Ash Civilization

Chapter 161 The second classroom. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Zhou Zhen's expression changed, and he thought again that since the last time Tao Nange woke up from a serious injury, whether it was a coincidence or some other reason, the other party had not communicated with anyone else except him!

Also, Tao Nange is very beautiful. When he and Tao Nange entered the isolation point in Tongfu City for the first time, Tao Nange attracted almost everyone in the isolation point even though he was not dressed up and spoke politely throughout the whole process. gaze.

There was even a group of gangsters who were settling their grudges. They abandoned their original disputes on the spot and went over to tease Tao Nange without fear of death. They were punched away by Tao Nange...

But this time, whether it was the Liu family's motorcade or other people at the Yulan isolation point, everyone's eyes were only on him!

No one noticed Tao Nange, who was standing next to him with excellent appearance and slim figure!

It's as if Tao Nange doesn't exist at all!




He personally transfused blood to Tao Nange! I watched Tao Nange’s infection fade away little by little!

Tao Nange must be safe and sound!

Stealth mode!

Yes, Tao Nange must have used stealth mode!

After thinking about it, Zhou Zhen unknowingly sat down on the ground behind the civil defense gate.

Because he was so tired, he closed his eyes little by little and fell asleep...


Bright incandescent lights illuminate the familiar classroom.

The sound of the electric fan seems to be full of hypnosis.

The impassioned lectures of the mathematics teacher came from the podium, accompanied by the sound of knocking from time to time, breaking the drowsy atmosphere.

The rustling of notes was heard one after another, and all the students in the classroom were listening carefully.

Zhou Zhen suddenly raised his head and saw the math teacher waving his pointer and tapping on the blackboard to remind everyone to pay attention to a certain problem-solving step. Under the tapping again and again, dust continued to fall from the writing on the blackboard, covering the yellow and white shirt. shoulders.

The loud lecture sound reached his ears. Zhou Zhen felt extremely sleepy and could not hear what the math teacher was saying at all.

He immediately understood that this was because he had consumed too much digital energy and had become weak.

While the math teacher was drawing pictures on the blackboard, Zhou Zhen looked at Zhang Yonghao beside him and immediately whispered: Brother Hao, lend me your notes...

Zhang Yonghao stared at the blackboard without blinking, not daring to speak, but silently pushed his notebook to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen got Zhang Yonghao's notes, and at that moment, the handwriting on it quickly changed into his own handwriting.

At the same time, his spirit began to gradually recover.

Soon, Zhang Yonghao's notes completely changed into his notes, and the name on the cover of the notebook also changed from Zhang Yonghao to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen finally came to his senses and immediately looked at Pang Shaobin in the corner.

The other party was staring at the writing on the blackboard with sharp eyes, and was also listening attentively, without noticing Zhou Zhen's gaze at all.

Realizing that the math teacher had finished drawing the picture and was about to turn around, Zhou Zhen quickly withdrew his gaze.

The deal between him and Pang Shaobin has not been completed yet. When get out of class is over, he must take him into the amusement park immediately...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen opened his homework book.

Among the ten questions in it, under the first question, there are six problem-solving processes and answers.

Zhou Zhen looked at these six problem-solving processes and answers, and knew clearly in his heart that these were the six digital domains of his first ladder. The first five digital domains were [overfrequency interference], [implicit Eavesdropping], [Geometric Barrier], [Plane Jump] and [Energy Observation].

The sixth digital domain was copied from Pang Shaobin. It has not been tested yet, and the specific effect is unknown.

Below the second question, there are three problem-solving processes and answers. The first two are [Energy Synchronization] and [Two-Dimensional Space]. The third one also comes from Pang Shaobin. It has also not been tested and I don’t know the specifics. Effect.

Below the third question, there are two problem-solving processes and answers. The first one is [Fusion Cube]; the second one still comes from Pang Shaobin...

Zhou Zhen looked away from his homework book and looked at the math teacher on the podium.

According to the information he currently has, this math teacher, who is wearing a yellowish white shirt and black suit pants and looks like an ordinary middle-aged male teacher, is the first drop of digital rain he got!

