Ash Civilization

Chapter 198 Master Shen! (First update! Please subscribe!)

The entrance to the Yulan isolation point.

While Zhou Zhen strode out with his men who had temporarily put on uniforms and equipment, he quickly looked at the situation at the entrance of the warehouse-style building.

Unknowingly, his eyes were dark.

Digital domain, [Energy Observation]!

There were two motorcades parked in the open space at the door.

There is a certain distance between the two teams, and there are also clear differences in the paint.

At this moment, in the convoy on the right side of the gate, the window of the lead car was lowered, and there were people sitting on the main driver and co-pilot. In Zhou Zhen's field of vision, the air flow surging around these two people was the third step. They were In the vehicles behind, some people were resting in the car, and some were walking in the open space next to the car. The overall look was relatively leisurely.

In the convoy on the left side of the gate, a parasol was opened. There were folding tables and chairs under the umbrella. A gorgeous woman with a hot figure and a leather skirt was sitting at the table with her legs crossed, enjoying a glass of wine. Drinking red wine, surrounded by several capable men and women.

Zhou Zhen's eyes turned to the gorgeous woman. She and the men and women around her were all wrapped in a layer of air currents. The air currents on the gorgeous woman's body were obviously much higher than those of the people around her, and they were moving like water and fire. It's full of power.

This gorgeous woman is the fourth ladder!

The few people around her are all on the third ladder.

Zhou Zhen immediately judged that the convoy on the left side of the gate came from Jingxi Isolation Point. The gorgeous woman in leather clothes and leather skirt should be Gaizhu, the leader of Jingxi Isolation Point on the invitation; the convoy on the right side of the gate came from Ling'an Isolation Point. Judging from the content of the invitations and the strength of these people, Lu Xingkuan, the leader of the Ling'an isolation point, did not come in person this time.

So, Zhou Zhen immediately cleared his throat and said loudly: I am...


...I bought a batch of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fresh chickens, ducks and geese, very cheap!

The Jingxi Isolation Point and the Ling'an Isolation Point suddenly came to visit him at the same time, most likely to inquire about his details.

The wording on the greeting card was indeed very polite, and the promised greetings and the entire visit process were very polite, but just look at them and don't take them seriously.

High-risk cities have no legal and moral constraints and are closer to the jungle of the jungle in a wild society.

Once he doesn't show enough strength next time, his visits to these two isolation points may directly turn into murder!

Therefore, Zhou Zhen came out to greet them in person. On the one hand, he paid attention to the teams at the two isolation points; on the other hand, he wanted to find an opportunity to show his strength and promote the Yulan isolation point.

While thinking about it, in the convoy at the Jingxi isolation point, the gorgeous woman who was tasting red wine stood up, took the lead and walked out with her long legs. The men who had been standing around her immediately followed behind. A group of beautiful women walked towards Zhou Zhen.

At the same time, at the Ling'an isolation point, the driver and co-pilot of the lead car quickly opened the door and got out of the car quickly. The driver was a tall, strong-looking man with a shaved head and thick eyebrows. He had a warm smile on his face and looked easy to deal with.

The co-pilot, Lao Zhang, also smiled. As he walked, he gestured to the seven or eight companions nearby to come over and face Zhou Zhen together. Others remained in the convoy to guard the vehicles.

The people coming out of the two convoys quickly arrived at the door of the warehouse-style building and stopped not far from Zhou Zhen.

The gorgeous woman wearing a leather jacket and skirt looked Zhou Zhen up and down, licked the corners of her mouth, and said with a somewhat excited smile: Boss Shen, I am Gai Zhu, the person in charge of the Jingxi isolation point.

I heard that the Yulan isolation point was taken over by us humans, so I took the liberty of coming to visit. I hope you don't mind.

I came in a hurry this time, so I prepared a little gift for the meeting. My subordinate Lao An has already brought the gift list along with the greeting card. Some of it are specialties from our Jingxi isolation point. If you like it, I will give it to you in two days. You send a batch over.

By the way, I heard that Boss Shen recently defeated Wang Yanliang from the Maoqiao isolation point. He did a good job!

The man surnamed Wang is usually very evil. I have disliked him for a long time, but I just haven't been able to take action.

Boss Shen should just teach Wang Yanliang a lesson!

I wonder if Boss Shen has entered the 'Fifth Step' now?

Gaizhu smiled broadly and her posture was very bold. She seemed to be an outspoken old lady, but she was thinking quickly in her heart.

As soon as this Shen Sheng appeared just now, she immediately asked her subordinates to use energy detection equipment to detect the opponent's energy.

The test results showed that the other party only had the third step.

This is obviously impossible!

The energy detection equipment in high-risk cities are all models that were officially eliminated more than ten or even twenty years ago. They can usually be used as a reference, but occasionally some very troublesome faults may occur.

Just like now, there must be something wrong with the equipment!

How could a Third Step compatible person be able to compete with Fourth Step Wang Yanliang?

