Ash Civilization

Chapter 187 The newbie. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Grade 3 (8) class.

After class, the atmosphere in the classroom was very relaxed and full of laughter and fun.

Zhou Zhen's seat was empty, not a single person in sight.

Next to the seat, stood a beautiful figure in a mint green dress. Ji Xuexun had long hair like a waterfall, and her snow-white cheeks were tinged with a faint blush.

In her fair and slender hands, she held a love letter with a gradient pink color and a big red heart printed on it.

The paper exudes the sweet smell of cream and strawberry, which reminds people of the lollipop quietly held in the mouth in the middle of the afternoon in middle school, or the beautiful girls lying on the railings secretly looking at the beautiful girls walking through the avenue in midsummer, full of flying youth. .

On Zhou Zhen's desk, there are more than a dozen identical love letters scattered across gradient pink.

The sweet smell lingers, bit by bit imbued with something.

Ji Xuexun was surrounded by girls who usually joked with her.

Each of these girls is exquisitely dressed and taken out individually, each one is a little beauty. But standing next to Ji Xuexun at this moment, it is as if an old filter has been added, and they suddenly lose their sense of freshness. Only Ji Xuexun, It's like the stars are overtaking the moon, and it's still breathtakingly beautiful.

At this moment, the girls surrounding Ji Xuexun were sitting in their seats as usual, chatting and joking in low voices, teasing Ji Xuexun from time to time.

The blush on Ji Xuexun's face became even more intense. She lowered her head as if embarrassed. The love letter in her hand was rubbed again and again, and wrinkles gradually appeared.

The sweet aroma of cream and strawberry is slowly getting stronger.

At this moment, Meng Zhuo suddenly came over. He looked at Zhou Zhen's seat and seemed to want to sit in, but as soon as he approached Zhou Zhen's desk, the conversation and laughter of the girls surrounding Ji Xuexun suddenly stopped. , cold eyes immediately looked at Meng Zhuo.

Meng Zhuo stiffened and stayed in place for a moment, then turned and left silently without saying anything.

Soon, Chu Jingyan also came over with a clear goal and seemed to want to sit in Zhou Zhen's seat.

Just like when Meng Zhuo came over, the girls around Ji Xuexun turned their heads at the same time and glanced at Chu Jingyan like a sharp sword.

Chu Jingyan's steps suddenly stopped, but she did not return to her seat immediately, as if she didn't want to give up just like that.

But at this moment, Ji Xuexun raised his head slightly, as if looking towards Chu Jingyan.

Chu Jingyan immediately backed away and left quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Pang Shaobin, holding a butcher's knife, walked over in a hurry.

The girls surrounding Ji Xuexun looked at him coldly.

Pang Shaobin paused at the pace he had just taken, and then left at a faster speed.

No one came to disturb them again. The girls looked back and continued talking and laughing.

Ji Xuexun, who was surrounded in the middle, kept a shy expression, holding the love letter in her hand tightly, as if she was quietly waiting for something.


Tongfu City, Lingan isolation point.

In the deepest part of the isolation point, there is an underground Chinese-style manor.

There is a verandah in front of the main house. The courtyard outside the verandah is paved with pebbles, rockery and ponds, and many flowers, plants and trees suitable for the situation have been planted using high technology, creating a scene of flowers that are always in bloom.

Entering the door of the main house, there was a row of tall and muscular men in uniforms. They were all tall and muscular. Even underground, they still wore sunglasses, with their legs spread apart and their hands behind their backs. Their faces were expressionless. of garrison.

Cough cough cough cough... cough cough cough...

In the room, there were bursts of violent coughing from time to time.

Listening to the increasingly heart-wrenching coughs, these burly men all felt their scalps numb and fell into silence.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, and a middle-aged man with a shaved head, wearing an khaki short-sleeved T-shirt and camouflage training pants hurried over. His energy aura fluctuated into the Third Step, He looks ordinary, with seven or eight old and new scars intertwined on his exposed arms, and his aura is very tough.

Although he had already seen the main door of the main house, the short-haired middle-aged man quickened his pace again, almost jogging. It was obvious that there was a very urgent situation.

