being injected with [Digital Tranquilizer], he could only sleep!

At this time, the curtains in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows were blown open by the cold wind when the door was pushed open. A beam of light shined into the room from the garden, splitting the darkness and falling on Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen raised his head and saw Tao Nange walking into the room and coming to his side.

He came back to his senses, suppressed all the messy thoughts in his heart, and asked seriously: Sister Nan...

Is my current situation very serious?

Tao Nange shook his head, sat down next to Zhou Zhen, and replied calmly: It's okay.

After saying these two words, she had no explanation and seemed not to know how to explain it.

The room suddenly fell into silence.

Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and asked immediately: Sister Nan, last time... why did you tell me not to look at the previous memories?

Tao Nange paused before continuing: Those memories may make you become another person... Of course, this is just my guess.

Zhou Zhen didn't speak. After a moment, he suddenly said firmly: In those memories, there is a solution to my current mental problem!

Tonight, I want to enter the classroom!

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