Ash Civilization

Chapter 202 Criminals. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Tao Nange thought about it seriously and finally nodded: Don't read too much, find a way and stop immediately.

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly, and then asked about the business: What's left to apply for the official temporary medical point?

Tao Nange said: We also need a brainwave transmission memory transplant cabin, an F2-TB970 limb grafting machine, a VP3000 full-function operating bed, a Chuncan RT-842 sleep cabin, a Dilong-15 modular energy emergency equipment, and a flat Que-96 medical robot...

She mentioned more than a dozen types of high-tech equipment in one go. Zhou Zhen was immediately confused. Apart from the first few equipments, which he could tell by their names, the following equipments had no idea what they were used for. , can’t even figure it out!

Tao Nange continued: In addition to these, a sterile operating room and a special vacuum operating room are also needed. Both of these spaces must be able to accommodate the equipment I just mentioned.

We also need a supporting virus research laboratory to cope with emergencies.

As well as silent rooms, isolation rooms for infected people, psychiatric treatment centers, and mechanical prosthetic assembly rooms...

As he listened, a big question mark suddenly appeared in Zhou Zhen's mind.

He just wants to set up an official temporary medical point, not an official scientific research institute!

If there were only two or three pieces of equipment, he would still be sure to get it, but with so much equipment and so many supporting conditions... He strongly doubted that even formal hospitals in low-risk cities might not be so complete!

As if he saw Zhou Zhen's doubts, Tao Nange immediately explained: The conditions this time are indeed a bit too high.

This must be because the higher-ups don't trust you, so they have specially raised the requirements.

Next, actually, as long as we manage the Yulan isolation point, build a good reputation, and then cure your mental state, the application should be approved even if we don't prepare so much equipment.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen nodded, and all the questions returned to him...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen then asked: What happened in the trading hall just now?

Tao Nange said calmly: The people in the Jingxi isolation point and the people in the Ling'an isolation point were almost killed by you just now.

Now, the compatible people in these two isolation points are all locked up in the pens in the breeding area.

And other ordinary people were buried in the planting area.

Although it takes up a bit of space, I don't plan to let them go just yet.

Did he almost kill all the people in Jingxi Isolation Point and Ling'an Isolation Point just now?

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment, then immediately asked: Locked in a pen?

Those compatible ones won't run away?

I am only on the 'third step' now, and Sister Nan is only on the 'fourth step'. Wouldn't it be too risky to offend two isolation points with 'fourth steps' at the same time?

Tao Nange replied calmly: No!

I can deal with Gaizhu at Jingxi isolation point and Luxingkuan at Ling'an isolation point by myself.

Now I won't let the people in these two isolation points go, for three reasons.

First, Gai Zhu at the Jingxi isolation point is a former fugitive from Linzhu City.

She is 39 years old and is a member of the 'Fourth Step'. She has numerous criminal records and is too numerous to list, including: intentionally spreading 'digital viruses'; stealing 'digital' secrets; killing her love rival and humiliating her body, turning her love rival into a specimen; participating in terrorist activities; and trafficking. Population crime; crime of privately conducting human 'digital virus' experiments...

The things others committed are not as big as Gaizhu, but they are not much better.

Second, I'm not sure now whether those people were infected just now. Those who are compatible can say better. I just checked those ordinary people and they seemed to have some mental problems.

If we release them directly before we have a clear investigation, there may be many more infected people.

Third, these criminals can be used to test your mental state!

If one day suddenly they can really escape from the pen or emerge from the ground, it means that your mental state is not that serious.

Next, you'd better stay in the bedroom and laboratory.

If you want to enter the breeding and planting areas, you must be accompanied by me.


Yulan isolation point, breeding area.

The yellowish light shines quietly, and in the clean and tidy pens, the movement of poultry and livestock can be heard from time to time, and occasionally there is the sound of aquatic products paddling in the water.

In one of the pens, the straw used for poultry habitats on the ground was beaten into powder and crumbs, floating in the air. Feed and water were also dumped on the floor. The peculiar smell of poultry creatures was lingering. Upon entering the nose, there is no neatness or calmness like other pens, and it looks messy.

