Ash Civilization

Chapter 200 The real world. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

In the bedroom deep in the Siamese-style open courtyard, Tao Nange was lying on the soft bed and answering his cell phone.

At this time, a familiar voice came from the receiver, and Zhou Zhen said in a relaxed tone: I happen to have a very fat white goose here...

Just right?

Tao Nange frowned slightly, suddenly feeling that something was not right. She glanced at the phone that had been hung up. She immediately stood up from the bed, put on her shoes, and walked out.

Zhou Zhen called her twice in succession. In the first call, the other party said that they were receiving people from the Jingxi isolation point and the Ling'an isolation point, and it was not convenient to talk to her about the official medical point.

But after the last call, she finished her work immediately, and even asked her what she wanted to eat...

The interval between these two phone calls was very short. Even if Zhou Zhen had a conflict with the people at the two isolation points and broke up unhappy, it would not be possible so quickly!

Tao Nange remembered that when he first came to the Yulan isolation point, Zhou Zhen had a side effect and treated the living people as oversized pigs!

Moreover, the chickens, ducks and geese in the breeding area are all still young.

What Zhou Zhen meant was that the big white goose to be slaughtered was not from the breeding area at all!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange quickened his pace.


Yulan isolation point, trading hall.

People from the Jingxi isolation point and Ling'an isolation point surrounded Shen Sheng who was making a phone call, and YL016 and other new members of the Yulan isolation point were also standing nearby.

The whole hall was silent.

Gaizhu folded her hands on her chest, her expression was calm, but there was a hint of vigilance in her eyes. She looked at Shen Sheng not far away. Thousands of thoughts went through her mind in an instant, as she quickly calculated what to say next. When he was doing this, Shen Sheng in front of him suddenly turned into a half-human, half-digit monster!

Gaizhu's eyes suddenly widened, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly rose, as if the shadow of death was thickly projected down.

However, before she could think about it, Shen Sheng had already finished the phone call and turned to look at her: I'm sorry, Sister Gai, the person who was sent to deliver the greeting card just now should...

As soon as he was halfway through speaking, Shen Sheng in front of him immediately looked around, as if he was looking for something.

Realizing that something was wrong, Gai Zhu hurriedly said: I am suddenly in a hurry and must go back immediately. Boss Shen doesn't need to send me away!

With that said, she turned and left.

Others at the Jingxi isolation point nearby looked confused, as if they didn't know what was happening, but when they saw Gai Zhu suddenly leaving, they hurriedly followed.

Cheng Zhenji and Zhang Xuexin at the Ling'an isolation point are still standing there with polite smiles on their faces. So far, they have not found anything unusual. However, after seeing Gai Zhu suddenly drop a sentence, he quickly walked towards the exit. Walking away, I immediately became alert.

Sister Gai from the Jingxi isolation point, her digital domain is [abstract vision], and she can see many dangers that ordinary people cannot see!

The other party may have discovered something!

Just when Cheng Zhenji and Zhang Xuexin were hesitant to find an excuse to leave with the Jingxi isolation point, Shen Sheng standing next to them suddenly said: Send these poultry to the breeding area immediately.

Send all fruits and vegetables to the growing area!

As soon as he said this, the people at the Ling'an isolation point saw Gai Zhu, the boss of the Jingxi isolation point, running directly. The other party almost instantly used the fastest speed of the fourth step and went all out. Run towards the civil defense gate at the exit!

has a problem!

Cheng Zhenji and Zhang Xuexin's expressions changed. They looked at each other quickly, and immediately ran away without caring about it.

The other people at the Ling'an isolation point were startled for a moment, and then started running after they realized what was happening.

In the vast trading hall, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps. Two people at the isolation point ran desperately, as if there were some ferocious beasts chasing behind them, and fled towards the civil defense gate!

The sound of violent footsteps echoed loudly in the underground space, and the trading hall that was very quiet just now suddenly became noisy.

However, as soon as they ran out of the trading hall and came to the corridor at the entrance, they discovered that the situation in the corridor had changed dramatically: at the other end of the corridor, the civil defense door they had passed through when they entered was gone and replaced by Yes, it’s exactly the same corner as when you entered the trading floor!

