Ash Civilization

Chapter 158 Clean up the scene. (First update! Please subscribe!)

For a moment, Zhou Zhen was a little lost. Looking at the people who were still fleeing, he suddenly wanted to escape from this place.

In his current state, even he himself is not sure when he will treat the people around him as pork again or make them into photos...

I don’t know what I will become in the future, and I don’t have a direction that I can work hard for, pursue relentlessly, and do whatever it takes...

He felt like he was a conscious walking zombie!

You can turn into a monster anytime, anywhere!

Or, like a time bomb, it pulls the people around and destroys it together!

The wailing, sobbing, and the banging of packages... all disappeared quickly with the hasty footsteps. In the open space at the entrance of the Yulan isolation point, the noise quickly disappeared, and the surrounding areas returned to silence.

Finally, the last person disappeared without a trace, leaving only a few different shoes, some flawlessly taken away luggage, and messy footprints on the ground in front of the warehouse building.

The wind blew from all directions, fluttering the clothes, and the smell of blood, mixed with the smell of excrement, dissipated little by little in the wilderness.

The long wind rushed into the warehouse building, dragging out thousands of whimpers in the empty beams and columns, in the unshielded doors and windows, and in the twists and turns leading to the basement.

Zhou Zhen was still sitting in the 30% new pickup truck, and he did not escape in the end.

Now that he is gone, he is not escaping from this place, but from himself!

There are too many things that will not go as planned...

Too many surprises, unpredictable...

Too much pain, sudden...

There is only a very, very small part of what I can control...

But no matter what, the road still has to go on, and he always has to face reality and himself!

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhen raised his hand to open the car door and walked out.

Outside the car is the loneliness after the hustle and bustle. The sparse shoes and luggage, lying on the old garbage, seem to be writing about the panic of the fleeing people.

Several corpses were covered in wounds, with dark red blood dripping from their seven orifices, and small pools of blood accumulated on their heads.

Among them, one of the deceased who fell dead inside the warehouse building and could not even escape from the door had been trampled to the point of being deformed. His flesh and blood were bruised in many places, and his clothes were covered with dense footprints. In his hand, he was still clutching a hand. Cut off the broken trousers.

Looking at this horrific scene, Zhou Zhen walked towards the basement numbly.

Soon, he came to the civil defense gate again.

It was also a mess here, with bullet marks and bullet holes everywhere on the concrete walls. The thick shell casings that had been laid on the ground during the strafing had become sparse and concentrated under the repeated trampling of the fleeing crowd.

There were several skid marks on the corridor caused by losing balance after stepping on bullet casings, as well as some sporadic blood stains. There were two corpses of men in their forties or fifties lying in the corner. One seemed to have suffered a sudden illness, and there was foam at the mouth; the other had obviously been poisoned, with a short knife stuck in his chest.

The civil air defense gate was still open asymmetrically, stuck at a certain angle in a skewed posture.

Step, step, step...

Just after Zhou Zhen walked in, familiar footsteps came from the end of the corridor. Immediately afterwards, Tao Nange's figure appeared in the corridor, holding a large box in his hand and a shoulder bag on his shoulder. The bags and boxes are full of things, and stacked outside, you can see a lot of food and water, as well as some necessary daily necessities for camping.

As soon as the two met, Tao Nange immediately said: There is no one inside. The supplies here are enough for us to live for a long time.

Zhou Zhen came to his senses, nodded and said, I want to live here alone.

Tao Nange glanced at him and quickly reminded: The defense measures at this isolation point have been damaged and cannot stop the infected!

Moreover, all the people inside have escaped now, and those who did not escape have all turned into corpses.

This is equivalent to a breached isolation point without its maintenance personnel and has no value.

On the contrary, the waste energy in the isolation point will attract infected people from around it.

Even if we find a place to camp, it will be safer than living in this isolation point.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhen shook his head and said slowly: I know.

We can find ways to repair broken defense measures.

