Ash Civilization

Chapter 162 Two possibilities. (First update! Please subscribe!)

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhou Zhen was stunned. Information about the three people in the classroom instantly appeared in his mind...

Zheng Ming, with average grades, is a simple and honest person, introverted, usually taciturn, and rarely takes the initiative to interact with others;

Pang Shaobin, whose grades are above average, likes to kill pigs and share pig-killing techniques and experiences.

Tao Nange has average grades, hates evil, is paranoid about justice, is courageous and calm.

Tao Nange?

Why did Tao Nange appear in his spiritual world? !

The other party is already dead?

Has it become a personality of his now?


This is not the same classroom as him!

There must be something wrong!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen reacted quickly. He immediately rushed into the classroom without thinking about what was going on, picked up the chair closest to him, and threw it directly at Pang Shaobin.


The chair hit Pang Shaobin heavily. His short body swayed slightly, and he quickly regained his balance. He turned his thick neck and looked at Zhou Zhen with cold eyes.

Zhou Zhen also looked at Pang Shaobin and said coldly: I will take you to the amusement park now, or I will call the teacher over immediately and confiscate your butcher knife!

Pang Shaobin's eyes were fierce, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent.

Zhou Zhen looked at him without fear.

After the two sides faced off for a while, Pang Shaobin put away his butcher knife and said in a cold voice: Okay, let's go to the amusement park.

Zhou Zhen nodded. Pang Shaobin's performance was the same as Ren Rui's last time.

The energy intensity of these two sub-personalities is much higher than his, but for some reason, they both seem to be afraid of something and dare not really fall out with him...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen saw Pang Shaobin walking around the messy tables and chairs in the classroom and walking towards him. He didn't even bother to say hello to Tao Nange, so he immediately opened the door and walked out.

Pang Shaobin followed closely behind.

Step, step, step...

The two of them came to the empty corridor. In the dark space, the sound of footsteps caused dust to fly all over the sky.

Zhou Zhen said nothing and led Pang Shaobin forward.

Along with the echo of footsteps and dust, the surrounding environment gradually changed. It seemed that the sky suddenly brightened, and the bright blue sky replaced the gloomy ceiling bit by bit.

The gray scenery was like a candle being lit, and the gorgeous amusement park quietly appeared in front of the two of them.

The pink and white rose petals, like a strong wind and rain, wrapped in the unique sweet smell of popcorn, fluttered all over their shoulders.

Zhou Zhen led Pang Shaobin through the rose gallery and came to the carousel.

Amidst the cheerful music, the gorgeous wooden horse is running. In front of the project, there are many tall, short, fat and thin tourists standing in line.

Among the team, there were two figures who looked very familiar.

One of the figures is a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, wearing a light blue puff-sleeved dress, a white sunhat, and white Mary Jane shoes. She looks beautiful and quiet.

Zhou Zhen immediately remembered that the last time he met the other party, he remembered very clearly the wooden altered version of the Vegevisil symbol pendant hanging on the chest of this quiet girl.

The other figure is a mixed-race middle-aged man, wearing a white suit, a black shirt, and a red bow tie. His hair is all combed back, revealing a full forehead. He has a handsome appearance and an elegant temperament. He wears a hat on his left chest. A balance brooch looks elite.

Zhou Zhen immediately looked at this mixed-race middle-aged man, it was Mike Ruan from Twilight Trial!

Just as he was thinking about it, Pang Shaobin walked directly to the queue. He did not start queuing from the back of the queue. Instead, he jumped in the queue and queued behind Mike Ruan. Then he took out the butcher's knife and pointed it at Mike Ruan's body. , and began to gesture up and down.

Seeing that Pang Shaobin had been successfully sent to the merry-go-round, Zhou Zhen didn't waste any time, immediately withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked back.

Soon, the colorful colors and bright and cheerful atmosphere quietly faded away, and he returned to the dusty corridor of the teaching building again.

Zhou Zhen quickly opened the front door of the suddenly opened classroom and saw that it was still as empty as before. The tables and chairs that had been knocked crooked and slanted when Pang Shaobin chased Tao Nange had been arranged back to their original positions.

The place where the pig-killing knife had cut had stopped bleeding, and even the marks of the knife had disappeared, as if the incident just now had never happened.