Moreover, during the time when Gai Zhu came over just now, some of her subordinates had quietly reminded her in code words that the subordinates following Shen Sheng were Wang Yanliang's former subordinates!

At present, these subordinates who have just changed their employers seem to be neatly dressed and fully armed, but every movement is made with fear, and the expressions on their faces are full of heartfelt fear. The fear from the bottom of their bones has almost condensed. into substance.

These details all show that this Shen Sheng is stronger than Wang Yanliang, who likes to eat people! More brutal!

Thousands of thoughts went through her mind in an instant, but the smile on Gai Zhu's face became even stronger, as if she and Shen Sheng had hit it off, and there was no scheming behind what she said, but deep down in her heart, she was already on high alert.

After listening to Gai Zhu's words, Zhou Zhen shook his head slightly, and did not answer his specific number ladder, but explained seriously: Sister Gai, these things you heard are all rumors.

I met Wang Yanliang from the Maoqiao isolation point once, but there was no conflict.

Wang Yanliang also brought me several carts of fresh vegetables and fruits, but later...

At this point, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt something was wrong. Later, most of the vegetables and fruits drove away by themselves!


How can vegetables and fruits run away on their own?

And, can you drive?

what happened?

There is something wrong with my memory!

At this time, seeing that Zhou Zhen suddenly stopped talking, the driver and co-pilot Lao Zhang from the Ling'an isolation point also came forward and said with a smile: Hello, Mr. Shen! We are the Ling'an isolation point. My surname is Cheng, and my name is Cheng Zhenji; this is my deputy, Lao Zhang, Zhang Xuexin.

We are here to congratulate Brother Shen on the orders of the person in charge, Mr. Lu Xingkuan.

Originally Mr. Lu planned to come in person, but unfortunately he has been in poor health recently, so he asked us to visit on his behalf.

Master Lu has been to Yulan Isolation Point before. When he heard that Yulan Isolation Point fell, he was very sad. He was very happy to learn that Brother Shen had regained this place!

This meeting gift was personally selected by Mr. Lu, and I hope Brother Shen will accept it.

Zhou Zhen came back to his senses immediately. He looked at Gai Zhu and then at Cheng Zhenji in front of him. He quickly nodded and changed the subject: Thank you for the kindness of Jingxi Isolation Point and Ling'an Isolation Point.

This is not the place for talking. Please come and sit in our Yulan isolation point.

The Yulan isolation point is now very different from before. I basically knocked down all the internal facilities and rebuilt it... You can visit it again later.

Gai Zhu nodded slightly. She had been observing Zhou Zhen's expression and reaction. When he saw that the other party mentioned Wang Yanliang, his expression was obviously a little unnatural. Moreover, he only said half of the words. She was suddenly a little strange. The other party defeated Wang Yanliang. Something, is there any secret?

While thinking, her smile did not change and she quickly replied: Since Boss Shen invited me, it would be disrespectful to refuse.

Cheng Zhenji and Zhang Xuexin also responded very simply: Okay!

Thank you, Mr. Shen! Let's take a closer look at the current Yulan isolation point later...

While chatting and laughing, Zhou Zhen stepped aside to get out of the way and invited people from the two isolation points to enter the Yulan isolation point.


Yulan isolation point.

In the corridor behind the civil air defense gate, YL020 and four other people stood respectfully in the spacious corridor. Although they looked haggard and were under great psychological pressure, they did not dare to slack off at all.

At this moment, the four of them were staring straight at the ground not far away, and their days seemed like years.

Suddenly, the civil defense door opened, and Zhou Zhen walked in with a large group of people.

YL020 and the other four people suddenly became nervous.

They couldn't see the door, they could only see Zhou Zhen suddenly disappearing and then suddenly reappearing, followed by YL016 and other companions who had just disappeared together, and to Zhou Zhen's left, a large white goose with lush feathers suddenly appeared; On the right, there is a big and arrogant rooster!

Among the crowd behind Zhou Zhen, there were also many chickens, ducks and geese with bright coats, as well as juicy and tender vegetables and fruits.

These poultry, vegetables and fruits are much more than the number that suddenly appeared here half an hour ago!

At this time, Zhou Zhen was talking seriously with the big white goose and the big rooster next to him...

The current overall layout of our Yulan isolation point is divided into areas. If you enter from here, you will first enter the trading area, then... the education area... the planting area...

Ang Ang Ang... Ang Ang Ang... Ang Ang Ang...

Cluck, cluck... cluck...

That's right! The rules in our isolation point are different from other places. It's forbidden to kill here! It's forbidden to pick quarrels and cause trouble! It's forbidden to rape and plunder! It's forbidden to eat human flesh... It's forbidden to treat humans as slaves! It's forbidden...

Ang, ang, ang, ang...

The person from your Jingxi isolation point who just came to send a greeting card? I didn't see it...


A pair of sisters came in first at your Ling'an isolation point? I was sleeping just now and didn't know anything...