People who escape from this isolation point may come back in the future.

The maintenance team can also be recruited again.

If I attract the infected, I will take action with all my strength. Either the infected person dies, or I die!

I want to build this isolation point again!

Zhou Zhen's voice was a little confused at first. It seemed that he was just spying on some islands in the endless ocean, and he was tentatively approaching. But the more he talked about it, the more determined he became, as if he was already convinced that the direction he was heading towards was the land. of.

From the moment he opened his eyes in the underground morgue in Binhai City, he has been pushed by fate in a hazy way.

At first he wanted to save himself, then he joined the government for a living, and then he came to Tongfu City, a high-risk city... Changes happened too fast, and things happened one after another. He was busy dealing with them one after another, and had no time to explore his true heart. , and had no time to consider the prospects.

Looking back on the past now, during these days, he was like a lonely boat on the sea, traveling with the waves, without purpose or motivation. He just drifted instinctively, letting the current take him here and there.

I don’t know whether there are flowers blooming in front of me or an abyss.

On the contrary, this experience gave him an opportunity to think deeply.

The mistake can no longer be undone. All he can do now is do his best to do what is truly right!

Tao Nange listened to these words quietly, without nodding or shaking his head. He just said lightly: Survivors in high-risk cities are not as innocent as you think.

Didn't you notice just now that among the people who escaped from this isolation point, there were no elderly people or children?

Even, there are very few women.

In high-risk cities, there is no law and order.

Where the constraints of civilization are lost, everything is aligned with interests, or short-term interests.

Organ trading, human trafficking, skin and flesh trade, contraband, cannibalism... are all common situations here.

In fact, normal people will not live here for a long time.

Except for some compatible people who are looking for opportunities to become stronger, the vast majority of people here hide in high-risk areas because they simply cannot stay in the outside world, or because they want to escape the judgment of outside laws.

Obviously, this Yulan isolation point has a good reputation among solo travelers and small convoys, but in fact it's just because they do things relatively cleanly and there are no bad reviews.

The elderly, children, and women here are no different from other isolation sites. They are all supplies! They are all food!

They are very cautious when dealing with infected people and avoid them whenever possible; when dealing with weaker similar species, they are infected! Various methods of bone-breaking and marrow-absorbing are emerging in endlessly.

If you like this place and want to settle down, no problem.

But if you blame yourself for these people who deserve to die, there is absolutely no need.

Zhou Zhen shook his head and replied calmly: They are guilty, it is their business.

My own mistakes need to be corrected by myself.

There is no law and order in high-risk cities. This base I rebuilt will have it!

Tao Nange suddenly fell into silence. After a while, she nodded slightly and said, I think there is no point in doing this.

But since you want to do this, I'll go with you.

Zhou Zhen looked at Tao Nange and said very seriously: Thank you!

In the current climate, something will happen if the body is left here. I'll clean it up first.

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the two corpses in the corner.

Tao Nange didn't waste any time. He threw the collected supplies on the ground and followed him to the body.

The two stacked the two corpses, carried them out of the basement one after another, came to the ground, and put them together with several corpses here.

Immediately afterwards, they returned to the basement again and entered the isolation point.

Walking through the long corridor that you saw when you entered, there was a hall inside. This was originally a place where stalls were set up. Now things are scattered everywhere, and corpses in various costumes are lying among the supplies.

The corpses here are almost all adult men, and many of them did not die from being trampled to death, but died from gunshot wounds, stab wounds, or even fists and kicks.

Several corpses were clutching a bag when they were about to die. Some people's clothes had their pockets cut off with a knife. Due to the hasty attack, the skin and flesh were directly cut... Obviously, they died in a robbery. plunder.

Pass through this hall and enter a deep corridor. This is also a place for trading, but it looks much more formal than the hall outside. There are portals on both sides and various signboards.

There were also some figures lying dead on the corridor. Most of them were wearing heavy makeup and wearing cool clothes. They were obviously working in some special industries.

