Ash Civilization

Chapter 186 Official Team. (First update! Please subscribe!)

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The civil air defense gate opened little by little, and a military pickup truck roared out of the isolation point.

The pickup truck had just driven out and the door had automatically closed.

On the bumpy road, dust was rising, and military pickup trucks bounced forward.

Zhou Zhen leaned back in his chair with his body relaxed, holding the steering wheel with both hands, jerking around from time to time to avoid the continuous deep potholes on the road.

Outside the window, the warehouse-style building above the Yulan isolation point has disappeared in the rearview mirror, and the gray-black wilderness stretches as far as the eye can see.

There are large, jagged shadows of ruins in the distance, getting closer and closer as the speed of the car increases.

Zhou Zhen focused his attention on the front and thought silently in his heart.

According to Tao Nange's explanation, the official supply truck entered from the west wall of Tongfu City, circled half a circle around Tongfu City, and then left from the east wall of Tongfu City.

Tao Nange had already transmitted the specific route to him. From the time the supply truck entered the giant wall, there were a total of four stopping points.

The supply convoy will stay at each stopping point for 5 to 10 minutes. Among these four stopping points, the first three stopping points require official identity verification before supply can be carried out, and the stopping time is 5 minutes.

The last stop does not require any verification. You only need to submit digital materials and you can receive supplies of equal value. The stop time is 10 minutes.

Under normal circumstances, the personnel who go to the first three stops to resupply are either official personnel who are performing tasks; or official personnel who stay in high-risk areas for various reasons, and are all members of the official supply convoy; the last stop is Point, it is a mixture of dragons and snakes, there are all kinds of situations, mainly the Rangers' convoy.

Unlike the Xiuhu Group's supply convoy, the official supply convoy does not have induction vehicles or induction gas to clear the way, but it is equipped with the most advanced infected person simulation signals.

Generally, there is no attack from infected people.

Therefore, Zhou Zhen was going to two places in total during this trip.

The first is to go to the first stop of the supply vehicle to replenish a large number of energy batteries; the second is to go to the last stop to promote the rebuilt Yulan isolation point.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt that something was not right. He looked down at his hands holding the steering wheel. Since the top he was wearing today was a short-sleeved T-shirt with white letters, both arms were exposed. Now At a glance, you can see that his arm is engraved with dense letters in blood: I like you!

The carvings are fresh and the edges are of different shades. It seems that the person who carved the words is in an extremely unstable state. The handwriting is all messy and full of indescribable madness. Warm blood is slowly flowing and dripping along the wounds. onto the floor of the car.


The faint dripping sound was like some kind of countdown, full of malice.

Zhou Zhen was suddenly shocked. He shook his head vigorously and looked at his arms again. He saw that the two arms were intact. What he saw just now seemed to be just an illusion.

He frowned immediately. He had already taken the medicine before setting off!

Why does this hallucination still occur?

Before he could think about the problem clearly, on the road ahead, a pedestrian hiding under the roadbed suddenly rushed onto the road inexplicably and stood in the middle, blocking the path of the pickup truck.

This pedestrian is very tall, almost two meters tall. His face looks a bit strange. It seems that he has been exposed to radiation or has a genetic problem. It is very ugly. At first glance, he definitely doesn’t want to look at it a second time. It seems that he hasn't taken care of his hygiene for a long time. His hair and beard are all knotted together, covering most of his face, making him look sloppy.

His body was dusty, and he had worn countless layers of clothes. The corners and sleeves of various lengths and lengths were hanging in the air, showing the luster and stiffness of repeated oil stains.

Judging from his appearance, he should be the kind of wanderer with no fixed abode.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses instantly. He was driving too fast now, the distance between the two sides was too short, and the road surface was uneven. He couldn't turn the steering wheel directly!

In desperation, he slammed on the brakes and honked the horn wildly.

Beep beep beep beep...

The car horn honked loudly, breaking the silence in the wild.

But the pedestrian had no intention of evading. Instead, he stopped in the middle of the road, turned his head, and looked straight at Zhou Zhen.

squeak--! ! !