This digital rain will enter this classroom every once in a while.

During class, all students in the classroom will take notes carefully.

Notes are digital energy.

Therefore, the first use of this drop of digital rain is to regularly increase the digital energy of all his personalities!

Also, this digital rain had previously explained the topics in the homework to him and Zhang Yonghao...

The second function of this digital rain is to help him develop the digital domain and even improve the digital ladder!

In addition to these two functions, the specific content taught in each lesson of this digital rain is also very valuable mathematical knowledge.

But unfortunately, what the other party spoke was not the language of the earth at all. He could only occasionally understand a sentence or two. Most of the time, he had no idea what the other party was talking about...

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen immediately raised his left hand.

The mathematics teacher on the podium immediately stopped teaching and looked at Zhou Zhen with burning eyes.

Zhou Zhen, do you have any questions? the math teacher asked in a loud voice.

Zhou Zhen immediately stood up and said loudly: Teacher, there is a question that I don't know!

As he said that, he picked up his homework book, pointed to the fourth question on it, and said to the math teacher, That's the question.

The math teacher immediately walked down from the podium.

He came to Zhou Zhen's desk, picked up Zhou Zhen's homework, glanced at it, frowned, and immediately put the homework back on Zhou Zhen's desk, pointing at the first question, Hate Tie He said calmly: Zhou Zhen!

You are the best student in the class, why do you copy other people's homework?

There are six solutions to this first question, and only the first solution is for your own question!

The other five solutions are not the answer to this question at all!

The same applies to the second and third questions!

The three solutions to the second question are all wrong!

There is nothing wrong with the first solution to the third question; the second solution is completely different from the question!

How come you can copy the wrong questions and answers even when copying homework?

Your grades have dropped drastically in recent times!

If we continue like this, let alone taking the first place in the next exam, whether we can pass or not is still a question!

Next, listen carefully to me and don't desert me again!

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen was stunned. He copied other students' homework and was discovered by Digital Rain!

Of course, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is, why are the questions copied wrong? !

Those digital fields he copied can obviously be used!


In addition to classes, are there exams next?

If you really fail the exam, no, if you get 0 points... what will happen?

The position of my own main personality was replaced by another sub-personality that came first in the exam?

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He quickly continued to ask: Teacher, what should I do for the fourth question?

The math teacher said in a very stern voice: You haven't fully understood the first three questions, so just do the fourth question. This is because you haven't learned to walk yet and you want to run a marathon!

Now, let me tell you the second question again.

For this fourth question, I will explain it to you after you fully understand the first three questions!

Having said this, the math teacher returned to the podium, picked up a piece of chalk, and wrote the solution process and ideas for the second question on the blackboard...

This question is a score-earning question!

I'll say it again today...

Zhou Zhen immediately picked up the pen and copied what the math teacher wrote on the blackboard.

After copying and copying, Zhou Zhen soon discovered that he couldn't understand what the math teacher was saying at first. He couldn't understand any of the numbers, symbols, graphics written on the blackboard... he couldn't understand any of them!

However, just like when he copied the first question last time, his inability to understand or understand did not affect his copying...


swish swish...

For a while, the only sound in the classroom was the sound of chalk dotting the blackboard, mixed with the sound of the pen tip crossing the paper. After an unknown amount of time, the math teacher finally finished explaining the question.

As the last symbol fell on the blackboard, Zhou Zhen finally finished copying the question.

As soon as he put down his pen, he suddenly noticed that the dense writing on the blackboard began to change slowly.

The numbers, symbols, and graphics that were neat before the snap of a finger soon became extremely chaotic, as if nuts arranged in different categories were roughly stuffed into the wall-breaking machine, and then the Start button was pressed. , suddenly mixed into a ball.

Symbols, patterns, numbers... a mess of connections. I can’t even tell which one is the beginning and which one is the end!

Zhou Zhen looked confused. If he had copied slower just now, he might not even be able to tell where to start copying now!

Jingle Bell……

At this time, the familiar bell rang.

The math teacher immediately announced in a short voice: get out of class is over!

As he spoke, he threw half of the chalk back into the chalk box, neatly packed up the lesson plan, tucked it under his arm, walked off the platform, and quickly left the classroom through the front door.

