Ash Civilization

Chapter 199 A great harvest. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Yulan isolation point.

breeding area.

Poultry and livestock make various sounds from time to time, mixed with the sound of hitting the pens, one after another throughout the three-dimensional breeding area.

The wind blows from the underground ditch and sweeps through the densely packed buildings, dragging out a long and cold cry, adding a bit of horror to the atmosphere here.

YL010 and YL011's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and their expressions gradually became a little distorted due to the huge psychological pressure. Their whole bodies seemed like bows stretched to the extreme. They sat motionless in front of the monitor, looking straight at the screen in front of them. .

At this moment, in the small window displayed on the screen, all the shots of empty pens have been closed, and all that appear are areas with poultry, livestock, and aquatic products.

Most animals are half normal animals and half humans. These animals are either eating in the trough, pacing in the enclosure, or perching in the corner, or fighting with their companions.

Generally speaking, they haven't done anything terrible.

There were only a few chickens, ducks and geese, which looked extremely normal.

But right now, those relatively normal chickens, ducks and geese are jumping up and down in a circle that is only half a person's height, seemingly looking for an exit, but no matter how hard they struggle, they find nothing.

YL010 and YL011 stared at the screen attentively. Suddenly, their eyes were dazzled, and they immediately saw that the picture on the monitoring screen changed instantly. The chickens, ducks and geese that looked very normal just now turned into An Yijun, Similar-looking sisters and other armed men with guns and ammunition.

And those half-human, half-animal monsters have turned into normal poultry, livestock, and aquatic products.

Both of them were shocked at the same time, what happened?

When did An Yijun, the sisters, and those armed men enter the chicken coop, duck coop, and goose house?

However, before they could figure out the problem, their vision blurred again. When they looked at the screen again, everything was restored to the same state as before. An Yijun and the others turned into chickens, ducks and geese again, while those normal poultry, livestock and aquatic products were transformed into chickens, ducks and geese. Once again, he became half human and half animal.

YL010 and YL011 woke up immediately. YL010 swallowed and said in a very low voice: I, I was so dazzled just now that I almost thought that big rooster was An Yijun from the Jingxi isolation point!

YL011's face was pale, as if he had suddenly turned into a wooden sculpture. He froze on the chair without moving, and said with a dry throat: I am the same...the two big white geese just now seemed to be the famous pair of sisters at the Ling'an isolation point. flower?

It should be the hallucination of the 'Digital Forest'. Fortunately, we woke up immediately!

After finishing speaking, the two continued to look directly at the screen in front of them.


Yulan isolation point.

planting area.

On the third floor, the flat land was particularly dark under the bionic sun lamp. One by one, heavily armed personnel were buried alive inside, with only one head exposed.

Several bloody limbs were thrown on the soil with fresh planting marks, and among the flesh and blood limbs, there were also several mechanical prosthetic bodies scattered.

A faint smell of blood filled the air.

The heads on the dirt all showed expressions of extreme fear. They looked at YL012, YL013 and YL014 pleadingly, and kept begging for mercy: Don't kill me! I'm willing to do anything!

I know Sister Gai, no, I know Gai Zhu's secret! I am willing to tell you all, please let me live!

I am the son of the warehouse manager at the Lingan quarantine point. My father and I have hidden a lot of supplies over the years. We can use them all as money to buy our lives...

I, I have a daughter, she is only 16 years old, very beautiful...

My boyfriend is 20 years old. He has a good figure and looks good...

However, before the people buried in the ground could finish speaking, YL012 and the other three people immediately bowed down, scooped up large pieces of soil, and shoveled it into their mouths.

Those heads immediately shut up and tried to dodge, almost having their mouths split open and their teeth broken by the shovel.

Even so, the mud that came towards their faces still hit them hard, burying half of their heads in it, and even breathing became very difficult.

YL012 put down the shovel, wiped the sweat from his face, then pointed to the messy hands and feet next to him and said, What should I do with these yellow vegetable leaves?

Should we send it to the breeding area to be used as feed?

YL013 stretched out his foot, stepped hard on the side of one of the heads, stamped the loose soil firmly, and reminded: We are from the planting area, we cannot go to the breeding area!

This is a 'digital forest' and you must not violate the rules.

YL014 squatted down and pulled the fleshy or mechanical limbs with his hands. After examining them carefully, he looked up at his two companions and said, Although these vegetable leaves are a little rotten, they look very normal. It should be just ordinary vegetable leaves.”

Wait and see if there is a pot in the living area. We can pick it up and make some vegetable soup.

The food served here is either compressed food or pre-made food, none of which are as appetizing as fresh vegetable leaves.

Just as they were talking, the three people's eyes were dazzled, and they saw that the rotten vegetable leaves scattered on the ground suddenly turned into bloody hands and feet, mechanical prostheses, and the vegetable seedlings they had just planted so hard were buried one by one. Human head in the soil.

The grotesque and terrifying seedlings around me have become extremely normal!

The three of them were stunned for a moment, but soon, their vision returned to normal again. The rotten vegetable leaves thrown on the ground were still rotten vegetable leaves; the vegetable seedlings just planted were all healthy and strong; the terrifying vegetable seedlings around them were still weird and horrifying. indescribable.

YL012 and the three of them all breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they were delusional...


