Ash Civilization

Chapter 197 The visitor is a guest. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Yulan isolation point.

Deep in the Siamese-style small courtyard, the bedroom is decorated with teak floors, rattan furniture, plain-color sofas with colorful pillows, broad-leaf green plants and other elements.

Zhou Zhen woke up slowly, opened his eyes, and saw the wood-colored ceiling fan light on the ceiling. He yawned and felt that he was in good spirits now.

Every time he is injected with [Digital Tranquilizer], he will not enter that classroom when he sleeps, but will experience the perspective of the infected person in an alternative way.

I had a good sleep this time, and I feel much better than before.

In the next period of time, my mental state will be relatively stable.

Let's go take a look at the dishes we just brought back. During this period, we have been eating fast food and pre-made food. It's just a change of taste.

With this thought in his mind, Zhou Zhen immediately sat up from the bed, straightened his clothes a little, put on his shoes, and walked outside.

He opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and just walked into the open courtyard outside when he saw a fat young man with long hair standing by the flower bed not far away, holding something in his hand and looking around nervously.

This long-haired young man has dense tattoos on his neck. He wears a gray short-sleeved shirt and a metal nameplate on his chest with a set of numbers YL016 engraved on it. The fleshy face made him look very untouchable, but at this moment, his muscles were tense and cold sweat was dripping from his forehead. He looked frightened, as if he was very scared.

He and YL015 were in charge of the living area, so after the guard office received two love letters named for Shen Sheng, the person in charge of the Yulan isolation point, they handed them over to him for submission.

He had been waiting here for a long time. The reason he didn't knock on the door and didn't dare to go in was because when he was arranging work just now, the half-human, half-digit monster said that people like them were not allowed to enter the residence of the other party and Shen Sheng!

While feeling uneasy, YL016 suddenly saw a thin and strong figure walking out of the house. It was a young man about twenty years old. He had a dull expression and an inconspicuous scar on the corner of his left eye. He was wearing White short-sleeved T-shirt, black trousers, dark sneakers, calm and restrained temperament.

It's that weird Shen Sheng... No, it's Master Shen!

Thinking of this, YL016 immediately lowered his head deeply, holding the two love letters in both hands, and carefully handed them to Zhou Zhen: Shen, Mr. Shen, these are received by the guard, and they are from Jingxi Isolation Point and Lingxi. Someone was sent from An Quarantine Point.

Zhou Zhen glanced at the stranger in front of him and felt a little strange. He just fell asleep. How come there are homeless people coming in at the Yulan isolation point?

Moreover, judging from the other party's posture, it seems that he is still working at the Yulan isolation point?

Was it someone who was recruited by Sister Nan?

While thinking, Zhou Zhen looked at the letter in the other person's hand again. They were two letters of greeting. One was in an ancient style, with a vague scent of sandalwood lingering; the other was in a gorgeous style, exuding a charming scent of perfume.

Zhou Zhen took the invitation and asked, Did Sister Nan arrange the job for you?

Sister Nan?

That half-human, half-digit monster?

The voice spoken by the other party was indeed a female voice.

YL016 nodded hurriedly and said tremblingly: Yes, yes...

Zhou Zhen nodded slightly and opened the first greeting note. It was written in brush calligraphy with flying and dancing handwriting. It was obvious that the writer had good calligraphy skills: My dear friend Shen Sheng: In a high-risk city, everyone is walking on thin ice. I heard from Yu a few days ago Yulan Isolation Point fell. As the saying goes, a rabbit dies and a fox grieves. Things harm its kind. Everyone above and below our isolation point is overwhelmed with grief. Fortunately, my little friend was born and recovered the Yulan Isolation Point. I have sent someone to congratulate me with gifts. I hope to meet you soon. , let’s discuss the big plan together. Brother Fool is walking on a broad road and pauses.”

Also attached is the specific address of the isolation point in Ling'an, as well as Lu Xingkuan's mobile phone number. It is noted that this number is exclusive to personal close friends and will be answered by Lu Xingkuan himself.

Zhou Zhen then opened the second greeting card. The content inside was similar to the greeting card at Ling'an Isolation Point, except that the wording was in vernacular and the font was in elegant and beautiful pen calligraphy. The signature was Gaizhu, the leader of Jingxi Isolation Point. In addition to the The road is as wide as the road. In addition to paying attention to the location of the Jingxi isolation point and Gaizhu's personal phone number, it also shows that Gaizhu is waiting outside the Yulan isolation point.

Looking at these two greeting cards, Zhou Zhen pondered slightly.

