Ash Civilization

Chapter 180 Love Letter. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Ji Xuexun?

Zhou Zhen frowned slightly and immediately turned to look at Ji Xuexun's seat.

The school belle in a mint green chiffon dress sat in her seat. Next to her, there was a circle of exquisitely dressed girls. They all had slight smiles on their faces at the moment and were whispering something. They seemed to be in a good mood. Very good, he didn't seem to notice Zhou Zhen at all.

Zhou Zhen looked at Liang Xiaodie with some confusion. Was it really Ji Xuexun who wanted to find him?

Liang Xiaodie blocked Zhou Zhen with no intention of giving way.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Zhen did not continue the stalemate with the other party. He glanced at Zhang Yonghao and then walked directly towards Ji Xuexun's seat.

Soon, he came to Ji Xuexun's seat.

Sensing Zhou Zhen's arrival, the girls surrounding Ji Xuexun all turned their heads and looked at Zhou Zhen.

On the delicate faces, the relaxed smiles just now disappeared without a trace, replaced by expressionless faces.

Ji Xuexun also raised his head to look at Zhou Zhen, his long eyelashes blinking lightly, his eyes moist, like obsidian soaked in a cold spring, bright and clear, clearly reflecting Zhou Zhen's appearance.

Zhou Zhen asked calmly: Ji Xuexun, are you looking for me?

Ji Xuexun blinked lightly and said nothing, but his snow-white cheeks were suddenly stained with a layer of crimson.

The other girls around them all stood up without saying a word and left the area, leaving the area empty.

Among the empty tables and chairs, Zhou Zhen and Ji Xuexun sat facing each other quietly. The electric fan above their heads was whirring, and the incandescent lamp seemed to outline a silver outline for them, like the silhouettes of their youth.

After a brief silence, seeing that Ji Xuexun did not speak, Zhou Zhen was about to continue asking questions, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly felt that this scene seemed a bit familiar!

The same thing happened the last time he came to see Ji Xuexun!

The first sentence is very normal; but the second sentence... I don't know what went wrong, Ji Xuexun will attack him directly!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately closed his mouth and remained silent, waiting for the other party to speak first.

As long as Ji Xuexun doesn't speak next, he won't speak either!

Just wait until class, and he can avoid the other party!

The sounds of other students playing and playing could be heard intermittently. The area seemed to fall into some kind of silent swamp. The two sides were in a stalemate for a moment. The blush on Ji Xuexun's face became thicker and thicker, like a burning cloud in the sky.

I don't know when, the class suddenly became very quiet.

The other girls, including Chu Jingyan who was still standing next to the blackboard, all looked at Zhou Zhen and Ji Xuexun involuntarily.

Soon, all the girls in the class looked directly at the two of them, and the silence was filled with silent weirdness.

Zhou Zhen frowned and had a bad feeling in his heart.

But he now has too little memory of Ji Xuexun, and can't think of any other way to deal with it besides delaying time!

At this time, Ji Xuexun's cheeks were burning and her blood was dripping. She suddenly and nervously took out a pink envelope from the bottom of the desk.

She bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, her beautiful face deliberately turned to one side, not looking at Zhou Zhen, nor daring to look at the pink envelope, and handed the envelope to Zhou Zhen with both hands.

Zhou Zhen's eyes immediately focused on the envelope in Ji Xuexun's hand. The envelope was a gradient of pink, from light pink to dark pink. There was a big red peach heart in the middle, and it also exuded a sweet scent of strawberry and cream.

This is...a love letter!

not good!

Zhou Zhen's expression suddenly changed. This Ji Xuexun can use the digital domain in the classroom! ?

He immediately thought of the reminder that Doctor Ashes had given him... he couldn't refuse the school beauty's confession! 【Note】

He couldn't refuse this love letter!

However, in the current situation, if I really agree to the school beauty's confession, I'm afraid nothing good will happen either!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt his scalp numb. He raised his hand as if to pick up Ji Xuexun's love letter, but he deliberately moved very slowly. He wanted to continue to delay until class.

However, Zhou Zhen's action of stretching out his hand lasted for ten minutes, but the time around him seemed to have frozen. The school bell that should have sounded long ago did not ring for a long time.

Knowing that something was wrong, Zhou Zhen's face became extremely stiff. His movements could no longer be slow, and they would stop if they were any slower!