Arriving at the door, the short-haired middle-aged man ignored the guard next to him and was about to speak when he suddenly heard a violent cough coming from inside. He frowned, raised his hand and knocked on the door, and then spoke quickly : Master Lu, I've already contacted them over there!

The coughing in the room quickly stopped, as if the owner of the cough had used some means to suppress his physical discomfort.

Immediately afterwards, a breathless voice came from the room: Come in and talk.

The short-haired middle-aged man nodded, immediately opened the door and walked in.

The house is decorated in a Chinese style that matches the building. After turning around the floor-to-ceiling screen and stepping on the thick handmade carpet, you first see a central hall with roaring tigers and mountains and forests, with gold-painted couplets on both sides and a long mahogany case below. The Eight Immortals Table is a typical old-style layout.

Lu Xingkuan was sitting on the seat on the left. His upper body was naked, with a lifelike human face on his left chest.

The face looked like that of a young man in his twenties, with delicate features and pale skin, making him look very frail.

Seeing someone coming in, this man's face immediately started coughing violently.

Cough cough cough cough...

A heartbreaking cough echoed through the room.

Lu Xingkuan frowned and forcefully covered the mouth of the human face with his hand, forcing him to stop coughing.

After the surroundings became quiet again, Lu Xingkuan looked at the middle-aged man with a short hair and immediately asked: What do you say over there? Do you agree?

His voice is now very normal, with no signs of weakness at all.

Looking at this scene, the short-haired middle-aged man immediately lowered his head. He knew very well that Lu Xingkuan was not sick. What was sick was the face on the left side of the chest!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man with a short hair quickly replied: I didn't see the doctor, I only saw his subordinates.

What that means is that it is impossible for a doctor to perform the surgery himself.

But there is a new member over there who is about to join recently. If Mr. Lu is willing to pay enough, they can let the new member perform surgery on you.

Hearing this, Lu Xingkuan frowned and said immediately: Prospective new member?

You mean, not only do I have to spend a lot of money, but I also have to train their prospective newcomers?

The short-haired middle-aged man did not dare to speak or raise his head.

After a suffocating silence in the room, Lu Xingkuan suddenly asked: How is the investigation on the Xiuhu Group's supply truck going?

Hearing this, the short-haired middle-aged man immediately replied: It's been investigated clearly.

Several witnesses saw a military pickup truck hijacking ten supply trucks belonging to the Xiuhu Group.

However, because it involved the Xiuhu Group, all the witnesses did not dare to get too close after seeing the colorful lake logo on the supply truck, and they did not see clearly who was doing it.

Some people saw that the hijacked supply trucks disappeared near the Yulan isolation point.

I specially sent people to investigate near the Yulan isolation point, and I did see people occasionally coming in and out of the Yulan isolation point.

Yulan isolation point?

That isolation point had just been breached by the infected, and someone had already taken over so quickly?

After pondering for a moment, Lu Xingkuan immediately said: First tell the Maoqiao isolation point and Jingxi isolation point the news.

In addition, send some Ranger convoys over to find out the details.

The short-haired middle-aged man quickly responded: Yes!


Tongfu City, western suburbs.

Halfway up Lishan Mountain, Zhou Zhen took advantage of the cover of the bushes and held a folding telescope, always paying attention to the abandoned gas station and the surrounding situation.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, dust and sand rolled in the distance, and ten large supply trucks, like giant land ships, drove over from a distance.

The appearance of these ten vehicles is different from the Xiuhu Group's supply vehicles. They are shaped like enlarged versions of boats. Hundreds of nozzles extend out of the entire vehicle, spraying out a pale white gas at all times, like Clouds and mist wrap around the car body, and from a distance it looks like a ship traveling through the sea of ​​clouds, mountains and fog.

Except for the nozzle, the entire front of the car is a fort, and a circle of automatic heavy machine guns are installed on the roof. As the convoy moves forward, the black muzzle quickly adjusts its position and points in all directions.

Each supply truck has eight automatic pick-up ports. In the air above the vehicle, a holographic projection screen is suspended, and the instructions for picking up goods are: Official personnel can use the internal number, sclera, and face recognition for free. Receive supplies within the limit.”

The excess needs to be redeemed with 'digital' materials, and each redemption must not exceed...

Non-official personnel cannot collect supplies at this stopping point, please go to the eastern suburbs stopping point...