The only interaction he had with Ling'an Isolation Point and Jingxi Isolation Point was that he took some of the supplies originally given to these two isolation points by the Xiuhu Group.

Of course, Xiuhu Group made it clear afterwards that it would give him all those supplies for free, so he didn't count...

Now these two isolation points come to visit, I don’t know why?

However, when you come to your door, you are a guest. If you see me, you must see me!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen put away the two greeting cards and quickly asked: How long has it been since you sent the greeting cards?


YL016 was stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted and quickly replied: It will be about half an hour before I get back to Master Shen.

Master Shen has been resting in his room just now. I dare not go in and disturb him.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen looked at the long-haired young man in front of him in surprise. The young man seemed to be very afraid of him. It must be that Sister Nan used some means to establish her authority when she recruited the person.

So, Zhou Zhen then asked: How many people like you have Sister Nan recruited in total?

Where are you now? What are you doing?

YL016 did not dare to wipe the cold sweat rolling down his forehead, and said tremblingly: Master Shen, we have a total of 17 people coming in, numbered from YL010 to YL026. What Sister Nan and Nan mean is that YL is the abbreviation of Yulan Isolation Point. Then there’s the sorting.”

YL010 and YL011 are in the breeding area and are responsible for taking care of the poultry, livestock and aquatic products there...


Soon, he introduced Tao Nange's arrangements for them and the work content.

Zhou Zhen listened and nodded with great satisfaction. Sister Nan has always been very reassuring in her work!

Thinking of this, he asked again: What else happened during my rest?

YL016 immediately replied: There is nothing important. It's just that the people in the planting area and the breeding area went to the door to move fruits and vegetables several times, and also caught some chickens, ducks and geese.

Fruits and vegetables and chickens, ducks and geese?

I'll have a look later when I have some time...

Zhou Zhen thought this in his heart, nodded slightly and said: I understand.

The leader of the Jingxi isolation point has arrived. He is outside now. I want to go out to greet him personally.

Go and call all the people from the education area, medical area, and fitness area and come out with me.

Although it is still unclear the true attitude of the people at the two isolation points, Jingxi Isolation Point and Ling'an Isolation Point, towards themselves and Yulan Isolation Point, judging from the wording of the greetings and the personal visit of Gaizhu, the boss of Jingxi Isolation Point Judging from his actions, he should be here to show his kindness.

This is the first time someone of this magnitude has visited me since I rebuilt the Yulan Isolation Site. Therefore, I must entertain them well and I must not lose my magnanimity and demeanor and leave any dark history to the Yulan Isolation Site.

According to the current situation at the Yulan isolation point, animals and plants in the breeding area and the planting area need to be taken care of. Once something goes wrong, the death or injury of poultry, livestock, aquatic products, and vegetable seedlings will be irreparable.

But other areas are currently just an empty shell and have not been officially operated.

Considering that this group of people have just been recruited, the living area may still be busy setting up their residences, and one person in the living area also needs to stay.

The four gatekeepers need to be responsible for opening and closing the security gate, and of course they cannot be called on.

Speaking of which, the Yulan Isolation Point has just been rebuilt, and everything needs to be renovated. There are too few manpower...

While Zhou Zhen was thinking, YL016 hurriedly responded: Yes!

As he said that, he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie: Call YL017, YL018, YL019...YL026!

Repeat: Call YL017...YL026! Master Shen has an order, gather outside Master Shen's house immediately!

After a while, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside the open courtyard. YL017 and others tried their best to stand in a straight row, standing in front of Zhou Zhen without squinting and not daring to express their dignity.

These people vary in height, short, fat, and thin. Each of them has a strong physique and strong muscles. Many of them have fierce tattoos. They look very unruly. But at the moment, under Zhou Zhen's gaze, they are all silent, and some of their calves are silent. Still trembling slightly, like a sheep being targeted by wolves, looking weak, pitiful and helpless.

Zhou Zhen glanced over and didn't pay too much attention. He immediately picked out a few relatively decent-looking people and motioned them to stand at the front. Then he used [Airdrop Trojan] to control several multi-functional intelligent robots and fetched one from the warehouse. A batch of brand new black training uniforms and a box of submachine guns were distributed to these people and asked to change them immediately.

These people did not dare to disobey in the slightest and immediately complied.

A minute later, looking at the neatly dressed and uniformly armed crowd, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. This way, he looked more respectable!

He immediately said: Let's go!

Then he immediately took the lead and walked towards the civil defense gate.

The people who had changed their clothes and were holding submachine guns swallowed nervously and followed cautiously.