At this moment, An Yijun, Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin and others didn't care at all. They all stopped looking for a way out or destroying the surroundings. They surrounded Gaizhu, holding their breath and watching without blinking. The phone in her hand.

Finally, Gai Zhu put down the phone and the call ended.

The crowd surrounding her immediately burst out asking: Sister Gai, how are you doing?

Sister Gai, is there any way to leave?

Sister Gai, was it Wang Yanliang who called just now?

Sister Gai, our Ling'an isolation point has always had a good relationship with the Jingxi isolation point. Mr. Lu also praised you highly. You can't ignore us...

Sister Gai, please speak quickly...

Sister Gai...

Sister Gai...

The people around asked anxiously. Gaizhu's call just now took a long time. Although Gaizhu listened with a solemn expression most of the time, it also gave them great hope of escape!

At this time, Gaizhu's face was pale, and deep in her eyes, there was strong fear and anger. She glanced at the impatient crowd around her and didn't answer a word.

The call just now was made by a member of the illegal organization Ash Order codenamed Shiguang!

The other party promised to give her a way to survive, but the premise was to help the other party do something first...

She once asked why the other party didn't do this picking up light thing by herself, and the other party's answer was very direct: because the experimental subject is now very unstable, and the other party is also worried that if he approaches rashly, he will be eaten by the experimental subject!

Yes, the other party vowed to keep her alive, but the other party himself was also afraid of being eaten by the experimental subject!

Moreover, she can be sure that once she fails, the pickup will call other people here and ask the next person to continue to do the same thing!

Until someone succeeds in the end, or everyone is eaten by the experimental subjects!

In fact, as long as there is any other way to survive now, she will definitely not believe the other party!


Thinking of this, Gaizhu frowned and immediately said: Keep calling outside!

If Wang Yanliang's mobile phone can make calls, there must be a way to make our calls!

With that said, Gai Zhu picked up the phone again and was about to continue calling his subordinates outside, but found that the phone prompted: No card inserted.

She couldn't help but be startled, and immediately opened the card slot of her phone. The card in the card slot was intact, and there was nothing wrong with it on the outside.

Gai Zhu inserted the card again, but the phone screen still showed the message: The card is not inserted.

Her expression suddenly changed, and she instantly understood that the digits in her phone card had been stolen from her during the phone call just now!


Outside the Yulan isolation point, at the entrance of a warehouse-style building.

Except for occasionally looking at each other from a distance, the left-behind personnel at the Jingxi isolation point and the Ling'an isolation point still maintained a clear attitude. Each occupied an area of ​​​​the open space in front of the door and set up a temporary camp. There was no intention of communication between the two sides. .

At this moment, in the camp at the Jingxi isolation point, the left-behind personnel took out folding tables and chairs and sat sparsely in a large circle. While wiping the firearms in their hands, they talked in a low voice: Sister Gai has been in there for so long, why haven't you come out yet? ?”

Is something going wrong? Just now Lao An took someone in first, but they never came out.

Yes, and no one answered Lao An's phone...

How is that possible? Sister Gai is the 'Fourth Step'. If something happens to this isolation point, nothing will happen to Sister Gai!

As he was talking, one of them's phone suddenly rang. He immediately picked up the phone, looked at the caller ID, and said immediately: It's Sister Gai!

The surrounding area fell silent for an instant, and everyone stopped moving and looked at the mobile phone.

The owner of the phone immediately picked up the call: Hello, Sister Gai...

Want to live in Yulan isolation point for a while?




Then let's go back to Jingxi isolation point first...

When the call ended, the man looked at his companion and explained briefly: Sister Gai and Mr. Shen from Yulan Isolation Point have confidential projects to discuss, and they need to stay at Yulan Isolation Point for a few more days.

Let us go back first. If anything happens, we will call and let us know.


The entrance to the Yulan isolation point and the Ling'an isolation point camp.

Compared to the nearby Jingxi Isolation Point Camp, the atmosphere here is more uninhibited.

