Ash Civilization

Chapter 188 Next step plan. (First update! Please subscribe!)

After a while, these officials received all the supplies and immediately dragged the bulging bags onto the car.

At this time, 5 minutes had just arrived, and the supply convoy let out a rhythmic lowing. All the pickup ports were closed. Above the car, a line of text appeared on the holographic projection screen again: The collection of supplies at this stop is over. If necessary, For more shares, please submit an application to this department and wait for the arrival of the next supply convoy; or prepare the 'digital' materials and go to the fourth stopping point...

The convoy is about to start, please keep your distance and do not intercept the normal driving route of the vehicle, otherwise the convoy has the right to defend itself...

As the text scrolls, the motorcade drives out of the abandoned gas station and heads to the next stopping point.

Go back and divide the supplies! Evacuate now!

Contact the teams at the second stop and the third stop to prevent them from colliding with Zhou Zhen!

Zhou Zhen's appearance seemed normal just now. He should not have completely lost control yet. But he unexpectedly left the Yulan isolation point on his own initiative. This situation must be reported to the superiors immediately!

Not necessarily! We don't have the ghost team's auxiliary visual sensors, so what we see may not be true!

The images we see normally are signals received through the eyes and then transmitted to the brain. But in the world of 'digital viruses', the signals received by the eyes may be affected by the 'digital viruses'!

In this regard, the intelligence provided by the Ghost Team is more accurate!

While they were talking, all the official personnel had already boarded the vehicles, and all four vehicles ejected and started roaring away with billowing smoke and dust.


Tongfu City, southern suburbs.

In the endless wilderness, military pickup trucks swayed forward, dragging out a cloud of earth-yellow sand.

Zhou Zhen held the steering wheel with one hand, took out his mobile phone with the other hand, and dialed a number.

As soon as the call tone rang, the call was connected. Zhou Zhen immediately said: Sister Nan, I have now got 5 boxes of energy batteries. If used normally, they should be enough to last for more than half a month.

I also want to go to the fourth stop of the official supply convoy's route to promote the Yulan isolation point.

By the way, when I was receiving supplies just now, I met other official teams, but they were all wearing casual clothes, so I couldn't tell which department they belonged to.

I originally wanted to say hello, but those groups turned out to be too cautious.

They all ran away before I finished speaking...

Our Yulan isolation point is very suitable for official personnel to take a temporary rest when they enter Tongfu City to perform tasks.

Sister Nan, can you please report to the above and set the Yulan isolation point as a fixed foothold for official personnel when they perform tasks in Tongfu City in the future?


Then I'll trouble Sister Nan!

After the call ended, Zhou Zhen put down his cell phone. Although he had not been able to formally communicate with those official members of the unknown department, but now that Sister Nan was explaining to them, the result would be the same.

Of course, he did this not to get official awards, but because the whole world is now facing a huge crisis due to the digital virus, he just wanted to do his best to do something for mankind...

After this proposal is implemented, he will change the design of the residential area in the isolation point and set up a separate official dormitory next to his residence, and then add the training ground and conference facilities built for him and Tao Nange. The room and kitchen should be expanded to serve as public places for official personnel to enter the Yulan isolation point in the future.

Isolated from other ordinary people.

In this way, when official personnel enter Tongfu City to perform tasks, they can get sufficient rest at the Yulan isolation point, as well as the convenience of the task. If anything happens midway, he can also provide immediate help.

Just as he was thinking about it, the ruins of a small town appeared in front of the pickup truck. The collapsed buildings on both sides of the road outlined jagged silhouettes under the gray sky.

Zhou Zhen immediately saw three figures standing side by side on the road ahead.

One is tall, one is short, and the other is stooped. They are all very fat. Their appearance is all too ugly to look at. The clothes they wear are all long and short, and tattered. Even if they don't smell anything, their appearance makes people feel... To greasy and pickled.

Zhou Zhen immediately honked the horn.

beep! beep! beep!

The piercing horn of the pickup truck spread far across the wilderness. The three figures turned their heads and looked directly at Zhou Zhen, but their bodies still stood motionless, blocking the road firmly and not giving way at all. the meaning of.