The pickup truck left gray-black tire tracks on the rough road, and a burning smell suddenly filled the air.

The vehicle braked suddenly and finally came to a halt less than half a meter away from the pedestrian.

Zhou Zhen in the car was covered in cold sweat, looking at the pedestrian who was still standing in front of his car with no intention of walking away. He frowned, opened the door, quickly got out of the car, and walked to the other person.

Don't you watch the road!!!

Zhou Zhenqiang suppressed his anger and shouted in a deep voice.

The pedestrian still looked straight at him without saying a word.

Seeing that the other person seemed a little dazed, Zhou Zhen didn't bother to reason with such a person. He directly reached out and grabbed the other person's collar and forced him to move to the side of the road.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhen got back into the pickup truck, put the gear on, and was about to continue setting off. However, after thinking about it, he did not step on the accelerator immediately. Instead, he said to the tall and ugly pedestrian: I am Yulan. The person in charge of the isolation point, if you really have nowhere to go, you can go to the Yulan isolation point.

For a solo traveler like you, it's definitely safer there than other places.

However, if you want food and water, you need to exchange it for labor.

As he said that, he didn't care whether the other party heard it or not, he just stepped on the accelerator and left this place.

The pickup truck bumped and sped away, leaving behind a cloud of dust.

Small grains of sand were mixed with the dust and crackled down, and the fresh brake marks were quickly covered with a layer of dust.

There was not a single figure on the potholed road, except for an infected person who looked strange and resembled a deformed giraffe, standing blankly on the side of the road.

Although the texture of its body has changed, becoming like plastic, it still maintains the outline of a humanoid shape. The neck is surprisingly long, raised high like a snake, supporting the twisted head and holding it in the air.

At this moment, the twisted head rotated like a sunflower, and the eyes, with no distinction between pupils and sclera, stared straight at the direction the military pickup truck left, with dull eyes, as if in a daze.

After a while, it continued onto the road, entered the wilderness on the other side, and hesitantly left here.


Tongfu City, western suburbs.

After more than an hour's drive, Zhou Zhen drove the military pickup truck to the foot of a hill on the map.

This was a very famous farmhouse gathering place in the western suburbs, called Lishan. The mountain was once full of pear trees. When the pear blossoms were in bloom, it was so beautiful that it attracted many tourists.

When the pears are ripe, they become another source of income for the locals.

However, after the digital rain came, all of this was abandoned.

Looking now at the foot of the mountain, some vegetation is sparsely growing on the hillside at an altitude of 75 meters. The scene of pear blossoms surpassing the snow is nowhere to be seen, and even the remains of the pear trees can no longer be identified.

The poorly growing vegetation cannot even cover the entire mountain. Gray-black soil and rocks are exposed in many places, making it look lifeless.


Zhou Zhen got out of the pickup truck, closed the door and looked forward.

Looking out from his current position, in the gray-black wilderness ahead, there seemed to be some buildings standing alone in the wilderness.

There are not many buildings, and there is a huge billboard next to it. The original bright colors on the billboard have faded, and there are traces of rust everywhere.

It was an abandoned gas station. It was once the largest gas station in the western suburbs of Tongfu City, and it was also the first stop for the official supply convoy.

Although basically only official personnel would come to this stopping point, just in case, Zhou Zhen did not drive the car directly there. Instead, he chose to observe not far away to make sure there was no danger before moving on.

Thinking so, he immediately climbed up the mountain.

Soon, Zhou Zhen climbed to the hillside along the incomplete stone slabs. After using a bush to hide his figure, he immediately used [Energy Observation] and looked towards the stopping point.

In his field of vision, energy airflows of different colors suddenly rose around the abandoned gas station that was also dusty and lifeless.

These air currents are like water and fire. Judging from the color, they are at least in groups of two or two, and there are as many as five or six. There are four groups in total, located in the southeast corner, southwest corner, northeast corner and northwest corner of the abandoned gas station. Currently, All remained stationary, with no intention of moving toward the abandoned gas station.

