Ash Civilization

Chapter 163 Apply for the formula. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Yulan isolation point.

After the civil air defense gate with transmission device was removed, energy-saving lamps dimly illuminated the spacious and silent corridor.

Zhou Zhen was leaning on the wall between the two automatic machine gun barrels, with one leg straightened and the other half-crossed. His head was tilted to one side, his eyes were closed, his chest was rising and falling slightly, and he was sleeping.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly and jumped up from the ground.

Looking at the densely packed gun barrels, the remaining bullet casings and bullet holes on the ground, the stains from the dragging of garbage, and the row of virus detection probes above, Zhou Zhen realized after a brief moment of confusion that he had returned to reality.

I originally wanted to find Digital Rain to confirm some things, but unfortunately the time has come...

While I was thinking about it, a familiar voice came from the side: I suddenly felt too sleepy just now and fell asleep directly. Nothing happened, right?

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen was startled, then quickly turned his head and looked not far away, and saw Tao Nange still wearing the green chiffon dress with white flowers, white sneakers, long hair tied into a high ponytail, standing neatly and neatly. Beside him, it was as if nothing had happened just now.

Zhou Zhen looked happy, but quickly calmed down. He grabbed Tao Nange's slender and white arm, feeling the other person's real touch and body temperature, and quickly determined that Tao Nange was an entity, not a projection in the digital forest !

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said in a hoarse voice: Nothing happened. I just slept.

Looking at Zhou Zhen's strange behavior, Tao Nange was not angry, and then said: Has the inventory of materials been completed?

If we want to rebuild this isolation point, we must first inventory all the materials, and then the main control room, energy system, and remaining energy life...

There may be a lot of things that need to be redeployed.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses and was about to explain the material situation, but after thinking about it seriously, he suddenly asked: Sister Nan, did you have any strange dreams when you were sleeping just now?

Tao Nange glanced at Zhou Zhen doubtfully, but still replied briefly: I dreamed of a classroom.

I became a student and took classes in the classroom. Something else seemed to happen after that, but I can't remember everything.

students, classroom, class...

Zhou Zhen's face suddenly became very serious, and he quickly said: After class, will someone come over and chop you with a butcher's knife?

Hearing this, Tao Nange thought about it carefully, and then he instantly became serious!


The person who wanted to chop me was Pang Shaobin from the next class.

I definitely don't know this person in reality.

But in the dream, I just knew his name.

Besides, I also know that he is stronger than me, so I keep running away.

Not long after he escaped, another classmate from the next class came in and took him away.

I don't know who that classmate is, and I couldn't see his appearance clearly in the dream. I just know that he can be trusted, and that he is covered with dense numbers... just like a teacher giving a lecture...

Soon, Tao Nange roughly recounted the dream he had just had. The situation in Zhou Zhen's dream was basically the same!

The only difference is that in many details, the other party either cannot see clearly, or has forgotten them because the dream is too blurry.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen took a deep breath and said immediately: What you just had was not a dream!

I am the classmate who helped you!

Pang Shaobin wants to kill you because when I entered this isolation point just now, I wanted to kill all the guards inside as fat pigs. But when I was about to succeed, you stopped me in time.

Pang Shaobin is my sub-personality. You interrupted his hobby, so he came to trouble you after class.

However, the situation on his side has now been resolved.

Also, I looked through your homework in the classroom.

There are ten questions in the exercise book, which represent the 'digital ladder'.

The problem-solving process and answer below the question are the 'numeric domain'!

The notes for each class are 'Digital Energy'...

Tao Nange listened carefully and asked quickly: You mean, that dream is your spiritual world?

All the classmates inside are your sub-personalities?

That Pang Shaobin is one of them?

Including me now?

Zhou Zhen nodded quickly, then shook his head, and quickly explained: Don't worry, in the world of 'digital viruses', there is no death, only the conversion of 'digits' and 'digits'!

Also, although Pang Shaobin is my secondary personality.

But that may not be the case for your classmates in the classroom!