Gaizhu ran over without any hesitation and rushed into the corner. As she ran, she quickly realized something was wrong. When she stopped and took a look, she found that not only did she not run out of the Yulan isolation point, but she had returned to the previous transaction. Inside the hall!

Not far away, the half-human, half-digit figure stood, it was Shen Sheng.

If she hadn't stopped in time, she would have almost bumped into the other person.

Gai Zhu's expression suddenly changed. Is it a labyrinth-type digital domain?

Before she could think about it, gurgling blood suddenly appeared on the dry cement floor. The blood was dark red in color, thick and sticky in texture. After it appeared, it spread all over the entire trading hall in the blink of an eye, turning the entire hall into a temporary building. of blood pool.

Stepping in the shocking bloody water, Gaizhu suddenly realized that he was like a flying insect stuck in a spider web. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape the restraints and could not walk at all!

Others from the Jingxi isolation point, as well as Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin and other people from the Ling'an isolation point, followed Gai Zhu and rushed into the trading hall. They were also trapped in blood and water. They all felt that their bodies had become extremely heavy and they could no longer move. action.

Infected person!

At this time, Zhang Xuexin suddenly screamed and looked at Zhou Zhen with fear.

Others at the Jingxi isolation point and Ling'an isolation point also looked at Zhou Zhen subconsciously, and then they saw that Shen Sheng, who had been very normal just now, had only the right half of his flesh and blood left, and the left half of his body. It is filled with dense numbers, outlining a symmetrical half of the body, and the half of the body is still squirming, like a living creature, full of weirdness and horror.

Everyone’s expressions suddenly changed!

Shen, Shen Sheng has become an infected person!

Quick! Run away!

Where is the exit? Where is the exit!? Why is there no exit!

Sister Gai, think of a way! You are the 'fourth ladder'...

There was chaos at the scene. Some were cursing, some were running around, some were grabbing Gaizhu and urging her to find a solution, some were squeezing towards the back of the crowd, trying to make others become cannon fodder, some were shouting and fighting, and some were shouting and fighting. Taking advantage of the chaos to steal things...

Gai Zhu's face was extremely ugly. She knew in her heart that something went wrong when Shen Sheng called just now.

Others only now saw that something was wrong with Shen Sheng because their brains made visual compensation for the pictures they saw!

Half of this Shen Sheng's body is normal, and the other half is a number. Without taking action, most people can only see the normal half of the opponent's body, while the existence of the other half is invisible. compensated.

However, as soon as this Shen Sheng takes action, the visual compensation mechanism will be broken!

So after the other party uses the digital domain, others can see Shen Sheng's true appearance just like her!

Thinking of this, Gai Zhu immediately took out a special grenade. The shape of this grenade is obviously different from ordinary grenades. This is an [energy grenade], which is filled with rich digital energy. After it explodes, it can quickly attract infections. By!

Without any hesitation, Gai Zhu immediately opened the safety buckle of the grenade and threw it towards Zhou Zhen.


The grenade landed at Zhou Zhen's feet. It did not explode. Instead, it fell to pieces like a small watermelon. Metal, plastic, and gunpowder fragments splashed all over the ground, just like the flesh of the melon was scattered everywhere after being impacted.


The equation of motion of an object has been changed? ?

Gaizhu suddenly felt frightened, and instantly realized that he and the other party were not at the same level at all!

She even suspected that the other party might not be the fifth step, but a higher step!

In an instant, she finally understood why the energy detection equipment malfunctioned just now... The detection limit of that old equipment was only the fifth step!

However, just as Gaizhu was thinking this, Shen Sheng suddenly took steps and walked towards her quickly.

Gaizhu hurriedly tried her best to escape. Her movements were extremely slow now. Her whole body seemed to be in a plot that had been slowed down. Even if all the energy of the Fourth Step was unleashed, the blood under her feet was still powerful. The suction and resistance made every centimeter of her movement extremely difficult.

The next moment, her neck tightened, and she saw Shen Sheng's arm made of dense numbers clasping her neck.

Gai Zhu immediately took out an antique pistol and repeatedly pulled the trigger on Zhou Zhen.

