Ash Civilization

Chapter 178 Revenge. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Tongfu City, eastern suburbs.

On the gray-black wilderness, the three camps at Ling'an Isolation Point, Jingxi Isolation Point and Maoqiao Isolation Point maintained a certain distance and set up a fire network with no blind spots.

There are a group of drones hovering around each camp. The cameras continuously take pictures of the surrounding situation and provide warnings at any time.

Heavily armed personnel shuttled back and forth, busy but not chaotic.

In the open space in the middle of the three camps, the leaders of the three isolation points were arguing:

Uncle Lu, if you are sick, you should have a good rest in the isolation point! I can keep the supplies for you first.

Wang Yanliang! Just take care of yourself! I'm sick, but I'm not dead yet!

Uncle Lu, Brother Wang, you two are fighting against each other, so don't drag me into the water.

While he was talking, Wang Yanliang's subordinate walked over quickly, leaned into his ear, and said anxiously: Boss, something happened to the supply convoy!

Moreover, it has attracted many infected people and is approaching here!

Something happened to the supply convoy?

Infected person?

Wang Yanliang's expression changed and he snatched the tablet from his subordinate's hand.

At this moment, the tablet screen was showing a scene of billowing smoke and dust in the wilderness. Among the flying sand and rocks, only three of the twenty supply trucks originally planned were left.

Moreover, the three remaining supply trucks were all badly corroded by the infected, and most of the supplies were destroyed. There were also a considerable number of infected people either climbing on the car or following the car, eating and chewing, and ruining everything.

The three supply trucks unconsciously approached their current location according to the established route, and the infected people who refused to leave also followed them.

Suddenly, a ghost-like infected person suddenly turned his head, and his cold eyes were like two sharp swords, seeming to stab through the camera directly at Wang Yanliang who was looking at the screen!


The scene pauses. The drone filming the supply convoy has been destroyed!

At the same moment, Gai Zhu and Lu Xingkuan also held the tablets sent by their subordinates, staring closely at the three dilapidated supply trucks, their expressions extremely ugly.

Regardless of continuing to argue, Lu Xingkuan immediately said: Someone has opened the supply truck!

Wang Yanliang and Gai Zhu nodded gloomily. Under normal circumstances, the supply convoy would not have attracted so many infected people!

In this situation, it was obvious that someone had opened the supply truck midway.

Moreover, the other party was very arrogant and tied unnecessary supplies directly to the roof of the car!

Wang Yanliang did not hesitate and immediately ordered his men: Retreat immediately!

Hearing this, Lu Xingkuan sneered and said immediately: Is it possible to cover this distance in time?

Even if it's too late, you don't want the supplies?

If the matter is not investigated clearly this time, the same situation will happen next time!

Wang Yanliang and Gai Zhu were about to evacuate directly. When they heard this, they immediately stopped and looked at Lu Xingkuan.

Lu Xingkuan clenched his right hand into a fist and covered his mouth. After a violent cough, he took a breath and continued: I don't know who robbed our convoy now, but if they can do it once, they can Do it a second time!”

Xiuhu Group's supply truck is fully monitored.

We have to snatch a supply truck back from the infected to find out who did this!

Gai Zhu frowned and said quickly: What Uncle Lu said is simple, but can we deal with so many infected people?

Wang Yanliang snorted coldly and said bluntly: Uncle Lu, you are old. If you want to take a step early, don't drag us young people with you!

Furthermore, Xiuhu Group's supply truck monitoring data is also available at their headquarters. At worst, I can spend some materials and buy a copy from them!

With that said, Wang Yanliang turned his head and was about to continue organizing his men to evacuate when the screen of the tablet suddenly flickered and turned into a strange light mixed with the sound of harsh electric current.

At the same time, the drones hovering around the camp seemed to have suddenly lost power and all fell down!

Wang Yanliang, Lu Xingkuan, and Gai Zhu all changed their expressions and immediately looked into the sky.

The next moment, a ghostly black shadow appeared in mid-air, and then hit the ground like a meteor.

boom! ! !

The ground shook slightly, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

All the detection equipment in the three camps sounded sharp and piercing alarm sounds.

It's an infected person!

The drone sent out to monitor the supply convoy just now exposed their location!