Tao Nange was sitting in a seat near the podium. The desk in front of her was filled with books, homework books, notebooks and some stationery. She was sitting in her seat with her hands on the table, looking forward, as if she was in a daze.

Zheng Ming, on the other hand, was sitting in the seat in the center of the classroom. The scars on his face had also recovered, and he was playing with his pen boredly.

Zhou Zhen quickly walked into the classroom and came to Tao Nange's desk.

Sister Nan? Zhou Zhen looked at Tao Nange closely and asked tentatively.

Tao Nange raised her head and looked at Zhou Zhen. Her expression was extremely dull at the moment, and her eyes were a little unclear, as if she didn't quite recognize Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen frowned, glanced at the other person's desk, and immediately pulled out an exercise book from the pile of books.

On the cover of the homework book, there are three words Tao Nange written on it.

Although he already knew the identity of the other party, when he saw the name on the homework book, the last bit of luck in Zhou Zhen's heart was shattered.

His fingers trembled slightly and he scratched Tao Nange's homework book twice before separating it.

Just like the homework book for Grade 3 (8), there are also ten questions in it.

At this moment, under the first, third and fourth questions, there are very detailed problem-solving processes and answers, but under the second question, there is only a beginning, and there is no subsequent calculation process, let alone Answer.

From the fifth to the tenth question, the answers are all clean, without even a word solution written on them.

The fourth ladder, three complete digital domains...

Zhou Zhen took two deep breaths while holding his homework, then put it down, turned to look at Zheng Ming, and walked over.

This classmate, do you know when Tao Nange came to this class? Zhou Zhen put his hands on Zheng Ming's desk and asked seriously.

Zheng Ming raised his head and looked directly at Zhou Zhen without any reaction, as if he didn't understand what he said at all.

Zhou Zhen frowned, then reached out directly to pick up the homework on Zheng Ming's desk.

As soon as his fingers touched Zheng Ming's homework, Zheng Ming immediately roared and grabbed Zhou Zhen's arm!

Zhou Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at this classmate with a simple appearance and introverted personality a little surprised. He couldn't speak? This Zheng Ming seems to have no intelligence, only instinct!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately let go of the opponent's homework, but at this moment, Tao Nange suddenly stood up from his seat, walked to Zhou Zhen's side, and kicked Zheng Ming directly.


Zheng Ming was immediately kicked so hard that he and his chair fell to the ground.

Tao Nange picked up the homework book on Zheng Ming's desk and gently placed it on Zhou Zhen's hand.

Zhou Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that Tao Nange was helping him!

But I wonder if Tao Nange recognized his identity? Or was it because he helped the other party lure Pang Shaobin away just now?

Thinking like this, Zhou Zhen immediately opened Zheng Ming's homework. He also completed the fourth question in the homework, but unlike Tao Nange, none of the four questions was blank. It is filled with dense problem-solving processes and answers.

Seeing that Zheng Ming had climbed up from the ground and let out an angry roar at himself again, Zhou Zhen immediately put the other party's homework book back on the desk.

Seeing Zhou Zhen put down his homework, Zheng Ming immediately held up his chair and sat down on his seat again.

He paid no attention to Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange, as if he had no idea that Tao Nange had just kicked him.

However, Tao Nange's state was obviously not right!

At this moment, she seemed to have decided that Zheng Ming's homework should be given to Zhou Zhen. She raised her foot again and prepared to kick Zheng Ming in the head.

Zhou Zhen reacted and quickly grabbed Tao Nange: Sister Nan, don't be impulsive!

I just want to see his question.

He now has Zheng Ming's homework book, which is of no use.

Moreover, Tao Nange is now on the fourth ladder, and so is this new student named Zheng Ming.

A conflict really broke out, and he was worried that Tao Nange might suffer!

Not sure if he understood Zhou Zhen's words, Tao Nange finally took back his feet and returned to his seat to sit down.

Zhou Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked towards the podium again.

This podium is exactly the same as the podium of Class 8 of Senior High School. The vermilion paint has peeled off and there are many tiny gaps on the sides.

There is a thick layer of chalk dust on the table. The chalk dust has penetrated into every crevice of the podium. It cannot be eradicated by wiping the surface. The entire podium is filled with a dusty smell.

At this moment, there is a chalk box thrown on the podium, with more than a dozen pieces of chalk of various colors inserted in random directions. Most of them are white, and a few are colored. They are not complete, only half of them are left, and they seem to be leftovers.

