Ash Civilization

Chapter 179 The school belle’s follower. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen did not go to help Zheng Ming, but walked directly towards Pang Shaobin.

Pang Shaobin was kicking away a chair that was blocking the way. The butcher's knife grazed the corner of Tao Nange's clothes and slashed hard on a desk next to him.

The tabletop of the desk suddenly cracked open, and dark red blood splattered like rain.

Tao Nange put his slender arms on the desk on the side and immediately jumped over, narrowly dodging another knife that followed.

Pang Shaobin was full of murderous intent, jumped over the table, and continued to chase Tao Nange.

Zhou Zhen rushed forward, picked up a chair that had been slashed two or three times, and rushed between Pang Shaobin and Tao Nange. The chair whizzed and hit Pang Shaobin.

boom! ! !

Pang Shaobin just took out his knife, and the butcher knife flashed, splitting the chair into two pieces in mid-air.

Amid blood splattering, Pang Shaobin stopped moving and looked at Zhou Zhen with cold eyes.

Zhou Zhen stood in front of Tao Nange and said in a cold voice: You can't hurt her!

I can take you to the carousel.

Pang Shaobin didn't respond. He stood there for two seconds, then suddenly turned around, rushed to Zheng Ming's side, and slashed hard with the butcher's knife.

Bang bang bang...

In an instant, Pang Shaobin chopped Zheng Ming to pieces.

Chu Jingyan continued to hold up the chair and hit Zheng Ming on the head.

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!

Zheng Ming let out a shrill scream.

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment, then realized immediately that Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin were both seeking revenge from the people who complained, but they didn’t know who specifically made the complaint!

Pang Shaobin was chasing Tao Nange just now because he had a grudge with Tao Nange last time, so he suspected Tao Nange first. After being interrupted by him, he vented his anger directly on Zheng Ming.

Chu Jingyan is much simpler. The other party will not doubt her former collection, so the unlucky one is Zheng Ming...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen looked back at Tao Nange.

Tao Nange looked confused, his eyes were confused, and he obviously had no memory of recovering reality.

Zhou Zhen quickly walked to Zheng Ming's desk, picked up his notebook, and placed it directly on Tao Nange's desk.

This time, Zheng Ming was still being beaten violently by Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin, and was unable to stop him at all.

After placing the notebook on Tao Nange's desk, the handwriting changed rapidly.

Tao Nan's fans looked dazed and began to wake up little by little.

Zhou Zhen looked at her and was about to say something when the class bell suddenly rang.

Jingle Bell……

Zhou Zhen returned to his classroom in an instant, and Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin also appeared in their respective seats.

The math teacher, wearing a yellow shirt and gray suit pants, walked onto the podium with a lesson plan under his arm.

After looking around the classroom, the math teacher briefly announced: Class!


At the same time, Class 7 of Senior High School.

All the marks made by the pig-killing knives and the gurgling blood in the classroom disappeared without a trace.

Zheng Ming's injuries all over his body were nowhere to be seen.

Desks and chairs are instantly arranged neatly as if refreshed with one click.

Tao Nange sat in his seat, and Zheng Ming, who had been pushed to the ground and beaten violently, also returned to his original seat.

A math teacher wearing a bright red dress, bright red paint bow high heels, and a Santa hat stood on the podium and said in a loud voice: Class!

As soon as he finished speaking, Tao Nange immediately raised his arms.

The math teacher's eyes immediately turned to Tao Nange: Classmate Tao Nange, what's going on?

Tao Nange immediately said: Report to the teacher! Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin from the next class just came to our class to beat someone up during the recess time!

The math teacher said very calmly: I understand, the teacher will punish those two students.

As she spoke, she took out a piece of chalk from the chalk box, came to the blackboard, and began to write down a long list of formulas while lecturing: What we are mainly learning in this class is...

Tao Nange immediately started taking notes.


Grade 3 (8) class.

All the students had returned to their seats and sat down. The math teacher announced that the class was over, opened the lesson plan, and was about to start teaching. Suddenly he paused, then raised his head, quickly looked at Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin, frowned and said: Classmate Chu Jingyan! Classmate Pang Shaobin! You two are fighting again!

The teacher from the next class has already come to us to complain!

Both of you, please stand on the blackboard!

Chu Jingyan pouted slightly, stood up reluctantly, and walked towards the blackboard.