Seeing that his finger was getting closer and closer to the love letter, Zhou Zhen quickly thought about countermeasures in his mind.

However, the harder he tried to think, the slower his thinking felt.

Finally, there was a touch of touch on his fingertips, and his fingers touched the love letter. The moment he touched the love letter, the pink love letter appeared in his hand.

Unknowingly, Zhou Zhen opened the love letter.

The stationery inside the love letter was filled with dense numbers, symbols, and graphics... These numbers, symbols, graphics, and theorems swarmed out of the paper. They were numerous and uncountable, and in an instant they filled Zhou Zhen's entire being. view.

Immediately afterwards, all the numbers, symbols, graphics... seemed to float and reorganize like countless pixels, turning into a scene of his past memories...

He saw himself standing on the top floor of a high-rise building, looking through the telescope at the Xiangda shopping mall in the distance that was surrounded by a force field. His vision was filled with the roar and roar of mushroom clouds. He clenched his fists hard to suppress his excitement. He turned around and shouted: Captain Lu...

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise, and a ghostly figure appeared in front of him, and the remaining arm blade struck directly at his head!

Zhou Zhen turned pale with shock and instinctively wanted to run away or dodge, but his whole body seemed to be trapped. His limbs seemed to be filled with lead water. He tried his best but could only move a little.

At the moment when he was about to die, the arm blade that was falling towards him suddenly exploded from the middle!

boom! ! !

The special bullet penetrated the infected person's arm and at the same time knocked the infected person away.

Lu Jun's urgent voice came: Get in the car quickly!

Zhou Zhen finally came to his senses and ran towards the flying car not far away without hesitation.

At this moment, the infected person regained its footing, its speed was extremely fast, and it appeared behind Zhou Zhen in the blink of an eye.

Death came again, and at the critical moment, another specially-made bullet hit the side of the infected person's head. The metal tail of the infected person scattered behind him suddenly swung away, heavily hitting the bullet.

Taking advantage of this brief opportunity, Zhou Zhen spread his legs and ran as hard as he could.

In the flying car ahead, Lu Jun also held up a machine gun with a complex structure and aimed it behind Zhou Zhen. Before he could pull the trigger, his pupils suddenly shrank and he shouted: Be careful!!!

Zhou Zhen turned around subconsciously and saw a blurry shadow hitting his chest with lightning speed.

It's the infected person's long metal tail!

He was unable to dodge!

In the moment of life and death, a slender white palm suddenly appeared on his waist and pushed him aside.


The sound of metal hitting plastic reverberated in all directions. The metal tail that was going to pierce Zhou Zhen's chest hit a pink strawberry lunch box hard.

A slim figure wearing a mint green chiffon dress and long hair shawl appeared in front of the infected person and blocked its path.


Zhou Zhen was so dizzy from the fall that he was pulled closer to the car by a mechanical arm before he could get up.

The engine roared, and the flying car ejected and left the top floor of the building in an instant.

Zhou Zhen's chest rose and fell sharply, and his heart beat violently. He looked through the car window at the infected person and the mint green dress who were quickly pulling away from each other. He couldn't help but ask: Lu, Captain Lu... can she win?

Captain Lu also breathed a sigh of relief and said, That's Ji Xuexun. She's not good at close combat.

But there are five members of the ghost team coming this time.

Moreover, the nuclear bomb exploded just now, and the infected person was seriously injured.

This battle is now very beneficial to the Ghost Team.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen slumped into the backrest, his mind went blank for a moment, he didn't want to think about anything, didn't want to do anything...


Grade 3 (7) class.

Tao Nange sat in his seat, paying attention to the blackboard, and kept taking notes.

When the bell rang, the math teacher put down the chalk, packed up the lesson plans, briefly announced that get out of class was over, and immediately left the classroom.

After Tao Nange finished writing the last formula, he put down the notes in his hand and looked at the notebook filled with dense numbers, symbols, theorems... and couldn't help but nod slightly.

If this trend continues, her digital energy will soon reach the limit of the fourth ladder, and she can try to advance to the fifth ladder!

The fourth step and the fifth step are different from the first step to the fourth step. Although there is only one step difference, it is like a natural chasm. Under normal circumstances, it is not so easy to be promoted.

However, Zhou Zhen told her how to ask the fifth question to Digital Rain in this classroom!