Feeling the strong energy fluctuations all over the infected person's body, everyone present could not help but look frightened.

Without any orders, the armed personnel at the three isolation points immediately controlled their guns and opened fire at the smoke-shrouded area.


Bang bang bang bang bang...

Boom boom boom...

All kinds of ammunition poured down like a violent storm, and tongues of fire intertwined into a dense net, surging out like an overwhelming force, covering the area inch by inch.

The ground trembled violently, and where the smoke and dust had been flying, sand and rocks suddenly flew into the sky. Countless pieces of soil and rocks were sprayed like rain by the ammunition.

In the blink of an eye, the entire layer of land had been scraped away.

However, less than 3 seconds after the fire was suppressed, a black shadow with an outline resembling an ape and a body like flowing oil rushed out from the billowing smoke.

The black shadow rushed into the camp at the Jingxi isolation point in an instant despite the hail of bullets. Its left upper limb was very slender and its claws were long, but its right upper limb was extremely thick. There was no claw at the end, but a huge sickle-like blade.

At this moment, the blade swung and instantly cut the three armed men in front into six pieces!

Warm blood was splashing all over the sky, and a black shadow rushed in and cut open an armed man who was controlling a heavy machine gun vertically from the middle. His internal organs and hot blood were all over the floor.

Gai Zhu's face darkened, and he immediately grabbed a rocket launcher from the hands of the men next to him and fired directly at the black shadow.

The moment the rocket was launched, a faint crimson light emerged. Countless numbers, formulas, and graphics flickered in and out of the light, which seemed to be enhanced in some way.

boom! ! !

The rocket hit the black shadow and erupted with a strong energy impact.

The place was filled with smoke and dust, and the fire was blazing.

Before the fireworks completely dissipated, a slender claw suddenly emerged from the flames and grabbed Gai Zhu's neck!

A black shadow with an outline similar to that of an ape rushed out and strangled Gai Zhu's throat.

Gaizhu couldn't breathe immediately, and her body was pushed back more than ten steps by the powerful impact. But soon, she stabilized her body and kicked towards the black shadow.


Gaizhu's strength was not much worse than that of Heiying. Heiying was immediately kicked and staggered back. The claws that were holding Gai Zhu's throat were involuntarily released.

But then, the black shadow waved the giant scythe on its right upper limb and continued to rush towards Gai Zhu.

Just as Gaizhu was about to fight, the ground shook continuously, boom! Boom! Boom!

Several more infected people landed from mid-air!

Seeing that the infected had locked the location of the camp, Lu Xingkuan hurriedly shouted hoarsely: Don't fight in the camp!

Prepare all the induction gas to lure away the infected!

Our current firepower cannot deal with so many infected people in the [progressive stage]...

Before he finished speaking, an infected person like a python crawled deftly in the smoke and had already rolled down towards Lu Xingkuan.

Boom boom boom...


Tongfu City, the southern suburbs.

Yulan isolation point.

All the headlights on the ceiling were turned on, illuminating everything below as bright as day.

The planned breeding area is located in the northeast corner of the isolation point, where three underground ditches pass.

The icy wind shuttled over the ditch, slowly blowing away the dust in the sky.

Holding the construction drawings, Zhou Zhen stood on the bare construction site and used the [Airdrop Trojan] to issue instructions one by one to a group of multifunctional intelligent robots around him.

Ping ping pong pong...

The robots methodically cleared the site, leveled the foundation, and built various poultry and livestock sheds. Amidst the flying dust, a rough outline of the breeding area was quickly taking shape.

At the same time, various lines and pipelines are also being laid in full swing.

After arranging all the robots, Zhou Zhen walked around the construction site to make sure there were no problems, then took out his phone and checked the time.

The 6-hour time limit is almost here.

With this thought in his mind, Zhou Zhen turned around and left the breeding area and walked towards the civil defense gate.

Soon, he came to the corridor behind the civil defense gate. All the materials accumulated here had been sent to various areas inside the isolation point, and the corridor was once again spacious and spacious.

Behind the gate, Tao Nange was half-kneeling in front of a complex part, his hands covered with engine oil, and he was carefully repairing the internal machinery.

Beside her, there are several transmission parts.

Most of the deformed parts that were removed before have been replaced and repaired.