Jade Lam Isolation Point, deep in the Siamese-style open courtyard, belongs to Tao Nange’s bedroom.

The rattan bed was empty, and the snow-white bedding had no wrinkles.

Tao Nange's figure suddenly appeared on the bed, and a dent immediately appeared on the soft mattress.

She opened her eyes and took out a mobile phone. The phone was constantly vibrating and making a loud calling tone. The screen showed that the incoming call was Zhou Zhen.

Tao Nange immediately answered the phone: Zhou Zhen, what's the matter?

Zhou Zhen's voice came quickly from the other end of the phone: Sister Nan, did you see the people who just sent greetings at Jingxi isolation point and Ling'an isolation point?

Tao Nange immediately replied: No. When I was sleeping, no one came to these two isolation points.

By the way, you went to rest as soon as you came back, so there's something I haven't had time to say yet.

I applied to the higher authorities to set up the Yulan isolation point as a temporary shelter, but it was rejected.

The most promising project now is the temporary medical point.

But now the medical facilities in the isolation points are not complete, and the staffing of medical staff, as well as the quantity and type of medicines, are also not up to standard.

“So it’s still not approved by the higher authorities.”

Are you busy now?

These things cannot be explained clearly on the phone. It is best for us to talk about them in person.

The voice on the phone immediately replied: Okay, I get it!

I am currently accompanying the person in charge of Gaizhu at the Jingxi isolation point and the convoy members from the Ling'an isolation point to visit the rebuilt Yulan isolation point. I don't have time to deal with this matter at the moment.

We'll talk about it later.

Tao Nange nodded and replied calmly: Okay, I will find you again in an hour.

The voice in the receiver quickly responded: Then let's do this first!

After the call ended, Tao Nange put away his phone and looked at the wooden fan chandelier on the ceiling, squinting slightly.

Official temporary medical point applications can only be made known to official personnel!

This is confidential information and cannot be leaked.

Thinking of this, Tao Nange had no intention of going out. He lay on the bed and began to think seriously about how to recall the memories in reality in that dream without Zhou Zhen's help...


Yulan isolation point, trading hall.

Zhou Zhen was on the phone surrounded by people from two isolation points.

Then let's do this first...

After saying this, Zhou Zhen hung up the phone. Now people from the Jingxi isolation point and Ling'an isolation point were nearby. He didn't want these people to know the relationship between him and the officials.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen put away his phone, looked at Gai Zhu, and said, I'm sorry, Sister Gai, the person you just sent to deliver the greeting card should...

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Where was the Gaizhu man? !

Zhou Zhen looked around with a frown and found that not only Gai Zhu was missing, but also the other people from the Jingxi isolation point who had just followed Gai Zhu in, as well as Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin and other personnel from the Ling'an isolation point, had also disappeared. Gone!

Now in the entire trading hall, there are only him and YL015 and YL016 who were transferred from the living area; YL017 and YL018 who were transferred from the fitness area; YL019 from the education area; and YL024, YL025 and YL026 from the medical area.

In addition, there are a large group of chickens, ducks and geese that come from nowhere, as well as a lot of fresh and tender vegetables and fruits.

At this moment, a very impressive big white goose, with its bright red crest held high, shouted arrogantly at him twice, and then took a few chickens, ducks and geese next to it, as well as a group of vegetables and fruits, and immediately headed towards the civil air defense gate. Go.

Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned, feeling that something was not quite right.

But seeing that those energetic poultry were about to run away with the fresh vegetables and fruits from his isolation point, he quickly reacted and immediately ordered: Send these poultry to the breeding area immediately.

Send all fruits and vegetables to the growing area!

As soon as he finished speaking, all the chickens, ducks, geese, vegetables and fruits around him seemed to understand and immediately ran away, escaping all over the ground.

YL016 and others beside Zhou Zhen did not dare to delay and immediately responded: Understood!

YL016 quickly picked up the walkie-talkie: Call YL010...Call YL012...

The breeding area! Is the breeding area there? A batch of poultry has come to the trading floor. Come and catch them!

Planting area...Planting area, did you hear that? There is a batch of fresh fruits and vegetables in the trading hall. You move faster! Master Shen is here to watch!

Seeing the quick reactions of these new subordinates, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly.

However, looking at the chickens, ducks, geese, vegetables and fruits running around, in order to solve this matter quickly, blood immediately appeared under his feet.

After the blood appeared, it spread to the entire trading hall in an instant.

Digital domain, [Crimson Trap]!

The next moment, all the chickens, ducks, geese, vegetables and fruits all slowed down sharply. Their bodies seemed to be stuck by something. They could no longer move quickly and could only flop around in vain.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen picked up the phone again and dialed Tao Nange's number.

Hey, Sister Nan...

I'm done now. I'll go find you right away.

By the way, Sister Nan, do you like chicken, duck or goose?

Do not worry!

I'll just kill one, there are many more in the breeding area.

The two of us will eat together later, so it won't be wasted.


no problem!

I happen to have a very fat white goose here!

After the call ended, Zhou Zhen walked directly towards the largest white goose. He walked in the blood without any hindrance. He easily came to the struggling white goose, reached out and grabbed its neck, and pulled it away. He lifted it out of the blood and at the same time took out a scalpel that shone with cold light...

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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