In the space under the podium is a wooden triangle ruler, which looks heavy and clumsy, and is also covered with dust.

After Zhou Zhen carefully inspected the podium, he walked to the blackboard in front of the classroom and tapped on it.

There is nothing on this blackboard at the moment. Under the incandescent lamp, it glows with a slight dark cyan color. There are two half-old blackboard erasers in the chalk slot below.

He then walked down from the podium and looked at the tables and chairs in the classroom one by one.

Most of the desks are intact, and some of them are engraved with some common jokes and curses between students, as well as cheat sheets such as formulas and theorems.

Step, step, step...

Zhou Zhen's footsteps echoed quietly in the class. After checking all the tables and chairs, he came to the back of the classroom. There was also an empty blackboard and an empty trash can with a black Plastic bags with no trash thrown in them.

Zhou Zhen stopped in front of the blackboard at the back of the classroom and looked back at the entire room again, but found nothing.

Jingle Bell……

At this time, the familiar school bell rang.

He instantly appeared in the classroom of Class 8, Grade 3. The incandescent lamp illuminated every detail in the class, the electric fan was turned on at mid-range, and the sound of Xian Bing Xian Bing was very hypnotic.

All the students sat in their seats, including Pang Shaobin.

A math teacher wearing a bright red dress, bright red glossy bow high heels, and a Santa hat stood on the podium. She was young, beautiful, and slim. After looking around, she briefly announced: Class!

There was silence in the classroom for a moment, and it was time for lectures.

Zhou Zhen looked at Digital Rain who looked exactly like Tao Nange but had different clothes. His mood gradually calmed down and he began to analyze the current situation...

The classmates in the next classroom will not take away his intelligence!

Distributing his intelligence to other personalities was an experiment done on him by the Ash Order.

Therefore, when the Ash Order conducted experiments on him, his spiritual world should only be in this classroom!

The second classroom was the extra one after he got the second drop of digital rain!

When Tao Nange entered that classroom, it must have been after he was infected by the digital rain.

He was at the isolation point just now and couldn't find Tao Nange. In fact, it was Tao Nange who entered the classroom first!

Another classmate in that classroom, Zheng Ming, cannot speak, has no intelligence, only instinct, and must be an infected person.

Not surprisingly, it should be the black bear-like infected person that Tao Nange eliminated just now.

In other words, the infected people he eliminated using his digital domain will appear in his classroom; and the infected people Tao Nange eliminated will appear in the second classroom...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen took a deep breath.

There are two possibilities for Tao Nange's situation now.

The first possibility: Tao Nange is dead!

The other person became a sub-personality of his, but because he still retained part of his independent consciousness, or for other reasons, he was assigned to a different classroom from him.

The second possibility: Tao Nange is not dead yet, but because he obtained his digits, he can now enter the digital forest in his spiritual world!

He hoped it was the latter...

...So...the five-dimensional world...the negative space-time coefficient is...

...We know...multidimensional space...absolute speed...

The math teacher in a bright red dress stood in front of the blackboard, quickly writing down numbers, formulas, and theorems one after another while lecturing loudly.

The chalk dust fell, and the classroom was quiet. All the students were listening attentively. The rustle of taking notes sounded like the spring rain beating on the new leaves, resounding throughout the class.

Zhou Zhen also followed the content on the blackboard and quickly recorded it in his notebook, although he couldn't understand anything.

In previous classes, he always entered the classroom in the middle of class.

At that time, the content on the blackboard was extremely confusing, and I had no idea where to start taking notes.

But in this lesson, he started listening from the beginning and took note of what was written in Digital Rain. He successfully copied the content on the blackboard into his notebook.

Time passed slowly, and Zhou Zhen felt that his condition was getting better and better, and his thinking was getting clearer and clearer...

Notes taken by oneself are much better than notes borrowed from others!

Jingle Bell……

The bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Zhou Zhen immediately looked at the Digital Rain who was packing up the lesson plans on the podium and preparing to leave, and was about to stand up.

The next moment, everything around him suddenly collapsed, and the ceiling, walls, doors, windows, podiums, blackboards, tables and chairs, classmates... were all pulled and twisted in an indescribable way, turning into an overwhelming number, formulas, and theorems...

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