Please do not attack the supply convoy, otherwise the convoy has the right to open fire in self-defense...

Seeing that the supply convoy was about to enter the abandoned gas station, Zhou Zhen immediately left the mountainside of Lishan and returned to the pickup truck.

He stepped on the accelerator and drove quickly towards the stop.

Not long after, the military pickup truck took the lead and rushed into the abandoned gas station.

The original machines in the gas station have been dismantled, and there is no oil depot underground. Even the canteen next to it has been completely looted. Broken glass is scattered all over the ground, and it is covered with thick dust.

Just as the pickup truck made a sharp turn and came to a stop, a military off-road vehicle came speeding from the other direction of the gas station and suddenly stopped not far from the pickup truck.

Seeing this military off-road vehicle, Zhou Zhen immediately understood that it was official personnel performing a mission. There should be at least four groups of people nearby, and the off-road vehicle in front of him was just one of them.

They probably knew each other. In order to prevent accidents, the other three groups continued to hide in the dark and be on guard. This group came specifically to receive supplies.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen opened the car door and walked out, looked at the military off-road vehicle, and said loudly: I am Zhou Zhen from Yulan Isolation Point, formerly of Binhai City Special Warfare...

Before he finished speaking, the military off-road vehicle had stopped, and the passenger door had opened a gap, but it suddenly restarted and suddenly jumped out, drifting in place, and the passenger on the passenger side was thrown out. The car body grabbed the door and swung back again, leaving four brand new scorch marks on the ground!

Amid the smell of violent tire wear, the off-road vehicle turned around sharply, dragging billowing sand and dust as it flew away. Its speed was as fast as lightning, its reactions were agile, and its drifting gracefulness far surpassed that of a rally sports car.

Looking at the military off-road vehicle that instantly disappeared from sight, Zhou Zhen's mind was filled with questions. However, considering that the official supply convoy only stayed at this stopping point for 5 minutes, he had no time to think too much and immediately turned towards the vehicle that had stopped not far away. The supply convoy left.

He came to the first supply truck, randomly selected a pick-up port, and entered the number of his special operations team member. The system automatically scanned the sclera and face, and soon a holographic supply list popped up.

Zhou Zhen chose the largest energy battery in the market.

Soon, pieces of well-packaged batteries came out of the pickup port.

He does not need food, water, or medicine. After part of the energy battery in the supply vehicle was spit out, it showed that there was still credit, but the vehicle could no longer take it.

So Zhou Zhen went to the second supply truck and performed the same operation.

It took him about 2 minutes to get a total of five boxes of energy batteries from ten supply trucks. The total volume of these batteries was not large, but they were very heavy. After they were all put into the bed of a military pickup truck, the tires were very heavy. Noticeably heavier.

After getting the supplies this time, Zhou Zhen immediately stepped on the accelerator and left the abandoned gas station.

After he left, the surroundings fell into silence.

After a minute, smoke and dust were billowing from all four directions. Two military off-road vehicles, a military pickup truck and a camouflage off-road vehicle roared into the abandoned gas station.

More than a dozen official members dressed in different styles jumped out of the car. Most of them were wearing casual clothes. A few of them were wearing camouflage uniforms and training uniforms. They also removed epaulettes and other decorations that could identify their identity and position details. .

They carried all kinds of miscellaneous weapons and looked similar to the residents in high-risk areas. They did not have any special signs or accessories. After getting off the car, everyone went straight to the supply truck without hesitation and each picked their own. After entering the pick-up port, you can quickly enter your internal number.

Quick! Only 2 minutes left!

It was so dangerous just now! Why is Zhou Zhen from the Yulan isolation point here?

He's also here to get supplies. I don't know if he will come back. Let's leave immediately after getting the supplies!

I know! It is said that Carl Ax, the eleventh sage of the Twelve Sages, was beaten away by him!

The Eleventh Sage, Carl Ax, is indeed powerful!

While he was talking, various supplies continued to roll down from the delivery port.

Due to flawless selection, they all chose the default share ratio, and all kinds of food, water, medicine, and energy batteries fell all over the floor like a storm.

Each official dragged a large folded bag and frantically stuffed supplies into the bag like scavengers.

Although time was tight, they deliberately avoided the pick-up port that Zhou Zhen had just used...

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