Thinking of this, Tao Nange immediately turned his head and looked at the entire classroom.

There are too few students in this class now.

If Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin come to cause trouble next time, it will be a very dangerous thing.

We need to add more students to this classroom.

As for how to add classmates, Zhou Zhen told her the method before...

After planning everything, Tao Nange started waiting for class.

But at this moment, deep in her heart, an unspeakable and huge fear suddenly appeared.

This kind of fear has no signs and no clues of speculation, but it is extremely strong. It seems that death is hanging high above the sky and will come at any moment!

This was a feeling she had never had before when facing any powerful enemy!

Including the last Eleventh Sage, Carl Ax!

Immediately afterwards, Tao Nange's whole body seemed to be petrified, and he froze in his seat motionless.


Grade 3 (8) class.

The classroom was as quiet as death, and it seemed that all the students had stopped laughing and relaxing.

All the girls turned their heads and looked at Zhou Zhen and Ji Xuexun with cold eyes. At this moment, they seemed to have collectively transformed into lifeless statues.

At the end of get out of class, which was originally a relaxing time, the atmosphere was as stagnant as lead.

Zhou Zhen stood motionless next to Ji Xuexun's desk. Suddenly, he seemed to break free from something and suddenly woke up, panting heavily, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

He looked again at the love letter in his hand that smelled like strawberries and cream. There were only four beautiful handwritings on the paper: I like you!

Zhou Zhen was shocked and confused. He looked up at Ji Xuexun. Ji Xuexun was sitting in his seat very quietly, with his head slightly lowered. His hair fell like a waterfall. His snow-white cheeks were full of crimson. His hands seemed to be placed on the desk because of nervousness. He kept fiddling with it, and from time to time, he secretly glanced up at him.

Looking at the beautiful school beauty in front of him, Zhou Zhen suddenly felt a little excited. Ji Xuexun had saved him from an infected person before, but this time the other party took the initiative to confess his love. He couldn't refuse no matter what!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately said: I...

Before he could say the word promise, Zhou Zhen felt a sudden throbbing pain in his mind, as if thousands of steel knives were piercing and stirring.


Zhou Zhen couldn't speak anymore and immediately held his head in his hands, his whole face distorted in pain.

At the same moment, the entire classroom seemed to be pulled by some powerful force, twisting, deforming, rotating, and turbulent... After a long time, and it seemed like just a moment, someone next to him suddenly gave him a hard push.


Zhou Zhen was pushed and fell to the ground.

His headache disappeared instantly, and he shook his head subconsciously. He suddenly felt that he seemed to have forgotten many memories, but soon, he even forgot the memories that he had forgotten!

In a state of confusion, Zhou Zhen raised his head and looked to his side. At some point, Zhang Yonghao came over and was still pushing him.

Zhang Yonghao lowered his head, held his chest in his arms, and shrank back. His whole body seemed to be timid. There were large beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, and his body was trembling slightly, as if he was very scared.

Ji Xuexun was still sitting in his seat, holding an open pink strawberry lunch box in his hand, looking at Zhou Zhen longingly.

Jingle Bell……

The school bell rang.

All the students returned to their seats instantly, and Chu Jingyan and Pang Shaobin, who were standing on both sides of the blackboard, also returned to their respective seats.

Zhou Zhen also appeared in his seat.

Da da da……

Accompanied by the sound of bright red lacquered high-heeled shoes with bows hitting the ground, a math teacher wearing a bright red dress walked in with a lesson plan under her arm. After looking around the entire classroom, she briefly announced: Class!


Grade 3 (7) class.

In the empty classroom, Zheng Ming sat in his seat in a daze, while Tao Nange's muscles were tense and he sat motionless on the back of the chair, like a sculpture.

Jingle Bell……

The familiar school bell rang, and Tao Nange recovered instantly.

The extreme crisis, depression, and fear just now... all disappeared and disappeared.

Everything is back to normal.

Looking up, the math teacher wearing a yellowish white shirt and gray suit pants was already standing on the podium. He glanced at the entire class and said calmly: Class.

Tao Nange suddenly came to his senses and immediately picked up a pen to take notes for a new class.

She looked calm at the moment, without any distractions, as if she didn't remember what had just happened...

[Note] See Volume 1: Chapter 101: School.

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