Outside the Yulan isolation point, at the entrance of a warehouse-style building.

His men had already moved the folding table and chairs from the trunk and set up a parasol for Gai Zhu to sit on the lounge chair under the umbrella and leisurely taste the old red wine.

However, as he sipped the red wine, a slightly astringent and bitter smell gradually spread. Time passed quickly, and Gai Zhu gradually became a little impatient.

After Lao An went in to send the greeting card, he didn't come out for a long time, and there was no response at all!

Gai Zhu shook the wine glass with only a little bit of red wine left, looking at the light color of the liquid in the glass, and said lightly: Call Lao An and ask him how he is in there? Please send it to Shen Sheng. In hand.

A subordinate wearing a long-sleeved sweatshirt and overalls immediately lowered his head and responded: Understood!

As he said that, he immediately took out a mobile phone and dialed An Yijun's number. A calling tone came from the receiver. At the same time, the sound of bah ba ba electricity came, sharp and noisy, as if the signal was interfered with in some way. .


The call tone lasts for a while and eventually hangs up automatically because no one answers.

This subordinate made several calls in a row, but none of them got through. Moreover, the bah, bah, bah sound of electricity became stronger and stronger, becoming extremely harsh.

He frowned slightly, put away his cell phone, turned to Gai Zhu and said, Sister Gai, there may be some signal interference inside the Yulan isolation point, and the call cannot be connected.

Gai Zhu frowned and glanced in the direction of the convoy at the Ling'an isolation point. Seeing that the convoy at the Ling'an isolation point was also waiting, she thought about it and decided to wait another 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, if An Yijun still hasn't come out, leave immediately!

In a high-risk city, anything can happen, so it’s better to be cautious...

Thinking of this, Gai Zhu threw the wine glass on the small folding table beside him and continued to wait patiently.


Outside the Yulan isolation point, at the entrance of a warehouse-style building.

A motorcade at the Ling'an isolation point.

The lead car didn't turn off. The driver put down the backrest, covered his head with a coat, and was sleeping soundly.

In the passenger seat, Huang Mao Lao Zhang lowered the window, squinted his eyes, and slowly blew out a smoke ring. On the ground outside the window, more than a dozen cigarette butts were scattered in various directions.

Lao Zhang looked in the direction of the convoy at the Jingxi isolation point from time to time and saw that Gaizhu was also waiting very quietly, so he had no choice but to continue waiting patiently.

After a long time, Lao Zhang suddenly said: It's been so long and no news has come out. Is something going to happen?

Hearing this, the person in the driver's seat moved slightly, stretched out his hand to pull off his coat, glanced at Lao Zhang, smiled, and immediately replied: There's no rush!

The longer time passes, the more we will have to talk about next!

My girlfriend is as beautiful as my sister-in-law, and she is also a biological sister, and they are both compatible with the 'second ladder'... If you were Shen Sheng, and such a beautiful pair of sisters came to your door, what would you do? ?”

Lao Zhang snorted coldly and replied very simply: If it were me, I would definitely suspect that this is a trap!

The higher the 'digital ladder' is for these two sisters who come to my door, the more careful I will be!

If necessary, I will kill them first!

It's not just me. Most of the compatible people who can survive in Tongfu City until now will think and do this.

Unless these two sisters are not compatible, they pose no threat to me at all!

The man in the driver's seat shook his head and immediately said, What's your rank? What's the rank of Shen Sheng?

Shen Sheng needs to be so cautious?

If I were a compatible person on the 'Fifth Step', even if I knew the meat was poisonous, I would have to taste it first!

That Shen Sheng must be having fun with my girlfriend and sister-in-law right now!

The longer we wait now, the more satisfied Shen Sheng will be!

Let's see, after a while, Shen Sheng might put down his pretense of being a high-level compatible person and come out to greet us in person!

Lao Zhang suddenly frowned and was about to retort when a burst of footsteps suddenly came from the warehouse-style building in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a young man wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt and black trousers strode out, surrounded by a group of men wearing black training uniforms and holding black submachine guns.

Lao Zhang immediately sat up straight, and then saw that the young man named the leader glanced at their convoy, then looked in the direction of the Jingxi isolation point convoy, and said directly: I am the current person in charge of Yulan isolation point 'Shen Sheng'!

“We welcome friends from Jingxi Isolation Point and Ling’an Isolation Point to visit our Yulan Isolation Point!”

Our Yulan quarantine site just received a batch of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fresh chickens, ducks and geese. They are very cheap!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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