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange opened the doors on both sides in turn and looked at each room. There were some naked bodies inside.

There were several corpses that looked like guests. The corpses seemed to have died much earlier than the escape, and they were stuffed under the bed, in wardrobes, suitcases and other places.

Obviously, these corpses did not die because of the great escape from the isolation point, but were targeted and poisoned when they were romantically involved.

Zhou Zhen checked, and his expression was much calmer than at the beginning. It seemed that things were not peaceful in this isolation point...

There were no living people in the rooms on both sides of the entire corridor.

Tao Nange took Zhou Zhen forward and crossed the stone bridge over an underground ditch. They came to a steel gate.

There are tables and chairs placed in front of the door. It can be seen that there must have been someone guarding this place before.

But at this moment, the table was overturned and the chairs were thrown far away. The surrounding area was empty and no one cared about it.

Tao Nange took out a small silver-white pistol, shot the iron door lock, knocked the lock off, pushed the door open, and walked in.

Behind the door is a circular underground hall with a small fountain in the middle. In a high-risk city, such a facility is truly a luxury.

The hall is also surrounded by shops, and most of the doors are open. The original shelves and the like inside are in a mess, with a lot of signs of trampling and looting.

Only the two innermost doors were tightly closed. Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange checked around the open shops and found nothing except dead people and remaining supplies. They quickly came to the two innermost doors. in front of the door.

Zhou Zhen stretched out his hand and pushed, and found that both doors were locked. He opened the door on the left first in a similar way to Tao Nange. As soon as the door opened, there was a strong air-conditioning, mixed with a fishy and sweet smell. , and other strange flavors came out.

He frowned slightly and stood at the door waiting for the smell to dissipate a bit. Then he opened the door completely and looked in. He immediately saw that behind the door was a very spacious cold storage with thick hangings on the walls, floor and ceiling. It was frosty and snowy. As soon as the door was opened, the light came on. The light was very bright, so bright that it was blinding. There were more than thirty corpses lying scattered inside, all of them motionless.

What made Zhou Zhen's pupils shrink was that these corpses were all teenage boys and girls. Each one of them had fair skin and beautiful appearance. Their slender bodies were like willow branches that had just sprouted in spring, full of fragility and vitality that had not yet grown. .

At this moment, the naked body fell to the ground without any covering. Each corpse had an iron ring tightly wrapped around its neck. There were buckles on the iron ring, and its purpose was self-evident.

There were various scars on the corpse, old and new, and it was obvious that it had endured unspeakable torture and humiliation a long time ago.

The most important thing is that these corpses are not complete, their bellies are all abnormally deflated, their faces are stained with blood, their eyes have been gouged out, and some of the corpses even have their mouths open, and all the teeth inside are missing. Pull out the light.

Zhou Zhen walked into the cold storage and carefully inspected the condition of each corpse. He found that without exception, these people must have been played with before their lives, and then endured great humiliation and torture, and then had all their usable organs removed. , in the end, he was not dragged out and dumped, but instead dumped in this cold storage. It seemed that he had other plans.

He stood silently in the cold storage for a moment, turned around, walked out, and shot the lock of the next door without saying a word.

When this room was first opened, there was also air conditioning, but it was not as strong as the cold storage.

Zhou Zhen pushed open the door. What was behind this door was not as tragic as the cold storage next door.

This is an operating room.

Pure white decoration, shadowless lamps, and some conventional medical equipment. Although they look old, the green indicator light is ticking, and it is obvious that it can continue to operate.

The place you just entered is a dressing room, with floor-to-ceiling glass as a separation from the actual operating room.

At the very back of the operating room, there is another door.

Zhou Zhen and Tao Nange walked through the operating room, leaned against the door and listened quietly for a moment before pressing the door handle.

The door was closed but unlocked. When opened, there was colder air-conditioning inside, which was also not as cold as a cold storage.

As soon as they entered, they saw a tall and slender figure standing in front of them!

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