Bang bang bang...

The bullets rushed to hit Zhou Zhen's body, but they were of no use at all. They were all bounced off Zhou Zhen's clothes and skin.

It was as if what was fired from the gun was not a powerful bullet, but pieces of soft goose feathers, falling into the bloody water and floating on the water.

Gaizhu continued to struggle when she saw Shen Sheng lift her up from the bloody water. At the same time, a scalpel radiating with cold light appeared in the opponent's hand, gesturing at her vitals. It seemed like he was going to disembowel her on the spot.

Looking at the blade close at hand, Gaizhu's expression was full of fear. She understood why the other party looked unnatural when he mentioned Wang Yanliang just now... The other party did not defeat Wang Yanliang, but killed Wang Yanliang!


This Shen Sheng didn't lie just now. There was no conflict at all between the other party and Wang Yanliang!

Because killing Wang Yanliang, for this Shen Sheng, is like squeezing an ant to death with his hands. It cannot be called a conflict at all!

Now, she is the same!

However, just when Gaizhu thought he was certain to die, a crisp and slightly cold voice suddenly came over...

Zhou Zhen, wake up!


The scalpel stabbing Gai Zhu's neck was suddenly blocked by a slender white palm.

Someone came to save me?

Gaizhu immediately looked towards the owner of that palm, but soon, the hope that had just been ignited in her eyes turned into a deeper fear!

I saw a monster with the left half of its body being a human and the right half of its body being a number, appearing next to Shen Sheng and grabbing the wrist of Shen Sheng holding the scalpel!

There are two of these half-human, half-digit monsters in the Yulan isolation point!

At the same time, Zhou Zhen turned to look at Tao Nange and asked doubtfully: Sister Nan, what's wrong?

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a little pain in his arms. When he lowered his head, he saw that the skin and flesh on his two arms were rolled up and bloody. They were engraved with dense blood letters. The strokes of these blood letters were crazy and of different shades. The content he said Very familiar, all big and small I like you.

Warm blood continued to drip down his arm, and the big white goose he just held in his hand turned into a love letter with a pink gradient and a big red heart printed on it!

Zhou Zhen immediately threw away the love letter, closed his eyes, and shook his head vigorously.

When he opened his eyes again, the bloody words on his arms had completely disappeared, and the chickens, ducks and geese running around on the ground, as well as the fresh and tender vegetables and fruits, had also disappeared, turning into a staggering crowd.

Gai Zhu, Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin... people from Jingxi isolation point, people from Ling'an isolation point, and new members from Yulan isolation point such as YL016, they are scattered throughout the trading hall, and many of them are still running wildly. His posture was just that his feet were tightly wrapped in blood and water, making it difficult to move.

At this moment, everyone looked at him with extremely fearful eyes.

Zhou Zhen's expression changed. There was something wrong with his energy just now!

However, just when he thought he had returned to normal, he saw that Tao Nange standing next to him had suddenly transformed into Ji Xuexun, wearing a mint green chiffon dress with long hair hanging like a waterfall!

A faint blush appeared on Ji Xuexun's snow-white face. Her fair and slender little hands were holding the love letter he had just thrown away, and she was looking at him shyly and affectionately, as if she were an ordinary person who was full of longing for love. Like a young girl.

Zhou Zhen's scalp felt numb, and he immediately closed his eyes again. When he opened them again, Ji Xuexun's figure had disappeared. Tao Nange stood there with a cold expression, and there was no blood on his arm.

However, all the people in the Jingxi Isolation Point and Ling'an Isolation Point disappeared, replaced by chickens, ducks and geese all over the ground, as well as fresh and tender vegetables and fruits.

Ang ang ang...


Cackle, cluck...

These poultry flapped their wings, made various noisy sounds, and struggled desperately to escape from the [Crimson Trap]. The fruits and vegetables are also squirming very energetically, as if they want to escape.

Zhou Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that this is the real world!

At this time, Tao Nange glanced at the frightened crowd in the trading hall and said to Zhou Zhen: You are not in the right state now. Go and rest first.

I'll handle the things here.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen nodded immediately: Okay!

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