They did not take out tables and chairs from the car. They were either walking next to the vehicle, or sitting directly on the ground, on the roof of the car, or on the hood... A tall and fat armed man covered in tattoos had a cigarette in his mouth. Xiao Fei took a sip, looked at the gate of the warehouse-style building not far away, and sighed quietly: Brother Cheng's girlfriend and sister-in-law are famous for being flirtatious in our Ling'an quarantine. Tongfu City is quite famous. If Mr. Lu hadn’t been so bad, Brother Cheng would never have been able to get his turn. Brother Cheng is actually so willing this time...

A companion next to him took a deep sip of beer and nodded in agreement: The Luo sisters are so sexy! Those breasts, those legs, that waist... that style... um... stunners! Absolute stunners! And they are still... Sisters!

Listening to what the two of them said, another dark-skinned companion shrugged nonchalantly and said, It's just a woman. If you can really make a 'Fifth Step' compatible person, it will definitely be worth the price of a pair of sisters. Big!”

Hearing this, the armed men nearby burst into laughter: Yes! The Luo family sisters also feel that they have made a lot of money!

Ha ha ha ha……

Before the laughter subsided, the sound of cars starting up suddenly came from not far away, and the roar of the engines broke the peace here.

People at the Ling'an isolation point immediately followed the sound and saw the convoy at the Jingxi isolation point. I don't know when they had packed up the folding tables, chairs, umbrellas, drinks, etc. they had just taken out. All the people returned to the car and started the car. Walk away.

Soon, all that was left in the Jingxi isolation point camp was a piece of mud that had been repeatedly crushed, as well as some cigarette butts, plastic packaging and the like scattered on the ground.

People at the Ling'an isolation point looked at this scene with great confusion. The cell phone of the tall, fat armed officer suddenly rang.

He immediately picked up the phone and found that the call was from Lu Xingkuan. He hurriedly made a quiet gesture to the surroundings, cleared his throat, and then answered the phone: Master Lu...

Just after he shouted, before he could say anything, he heard Lu Xingkuan's urgent instructions in the receiver: Be right back!



Before anything else could be said, a hang-up sound came from the receiver, and the call ended immediately.

The tall and fat armed man was stunned for a moment. After he realized what he was doing, he immediately said to his companions next to him: Master Lu asked us to go back immediately.

The companions looked at each other in confusion, and one of them asked: But Brother Cheng, Brother Zhang, and sisters Luo Yujiao and Luo Yumiao haven't come out yet...

The tall, fat armed man shook his head and said, Master Lu didn't say...

While they were talking, the convoy at the Jingxi isolation point had disappeared. In the open space at the entrance of the warehouse-style building, only their lone convoy was left. Cold wind blew from all directions. Under the gray sky, the surrounding fields were desolate and desolate. It seemed that In the dark, some shadow is shrouded little by little.

The tall and fat armed man thought for a moment and immediately said: Leave immediately!

The sisters from the Luo family have already been given to the eldest brother at the Yulan isolation point. Whether they will return to our Ling'an isolation point in the future is a question.

As for Brother Cheng and Brother Zhang, don't worry about it. This is Master Lu's order!

After the words fell, everyone immediately got up to pack their things, quickly got in the car, left here, and returned to the Ling'an isolation point.


Yulan isolation point.

In the bedroom in the Siam-style courtyard.

The doors and windows were closed, and the curtains facing the courtyard were not drawn. The street lights in the courtyard shone in, illuminating the furniture.

Zhou Zhen sat alone by the bed. Tao Nange had been gone for a while. She left a [Digital Tranquilizer] behind, which was now on the bedside table.

Amidst the gurgling sound of the water lily pond, Zhou Zhen looked straight at his hands.

In his field of vision, the scars on his hands were crisscrossed, the skin and flesh were rolled, and lines of bloody words full of madness were spread all over the arms. Warm blood seeped out from the wounds and dripped to the ground.

Time passes slowly.

Feeling the increasingly severe pain in his arm, Zhou Zhen turned his head and looked at the [Digital Tranquilizer] on the bedside table. He suddenly shook his head and did not continue to use the medicine. Instead, he lay down directly on the bed and closed his eyes. .

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