Ash Civilization

Chapter 164 Reconstruction Plan. (First update, please subscribe!)

Application approved?

Zhou Zhen was slightly startled, then said immediately: So fast?

Tao Nange nodded and explained briefly: It will be faster if you apply while performing the task.

As she spoke, she turned and walked towards the laboratory.

Zhou Zhen followed closely behind.

The two walked into the laboratory. Everything here was still the same as before. When someone entered, the lighting and ventilation system immediately started to operate automatically, and a subtle buzzing sound came from the ceiling.

Tao Nange walked to the desk in the laboratory, quickly found a set of blank paper and pen, and began to write down the content sent on his mobile phone.

Zhou Zhen came to her side and glanced at Tao Nange's mobile phone screen. It was densely packed with dots, lines, and graphics without any text. It looked irregular, and even looked like garbled characters caused by accidentally pressing the keyboard randomly.

He knew in his heart that this should be an encrypted message within the Ghost Team. He was not a member of the Ghost Team. Even if the message was intercepted or stolen, the specific content of the message would not be decipherable.

Tao Nange is currently decoding the encrypted information while writing down the recipe content.

The reason why we choose original paper and pen records instead of electronic device records is obviously to prevent the possible leakage of electronic devices...

While thinking, he turned his head and stopped looking at Tao Nange's phone screen.

Noticing Zhou Zhen's actions, Tao Nange immediately said: This is an official encrypted email with a special algorithm. It is used in the transmission of many important data.

Under normal circumstances, the official compatibility of the 'Third Ladder' can apply for the transplantation of [Decoding Memory].

You are now on the 'Third Step', but this is a high-risk city and [Decoded Memory] cannot be applied for now.

When I have free time, I will try to roughly make a Decoding Comparison Table. You can just memorize it when the time comes.

We want to rebuild this isolation point, and there will definitely be many places that need to be used in the future.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen nodded. In terms of human experiments, the government may be self-imposed and not involved, but in terms of pharmaceuticals, equipment and other scientific and technological facilities, the official technology is definitely the most cutting-edge.

After a while, Tao Nange finished recording. She picked up the paper filled with words and symbols and carefully checked the encrypted email on her phone several times. After confirming that there were no problems, she immediately deleted and shredded the encrypted email.

Immediately afterwards, she handed the formula to Zhou Zhen and said, This is the formula for [Digital Tranquilizer]. After you write it down, destroy this paper.

Zhou Zhen took the formula and nodded, looking at it carefully.

This recipe is divided into four parts.

The first part is the ingredient list of [Digital Tranquilizer]. The main material is 15 ml of datura flower extract growing in the Digital Forest or high-risk cities; 40 ml of infected sloth blood; the auxiliary materials are chlorpromazine, etc. Conventional sedatives.

The second part is the equipment and environment required for preparing medicine. [Digital tranquilizer] is a basic medicine in digital medicine, and the requirements for equipment and environment are not very high. The laboratory in front of me is completely satisfactory.

The third part is the chemical formula of this agent, with detailed process explanation, reaction time, extraction steps...

The last part is to test, dilute, encapsulate and preserve the prepared medicinal solution.

Zhou Zhen quickly wrote down all the steps in the recipe, then took out a lighter from his desk and lit the paper.

Watching the formula turn into ashes, Tao Nange nodded and said, All the ingredients in the formula are included in the list of supplies we just counted.

However, we are not professionals. Even if we have a formula, we may have to experiment many times before we can prepare a real [digital tranquilizer].

Now we will continue to count the remaining supplies in this quarantine, and try to gather all the supplies into two warehouses for easy access.

Zhou Zhen said: Okay.

So, the two returned to the trading hall at the entrance. The corpses and garbage here had been cleaned up, and the ground had been washed by Zhou Zhen's water pipes. Although the lingering smell of urine and some other odors still remained, Overall it has gotten much better.

At this moment, there were all kinds of supplies scattered on the ground and in the rooms next to them that had not been collected in time during the escape.

Most of the supplies here are ordinary food and some scraps of infected people. They are not like trophies after killing infected people, but more like part of the body tissues naturally dropped by infected people picked up in the wilderness.

In addition, there are some specialties from high-risk cities, such as Datura, which is needed for [Digital Tranquilizer], and other herbs, ores, etc., which are not much in quantity and are obviously obtained by chance.

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange spent some time counting all the materials here, then found a small cart and sent them to the public warehouse by category.

Next, they went to the corridor.

Ambiguous lights are still on in the shops on both sides of the corridor. The smell here is different from that of the trading hall. There is a strong smell of powder and low-quality perfume floating in the air.

In addition to slightly better food and water, the supplies in the shop also include some items that are incompatible with high-risk cities, such as tobacco and alcohol, heavy-duty dresses, jewelry, etc., as well as many family planning supplies, and industry-related items. drug.

After handling the supplies here, the two headed to the next area...

Compatible people are strong and agile in movement.

More than an hour later, Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange finished counting all the materials scattered throughout the isolation point and gathered everything into two warehouses.

In addition, Zhou Zhen also took out the firearm parts and a large number of bullets in the [two-dimensional space], entered the supplies list, and put them in the warehouse.

After completing the inventory and storage of all supplies, the two came to the main control room.

This is a high-ceilinged room with four white walls, suspended with large and small surveillance screens. Surrounding the room are consoles, densely packed with colorful buttons, which constantly make subtle beeps. , now, a row of buttons representing the door all erupted with dazzling red light, and the warning lights constantly issued reminders that the door was damaged.

On the corresponding display screen, a waterfall-like stream of red data also flashed, warning that the gate of the isolation point was malfunctioning, and asking whether it was necessary to seek help from the allied isolation point.