It can be seen that in high-risk cities, even officials act with great caution.

In order to further determine the identities of the four groups of people, Zhou Zhen then used [hidden eavesdropping].

The next moment, Zhou Zhen's ears suddenly heard the noise of bah bah bah electricity, and then strange conversations came into his ears one after another: QL14 team Le Tao, QL14 team Le Tao, please answer when you receive it... …”


QL14 team Le Tao received it!

The QL14 team's mission progress is 40% complete, and there are two months left in the mission...


This is Team YX31. There have been several major incidents in Tongfu City recently.

The first incident is that the Eleventh Sage Karl Als of the Twelve Sages appears in the suburbs of Tongfu City; the second incident is the Yulan isolation point, which may have major pollution; the third incident is the Xiu Lake The group's supply convoy was robbed; the fourth incident was the Qingquan Valley incident...

Everyone, be careful!

Bah, bah, bah, bah...

QL14 team received it!

The incident involving the Eleventh Sage Karl Als of the Twelve Sages and the robbery of the Xiuhu Group's supply convoy have ended and can be ignored.

The Yulan isolation point has just been notified from above. Stay vigilant and don't go near it in the future.

The only real major event now is Qingquan Valley...


This is Team WQ18!

The mission of our team to enter Tongfu City this time is the Qingquan Valley incident!

I had already gained something a while ago, but at that time the roads at the Ling'an isolation point were wide, so I broke into Qingquan Valley looking for trouble...

This road is wide, and now that someone is seriously ill, it must have been contaminated!

We are preparing to arrest him in the past few days.

However, Lu Xingkuan's energy intensity has already reached the 'fourth step'. After being contaminated, the energy intensity will definitely be higher. We need manpower support!

Bah, bah, bah, bah... bah, bah...

QL14 team received it!

Our QL14 team has only completed 40% of its mission and cannot support...


Team YX31 received it!

Team YX31 is responsible for collecting intelligence. We are not combatants. We cannot provide support regardless of equipment or strength...


Team CZ48 received it!

The current mission of Team CZ48 is to deal with the first [Growth Stage] infected person, and they also need support...

Bah, bah, bah... bah, bah, bah, bah...

After listening, Zhou Zhen quickly determined that these four groups of compatible people were all official personnel.

Although they are currently located in four different directions, they are communicating with each other.

Now the topics of the four groups of people basically revolve around a place called Qingquan Valley, and judging from their words, the incident in Qingquan Valley is worse than the Eleventh Sage Carl Ax, [Growth Period] Those infected will be more serious!

Is it a special digital forest?

Or something else?

Besides, why do you say you can't get close to his isolation point?

He and Tao Nange are also official personnel. For these official compatriots who come to Tongfu City to perform tasks, the Yulan isolation point is obviously the safest! The most secure place!

Ghost No. 012 and Ghost No. 018 haven't reported the current situation at the Yulan isolation point?


When we go to get the supplies, we must meet with these four groups of people and explain them carefully then.

In addition, you can ask them about the specific time of the arrest of Lu Xingkuan. Sister Nan should be able to participate...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen looked away, then took out his mobile phone, used the digital domain [two-dimensional space], and took out a folding telescope that had been prepared long ago from a photo of a girl in the dormitory.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his scalpel and scratched a nearby rock.


The green mountain stone immediately cracked from the middle and split into two. The fracture was smooth and neat, with only a little bit of white stone powder falling down.

This is the digital domain, [enhanced penetration].

He just used the Digital Domain of [Energy Observation]. Although during this period, for some reason, all the Digital Domains had no side effects, but just in case, he still needed to contact Chu Jingyan, Pang Shaobin uses the digital domain of these two personalities.

In this way, if the side effects of one of the digital domains suddenly occur, the side effects of the other digital domains can also play a neutralizing role at critical moments.

Thinking quietly in his heart, Zhou Zhen put away the scalpel, opened the folding telescope, raised it in front of him, and looked at the abandoned gas station.

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