Seeing Zhou Zhen coming, Tao Nange stopped what he was doing and said immediately: In a day or so, I can repair the door.

There is no need to manually open and close the door for subsequent entrances and exits.

Zhou Zhen nodded and said, Okay, the time is almost up, let's rest first.

The fastest way for them to improve their digital energy now is to take class notes in dreams.

According to the information he currently has, the time Tao Nange enters the dream world is the time of class!

As long as you enter dreamland a few minutes in advance, it should be time to finish class.

In this way, when class comes, you can collect energy for one more class.

Therefore, he had discussed with Tao Nange before that the next time to enter the dreamland was to choose when 6 hours was approaching, a few minutes earlier.

After entering in this way, there is just time to prepare for class.

Upon hearing Zhou Zhen's words, Tao Nange nodded immediately: Okay!

The two checked the civil defense door and made sure it was locked. Then they returned to the main control room, sat down on the swivel chair, and flattened the back of the chair.

After lying down, Zhou Zhen quickly fell asleep...


Familiar classroom, familiar end of get out of class time.

Feeling the familiar incandescent light shining on his face, Zhou Zhen immediately raised his head. He saw that he was sitting in his seat. The classmates around him were talking, laughing and enjoying their time between classes. His deskmate Zhang Yonghao was sitting alone in his seat as usual. , head lowered, not daring to look at anyone.

Everything is as usual.

However, when he returned his gaze to his desk, he found that the textbooks, homework books, and class notes in front of him did not seem to be where they were when he last left the classroom.

One of the textbooks placed at the top was slightly skewed and the pages were raised, as if they had been turned.

Zhou Zhen picked up the textbook and subconsciously wanted to open it to check, but when he remembered Tao Nange's words before, he immediately shook his head and put the book back.

Tao Nange told him not to look at his past memories... This suggestion was made only after the other party entered the classroom.

Before that, when he communicated with Tao Nange, the other party never mentioned his previous memories.

I wonder if Tao Nange saw something in this classroom...

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt that something was not right. He immediately turned his head and looked at Chu Jingyan's seat.

Chu Jingyan's seat was empty, not a single person in sight.

Zhou Zhen couldn't help but frown, Chu Jingyan went out?


There was no one in Pang Shaobin’s seat!

Zhou Zhen suddenly thought of something, stood up quickly, and walked towards the front door.

He opened the front door and immediately walked out of the classroom. The corridor outside the door was spacious and dark, and his nose was filled with the smell of dust. He looked at both ends of the corridor, but no one could be seen.

Zhou Zhen immediately walked towards the Class 7 class next door. As soon as he reached the door of the Class 7 classroom, he heard the sound of fighting coming from inside.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Zhen immediately opened the door and walked in quickly.

At this moment, all the desks and chairs in Class 7 of Senior High School were knocked upside down. Several pieces of chalk and blackboard erasers were thrown on the podium. The brooms and dustpans at the back of the classroom were also knocked to the ground. The whole room was in a mess and looked very chaotic.

In addition to the two original students from Class (7), Zheng Ming and Tao Nange, Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin, who were missing from Class (8), are also here.

At this moment, Pang Shaobin was chasing after Tao Nange with a sharp-edged butcher knife, slashing wildly.

Tao Nange moved quickly, turning over tables and circling chairs again and again to avoid his blade.

The butcher's knife kept slashing at the table, the back of the chair, the wall, the podium... every knife mark was like a real wound, with gurgling blood flowing out.

Chu Jingyan grabbed Zheng Ming's hair, knocked him to the ground, picked up the chair next to him, and hit his head hard.

boom! boom! boom……

The muffled sound of a wooden chair hitting his head echoed in the classroom.

Zheng Ming was beaten so hard that he didn't dare to breathe. He curled up into a ball and fell sideways on the ground. He said nothing and endured without any resistance.

Looking at this violent scene, Zhou Zhen frowned and immediately understood that Pang Shaobin came to trouble Tao Nange again this time. It should be because Tao Nange snitched to Digital Rain last time, which led to the other party and Chu Jing It’s because Yan was forced to stand together!

However, what does Chu Jingyan mean by beating up Zheng Ming now?

Didn’t the other party know that it was Tao Nange who filed the complaint?

So, just choose someone you suspect to attack?

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