Pang Shaobin looked unconvinced, but still followed the teacher's instructions and walked to the blackboard.

The two people were the same as last time, one stood on the left side of the blackboard and the other stood on the right side of the blackboard and began to stand.

The math teacher ignored them, picked up the chalk, and started writing on the blackboard.

Zhou Zhen quickly followed and took notes. At the same time, he felt very surprised. Sister Nan complained again?


Isn’t Sister Nan’s situation a bit too rigid?

The accused personality will take revenge after class.

He thought that Tao Nange had just been chased by Pang Shaobin and would not take risks again, but unexpectedly, Tao Nange sued Pang Shaobin and Chu Jingyan again!

While thinking quietly in his heart, Zhou Zhen quickly took notes.

Pay attention! This is a required question!

Next, I'm going to transform...

...Add an auxiliary line here...

The classroom was quiet, only the teacher's loud lecture echoed quietly.


Tongfu City, eastern suburbs.

As far as the eye could see of the barren wilderness, almost the entire land had been plowed.

The originally flat land became bumpy and bumpy, and the small soil slope that was specially occupied at the Maoqiao isolation point that was first reached was flattened.

The rich smell of blood filled the air.

Sand and dust wrapped in a strong smell of gunpowder smoke were rising in the air, and the mottled ground was covered with bloodstains and several human body fragments and limbs.

In the ruined camp, some of the surviving personnel were on guard with guns in one hand and took out first-aid kits with the other to stop bleeding and bandage themselves; some took advantage of the chaos to find valuable items on the corpses and hurriedly stuffed them into their arms; others took Holding a dagger, he would finish up the comrades he thought could not be saved one by one, and take away the inheritance along the way...

Wang Yanliang, Gai Zhu and Lu Xingkuan stood on a relatively clean muddy ground with gloomy expressions.

The three of them were all in messy clothes at the moment. There was a gash on Wang Yanliang's forehead. The blood had stopped, but it was all over his face, making him look particularly hideous. Lu Xingkuan's chest was heaving violently, and there was a bandage tied around his thigh. , the entire trousers were dripping with blood, exuding a strong smell of blood, and there was a slight khaki light flashing in the eyes. It was the leak that had not calmed down after using the Digital Domain; the black leather jacket that Gai Zhu wore had disappeared. , wearing only a low-cut tank top on her upper body, exposing her snow-white shoulders, neck, and arms. Her fair skin was stained with dust and blood. In the smoke-filled environment, she looked very charming with a strong sense of contrast.

However, no one can think too much about it now.

The war has just ended. To be precise, those infected were all lured away by large-displacement induction vehicles!

Despite this, the losses of the three parties were extremely heavy.

At this time, three supply trucks slowly drove not far from them and stopped steadily.

The device in the supply truck emitted a low-frequency sound wave that was inaudible to the human ear. Among the ruins of the Ling'an isolation point camp, the only undamaged signal receiver immediately sounded a beeping alarm sound. It reminded the owner that the supply convoy had arrived at the agreed location.

The leaders of the three isolation points turned their heads and looked at the remaining supply convoys.

The carriage of the supply truck was already riddled with holes due to the corrosion of the infected, and the roof and the supplies inside the vehicle were also devoured and destroyed.

The infected people who were lying on the carriage were also led away by the induction vehicle.

What appeared in front of them now were three incomplete supply trucks. The corrosive foam left by the infected was still expanding and breaking, making subtle noises.

Wang Yanliang looked extremely ugly and said in a gloomy voice: The supply truck has arrived, quickly find the surveillance video!

I want to see which bastard did it!

I'm going to cut him into pieces, make him into sashimi, and feed him to the dogs!

While he was talking, he, Gai Zhu, and Lu Xingkuan had already walked to three supply trucks.

The door of this supply vehicle originally required a 72-bit key to open.

But now, among the three cars, the carriage of the last one has been completely immersed in the corrosive foam and has almost completely melted away; the second car has also melted to some extent; the first car has the most intact carriage and is already It is riddled with holes, and there is no need to open the heavy door. You can directly enter the interior through the holes.

Lu Xingkuan directly selected the supply truck in the middle and climbed up. As he entered the interior of the supply truck, he said coldly: This must have been done by other isolation points. It's best not to let me find out who it is!

Bang... Bang... Bang...

The originally thick carriage turned into thin iron sheets in many places under the corrosive foam. As the road widened, a loud sound was heard from underneath the carriage.