There is a countdown watch floating in the middle of the screen. There is currently less than 10 hours left. After the time is up, if no one operates, the system will automatically send a help signal to the alliance isolation point.

Tao Nange glanced at the countdown watch, sat directly in front of the main console, and opened the management background of the isolation point.

After the management backend software is run, it requires a 32-digit password and five-factor authentication of iris, fingerprint, facial recognition and security questions.

Tao Nange did some operations on his smart bracelet, and the official internal special cracking program immediately started running, cracking the backend management system in front of him through the air.

The bracelet projection screen showed that the invasion progress increased rapidly from 1%.

Soon, the crack reached 100% and the background management system automatically opened.

Tao Nange entered the modification administrator interface and entered his information, but failed twice in a row.

She carefully checked the program code and looked through the crack log of the bracelet. She found nothing wrong and said immediately: Zhou Zhen, come here and try to enter the information.

With that said, she stood up and gave up her seat.

Okay! Zhou Zhen listened, immediately walked forward, sat in the chair at the main console, and began to enter his identity information and biometric information, facial information, iris, fingerprints, new password, new security question...

Since the system was in a cracked state, Zhou Zhen immediately set his permissions to the highest level after his identity was entered successfully.

The interface only ran for less than half a second before a dialog box popped up, indicating that the modification was successful and the setting was successful.

Tao Nange looked at this scene, nodded slightly, and said: This system usually does not connect to the outside world. It will only connect to the network when the set program is triggered. It is only used to control the facilities in the isolation point. It is enough for the time being. used.

You can now cancel the default procedure of asking for help from the alliance isolation point.

Zhou Zhen immediately operated, and soon, the suspended countdown watch disappeared.

Tao Nange continued: After the civil air defense gate is completely repaired, I can take time to write an upgrade program and optimize the entire system.

The energy at the isolation point is now running normally.

The remaining energy reserve shown by the system is still two months away.

If nothing is moved in the various layouts of the isolation point, the current energy reserve is completely sufficient.

But if you want to carry out major construction, this energy should not take long.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen nodded slightly. His idea was to turn this isolation point, which could only be hidden underground, into a base where one could live openly on the ground.

However, in his current state, it is impossible to complete...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen said: The current layout of this isolation point is very unreasonable.

Three-quarters of the isolation point are residential areas, entertainment areas and warehouses owned by high-rise buildings. The leader of the isolation point lives alone, occupying one-fifth of the total area of ​​the isolation point. There is even an underground surfing pool and Golf course, private underground garden.”

The remaining quarter includes public transactions, a characteristic street, breeding, residence... and an underground boxing ring.

“The living area of ​​members in ordinary isolation sites is just like the previous subdivided houses, which are cramped and very depressing.”

Pests and rats are mixed together, and the sanitary conditions are also very problematic.

There are clear boundaries between each other, with clear fences and walls to separate them, and there are security posts to guard them.

From this point of view, there is a huge disparity in levels within the isolation point.

Even if the management of the isolation point lives underground, they still live in luxury, fine clothes, fine food, and all kinds of enjoyment; but ordinary members can only barely meet their survival needs.

You even have to face fights and murders between people, as well as some black transactions.

Now this isolation point looks like a safe zone in a high-risk city, but in fact, it is just a microcosm of a high-risk city.

I don't want the isolation point to remain the same after reconstruction.

So I want to re-plan the entire isolation point and divide it into planting areas, breeding areas, residential areas, trading areas, medical areas...

People in Tongfu City, no matter what happens outside, as long as they enter this isolation point, they are safe!

Of course, you must abide by the rules and order here!

After listening to it, Tao Nange said seriously: Your idea is very good.

But it's very difficult to actually get to that point.

First of all, the most important thing is that our strength must be able to suppress the joint attacks of all other compatibles.

These isolation points in Tongfu City have been operating here for many years and have divided their 'cakes' among themselves. For example, this Yulan isolation point is an isolation point that specializes in receiving small convoys and solo travelers. If it is a large If the fleet wants to trade with them, unless there is goods that make them very excited, they will only provide basic supplies and will not take bulk goods, so as not to offend other forces that specialize in large fleet business.

This is also the reason why Xiuhu Group dared to lower the price when we just entered the first isolation point in Tongfu City.

Because although these isolation points are scattered with each other, they are always in contact and monopolize the prices of high-risk cities. There is no considerable conflict of interest. They will not break this balance by themselves.

Of course it's not a problem for us to deal with ordinary compatibility, but if we encounter high-level compatibility from some illegal organizations, it will be very dangerous.

High-risk cities are regular haunts for illegal organization compatibility, and they will go in and out of various isolation points to collect materials and information.

After the reconstruction of the isolation point is completed, we will definitely encounter compatibility of these illegal organizations!

Zhou Zhen listened calmly, his expression unchanged, and said: I know.

This is just my idea. When it is actually implemented, it will definitely come out the same.

Moreover, the former Ghost No. 009 became one of the strongest compatibility players at the time after receiving the 'Digital Rain'.

Now, I also have 'Digital Rain'!

Compared to my predecessor, Ghost 009, the only thing I'm missing now is time.

But in the near future, no one will come to this isolation point.

So, I happen to have time.

Tao Nange shook his head and said, I don't want you to become like Ghost No. 009.

Ghost No. 009 was once a very great hero, but after he lost control, everything changed...

The time for reconstruction of the isolation point can be postponed later.

You must not rush for success!

Zhou Zhen quickly replied: Sister Nan, don't worry, I know what I should do.

Tao Nange nodded slightly, did not continue the topic, and said slowly: We have basically understood the situation at this isolation point, and we have also taken control.

Now you can try to prepare [Digital Tranquilizer].

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