While talking, Zhou Zhen had already led two people from the isolation point through the entrance corridor and entered the trading hall.

At this time, the civil air defense gate at the isolation point automatically closed slowly.

In the semicircular hall, Zhou Zhen looked around and directly asked the number YL016 beside him: Where are the people from Jingxi Isolation Point and Ling'an Isolation Point who just came to send greetings?

YL016 was suddenly stunned. The people from Jingxi Isolation Point and Ling'an Isolation Point who just came to send greetings... weren't they already gone?

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw that the fresh vegetables, fruits, chickens, ducks, geese, and poultry surrounding them suddenly became very blurry.

It's like a mosaic, with the outlines turning into rough stacks of color blocks.

YL016 immediately rubbed his eyes. When he looked again, he realized that there were no vegetables, fruits, chickens, ducks or geese around?

Not far away from him, stood Gai Zhu, who looked charming but had no evil aura. Behind Gai Zhu, followed a group of members from the Jingxi isolation point, all of them strong and well-armed; and there was a group of people next to him, headed by Cheng Zhenji and Zhang Xuexin looked smiling, but their muscles were taut and full of explosive power. They also looked untouchable. Near these two people, there were also seven or eight armed personnel from the Ling'an isolation point. .

YL016's face changed drastically, and he couldn't tell for a moment whether what he was seeing now was an illusion, or what he saw just now was an illusion?

At the same time, behind the civil defense gate, YL020 and four other guards looked at each other.

They watched helplessly as large groups of chickens, ducks, geese, and vegetables and fruits followed Zhou Zhen towards the depths of the isolation point. They hesitated for a moment whether to call people from the breeding and planting areas to come and clean them up, but just as this group of people walked away , when they were about to enter the trading hall, their vision suddenly became very blurry.

In the blur, they discovered that the mighty chickens, ducks, geese, vegetables and fruits all turned into familiar figures. It was Gai Zhu, Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin and others who were the Jingxi isolation point and the spirit. The high-ups at the isolation point!

The faces of the four YL020 people all changed, and they were speechless for a long time.

In the trading hall, Zhou Zhen saw YL016's eyes dull and silent, as if he suddenly saw something extremely terrifying and was instantly frightened. He frowned and quickly made a decision... to find Sister Nan. Ask about the situation!

Calculating the time, Sister Nan should be in that classroom now. However, calling the other party's phone number can wake him up in advance.

Last time the official ghosts No. 012 and No. 018 came over, this was how he asked Tao Nange to leave the classroom early.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen took out his cell phone and dialed Tao Nange's number.


The incandescent lamp shines down unreservedly from the top of the head. In Class 7 of Senior High School, Tao Nange is sitting in his seat, looking at the podium with distracted eyes.

She looked dazed and confused, as if she didn't understand why she was here or what she was going to do. She was completely confused.

The math teacher, wearing a yellowish white shirt and gray suit trousers, was speaking passionately about knowledge points on the podium. Suddenly, the bell rang.

Jingle Bell……

The math teacher's teaching immediately came to an abrupt end. He quickly packed up his things, announced that get out of class was over, put the lesson plan in his folder, and left in a hurry.

Jingle bell…jingle bell…

The ringing of the get out of class bell seemed to have no end, and it continued to ring even after the math teacher left.

The ringtone was cold, loud, sharp, and harsh... Tao Nange sat in his seat, his eyes that were originally unfocused and distracted began to wake up a little bit.


Yulan isolation point.

In the trading hall, Gai Zhu, Cheng Zhenji, Zhang Xuexin and others surrounded Zhou Zhen. They all stopped talking and laughing and waited quietly for Zhou Zhen to call.

YL016 and others also remained silent.

In the spacious semi-circular hall, breathing could be heard for a while.

At this time, Gai Zhu looked at Zhou Zhen with alert eyes. Lao An, whom she had just sent to deliver the greetings, and the men Lao An had brought along, had not shown up yet!

When she was outside just now, she thought that Shen Sheng had arranged for Lao An and his party before going out to greet her in person.

But now it seems that the other party has not seen Lao An at all!

How is this going?

If the other party didn't meet Lao An, how did he receive her invitation?

There seems to be something wrong with this Shen Sheng!

While he was thinking, Gai Zhu immediately saw that the entire left half of Zhou Zhen's body, who was still on the phone, suddenly disappeared without any warning!

His whole body seemed to have been cut straight from the middle by an extremely sharp blade. The incision was smooth and smooth, and the bones, flesh, blood, blood vessels, and internal organs inside... were all clearly visible. This scene was bloody, weird, and shocking. In the blink of an eye, the big Tons of blood poured out in droves!

But Zhou Zhen didn't seem to feel any pain at all. There was no movement on the remaining right half of his face, and the blood flowing from the incision immediately turned into dense numbers that spread rapidly in the air, instantly outlining the missing left half of his body. , and fill quickly.

Soon, Zhou Zhen turned into a monster with flesh and blood on the right half and numbers on the left.

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