That school was originally a 'digital forest'.

Maybe I gave you a blood transfusion, so you can enter that 'digital forest' now...

Tao Nange listened calmly, his expression calm, and there was no change from beginning to end. He just said calmly: I'm not worried that I will become one of your sub-personalities.

Now that you have absorbed a drop of 'Digital Rain', you have at least two 'Digital Forests'!

This is much more important to the entire world now than my life!

If I can help you get rid of the influence of the infected person's personality, then I am very willing to become your sub-personality.

I am Ghost No. 024, and what I fear is never death!

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that the person who was really afraid of Tao Nange's death was not Tao Nange, but himself!

He was assigned to a high-risk city this time and had nothing to do with Tao Nange.

However, because of the personality of Chu Jingyan, because he had nothing to change the wallpaper, and because of the personality of Meng Zhuo...

Tao Nange was forced to be tied to him until the final battle with the Eleventh Sage Karl Ax!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen took a deep breath, the eleventh sage Carl Ax must avenge this!

The same goes for the entire Twelve Sages!

At this time, seeing that Zhou Zhen was silent, Tao Nange continued: The topics in the homework book are 'Digital Ladder' and 'Digital Domain', and the class notes are 'Digital Energy'. So, what are those textbooks?

Zhou Zhen came to his senses, shook his head and said, I don't know, I haven't tested it yet.

By the way, in your dream, could you see the classroom door?

Tao Nange said: I can't remember clearly. I was not as awake as you were in that dream.

I can't even hear clearly what the teacher is saying when he lectures.

Zhou Zhen said: I don't know what the teacher is talking about.


There are currently two math teachers, and those two math teachers are both 'digital rain'.

“During class, ask questions about ‘Digital Rain’ and ‘Digital Rain’ will give accurate answers on the blackboard.”

But you can't copy too slowly. As long as you copy a symbol a little slowly, or if you are distracted, the numbers, symbols, formulas, graphics... on the entire blackboard will undergo various changes, resulting in you not being able to understand any of them! You can't even copy. Know how to copy.”

Besides, if I want to become more awake in that dream, according to the information I have now, the only way is to enhance my 'digital energy'!

The quickest way is to take notes yourself or get notes from other students.

Tao Nange nodded slightly and said, Okay.

I remember.

Will we enter that classroom every time we sleep in the future?

Zhou Zhen replied: It should be.

However, there were a few times when I did not enter this spiritual world. Those times, I was injected with [digital tranquilizers].

Tao Nange said quickly: Then we'd better prepare some [digital tranquilizers] in advance to avoid accidents.

This matter is not difficult.

For the formula of [Digital Tranquilizer], you can use my authority and apply directly to it.

The main production areas of its materials are various high-risk areas. There should be no shortage in this isolation point.

Now we just need a laboratory with qualified conditions.

Zhou Zhen immediately said: There is a laboratory here!

Tao Nange didn't hesitate: Go and have a look!

Zhou Zhen nodded and immediately led Tao Nange towards the isolation point.

They passed through the trading hall, the spacious corridor... and soon came to Bao Hui's private warehouse. Passing through the dazzling collections in Bao Hui's private warehouse, the innermost part was Bao Hui's dedicated laboratory.

Zhou Zhen had been to the laboratory before, but in order to look for Tao Nange, he only briefly checked the situation.

Now that the two of them have arrived together, they can relax and take a closer look.

This laboratory occupies a large area, has independent ventilation and lighting systems, is also equipped with emergency generators, and has all basic facilities.

In addition, a seemingly ordinary counter in the corner can transform into a hidden safe house after pressing a button.

Zhou Zhen showed Tao Nange the experimental records left by Bao Hui. Tao Nange flipped through them and frowned slightly. Zhou Zhen stood beside her and saw a lot of analysis and records about human experiments in the records. A few of them It's the biopsy study of infected people.