This car was originally filled with daily necessities such as food, drinking water, clothing and bedding.

Now food and drinking water are all packed together and eaten, all kinds of debris are scattered in the gaps between clothes and bedding, and it looks like a mess.

There were only a few items of food and water, and most of the clothes and bedding. Although there were traces of being trampled on, they were still intact.

But as long as you have contact with an infected person, you may be infected with the virus.

All the supplies here, no matter whether they are still intact or not, cannot be used!

Lu Xingkuan was furious, and under the influence of his emotions, he suddenly broke out into a violent cough: Cough cough cough cough...

After a moment, he stabilized his breathing and his expression became even more gloomy.

He came to the middle of the supply truck, groped on the floor, and quickly found the machine. After opening it, he skillfully removed a hard drive.

Not long after, the leaders of the three isolation points came out of the supply trucks they entered, each holding a black hard drive in their hands.

They found a computer with a broken shell but that was still usable from the messy camp. After some operations, they started to broadcast surveillance.

The parts ahead of the surveillance, and the parts after the supply convoy leaves the foggy area, are nothing to look at.

The focus is on the period before the supply convoy lost its signal!

However, when the three people pulled the progress bar and saw the video during the period when the supply convoy lost signal, they found that the video was broken and jumped directly to the scene of continuing to drive.

The middle part has been deleted!

Gaizhu immediately snorted and said, It's a hacker!

Wang Yanliang and Lu Xingkuan nodded at the same time with serious faces.

The hacker Gai Zhu is talking about does not refer to computer masters, but to those who are compatible in the digital domain and prefer electronic control!

This kind of compatibility has average frontal combat capabilities, but due to the particularity of the digital domain, it is like being in a no-man's land against all smart devices.

40 years ago, when the “digital virus” first broke out, brain-computer interfaces, implants, intelligent prosthetics, exoskeleton equipment, and smart buildings were all the rage around the world.

But in the eyes of hacker compatibility, these are living broilers that can be manipulated at will.

Since then, human body technology has been gradually eliminated by the government...

Wang Yanliang stared at the surveillance camera in front of him and said fiercely: Post a reward!

We must find this hacker!

My loss this time is too great!

Just as he was talking, a subordinate from the Third Staircase ran over in a panic: Boss, all the induction vehicles have been dealt with, and those infected are returning the same way!

Wang Yanliang's expression changed drastically and he immediately said: Retreat! Retreat immediately!

Lu Xingkuan and Gai Zhu didn't hesitate at all and hurriedly ordered the remaining men to retreat quickly.


In Class 8, Grade 3, the math teacher waved his pointer and loudly lectured on knowledge points.

His voice was high and low, as if it were a kind of sound wave with a special pattern that did not belong to any language on earth.

Zhou Zhen stared at the blackboard and took notes carefully.

Other students were also listening carefully to the lecture, and the sound of the pen tip scratching the paper was endless.

Jingle Bell……

At this time, the get out of class bell rang.

The math teacher immediately walked to the podium, put down the pointer, and packed up the lesson plans: get out of class is over!

With that said, he strode out of the classroom with the lesson plan under his arm.

As soon as the teacher left, Zhou Zhen immediately stood up and prepared to go to the next class to find Tao Nange.

He arrived at the front door of the classroom, and just as he was about to open the door, a girl wearing a rainbow-striped knitted short-sleeved crew-neck top and a blue denim A-line skirt suddenly stood in front of him.

This girl is petite, a full head shorter than Zhou Zhen. She has an oval face, slender eyes, a braid on one side, her skin is a bit dark, and there are a few light freckles scattered on both sides of her cheeks. On her hands and wrists, she wears She was wearing several bohemian-style bracelets, and there seemed to be traces of scars in the gaps between the bracelets. On her feet were a pair of strappy sandals, and on her ankles, there were dark scars crisscrossing them. Judging from the degree of pigmentation, these scars should have been left at different times.

Zhou Zhen looked at her actions, slightly surprised, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. When his eyes touched this girl, all the information about her suddenly appeared in his mind: Liang Xiaodie, poor academic performance, school belle follower, has a habit of self-mutilation. , who likes to express their feelings for good friends by slitting their throats.

What's the matter? Zhou Zhen asked immediately.

This was the first time that another personality took the initiative to interact with him!

Liang Xiaodie immediately said: Ji Xuexun is looking for you.

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