Watching the math teacher walk out of the class, Zhou Zhen immediately stood up and walked towards Pang Shaobin, preparing to take him to the amusement park immediately.

However, almost at the same time as him, Pang Shaobin also stood up, took out a sharp-edged butcher's knife from the drawer, and strode toward the front door.

Pang Shaobin came to the front door, and while the math teacher had just left and the door hadn't closed automatically, he immediately rushed out through the gap in the corner of the door.


At this time, the front door just closed.

Zhou Zhen was startled for a moment, and immediately followed him. When he reached the door, he reached out and turned the handle, opened the front door very easily, and walked out.

Outside the front door is a familiar corridor. The entire corridor is empty and covered with dust. The math teacher who just came out has disappeared. Pang Shaobin is also missing. Looking around, Zhou Zhen is the only one in this corridor.

He walked a few steps along the corridor and suddenly found that in an empty classroom next to him, at some point, lights shone through the crack in the door and the ventilation window near the roof.

At the same time, there seemed to be some vague movement in this classroom.

Is there anyone in this classroom?

Zhou Zhen was confused and immediately pushed open the front door of the classroom and walked inside.

The classroom behind the door is basically the same as that of Grade 3 (8) class. There is a blackboard at the front and back. On the side of the classroom near the corridor are two doors, one in front and one in the back. Between the two doors, there are three ventilation windows near the ceiling. .

On the other side of the classroom, there are large windows with curtains drawn at the moment.

At this moment, the electric fan was turned off and all the incandescent lights were turned on, illuminating the class magnificently.

The classroom was full of desks and chairs, but there were only three figures.

Sitting on the middle seat was a simple-looking boy, wearing a navy blue hooded sweatshirt and cardigan. The cardigan was a bit old, and the printed letters on the chest were partially obliterated, so the original words could no longer be seen; underneath was a solid white T-shirt; Under the black trousers, the white sneakers have turned slightly yellow.

Another figure is wearing a men's white T-shirt and a black long-sleeved shirt tied around her waist. Her skin is as white as snow, her eyes are as bright as gems, her appearance is very beautiful, and her figure is slim and strong. It is Tao Nange!

The last figure has dark skin, a strong build, thick eyebrows and small eyes, and a thick lip under the bridge of the nose. He is wearing a red printed T-shirt, black trousers, and military green liberation shoes. He is a student who has just graduated from Class 8 of Senior High School. Pang Shaobin!

At this time, Pang Shaobin held up the butcher knife with a cold light in his hand, chasing after Tao Nange, slashing wildly!

Ping ping ping pong! ! !

With a muffled sound, the tables and chairs in the classroom were knocked and slashed, turning into a mess in the blink of an eye.

Tao Nange moved dexterously and quickly. While dodging and escaping in the gaps between tables and chairs, he kept pushing the tables and chairs around him behind him to block Pang Shaobin's pursuit route.

Bang bang bang... Pang Shaobin's face was expressionless, the butcher's knife almost stuck to Tao Nange, and he slashed hard at the oncoming desks and chairs again and again, hitting the walls, desks, and blackboards from time to time... For a moment, There were knife marks all over the classroom.

From every knife mark, dazzling blood slowly flowed out.

The sharp blade was gradually stained with red blood.

At this time, Tao Nange jumped directly from behind the desk of the boy sitting in the middle of the classroom and continued to escape.

The moment she had just turned over the table, Pang Shaobin rushed towards him with murderous intent. He stopped before he could hit the knife, and accidentally struck the boy wearing a navy blue hooded cardigan in the face!


The boy suddenly let out a painful scream, blood and flesh flew everywhere on his face, and a hideous wound immediately appeared.

Pang Shaobin didn't pay attention to his intention at all, and directly pulled out the butcher's knife from his face. Before the blood hit the ground, Pang Shaobin kicked the table in front of him that was blocking the way and continued to chase Tao Nange.

The boy wearing a navy blue hooded cardigan suddenly had a distorted face and roared angrily, but he still sat in his seat and did not dare to trouble Pang Shaobin...

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