Tao Nange quickly put down Bao Hui's experimental records, walked quickly to the laboratory console, fumbled around, and nodded slightly: The types of equipment here are not complete, and the models are not the latest, but , it should be enough to prepare some basic digital potions.

I will send the formula application for [Digital Tranquilizer] to the above right now.

As she spoke, she took out a mobile phone and started editing messages.

Soon, Tao Nange finished sending the message, looked up at Zhou Zhen and said, The application has been sent, and the results will be available within 24 hours.

Let's go inventory the supplies now.

Zhou Zhen nodded and asked, What if the formula application is not approved?

Tao Nange replied firmly: No!

[Digital tranquilizer] is not a formula that needs to be kept secret. Under normal circumstances, as long as the official members of the ghost team apply, they will be approved.

This is a common medicine used by ghost members when they go on missions. Not only is it easy to apply for it, but it will also be approved very quickly.

Actually, it didn't take 24 hours at all.

As she spoke, she had already walked outside the laboratory.

Zhou Zhen followed immediately.

Outside was Bao Hui's private warehouse. Zhou Zhen only passed by it twice and didn't have time to take inventory.

At this time, the two of them were just checking it out.

Since Bao Hui and others had not been away for a long time, all the freshness and preservation methods in this warehouse were still functioning normally, and there were basically no damaged materials.

They searched around the area but could not find the account book or relevant records of this private warehouse, so they took another book and started counting and recording from the entrance.

The high-end food in the living area is enough for two people to use for a long time; the equipment in the weapons area, especially ammunition, is just enough for two people; there are a total of five military vehicles in the transportation area, and each one is armed to the teeth. The modification has been done with great care, and some enjoyable equipment has been installed in the compartment to ensure that it will not be too hard when driving or fighting, and there is also a small space for relaxation and entertainment.

To Tao Nange, the things in the science and technology area were all backward equipment and he was too lazy to look at them. But to Zhou Zhen, they were quite amazing. He stood in front of a very cool set of exoskeleton equipment and touched it again and again. Decided to try it on when I have time.

After reading these areas, we arrived at the organ area.

There were not many organs here, so Zhou Zhen turned to a new page and quickly started recording.

Tao Nange stared at the label descriptions under these organs and looked at the records written by Zhou Zhen to confirm the correctness of the information.

Soon, they came to an eyeball.

It was an eyeball with some traces of numbers. The pupil remained brown and black, but the sclera changed from normal white to light purple.

Deep in the pupils, there are numbers, formulas, and theorems as fine as dust... slowly swimming around.

It was packed in a glass box filled with a colorless liquid, like pure water, but seemed to have a more viscous texture.

The eyeball is suspended in the center of this liquid.

The label shows that this is a Second Step compatible eyeball with a simple provenance record.

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange had just walked to the glass box when the eyeball suddenly turned slightly and glanced at them.

Just as Zhou Zhen was about to record it, Tao Nange suddenly said: This is not the eyeball of a compatible person, but an infected body!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen stopped the pen in his hand and looked at Tao Nange in confusion.

Tao Nange calmly explained: The 'equation' of a compatible person is a whole.

Each part of the body corresponds to a different 'number'.

“But the ‘numbers’ in some parts are very important. Taken individually, they are ‘digital viruses’!”

This eyeball, in its original owner, can just balance the original owner's equation and make the original owner a compatible person. But if it is transplanted to other people, it will be equivalent to transplanting the limbs of an infected person!

Zhou Zhen nodded while listening. Because of [spiritual rejection], he did not transplant the knowledge related to digital viruses, so in this regard, it is safer to listen to Tao Nange.

Thinking like this, he quickly completed the record of this eyeball.

Next, record that everything went well and nothing special happened again.

After the statistics of all materials in this warehouse were completed, Zhou Zhen said immediately: The inventory has been completed here.

However, it's only for these two warehouses. There are many scattered things in other places that need to be counted one by one.

Tao Nange nodded and was about to say something when her phone suddenly buzzed slightly. She picked it up, took a look at it, and immediately said, The application was approved!

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