The distance between the two parties is getting closer and closer, and you can clearly see the faces of these three figures through the windshield. They are similar to the homeless man who blocked the road last time. These three people look like radiation victims. The proportions of their facial features There are varying degrees of distortion in the shape of the face, which is full of weirdness.

Zhou Zhen suddenly frowned, why did he meet this kind of wanderer who came here deliberately to have sex again today?


squeak! !

Zhou Zhen stepped on the brakes, and the pickup truck stopped suddenly. Almost at the moment when it was about to hit the three people, it finally jerked forward and stopped suddenly.

Zhou Zhen immediately opened the door and got out of the car, walked up to the three people, and said coldly: Get out of the way!

The three of them looked at him directly without any reaction.

Zhou Zhen frowned. These three people seemed to be deliberately looking for trouble!

Maybe a hold-up!

Although none of these three people were armed, it was most likely to lower his vigilance. There might have been a large number of looters ambushed in the ruins on both sides!

Zhou Zhen himself is already on the third ladder and is not afraid of ordinary armed personnel at all, but the energy battery in his car is not bulletproof!

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate at all and punched the three people in the face three times in a row.

Bang bang bang!

The three of them didn't react at all. Instead, Zhou Zhen's hand was shaken to the point where his bones ached.


Zhou Zhen was startled. Just as he was about to use more force, the person on the far left suddenly bit him!

This is the tallest of the three figures. His head is relatively small and his torso is fat. His mouth was originally very normal, but after he opened it, it seemed as if he wanted to tear the whole head in half. It became extremely huge. There were four things in his mouth. Five rows of fine tines seemed to want to swallow Zhou Zhen whole!

Zhou Zhen was shocked, and his figure disappeared from the place instantly.


This tall and fat figure bit out a dark hole in the ground where Zhou Zhen had just stood!

At the same time, Zhou Zhen appeared behind him, with a flash of cold light, and the scalpel instantly cut across the opponent's back.


A long, slender and deep gash was suddenly cut out on the back of the tall and fat figure, but the movements of the tall and fat figure were not affected at all. He immediately turned around and grabbed Zhou Zhen's throat with both hands.

Just as Zhou Zhen was about to move, his legs suddenly sank, as if they were caught by something.

He lowered his head and saw that the short and fat figure next to him had taken action. The opponent's two arms, which originally looked very normal, stretched out like noodles. The whistling wind sounded like thick ropes. , wrapped around Zhou Zhen's legs several times in a row.

Zhou Zhen was unable to use [Plane Jump] for a while and still stood in place. At the same time, the hands of the tall and fat figure were already grabbing his throat as fast as lightning.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and three translucent barriers suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Zhen, as if they were a solid back wall, firmly blocking the attack of the tall and fat figure.

The barrier was filled with translucent ripples. Just as Zhou Zhen was about to continue taking action, the rickety figure rushed behind him in an instant, crashing into his body like a whirlwind...


Zhou Zhen was immediately hit and flew out, drawing an arc in mid-air and smashing into a small building on the roadbed.

Before the other person landed, he immediately put force on his waist, rolled backwards in the air, adjusted his balance, and landed instantly.

Standing up slowly, Zhou Zhen looked up at the three of them again, his eyes suddenly becoming solemn.

There is something wrong with the power of these three people!

He feels less like a compatible person and more like a three-headed [progressive] infected person!


The three of them were still looking at him, and suddenly they opened their mouths and let out an angry roar. Then they exerted their strength on their legs and rushed towards Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen was about to take action when a familiar and severe throbbing pain came from his head, as if thousands of steel knives were piercing into the stirring pain, and his vision immediately changed.

The surroundings fell into a thick darkness, and blood oozed from his arms. The warm blood dripped down the palms and fingertips and dripped to the ground. Bloody words full of madness appeared on his arms.

At the same time, whispers lingered in his ears.

The murmurs were indistinct and not a word could be understood.

A love letter with a pink gradient and a big red heart printed on it was handed to him from the darkness.

Another hallucination!

And, still at this time...

As his mind was spinning, Zhou Zhen immediately closed his eyes, condensed three black and red cubes in his hand, and struck directly forward.

Digital Domain, [Fusion Cube]!

Boom boom boom! ! !

After an earth-shattering loud noise, Zhou Zhen opened his eyes again. The darkness just now had disappeared, and the gray sky reappeared in front of him. Sand and rocks were flying around him, and thick fog obscured most of his vision. On the highway, there appeared Three fresh plow marks were made, extending to the bottom of the roadbed, and a row of abandoned front houses were destroyed. Various concrete blocks, broken bricks, and dust were still rolling.

His hands stopped bleeding, the bloody words all over his arms disappeared, and the three figures that had just rushed up fell in front of him.

These three people all have a big hole that penetrates them.

Seeing that the three people had been killed by his [Fusion Cube], Zhou Zhen frowned, then immediately stood up, returned to the car, started the pickup truck, and continued to drive forward.

The roar of the pickup truck quickly faded away, and the abandoned town suddenly fell into deathly silence again.

In the sand and dust that had not completely subsided, a slender figure suddenly appeared, stepping, stepping, stepping... the sound of unhurried footsteps sounded, and not long after, a figure wearing a camel coat, with his hands in his pockets, calmly walked walked out.

She wore a wide-brimmed hat, with a satin streamer gently fluttering on the side of the calla lily. A luxurious mask completely covered her face, and a leather upside-down scepter entwined with a double snake pendant hung on her chest.

The footsteps stopped at the place where Zhou Zhen had just struck. The woman's eyes looked through the mask not far away, where three infected bodies were lying.

Of these three infected bodies, one is about five meters tall and the same width, and is in the shape of a rock-like cube; one is similar to a metal roller; and the other is a bit like a plastic watermelon bug, with a long body and an arc. Curled up into a ball.

They all have a big hole that penetrates them, and they have no breath at all.

The woman in the camel coat took her hand out of the coat pocket, raised a finger with her white lace-gloved palm, and lightly scratched the infected body, which was a rock-shaped cube.


The infected body suddenly looked like paper and was cut in half through the air.

There was nothing in the seemingly huge body, as if it was just an empty shell.

These three infected people... were not killed by the [Fusion Cube] just now, but were eaten inside!

The woman in a camel coat immediately took out a special mobile phone and dialed a shortcut button. The other party quickly connected, and she immediately said: The target's condition is becoming more and more unstable!

There was silence in the receiver. After a few seconds, a low voice said calmly: Execute the next step of the plan.

The woman in a camel coat quickly responded: Understood!


Tongfu City, Yulan isolation point.

planting area.

Tao Nange stood in front of several pots of withered vegetable seedlings. There were water droplets on the vegetable seedlings. It was obvious that they had just been watered. Above his head was a special plant lamp that simulated the sun. The temperature of the entire planting area was also adjusted to the most suitable temperature for the vegetable seedlings. temperature.

She had just finished talking to Zhou Zhen and had no time to continue paying attention to these pots of vegetable seedlings that were unlikely to be rescued. She immediately sent an application for temporary shelter for official law enforcement officers to the higher authorities.

The application had just been sent successfully, and Tao Nange had already received a reply within a minute.

She suddenly felt a little strange.

Is the speed of the above reply too fast?

Thinking of this, Tao Nange opened the reply message, which contained a brief Application not approved. The reason for the rejection was also simple: the shelter location was not secluded enough.

Looking at this reply, Tao Nange thought about it seriously, and then sent a second application, changing temporary shelter to temporary trading point, and added in the reason for the application that official personnel could There is a separate activity area...

Soon, she received another reply, still the application was not approved. The reason for the rejection this time was that the official supply fleet could already meet the needs of official personnel in high-risk cities. Even if there was an occasional shortage, it could still be provided by entering the high-risk city. The general channel for official personnel obtained during the Risk City can communicate with each other, and there is no need to set up a temporary trading point at all.

Tao Nange revised the application again, changing the temporary trading point to a temporary medical point...

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